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I’m goth and my dad was goth in high school. My whole family, including him, are farmers. I grew up listening to Bauhaus on the radio in our John Deere tractor, while spraying weeds in the fields. Lived on a cattle farm until I moved out for college.


I’m goth and I live in a rural valley…is that what you mean?


in my experience there are two big ways a country goth tends to manifest themselves and actively synthesize the two, as opposed to just being a displaced goth with no departures from their urban foundation. well, goth femmes anyway. A: they consolidate the lowbrow/non-conformist cultural commonalities and become punkish psychobillies or the like. lotta black cutoff short shorts and flannel and bandanas and tastelully disheveled pointed fringe cuts or skriellex-style side-buzzes or mullets/skullets, lotta well-worn black shitkickers or logger/electrical-linesman boots, lotta tattoos and peircings, much more eclectic overall. or B: they consolidate the common appreciation of antiquity and intricate design and the like, and they become very proper and refined in their manners/presentation and "interbellum" in their aesthetic sensibilities. very "old world looks, not old world values" kind of thing. lotta antique clothing dyed lovingly grey (because going too dark can potentiqlly damage the fibers), lotta shoes from American Duchess, lotta floral patterns and paisely motifs and busy, thrifted-but-selective living spaces, usually altered after purchase in whatever way best suits/matches their interior design tastes.


I would love to see this entire post expanded into a zine project, called something like “American Gothic” or some play on that, with each page spread featuring sketches of a person (actual or fictional) and a variety of extra clothes and accessories laid out around them like a fashion magazine “what to wear” spread, alongside your wonderful description of their personal style though the lens of their culture/geography/family history/beliefs. Because your insight, knowledge, and writing ability is .


o o o o o m y h a h a t h a n k y o u ✨🫠✨ something like that WOULD be very cool and i would read the shit out of it


I’m goth and live in the rural part of Georgia but I ain’t a girl


Im a guy who lives in a mountain town. I like goth music. We got a haunted hotel in town. The place is terrifying at night with the amount of racoons that are rustling through every thing.


Y'allternative baby


I've gotten some flack from time to time for being *country goth* of sorts. I was raised on a ranch in the valley of Arizona, listening to country music, going to rodeos, and have a slight southern accent. No matter how submerged into the goth culture I've been, my southwestern roots are still strong as heck.


That would be my family lol. Most of my family and my dad’s extended are some form of country/southern goth. My grandma is an 80 witchy woman who chills and drinks tea. My parents don’t really dress like anything anymore except comfortable but my parents are still hardcore into outlaw country and metal music. I also got big into the southern gothic aesthetic for awhile (like the literary one) too.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/Clj7vT4Nz0Q/?igsh=bDRmZmtqb2h2MG44 Appalachian Goth


Hi yea it's me I live on a farm and when I get enough money I'm growing black purple and red plants as well as getting black farm animals. Right now growing black pumpkins purple strawberries and purple peppers


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A country valley goth is just Hannah Montana


Does my pair of black cut off overalls count? I live in Montana...Would probably go well with some black cowboy boots and black cowboy hat but I hate both of those things lol


There are goth chickens. Of course there are goths to justify calling Ayam Cemani chickens "goth chickens".


Surprisingly there's a lot more than I initially thought because for a brief time back when I used tiktok my feed was full of country/farm goths. Now that I'm thinking about it I guess I'm country goth, I'm nowhere near as country since I moved away from home but I'm slowly becoming more goth.


I love this post. My imagination immediately started to boil up imagery! Thank you kind Redditor! 🦇🔥♥️🔥🦇


Same, when I came up with this plotline that is. I was thinking of black overalls and pigtails with pig bows. Also the cows are branded with pentagrams. And instead of drinking red wine from a glass, you're sipping on homemade beet juice lol


Check out r/southerngothic There are some brilliant combinations of goth and country or southern in art. Nick Cave does this a lot in his earlier albums with Bad Seeds, esp. goth and blues.


Find anything good there? Or with my info?


I feel like r/cottagegoth would have some inspo.


I’m goth and literally live on a farm with animals and everything. So yeah ig, it’s me, hi there 👋