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Cloak of invisibility: "Look what they have to do to mimic a fraction of my power"


Incredible on Deathwalker, taking 3 damage was easily miles better than being exposed to multiple attacks when you dive in for a big hit. Absolutely great panic button. And to think Invisibility Cloak did all that at Prosperity 1 for just 20 gold. Small wonder it was still being picked at end game as a solid body choice.


Also the invisible mechanic itself has been nerfed. Cloak of Invisibility was absolutely bonkers haha.


Our Kelp used this. Kelp is probably the best use case, but... it did not impress.




I expect it feels better from the perspective of the character using it, as opposed to the rest of the party who is now the target of enemy attacks.


I second this being a great kelp item.


It's still a very, very powerful effect even with the nerf, but it's also taking up a very useful slot so I doubt I'm ever going to use it.


It's invisibility. It's great. That being said, long live the prosperity 1 invisibility cloak that we will never see again


This item is at its best for characters opening the door, going in, smacking someone, and everyone starting a little bit back and late. Same strategy as GH with the invis cloak, but a bit more costly. Still very powerful in that instance, but not a catch all top 3 item like the original was. I’ve used it on a couple classes and found it to be fine, but the 3 dmg is no joke. I do think it’s appropriate as invisibility is so powerful and 1 definitely would be too little. I could see 2 damage working, but I’m glad they erred on the side of caution with something so strong.


I used it on my blinkblade, but it was less great than I thought it would be. 3 damage was quite impactful at lower levels and at lvl 8 I got access to a better source of invisibility from quantum uncertainty. I'd say it was lvls 6-7 that this item was actually good, before and after just ok. I might go for something else like cloak of pockets if I play blinkblade again.


A decent balance change to make other armor more viable honestly. Cloak of invisibility was an instant purchase for some characters in Gloom


A powerful buff and rare for items.


I think 3 damage is pretty harsh. I think 2 would have been sufficient.