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Mine was CRAY CRAY as a puppy - worst land shark EVER! But - with time, the loss of baby teeth, and neutering, he matured into the most LOVELY dog I have ever had! Mine is huge, although maybe that's not necessarily the norm, super chill, and sooo smart. Not to mention the snuggliest, cuddliest baby! He doesn't have a mean bone in his body! Don't listen to the haters. Give it some time, and soon enough you will have a precious, floofy friend for life!


Poodles and doodles look more or less the same as puppies when they have that haircut. If you really want to know you can get a DNA test from Amazon.


My golden dude is the bestest boy ever. But yeah, total maniac as a pup. We nicknamed him Mayhem.


He's super cute and looks a lot like our goldendoodle. She is 6 months old and she does all the bedtime things you describe, scratchy biteys, zoomies, hopping around like a bunny, barking at the other dog, leaping into bed and crashing into our faces. The rest of the day she's pretty chill. I hope she mellows out after a year or 18 months like prior pups I've had did.


Please don’t let the naysayers (who do have a point) deter you from loving this beautiful puppy. Expect high energy for at least a year. Exercise is key, along with attention, keeping the puppy busy and its mind occupied, lots of playing, tons of attention. Get ahead of the discipline and training early. I am a big advocate of crate training and routine. The crate is not a punishment. Introduced properly, it is a safe and quiet space. If the puppy gets too crazy, it will calm down quickly when placed in its “room.” Teach it to go in on its own with treats and positive reinforcement. Don’t put it in there with anger or discipline in mind. It is a haven for serenity when you need it most. Or, to have ten minutes to yourself to shower. Good luck!


Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell, well, anything about this dog. Backyard breeders (if you aren’t familiar with the term just google it, doesn’t necessarily literally mean the dog is bred in a backyard!) are notorious liars, and this pup is clearly from a backyard breeder. They frequently lie about breeds, temperament, adult size, everything…to prey upon unsuspecting buyers. Without things like breed-specific health testing, temperament testing, pedigrees, etc. the “final product” of a dog, so to speak, will be unpredictable. ESPECIALLY if it’s a mixed breed. Simply put, there’s no way to know what to expect, it’s a gamble. Perhaps a DNA test could provide you some helpful info? If you go that route, Embark is the most accurate one. It won’t tell you everything, but it could certainly give you a good starting point so you have an idea of what your dog’s breed-specific needs might be. Other than that, all you can do is love the dog in front of you the best you can! And a good positive reinforcement (R+ or LIMA) trainer can help you figure out the best way to do that as well as create structure and improve your bond with your dog! Good luck!


considering the dog came from someone who put a sign out, it most likely is a mixed breed. maybe not goldendoodle, but still some sort of mixed breed. A good responsible breeder doesn’t put signs out and take anyone off the road, a good poodle breeder actually has a waitlist for all future litters. they make sure they’re going to good homes, will let you return the dog for any necessary reasons, offer support with your puppy, and most importantly shows you the parents, shows you their DNA, shows you ancestor dna, health certificates etc etc etc. At this point as long as you love the dog is doesn’t matter, but i’d you wanna be certain embark is pretty recommended for DNA. There’s no way to really tell what a dogs breed is just by looking at them with mixes, there’s so many possibilities.


Lots of people are saying exercise, which is good to a point, but it’s possible to over exercise a puppy. Talk to your vet about what’s right for your dog. In addition to your walks, mental stimulation is huge for any poodle or doodle. Mine fed from puzzle feeders, Kong Topple, scatter feeder, snuffle mats, etc for at least the first year. We did a lot of hide and seek, sniffy walks, training, etc and he thrived. I’m never going to be able to run as hard as my now three year old boy can physically, so we still do a lot of mental exercise. He goes to day care every day and still has energy to burn, so evenings are for fetch and his head 😂 Enforced naps, esp during the witching hour were a huge help. As were things he could lick or chew to settle himself down. Collagen sticks, frozen topls or kongs, frozen carrots, etc. (My bestie and her sister have standard poodles and I have a doodle and they look very similar. No telling what you have without DNA sometimes! My bear has a slightly broader chest, and a fluffier tail that doesn’t have as strong of a poodle curl.)


Cute pup. I’d get a DNA test but I don’t think it’s a standard poodle.


We adopted a "standard poodle" puppy from Missouri poodle rescue who turned out to be a Goldendoodle. Needless to say I couldn't have been happier and had 12 wonderful years with the best dog ever.


me personally id be livid tbh. i want a standard poodle so bad and if i got one wnd then found out it was a mixed breed? pissed the hell off.


I'd understand if its a rescue - rescues only know what the shelter or the previous owner told them, if it was a sign from a "breeder" like OP's post I would be angry, though I'd never get a dog from a sign like this.


Honestly, I was so happy when Gus turned out to be a goldendoodle. We deeply loved our previous standard poodle, but he was vain and quite serious. Gus had a lot of Golden Retriever behavior traits and was often very delightfully goofy.


me neither cus thats absolutely crazy


Velociraptor through 3 years old. It’s the best


Get a dna test. Our Goldendoodle turned out to be 85 poodle/15 labrador. Both our doods are professional terrorist land sharks. I pray to the gods it goes away after puppyhood.


oh my god, when mine was a puppy, I seriously wondered what I’d gotten myself into! she was horrible. but she chilled out and once she stopped teething, she was sooooo good . she has such a great temperament that her vets always comment on it, say what a good, nice girl she is, and always give her kisses 🥰


He’s such a cutie. I love my dood, but he was a complete nutcase as a puppy. He mellowed out a bit after turning one…and a lot more now. He’ll be 2 in a couple of months. Couldn’t imagine life without him.


Ah the evenings can be a challenge. You need to figure out what pup needs... Might be mental stimulation (puzzles, training, sniff walks), might be exercise (walks, fetch), might be nap time... By 2 they outgrow it . After 1 it isn't quite as crazy.


My dood was an absolute terrorist as a puppy. I remember around 8 months being tempted to throw the towel in. He ate 4 pairs of my favorite shoes and my hands constantly had bite marks on them. Fast forward to today, and he’s 2 years old and the best friggin boy I’ve ever had. Looking back, I cherish those terror months 🥰


Last night I visited my daughter at school. We stayed at a dog friendly hotel, on the 3rd floor. Barkley was crazy all night and about 3:30 a.m. on my 7th time down to the lobby and outside, he got the zoomies, and my heart grew like 3 sizes. He brings so much joy to my life, I just want to know how to give him a great life. 🥰


He is absolutely adorable. Don’t pay attention to all the negativity. Some people just love to rain on other peoples parade. Sucks to be them


Wow he looks like my Ellie when she was pupper


looks very similar to my poochon when we first adopted him as a 2mo old!


I've started the snuffle mat/forage feeding because if he eats from a bowl, he scarfs it so fast he throws up. I also bought two level 2 food puzzles, but he's mastered them. I am open to any and all ideas.


Puppies are easy relative to adolescents. Just expect a larger, higher energy animal with less impulse control.


This puppy looks exactly like mine, who was purchased by a rescue group from Craigs List. We originally thought he was a doodle but now at 8 months he looks more and more like a poodle.


Looks like a Poodle puppy, I recommend an Embark DNA test. 


To anyone reading this. Please for the love of god do not buy a puppy from someone who puts up signs to “advertise” their backyard bred dogs.


I was gonna say this, ty!! I'd get the dog tested for any genetic diseases and breed/mix tbh. Just so they're not completely in the dark


This is a backyard breeder and you shouldn’t get a dog from them.


that’s good as a rule but dogs from backyard breeders also deserve chances at a good life


If the BYB doesn't get to sell the dogs they'll likely just end up at the shelter where they'll be snatched up in a few days max.  Supporting a BYB means that a BYB sees that people are willing to pay money for their dogs, and likely will continue to breed.


Every dollar put in the pocket of backyard breeders actively supports more backyard breeding, more dumped byb dogs, more dogs with health issues, the list goes on and on…the best way to give dogs a chance at a good life to is end the demand for byb dogs.


Why are people downvoting you? You’re right 🤨


I agree that backyard breeding is a problem but think about what could have happened if the pup wasn’t given a chance at a nice home.




maybe but its definitely byb because there is not a singke ethical breeder i know of who advertises woth YARD SIGNS


Never buy a freaking dog off a sign in the ground! Sheesh, people 🙄 seriously.


Any dog benifits from lots of exercise we walk our 3 times a day usually 2 to 3 blocks each time we have a husky corgi cross and a doodle both of which are high energy walks help keep them behaved most dogs mellow out as they get more mature as long as you train them properly I also never understand people who get a dog and aren't prepared for their energy like have you guys never read anything about dogs before you get one they are a lot of work no matter what breed, basically like having a child around if you take proper care of them, that being said do some research on the general needs of dogs and take really good care of this one, if you want try the DNA test route and in the future don't support puppy mills and backyard breeders as Most of them are sketchy at best Also don't skip on vet visits and vaccinations and i would reccomend getting the dig fixed


This is likely a sign from a backyard breeder unless they have something saying it's an accidental litter. Do they have any proof of parents being poodles? If not then you shouldn't support them - they could potentially even be something like a puppy mill.  Backyard breeders doesn't just mean no AKC titles, it usually means the breeder is neglectful and will breed just for money. They don't care about temperament or the care of the dogs. 


all accidental litters are still byb litters. being a responsible dog owner doesnt lead to accidental litters. you either spay them or keep ur eye out since they're intact. no in-betweens


In my opinion at least an accidental litter is at least better than breeding them. Should they have been responsible? Absolutely. But at least with an accidental litter the person isn't doing what most BYBs do, where they breed a dog too much. If its an accidental litter the person however should probably get a spay-abort or give the puppies to a rescue or shelter, but I can't control what people do.


ykw ur right


Goldendoodle their tails are longer then poodles🥰welcome to the doodle club it’s fun 🥰


Not necessarily, a lot of poodle tails are shorter because they are given a long dock. I don't think a byb would put the money into docking puppy tails


why adopt from an obvious backyard breeder :(


I saw the sign. I lacked impulse control. I didn't do my due diligence. I saw the dog, I fell in love. I didn't adopt it, I paid quite a tidy sum. I do not regret bringing this baby into my family. I guess I thought I was getting a good deal - so people like me are also to blame for the back yard breeding situation. I didn't know this was a thing, I thought the idea was to stay away from puppy mills. TLDR: I saw the dog and my thinking brain shut off and my feeling brain fell in love. Just looking for advice on how to best proceed.


You will not regret it - I'm telling you, they are the best dogs! Sounds like yours is super smart! I never had any issues with eating too fast with my pup, but maybe just keep trying different things to help him slow down. Maybe this will improve with time. I know there are even toys that dispense kibble slowly as they wobble and roll around the floor. I had one for mine when he was a puppy, and I also made one out of a two liter bottle that I cut a small opening out of. Murray (his name) had great fun rolling it around and chasing it to get food, lol.


please get an embark dna health test done! it'll let you know what your pup has an increased risk of developing. backyard breeders don't health test parents before breeding, so there are some health risks that you may need to be made aware of. good luck with your new pup, hope everything goes well :)


Standard poodles are high energy If you did’t get registration papers your dog could be any sort of poodle mix. You’ll need a dna test to know for sure.