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File that insurance claim immediately. The insurance company will want to go after the transport service, even if the police are dragging their feet. Wishing you the best of luck in this.


And your insurance company has a fleet of lawyers and resources to address this issue. This should be your first call.


Thank you


You don't have to "press charges." Grand theft auto is a felony and doesn't need a "victim" to press charges. You file a police report and the cops do their job. This one should be pretty easy since they know who has it and they even already talked to them. Any cop telling you "this is not a crime" is full of shit.


Second paragraph you got right but the part about “cops doing their job” is laughable. They already displayed their incompetence


My guess is the cop is not wanting to try to figure out the jurisdiction the crime took place in and is trying to get rid of OP. Not saying it’s right, just goes to the point of many cops don’t actually want to do their job or much less know the laws they are supposed to enforce.


I know in my heart this is a crime I’ve seen people in jail in Alabama for fishing without a license so I just can’t wrap my head around this the DOT & the FMCSA says it’s a crime when I reported it but did not let me know how to pursue it the local cops are saying because it was a business agreement that’s it’s civil the whole thing is almost to much to handle when now I have to figure out where we are going to sleep at night


It’s more about where the crime took place, it did not take place in Alabama so Alabama does not want to deal with it. In another thread it was mentioned to go to the FBI, they are not bound by state lines.


Op, do you have documentation like text, or email that they would deliver ? If they didn’t deliver, you can report it stolen, because that’s what it is at this point. The person took your money you gave willingly, but also stole your property by not delivering it. Once you get the stolen report #, call your insurer and let them have at it.


I do have alot of documentation but still having trouble getting a report after suggestions from here I did contact the fbi but not sure how long the process will take the local police are still giving me problems


I’d insist on filing a stolen property report. They’re not the judge, but it may be in their interest to not deal with something like this as in not using resources for it. If your RVs value exceeds small claims limit, you may want to consult with an attorney. You can, and should contact your insurance and ask them to navigate you through this. This is what you pay them for. They may even provide an attorney for you, but that’s a little bit of a stretch without a stolen report from the PD.


It’s only a business agreement if a contract was signed.


Your right. It’s insane we are supposed to trust these people.


Where are you calling the police? It shoukd be the jurisdiction where they took possession of it. This is a New Jersey Crime it sounds like, not an Alabama crime.


I would call the police in both places


Sounds like Alabama cops cost him 750 bucks


The only reason I paid the second $750 is because I thought if I did it on a recorded line with the police that they would definitely pursue charges but I was wrong


I’ve called police in both places multiple times neither one wants to deal with it the fbi did take a report of it yesterday I called them after suggestions from here but not sure how the process goes


If a local police precint won't do their job, then you can always call state police for advice. You shoukd start with your insurance company. Also you could ask a lawyer on reddit. There is a sub for that.


Wouldn’t be considered grand theft auto unless it’s a motorhome. Trailers would just be considered property theft and depending on the value it might not even be a felony. As long as a police report was filed and you have proof of ownership, insurance company should pay out eventually after doing an investigation themselves.


>Trailers would just be considered property theft and depending on the value it might not even be a felony. I am not licensed in every state, only 2, but in my knowledge of criminal law I can't think of a single state where theft of something worth more than $1000 in this manner isn't a felony.


Just because OP owes over $20k on it doesn’t mean it’s worth anything but yeah I get your point.


Theft over $200 is a felony in NJ - had to get on Westlaw to check. So yeah considering a completely trashed RV is still worth $500 in scrap, it's a felony.


That seems really low, are most states that low?


I do owe $27,000 on it but it’s still valued at $25,000 plus all of my belongings


Why would title be transferred? OP paid them to transfer it, Op didn’t sell it.


I corrected my statement. I glanced over the OPs 3200 word run on sentence. My bad.


Haha well sorry buddy kinda hard to worry about punctuation in 100 degree humid Alabama heat


It's a felony because it crossed state lines and therefor the FBI would persue. I would also file a complaint with your state of residence Attorney General and file a police report at the local police station of your place of residence. Each of them(FBI included) would want any evidence you might have. Phone records, text messages, invoices and statements of what was said with timeline. Include your conversation with the police as well. As others mentioned, let your insurance know asap. Good luck!


How do you know the trailer left New Jersey?


How do you know it didn't?


If you are involving the fbi its kind of important to know. The real question is, is this a real company?


Of course. Since the contract was for trailer to be transfered from Jersey to Alabama, the OP can only assume it did and those are the terms the OP has and must provide. If they knew where the trailer is at, they may have not posted here for advice. I'm curious as to where the OP found the transport company.


They are a real company I found them online and I have uncovered the dot number and everything else about them since this happened I’ve already reported to the DOT & FMCSA


And you contacted that company again to verify that was a real rmployee. And not someone who quit a week ago or was fired with a meth problem?


Sure if the OP can prove it actually went across state lines. There’s also the argument that the transport company was doing what the OP and them agreed upon at that point.


It did cross state lines I have him admitting to it being in North Carolina at one point


Name and shame! Which transport company did this?


Joe, with a pickup down the street. He said he’s the best! /s


And the cheapest


Martin & Family Transport LLC


Whatever cop you spoke to is an idiot, this is not civil it’s criminal on dollar amount alone. My guess is since it’s hard to prove the jurisdiction the police don’t want to get involved. There are three things I think you need to do. - Call your insurance company and report the theft, and your issues getting a police report. - Call a lawyer and get a **free** consolidation. - Learn to use punctuation, you are stressed and rightfully so, but a well written posts is much easier to follow. (A more light hearted comment). A tip for going forward. Toss an air tag, or similar tracker in your camper before having it taken anywhere or better yet a gps tracker that can report its location to you over cellular.


Air tags are absolutely wonderful little things. I use a handful of them to track server equipment (large packs that travel via freight) my company rents out to customers, and we've had a few "go missing" by shipping companies. Being able to tell a shipping company what warehouse of theirs my gear is in is always a thrill when they tell me they don't know where it is. Air tags have a 1 year battery life that you need to be aware of, but they're just CR2032 batteries which are cheap. I just bought my first camper and I'm planning to toss one in mine, even though I'd only be able to track it at work. Not knocking GPS trackers, but a lot of those involve monthly/yearly cellular plans. And there are so many Apple users that air tags become quite accurate, definitely accurate enough to find the location of a large camper. Unfortunately this type of shipping/moving scam is really common, or at least it is with us military families. Happens all the time. Giving them the $750 now probably isn't going to get them to deliver the camper as agreed, the next thing will probably be storage fees or hookup fees, or some other BS that they'll spring on you. As this is a crime, and it crosses state lines, you can actually report it to the FBI. The important thing is to get a report stating it's been stolen so you can hand that to your insurance company, then let them handle it. It's what you pay them for.


I know I tried to buy a AirTag but because of the circumstances that we had to move under I wasn’t able to do it I’ve been beating myself up about it ever since


Hindsight is 20/20, looking back at the should have would have wont help. u/Veloreyn has a very good point, this crime crosses state lines, call the FBI. Personally I would not take receipt of the camper at this point. You don’t know what they have done or will do to it once law enforcement is involved. It’s been stolen, get a report saying that and go through your insurance company to file a claim.


Yes your right about that I will be doing that this is not something that I’m used to dealing with so I’ve been trying to research how to go about doing everything in the middle of trying to figure out how and where to live thank you for your advice


How do you know it left NJ?


This sounds like an organized crime ring that’s targeting people across state lines. There’s a reasonable chance the FBI will be interested in that since that kind of crime is a big part of why they exist. It could also potentially be a RICO case depending on *how* organized it is and how motivated the US Attorney is to pursue the case.


Don't beat yourself up. These people are professional thieves. I was posting most of that for the future, or for anyone else that happens to stumble across this thread. I mean, even with my work stuff, we didn't start using air tags until a kit worth about $700k just disappeared. Eventually we got it back, but it was shoved in a storage warehouse because the airline thought it was theirs (similar cases). Normally our freight carriers are very good, this was just the airline being morons.


Crossing state lines assumes the trailer actually left NJ. If the scammer never intended to deliver it, they certainly wouldn’t have driven it to Alabama.


True, but it's either directly stated or implied to OP that it's crossed state lines, and that's enough for it to be reported to the FBI. OP doesn't have to prove everything at the time of report.


I don't believe the fbi will take a case for a single trailer. You have insurance. Now if they think this is a ring operating across state lines thry might show interest. Start with insurance compaby and work to be made whole. Justice might not be in the cards.


I don't really believe they will either, but it's a possibility, and costs OP nothing but a little bit of time.


Or he lets his insurance company guide him. I don't see the harm in calling the fbi other than frustration and wasted time


I did call and it was frustrating but eventually got through to someone not sure where it will go from here


I have faith in law enforcement just felt like I had to do something I did report it to them and everyone else I could think of don’t want this to happen to anyone else


Only useful if you use Apple devices.


I'm not so sure about that. I own a drive-in theatre here in Tennessee. I was sitting at my desk in my office last night, and my Samsung Andriod phone alerted me that an Apple Air Tag was following me. My kids have Iphones, but I don't. On the alert message it said I could push this button on my phone and make the air tag make a sound. I did, and sure enough something in my office was making noise. Pushed it again, same noise. Finally tracked it down to the Lost and Found box in the corner of my office, and it was a dog collar that someone had lost that has an air tag embedded in it. I didn't know my Android phone could do that.




Correct, but there are tiles and many other similar devices which I mentioned. You could get a cellular enabled GPS tracker and accomplish much the same, just connect it to the campers battery. Not quite as disposable as an AirTag but will perform the same function.


I know how to use punctuation It’s just the last thing on my mind right now I knew not to give the money at the end I just wanted my family to have our home back so I just said to myself what’s another $750 at this point I had things in there that are not replaceable so I just wanted it back I know it was stupid I feel like a idiot but I just wanted my home back


If you can type letters, you can type punctuation. The punctuation is just as important as the letters and words in getting your point across. You're asking for help and advice, but you're doing so in a way that makes it difficult for people to even want to read your post in the first place. I feel bad for you. Take the advice of the folks about contacting your insurance company and a lawyer.


Listen. Not all of us understand the rules the same. Not that the rules aren’t the same for everyone but some of us learn a different way. The rules aren’t intuitive for all of us. I screw up a lot of grammar and punctuation because I had a hard time learning the rules. I’ve learned the most from decades of observation and a little writing in higher education but that’s not learning the rules. That’s not being able to argue the placement of a comma. That’s just doing my best. Assuming everyone should know the rules assumes everyone is working with the same kind of brain, got the same education and had the same level of stress in school. How is pointing out punctuation, in this situation, helping at all? I mean besides your ego. Are there Reddit points for making low effort comments or is this just about you trying to be an asshole?


Thank you


OP didn't use any punctuation at all in their post. It was practically unreadable. When you're asking for advice or assistance, you have to put in some effort yourself. If OP has the education necessary to type out those words, then they have the education necessary to at least use a damned period at the end of their sentences. Hell, my phone will enter one automatically if I do a double space. <-- such as that period OP had multiple people point out that their post was unreadable due to a complete lack of punctuation. Instead of editing their post to fix that, they dug in their heels claiming that their mental state and rush to post didn't allow time to use punctuation, all while continuing to refuse to use even a period to end their sentences. So they admitted they both know how to use punctuation and that they have the time that could be used to edit their post to fix it, but would prefer to continue posting unreadable textual diarrhea. OP is asking for assistance from strangers but is now actively choosing to make providing assistance to them more difficult. OP is in a terrible situation, but no one in this subreddit owes OP anything. If I see someone on the side of the road with a flat tire and I stop to help them and they crack their window, leave their radio blasting and say "fix it," I'm just going to get back in my car and leave. OP is doing the internet equivalent. Now, ask yourself what exactly your own comment is doing to further the conversation other to feed your ego.


lol, I have a masters degree in reading education. I still struggle with punctuation and grammar. I know people come from all walks of life, education, upbringing, learning disabilities, mental health. That does not negate their need for advice at times. To say someone should write a perfectly composed essay before they can get help is BULLSHIT. My ego wants to make sure someone stands up for this person. Whether they had to start working before they finished school, they are too mentally stressed to worry about punctuation, or what ever the case may be.


I didn't ask for perfect grammar, bud. I asked for the absolute minimum of punctuation. If someone is too mentally stressed to put a damn period in between sentences then I struggle to understand how they can do anything but sit in a darkened room. They clearly understand the need for punctuation, they're just too damned pig-headed to use it. If they have the time and headspace to post replies to comments, they have the time to edit their post. Hell, run it through ChatGPT and have it done automatically.


I think you have good suggestions but maybe don’t realize this isn’t the place for them.


I don’t know who is downvoting you for this comment. Wtf Reddit, give this person a break.


>Call a lawyer and get a free consolidation. You might want to get the difference between a *consultation* and a consolidation straight before you go ribbing someone who just had their home stolen about their punctuation. What exactly is the point you're trying to make there? This is probably one of the worst things they've ever had happen to them, their point came across just fine and you want to be sanctimonious about punctuation when you can't even get word choice close to right? You're right on the call your insurance front but that was completely unnecessary. Also OP, while consulting a lawyer may still be a step you need to take get that claim started with your insurance first. They're going to be red hot to send their lawyers after this transporter. Any lawyer is likely to advise that you call your insurance immediately also.


Thank you very much and I am doing that Monday


Aside of trying to correct a spellcheck mistake I made what is the point of your monologue?


That you're being a dick for no reason, that's really what you thought was relevant here? You don't even know the difference between a consultation and a consolidation and you're gonna judge others? Lmao


I think you mean a free consultation, Mr. Punctuation .


Moving a trailer from NJ to AL for $1500 didn't seem fishy? Seems really cheap and sus to me.


It was the midrange quote I had quotes for $2100 and a quote for $1300 so I picked the $1500 one they had good reviews and I’ve had the camper towed at least 4 times before I just couldn’t even imagine a scenario where something like this would happen and even if I did pick the lowest quote it dosent make this ok


Doesn't seem that bad. Three years ago I got quotes of $1600 to transport my pickup truck from Texas to NY. Seems to me it's in the ballpark for an RV.


That's the longest sentence I have ever read


Well considering the circumstances that’s the last thing on my mind me and my family are homeless now in Alabama and it’s going to be 97 today so periods and commas aren’t what I’m worried about thank you


That was the pettyest sentence I've ever read.




There's a new number one people


Shady Russian hot shot companies. Always get a USDOT from these clowns and look up the company profile. Most of the time they operate until the Feds shut them down and then start a new company. You’re looking for one that has a history.


I have the dot # and have reported it but after this happened and I did more research I don’t believe this is the first time this has happened with these people


I’ve heard of moving companies doing the same thing.


Did you verify the transporters insurance before he took your trailer ? You always check that then make sure your added as an additional insured incase something happens and you yourself call and email the insurance company and also very the insurance company’s rating . Don’t ever let anyone transport anything without this !


And this is why the police are shit.


What would you like for a local police department to do in this case?


Hi, transportation professional here. This can potentially fall under two categories. First, freight being held hostage, which is illegal under a few different codes. The other is Household Goods theft, which is becoming increasingly problematic. The latter being punishable by upwards of $10,000 fines per individual involved along with federal jail time. We call these guys rogue movers/drivers. They say one thing at origin, then do another at destination. This is their exact MO. However, the "regular police" won't help. You need to contact your old and new state's commercial enforcement divisions. The guys are apprised on all the interstate rules and regulations and can assist with retrieval of unlawfully held shipments. Because this occurred, crossing state lines, this is considered interstate shipping. Interstate Transportation is regulated by the government, making this a potential felony. That being said, if there is no Bill of Lading to show the agreed upon shipment, it will be very hard to win the battle. I always advise checking carriers against [SAFERSYS] (https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/CompanySnapshot.aspx) This will let you know if the transportation company you're dealing with is even registered. There are also some 1800 numbers that may help get you in the right direction. I'm sorry this has happened, and wish you the best of luck.


When you say win the battle are you talking about for him or me also I’m not sure what you mean by bill of landing I have documentation of everything


And thank you so much for you comment


Sorry, Bill of Lading. It's a transportation document showing Origin, Destination, and other load information. If you have documentation, Commercial Enforcement will want to see that.


Call the District Attorney.


I did because local police told me they decided to not prosecute when I called DA office they said they had never heard of this case it’s wild what’s happening here


Call the insurance company; if you have full coverage it would be their job to get the police report and settle up with you. All you have to do is report it stolen.


Yes I will be going to their office in the morning




Welcome to Reddit where the punctuation police do not care if you live or die, so long as they get their digs in. I’m so sorry this has happened to you and I wish I had any help to give. Make sure you and your family are safe, then get the insurance claim filed. It will probably take a long time for that to move and resolution could be a long way away. FWIW, I had no problem reading your post.


Thank you very much I appreciate that


I'd also contact some of the local news stations. I'm in central Florida so there are a few TT around. Our local Channel 9 ran a segment and helped with similar transport company issues. These were dealing with home contents, not the whole home though I'd think it can't hurt to try.


Thank you I may look into that


Punctuation use is key to easier reading.


Right. If I had my home and all my possessions stolen, I’d be here typing perfectly grammatical, well punctuated verses and ensuring the idiots who can’t read anything else knew exactly what I meant. I mean, it’s kinda classist to assume everyone got the education and skills to do that growing up. It’s very telling of who you are that this is your response to the situation. Since I’m not here with a dire concern, I’m sure you’ll be fine with my errors in this comment…. 🙄🙄🙄 Maybe try using that big brain 😭😭 to help the situation or wish them well. Oh, yeah, this is Reddit. Nm. You only know punctuation.


Thank you I don’t really like putting my personal business out there and I don’t use social media and things like this at all I’m also autistic not really sure that that matters but I’m just saying I have never posted on here before but I read things on here a lot and I wasn’t aware of how serious people are on here about punctuation haha most of this is on voice text also so I just didn’t pay any mind to it


People of Reddit will find someone to complain about. They’re probably the same ones that would call me a snowflake for having feelings about anything else. Yeah, your punctuation has room for improvement but it shouldn’t be the thing that keeps you from getting help. As an ADHD-er, i don’t completely understand what it’s like to be autistic but you have my heart, my symptoms overlap both. The struggle is very real.


Who is the company you paid? I’ll be glad to try and help track them down. Do you have paperwork? How did you find this company? Are they licensed and bonded?




I have looked them up and been trying to dig up as much information on them as I can since this happened I haven’t been able to sleep much so I’ve been devoting alot of time to this haha thank you


This is terrible, hopefully this is just a transportation glitch, good luck my friend.


No glitch the day after he stole it he called to taunt me about it and said he dumped it in Atlanta at Walmart parking lot but I confirmed that never happened the last thing he said to me was have fun being homeless


Some people really suck. Things will get better just never stop trying. I wish you well.


I read the first few lines...but without punctuation, I can't. Just can't. Gps trackers are your friend. They can be had for $75+25 year for service.


It’s curious why you won’t name (shame) the company that did this to you!


Martin & family transport llc https://preview.redd.it/nmywr9k8kp9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb79be37d2c5a618be33efb9517105cd2faa753


Stanley Martin 267-586-0208


Follow this man home and take back your stuff?


How did you pay them? The money should be traceable


You should have known it was fraud. You will spend more then $1500 in fuel between New Jersey and Alabama. You will get between 6-14 miles per gallon . Add the driver $20+ a hr 2 hotel rooms that job should be in the $5k range.


That’s nowhere near true your way off I towed it up there in February and I spent around $500 in gas it’s only 1,004 miles and he had a diesel truck I have drove that 15 hours in one day before my truck transmission shot out I couldn’t afford to fix it


Is there any way you have something in the trailer that can be tracked online? Cell phone, air tag, anything that has a "find me" function.


I wish I was forced to move at the last minute and did not have a chance to do things like that because of the circumstances I didn’t have time to go and buy a AirTag


but any other type of device, like an iPad, laptop? Many of them can be tracked.


No my wife grabbed her computer and other electronics when we were forced to leave the camper behind


If the transport company takes your money and trailer and isn't giving you the trailer back, that's a scam and crime. You'll probably need to contact law enforcement at the location the trailer was picked up. The police where it was to be delivered, most likely won't be able to help. No crime or transaction happened in their jurisdiction.


I have called police in nj and al both just keep passing the buck to someone else


Sure, if there’s proof they towed it across state lines. There’s also the argument that at the point of them taking it across state lines they were doing what they and the OP agreed upon.


OP agreed and paid for deliver, which apparently didn't take place. So they broke the alleged transportation company broke their contractual agreement. I don't think you comprehend why it's being brought up that the TT went across state lines. Any crime that occurs across state lines can be charged as a federal offense. The crime is breach of contract, due to not delivering it. Theft, due to not delivery it. Severity of charges is crossing state lines. Contact states to be delivered in a different state. Now, maybe the trailer never left NJ. An investigation would discover that, of course. But the investigation has to start somewhere, and that's by providing all evidence known.


OP didn’t even make full payment. Nor did they state any agreement, written or otherwise. They just stated what they paid. What they paid might not even be what was agreed upon. Hell the trailer could still be at the place of last residence and they were internet scammed. Who only pays $1500 to move a trailer across the east cost. Seems like everybody is a lawyer on here.


You don’t know what your talking about I paid in all of it at the direction of the local police department hours after the driver was supposed to deliver he text me and said he would not deliver it unless I paid the other $750 before he got here while on the phone with the police they told me to pay him and neither him or the police showed up after and I did confirm the trailer being picked up my family in New Jersey saw the man hook the trailer up and drive off


You’re right I don’t. Nobody on here does because you didn’t explain anything clearly other than your run on rant in the original post. State that in the original post and explain it legibly so people can help.


I hate to hear you’re going through this. It doesn’t do any good now however a very very well hidden AirTag in instances like this would be very easy to just show up with the police or show them where it is. You just have to be careful that their iPhones don’t pick it up or you press the alarm sound on it giving it away. Good luckOP!


I know tried to do that but forgot to go buy one because me and my family were forced to move suddenly and leave the camper under alot of stress it just slipped my mind and I have been kicking myself in the ass ever since


This is why they say to install a gps tracker in your trailer or at least a hidden apple tag


What part of Alabama?


Any updates?


I had a tenant in a condo unit. Rented it to him FULLY FURNISHED. Yeah, when he left, he TOOK EVERYTHING! Entire kitchen setup with all the fancy counter top appliances, Nice fancy kitchen table/chairs, place sets. The bed and all the sheets, pillows, blankets, end tables/lamps. All the bath towels. Living room chairs and couch throw carpet. He left the wall mounted TV but took the factory remote control for it. Even took the painting off the wall. Cops did NOTHING. Went through arbitration AND LOST! THAT FUCKER STOLE EVERYTHING FROM US AND GOT HIS SECURITY DEPOSIT BACK. What a fucking world we live in. Insane. When the justice system that we count on fails us, what are we to do?!?! Good luck op, I lost everything, hopefully you get some justice.


Wow, the legal system is really messed up! How on earth could you possibly lose? You are right, there is NO JUSTICE out there today!


Where I live there is justice. The taxpayers are considered the violators, and the drug using criminal homeless are the protected class, the ones who get all the services, all the attention and we taxpayers are considered NIMBYs if we protest.


Thank you so much sorry that happened to you


Looks like they stole all of your punctuation too.


They dern sure did buddyro we didn’t learn about periods and such down here in Alabama


Punctuation is free to use, good fucking god


So is kindness sir






You used neither punctuation nor capitalization so maybe slow down calling that kettle black there, pot.




You’re = you are. Your = possessive. As in “you’re wrong about my comma usage, dipshit.”


What is that