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To be fair old repentias were just covered in scriptures and that's what got people started. Newer ones are much more horrific. Personally though, I like that the sisters are portrayed as these scarred and battle weary veterans. Show me anyone in the imperial army without scars and I'll show you someone who hasn't had a combat dispatch yet. Or, you know, died on said dispatch (as is the norm) and so never had the chance to scar over.


'Waifu' this, 'waifu' that, I just want to see a grizzled Palatine meeting a sergeant of the Imperial Guard, both old people in organisations where people tend to die young, having never had the time or opportunity for a family, and them finding love while kicking unquantifiable amounts of ass.


Or even the sister from the all guardsman party. Constantly needing her hair and skin regrown because it keeps getting burned/shot/lazed off


Aimy is a fellow guardswoman from a noble regiment. The Sister is Valarie and is Docs girlfriend, she don't go on missions but does do the regrowing of skin/hair for Aimy.


See I remember the sister hospitaller but I thought I remembered something about Aimy being a failed sister or something, wearing their armor and wielding their weapons but not actually being one. Guess I was wrong lol.


Valerie does have those moments, been 'politely' told not to sing during morning mass and when she did wield an astartes bolter during one event it was also without her armor and she sure as shit shot up the hallway, ceiling, and somehow behind her too.


Aimy’s hair regrowing comes in white IIRC so they keep making SoB jokes


Uhh she was dressed up to not arose suspicion by borrowing Valieres gear for some reason that I can’t remember


Nah, that's Aimy who keeps getting shot in the face, not Valerie.


Waifu this, waifu that, *wai* don't you *fu*-mble some grass instead. But yeah. Would love some actually mature romance in 40k. I bet there's a surprisingly big demand for such thing in the fanbase, given that there's plenty of middle-aged fans in the hobby. Some even have families! (And plenty of youngsters tbf, given all the little light memes)


Something something Love Can Bloom something something


In Cain’s Last Stand, he’s retired to a teaching job at a Schola Progenium, and a retired Sororitas is in a (secret) relationship with the administratum functionary


Shit now I want a story with a fresh faces SoB preaching the glory of the battle to come with a IG veteran of nearly 100 deployments looking at with a "dear God, please no" look.


Read [Cain's Last Stand](https://www.blacklibrary.com/warhammer-40000/novels/cains-last-stand-ebook.html).


So waifu this with your self insert being a badass on top of getting the hot milf. Got it


I'm talking about people who would be something like twice my age.


So you are talking about fine wine aged in the best oak, fierce and firely, tested by battle? Please bonk me AWOOGA.


I kind of wrote that with a Perpetual and a Commissar!


I would pay top dollar for that kind of story.


The non-battle scarred one are from the psyop branch of sisters. Much like the US Army's egirl "Lunchbaglujan"


The army's what!?


What you are about to see is advanced warfare. https://www.instagram.com/haylujan/ https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/us-army-e-girl-lunchbaglujan


Ye. And even if they are heavily scarred, they can still look great. Take (spoilers for JJK) >!post-Shibuya arc Maki from JJK!< for instance.


didnt expect to get a manga spoiler on a 40k shitposting subreddit. thanks.


To be fair, it's kind hard for it to be a spoiler since there's a good amount of art of scarred Maki out there.


That art is spoilers aswell and I did not see any pics of it anyway, because I dont frequent social media or image boards. You spoiled a character on the show for me.


Sorry. I didn’t realize. I’ll make the comment more spoiler-safe.


Just a bit of friendly advice: It's useful to note what the spoilers are for. Bit hard to know what the spoilers are for when there's only a bit marked as a spoiler


Ah, right.


Reasonable and adult response. Thanks. I dont care that much about JJK, but I just hate getting spoiled on shows off of youtube thumbnails/titles etc. because people assume that others mist have seen it up to that point aswell. Cheers!


Goddamn YouTube thumbnail spoilers


Fair enough.


Nothing is safe from the taint of the eightfold path. And Chinese comics.


One thing that urgh me here is that I remember Repentias are supposed to be bald no? Have their hair shaven as part of their punishment?


Possibly? I don't remember seeing a lot in official art/minis that didn't have a helmet or hood on, but the ones without were bald, so it could be


They shave their heads when they're sent to the repentias, but if you live long enough, the hair grows back. In some books, this is used to shown that a repentia has survived for a while.


> if you live long enough, the hair grows back. tell that to my hairline


Your hair follicles were sent to the repentia squad. And they ain't coming back.


The hot one? or the other hot one? Or the third, still hot, one? I'm just happy to know they are in a better place


They get ritually stripped of their weapons, armour and possessions and get their head shaven, yes. Although, there's no info on if they keep their head bald or it just grows out from that point forward. So, theoretically you could approximate how long a SoB has been in the Repentias by her hair length.


I mean there are some Repentias in the lore that survived for quite a while no? At some point they would surely cut their hair again so it's not in the way


I am pretty sure that at least Saint Celestine was a repentia once upon a time. Or another Saint.


I would have loved the new Repentias keeping some of the old aesthetic. Make them buff, make them battle scarred, but keep the old "only clad in faith" thing. Wrapping people in prayer scrolls, giving them a huge fuck-off chain sword and throwing them at the enemy is just peak 40k, imo.


Ya don't get scares if hit by necrons, you just go poof.


Well yeah, and that's where the second part comes in lol


Old Penitent Engines got the classic "strategic scripture" getup, too.


I lobe the new repentias, but i would have liked more hoods and scriptures, you know, to be more like religious zealots than prison inmates


I think the added stuff to their uniforms is more for causing the wearer constant pain to remind them of their sins, a very archaic medieval concept, like flagellants. But I agree that the whole "your only armor is the scriptures, and if they don't protect you, you aren't worthy of forgiveness" vibe is awesome.


I'm ok with the stuff in their current uniforms, i would just wish more scriptures and hoods on top of that stuff


Same here I liked the sisters being battle weary veterans too


There's one in Dark Imperium that a guardsman describes as an unreal beauty, but he's terrified of her and thinks if he complimented her she'd probably carve up her own face to prove that faith in the Emperor is all that matters.


Damn I can’t finish Watchers of the Throne fast enough, I’ve heard great things about Dark Imperium


Lot of people don't like the ending, but I enjoyed the whole thing a great deal.


It’s not just one, he mentions that this seemed ubiquitous and wonders whether those selecting them are biased towards attractiveness.


Look like he found a squat that wear their helmets.


I haven't read that passage but I can buy that rejuvenat treatments and advanced medicae can keep some people looking young and fresh despite having survived absolute hell.


Those people tend not to be foot soldiers, even for Sisters


I've never been too clear on how common those treatments are, honestly. The wiki says some access is common to middle and upper classes and important officers seem to get them. But at the same time the ones I'm most familiar with using them are planetary governors and their inner circles, since obviously those crop up more in stories. Either way the sisters have whole orders dedicated to medicine and surgery. I wouldn't find it too crazy that some of them have some level of modification.


Even better!


In a Bloody Rose book a guardsman makes a comment to his buddies about a SoB ass while she's working out and she overheard and the guy gets thrown in the ship brig with minimal rations for like a month. And it's implied he got off easy.


Damn, I completely forgot that one!




I always consider the source when a character in this Universe calls someone *Beautiful*.


When that inquisitor thought gene stealers were hot 🥵 just so many questions…


"Ian Watson sewergoblin extraordinaire!"


Ok, but have you seen the Genestealer Magus? Would.


Found the brood brother.


Its realistic that the sisters are not all beautiful, since theyre suppose to be warriors. HOWEVER i dont play warhammer because its realistic


Yeah, agreed. Warhammer 40K and realistic? That’s like mixing water and oil. Trying to make Warhammer 40K realistic is like trying to make fried fast food healthy (and lose weight). This is a universe with angelic vampire space marines and people travel through Hell to get somewhere in space. So realistic.


"like trying to eat fast food and lose weight" so doable just in small and controlled amounts, which is actually a great analogy for realism in 40k


I still think there has to be some levels of realism. Do you really think a column of guardsmen can survive against a railgun that has shot through multiple tanks and a titan?


Yeah but lack of realism can mean a lot of different things. "Ultracool fantastical zaniness that lets our imaginations run wild" is a little more interesting (and welcoming) than "hehe skinny girl big booba" 


If the characters are not supposed to be attractive, then why do I want to kiss Corvus Corax on the lips/beak? Checkmate, GW.


TBH Even the least "eye candy" SOB would still be seen as beautiful by outstanding majority of the empire. Mostly because the SOB despite the dangers of their "work" have much more means to keep their body in good health / extend its time at peak health and have much better rations at hand, when average citizen might never even see or taste thing like fruits. Nutritions supply is kinda important in "feel good and look good" They might not all seen beautiful to us, but for the empire citizen - equivalent of us - they will still all be in miss universe tier, and it would be more like comparing winner to a top 10 spots


Then the Marines should be 6x hotter than the Sororitas, right? And yet they're always grizzled, pockmarked, fucked up looking dudes. (Except Blangles, obviously.)  Def some truth to what you're saying, grounded in interesting historical parallels on earth (upper classes being considered more beautiful just because they had, like, protein and cleanish water).  But there's also 100% an element of fetishistic, vaguely sexist weirdness about hot n horny Sororitas art. 


Tbf to Space Marines, they've also undergone massive amounts of surgery and brutal initiation rites long before they ever hit combat. Not only that, but unlike Sororitas, who are just humans with excellent equipment and training, but Space Marines are transhuman warriors. Likely any aesthetic factor was sacrificed when they were being gene-edited into hyper-effective turbokiller super soldiers. They are already fundamentally unnatural.


My point is really this: Sororitas are portrayed as beautiful to make straight dudes happy/horny, and Marines aren't because GW hasn't tried that strategy on straight women. IMO those aren't super strong design considerations, and the best Sororitas units don't lean into the super sexy big booba high heels vibe of the original John Blanche art.  Any lore reason for either group of these can easily be flipped on its head. It would make perfect sense to say that Sororitas should be ugly because their training is also brutal. Maybe they practice ritual scarification. Or that Marines are beautiful because gene therapy removes imperfections and they're made in the images of perfect fathers. Etc. And this is relevant only because Warhammer has such a huge boy's club problem. Women don't play the women-focused faction (on the whole) because it's so objectifying. 


You can be beautiful without being sexualized


Unless the setting is supposed to be realistic, I really don't see th3 issue about unrealistic things like that. It's not exactly realistic for Space Marines to have giant pauldrons, or torture BDSM elves. Rule of Cool is in play, ultimately.


Rule of cool is great Constantly sexualizing women isnt


Having torture porn elves is fine, though? Besides, there are non sexualized women in other factions, anyway. Plus we got Fem Custodes now. Is it not enough until every woman in game has "practical" armor?


Which is true, but there’s a lot of ground between that and ‘Stallone’.




In reference to the OP. But yes anyway, that's the key point: it feels right for the SoB to have an angelic type of beauty a bit like Blangles, but that's not the same thing as "put insignias on their nips and make the corset-armor skintight" To be clear, I'm a Sororitas player and adore our models. There's just always room for improvement. 


Tell that to the male libido.


Ive had the male libido touch some fucking grass and stop letting porn rot your brain


I went to the place with grass. There were women there. Does that make it porn?


No but if you thought of them half naked you sure made it porn


Welcome to the male libido.


Then again it is really complicated when most SoB depiction in official media or licensed videogame have all of their members to be physically attractive white hair woman. Which make me question that either all of them are of the Order of Our Matryed Lady, or the image stick so much they just forgot to include other kind of sisters.


Or it's just Imperium propaganda.


~~Muscle Dommy Mommy~~ Sister of Battle want you to join the Astra Militarum. Join now for free shipment of corpsestarch.


I mean, I’ll just say it, most women are attractive. People seem to think that the only sisters that would be real warriors are the Butch types but like, no most women are already attractive so it would stand that a lot of the sister would be hot as well, especially since they train constantly they are fit as well, which adds to that. Also, they use makeup, so at the very least they are going to at least be surface level attractive.


OoOML are the Ultramarines of Sisters. GW sometimes forgets other orders exist. Source: a bloody rose fan


I think it's worth not fetishizing sisters because fetishizing women makes the hobby worse for women and keeps it a boy's club, which is lame. A few sexy Sororitas are all gravy - some people are just hot - but the faction's general presentation should be zealous-space-fascists first, soldierly comraderie second, feminine beauty third or fourth.  This is something that IMO GW has realized, since the art has gotten less and less fetishistic and more and more detailed, lore-rich, and religio-militaristic over time. I figure they probably saw that women like kids 50x more than they like Sororitas and realized something was wrong. 


I don't mind a little fanart or some fun OCs and stuff, but it really throws me off as a sisters fan how little control the fan base can keep it in their pants when it comes to sisters. Like I understand it's like the only female faction with any presence in the game besides SoS but it makes the entire community look like it's made up of horny teen boys or something. I challenge anyone to go on YouTube and find a sisters lore vid that doesn't spend at least a chunk of it talking about how hot they are or making the same tired babe jokes and stuff. It's fine if they're attractive but it feels kinda gross that that's they're main characterization sometimes.


Exactly. That's right where I'm at. "Girls have boobs" is not part of this faction's lore, you know? Let them be characters!


Excuse me, what's not hot about female Rambo?


I don't know, if that one's fanon or something else, but I heard and liked the theory, that since almost every depiction of SoBs we see is Imperial propaganda material in one way or the other, we only see Sisters who either never have been hurt in battle or ones who have been surgically made into beautiful propaganda models. All the fucked up, battle scarred to hell and back veterans are not going to photo ops without their helmets on...




The white hair is a choice, don’t know about gene modification but I doubt it.




Pretty sure that's just the power armor.


DoB are usually not augmented and don't go through any special gene therapy or anything. They actually pride themselves on only needing their faith to carry them through battles. Even in their power armor they're often described as being kinda short in books a lot of times.


They die their hair white bc of Alicia Dominica. I think even Our Martyred Lady really only does that on a big scale. In a couple different sisters books there's a lot of sisters described with blonde hair, red hair, jet black hair, so it's not just white. For some reason in the fiction cannonesses are always described as having white hair but they're usually older as well.


Both interpretations are fun for their own reasons 🙏 Official descriptions go hard af. Fan depictions make me hard af


What about the third interpretation?


Still hard, I'm not even gay but Stallone is so ugly he goes back to being beautiful.


Good news about that.


One of the Sister of Battle books does go into (tbh a little to much detail) about how people have the big boners for sisters so like real life It varies sometimes you get scarred veterans sometimes you get attractive waifus


Wait really?


Yep, Faith and fire, I recall a fair amount of the Sororitas protags are described as beautiful, a one off perspective fantasises about them and theirs some description about how rumours say the Sisters are Concubines who also kill people or something like that So waifu sisters are to some degree canon


I mean, weren't they just that for Doge Vandire? Concubines and assassin's?


Le Doge was a horrid man, but a man of taste


[Obligatory] (https://i.imgur.com/0cQ2tZd.jpeg)


that's how I imagine him to be


Yes they were infact that if he wanted But the rumours about them still being still persist even when he’s long dead and they completely rebranded


Yeah lmao one guy snuck onto one of their ships to see if the rumours about them being man eating monsters and sexy warrior nuns who fuck as good as they fight were true


Damn, that third chick is smokin'


Who is the cosplayer so that I could avoid them


Silverster Stallone




KittiLittl, absolutely heretical af in there, you'd do well to avoid it. Here is specifically where you should avoid: https://www.instagram.com/kittilittl?igsh=MW1sbjhobDh4M3gzaw== Turns out that's someone else, oh well.


Absolutely heretical. I will gather evidence...for the Inquisitor!


I didn't get this right away and was looking at the hair trying to remember if all Sisters having curly hair was a thing mentioned in lore


"That doesn't look like a canon haircut....oh, wait "


I cant remeber seeing a sob book where they are not regulary described as being scarred but pretty or just overall pretty with exeptions for classics like old hag like members.


Saying that here is like talking to a wall. I’m willing to bet 90% of r/Grimdank users haven’t even seen a 40k book cover.


Or a real woman.


You never asked, but her name is Alexandra Bessonova, nickname Sishka14. *flyes away*


Tbf I do seem to recall Sororitas described as "as beautifull as on the Posters" showing up in books a decent amount of time


Mfw beautiful people exist 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


The Fan Art is the just people having ''the hornies''. And it honestly bothers me, because yeah, in the books, 90% are absolutely DESTROYED. Covered in burns, scars, missing eyes and limbs... One thing I've noticed is that usually when a sister is new and described as ''beautiful and charming as you in the propaganda posters'', that means she's going to get MAULED before the end of the book. I've seen it a couple times already. I was reading Mark of Faith a few weeks ago and sister Eugenia is described as cute lil new sister in a unit full of scarred veterans. A few chapters later, she ends up with a scar that goes from her chin to the other side of her face, and missing an eye. On another book, one sister goes with visor up to encourage the other soldiers. She gets a plasma shot to the face and ends up with a scorching empty helmet for head. I like the new ''fanatic veteran'' vibe that the the sisters have going.


> And it honestly bothers me, because yeah, in the books, 90% are absolutely DESTROYED. > > Covered in burns, scars, missing eyes and limbs... None of that is a dealbreaker. *(You don't know where I've been, Lou.)*


Man-face is just their models, a few books have described them as distractingly beautiful, though many of them having injuries.


Honestly, most fan art and cosplays of sisters put me off as I feel it goes against their established lore depictions. I like the grizzled veterans of a zealous faith and that’s why I love them.


You forgot GW head sprues


Lesbians who are into studs must be eating well


The badass non horny art is cool


They're not MEANT to be sexy. They are meant to look like ordinary women


> ordinary women As ordinary as anyone capable of lifting and firing a bolter is, anyway.


Which is hot. Not gonna lie.


With the assistance of power armor


Not necessarily. Plenty of examples of unaugmented humans using bolt pistols. The thing about bolt weapons is that they are very heavy and have a very strong recoil, which means unaugmented humans can't use them full-auto and expect to land more than the first shot, like Astartes would. However, there's: In Space Marine, guardsmen can fire tripod-mounted heavy bolters. The bolters are not nailed to the ground, so even if the soldiers don't have to lift them, they still have to deal with the recoil. Sister Argenta, of the Rogue Trader game, does not wear PA for most of the game but starts with a bolter she received at the start of her quest. It has a hell of a lot of recoil, but she can still use it. I acknowledge it's not a good example, since it is a game and fun triumphs over lore accuracy. Another example is Stonetooth Harker, an unaugmented human who can handle a heavy bolter. He even has a mini! There's plenty of bolter patterns, and they are extremely inconsistent in lore. So it's quite possible for a baseline human to be able to fire a human-grade bolter. Look at it this way: For a human, a bolter is a heavy machinegun. For a Space Marine, a bolter is a rifle. Both can still use them, with different results.


Regular humans don't need assistance to use bolters, at least when the bolter is actually designed to be used by a them.


Uh, ordinary women can be hot too.


What's your definition of sexy and hot though, like super model?


Plenty of normal people are beautiful enough to be considered "super models" in the popular imagination, I suspect. They're not Uber perfect or anything, but they're not rare.


I don’t know blame the boob armor and other stuff the sisters have in their order


I will argue about the cosplay one. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzwKYhNrJa3/?igsh=YjhvMW9oZndlZW4z Sometimes people try hard.


There’s also the older cosplayer who does a badass veteran cosplay


Wow the costume is really really good.


I don't get why grimdank insists women in WH40K are masculinized. It's not mentioned in the books I've read. Most of the characters in the books are centuries old. Rejuvenat doesn't make you into Sylvester Stallone, nor does being in many battles, traveling through the warp, and having augmetics. The fan art and cosplay are obviously ludicrous.




You only need to check the fanarts and the official arts to see the difference.


Brothers of battle is cannon. /s


Personally i like lady gaga sister


In the Yarrick Imperial creed book they make one of the high ups soil himself.


Hey that's not fair to the girls gym teacher from when I was in high school. How can you use her picture without asking.


There is balance in the universe


OG Sisters of Battle are basically Blondie with scars with tig bitty power armor. Never forget that WH’s aesthetics are very much influenced by 80’s [punk](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Blondie1977.jpg) and [metal](https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc4OTQzNTQ3OTA5NjEzMDU1/review-of-the-album-called-the-ultimate-sin-by-ozzy-osbourne.jpg).


We need uglier cosplayers.


Yeah, the 3rd interpretation really amps up the sex appeal and hornyness. It's fine, but kinda unrealistic




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I feel like only slaaneshi troops would ever dress like that in battle.


The cosplay is based on old GW minis. Your book's description is wrong because the people who chose Sisters from Schola Progenium chose the most beautiful on purpose as has been mentioned in many books.




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I rather nit think about sob they make me hella sad


It was acceptable in the eighties


Apparently it still is if cosplayers and fan art are any indication.


Man, i always suspected sly marbo was a repentia.


If you think physically gene enhanced “women” will retain any effeminate features, you need to realize female custodes/space marines/sisters of silence would all look more than female body builders than Jennifer Lawrence. You probably would even know they’re female lol


Go away. I don’t need any of your Culture War brain rot. Oh and Sisters of Battle and Sisters of Silence are not gene enhanced. At least get that right.