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Homelander is an almost perfect cocktail of all of Slaanesh’s favourite things. Obsession, Megalomania, hedonism, a deeply fucked up relationship with sex, etc. He’d fall within a week.


Would he drink Slannesh milk?


Well Beasts of Slaanesh do have nipples…


If that’s the case than Slaanesh will easily get Homelander to her side with her milkers.


What about papa nurgles milkers?


He's too vain for that


Homelander would despise new slaaneshi daemons. Only one tit instead of 6+




Don't worry, we will have minis with six teats again, once they release female Space Wolves.


Bricked now. Damn you.


You only need one tit to make milk


So they can be milked?




Anything with nipples can be milked.


I’ve got nipples, can you milk me?


I need you to sign this liability release form first. Also, you're probably going to need therapy you have to pay for. Out of pocket.




I plead the fifth.


Sure…. **breast** milk of slaanesh…


that's more of a Luke Skywalker thing


I have nipples Greg can you milk me?


Keeper of secrets only has 1 nipple, but the Fiend....


There are canonically rivers of mothers milk in the domain of Slaanesh, so i mean he might literally. Knowing him he'd get bored of that pretty quick tho and probably try to fight a demon prince or two to prove he's the best.


Getting quickly bored of a given source of pleasure is basically a requirement for being a Slaanesh worshipper


Yeah i know.


They got bored of you huh?


Considering this is a crossover of the boys. I imagine the river of mother's milk is literally a river of clones of MM...


How can you have one river of Laz Alonso, let alone multiple?


Right ..."milk". 😏 The "canonical" ~~explanation~~ *excuse* for all those rivers of..."milk" we see in the Chaos Realms in TW: Warhammer 3. Next they'll tell us it's got extra Vitamin R for our "bones".


All I can picture is idiot of the east slannesh riping her top off and screaming come on big boy guzzle mommy neshs milk and get big strong and forever young


I want to drink Slaanesh's milk




Yes. I know.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fvwl384xwoad1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2de598e02ba73d3f3cd1726980a814d39f5847d7


He slurps up the tall glass of Slanoosh


Most normal P3 Kotone enjoyer moment


Badlandchugs would turn khorne red with envy


Homelander falls to chaos in a world without Chaos Gods simply because the face in the mirror calls him a pussy. Slaanesh would own him within a minute of his arriving.


Depends on where he starts. On Terra, where he canonically lives? He's either dead or brainwashed. In particular, as a physical threat, he doesn't really have counters to psychic attacks. Anywhere else in the Imperium, and he'd probably fall before anyone found him though.


I would love to see him after a session on fabius's table.


Hes have a figurative, metaphorical and literal dick measuring contest with Fulgrim.


“What do you mean? Slaanesh is only sex and nothing else!” - people who haven’t read a single piece of real lore


Don’t know if you mean this as the original comment is wrong. Or the original comment is very accurate.


The guy above me is very accurate. I’m making fun of people who don’t know Warhammer lore and just think Slaanesh is just about sex.


Exactly. Slaanesh is about *excess*. Of any kind. Hell, Lucius was all about fighting, he didn’t really seem to care about anything sexual, he just wanted to experience ultimate pleasure through pain and combat by trying to be the best swordsman ever.


"Everything is about sex, except sex.  Sex is about *power*." -  Oscar Wilde


He likes bdsm too. Storefront was the first person to make him feel physical pain, and he loved it.


>the first person to make him feel physical pain, What? That was a huge part of his childhood.


I thought it was that he could let loose and be as violent as he wanted with her because she could take it.


In some ways, he's a lot like Sigvald.


I’m not sure it would even take a week maybe a day for him to consider it


Literally Eidolon


A week? Surprisingly optimistic there...


He is corrupted by Slaasnesh and destroyed (only with words) by Trazyn.


Trazyn would utterly destroy Homelander with words


Trazyn wouldn’t even bother to put him in his museum. It would decrease its value


Logan Grimnar would also also destroy him by simply calling him a Milk Drinker.


I think he might get in as a snapshot-diorama of Homelander desperately running away from whichever of the various things that could destroy him he pisses off first, titled something like "Star-Spangled Moron Flees Custodian/Harlequin/Grey Knight/Hive Tyrant"


Orikan sees the Homelander exhibit. Immediately gives up on the mysterios and goes back into Tomb-sleep


“You don’t *deserve* a dommy mommy gf.”


That might canonically be the best way to defeat Homelander. He isn't necessarily stupid, but has incredibly simplistic, one-dimensional desires. He's so insecure that the easiest way to harm him or force his compliance is probably to hurt his feelings. Not sure about the series, but his predictability is actually a major plot point in the comics.


Nevermind trazyn, I reckon even a khornate berserker who's barely sentient could destroy homelander with words


See, my immediate thought was "theres a good chance Trazyn swoops in and yoinks him because "oh interesting, something not of this universe? Then it must be catalogued"


Trayzyn: neat. *Tosses pokeball




Claims to be a superior being, maybe even a god. Ends up being yeeted into the nearest sun by the grey knights


Or has the nearest sun yeeted *at* him by the AdMech.


Or the nearest black hole yeeted at him by the Drukhari (they don’t give a shit that he thinks he’s a god, they just thought it would be funny)


Absolutely hilarious, especially the look on his face they see only with aid of an astropath.


The Drukhari might want to capture him instead, iirc he doesn't have super-healing but he could still suffer really well for them. Plus he'd make a really interesting gladiator.


Too risky. Homelander might be basically a bully and a psychopath but it's still alot of raw power that could do alot of damage before he's put down, dead is better for everyone. Homelander flying loose in Commoragh? I'd make popcorn and take bets, not so sure about the averse to dying Dark Eldar.


Oh it would absolutely be a terrible idea, but these are the people who race supersonic jet bikes around courses with near invisible razor-floss obstacles, so I can totally see them at least trying it. How badly it would go I think would depend on how Comp-V superpowers stack up against Eldar shields/containment fields. I don't think he'd be a city wiping threat in Commoragh, given that they've had Astartes capital ships bombarding the city and it survived, albeit with significant damage, but a loose Homelander would still be A Problem.


Vect gives black holes as gifts. Homelander might kill a few low-life guards, sure, but they are expendable


Becomes chaos champion Expects to be made into daemon prince Gets turned into chaos spawn ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


The strongest nurgling. https://preview.redd.it/apl1m7ot1lad1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d218074a0b83337fbc1952d14b5ff9424a4e1e1f


https://i.redd.it/fgg0qrsz5lad1.gif Ah, my sides!




Poor guy is devastated.






As is tradition.


He encounters squats, and after a short time with them gets eaten by Tyranids. The bad thing is all Tyranids from that hive can fly now and shoot lasgun beams from their eyes. Hivemind decided that this tactic is good enough and beings under its command evolve to have 36 eyes each. Oh shit, oh fuck


Hey Xeno, what the fuck you staring aaAAAHHHH!


but they're still lasguns so the Space Marines have to fight through the worst raves Mankind has ever experienced.


Or best raves...depending on the marine faction.


Genestealer cultists: Grant us eyes Grant us eyes!


Hoonters must hoont




Did… Did you just make a Beholder in 40k?


Kind of, but with more fly. Each of the eyes and eye stalks would be segmented.


Seeing how compound V works at least in the series I think every tyrannid will just develop a different random superpower


That depends if they get the v directly or if they get homelander 's genes, because his son inherits his specific powers


Might still just be the world's luckiest roll of the dice.


Gen V has the invisible dudes son, and he's also invisible Also S4 spoilers: Hugh's dad gets V, and he has the same power as Hugh had on temp V. It seems that it's less than they inherit powers, and more that V gives powers based on genes of the recipient?


But Homelander is Soldier Boy's son, and Soldier Boy doesn't have those same powers


He was derived from soldier boy but it's heavily implied they fucked with homelander in the womb. It wasn't a straightforward "impregnation - birth". So you make a good point, but we don't have any other comparisons to use to make a conclusive statement 1 way or the other


the hivemind now has giant bioships that have eyes covering its entire surface for maximum damage to all its surroundings


Besides the flying part. The eyes everywhere that shoot lasers sounds like one of the BETA forms


Oh god nids with Compound V.... Actually... Not much really changes... Except the laser eyes


It would be a bit worse because some would be super duper speed or teleport or phase like a necron. But, yeah probably not all that much worse


Bro the nids would have literally every superpower ever. The galaxy is doomed.


With rotating heads. Disco balls of death.


Nobody expects the disco ball bug.




I thought his eyebeams more like melta


deadly laser disco ball tyranids lmao


Tyranid beholders


This is slightly less terrifying when you consider that Homelander's laser eyes are probably only as effective as lasgun fire in 40K. Real bad news for the IG, though.


He ends up in the warp and finds a Slaneshi planet made up of milk swollen boobs and dies happy?


As others have mentioned, and which I thematically enjoy, is that Homelander quite quickly and easily becomes a champion of Slaanesh, and he strives for daemonhood, it's his right! ... and he will eventually instead become a chaos spawn.


Lands on a tomb world and turns to ash


shot by a warrior and swept up by a scarab. he doesn't even get the dignity of an immortal


Imagine his shock as his body turns to ash to everyone else it happens quickly but due to his speed it would take the equivalent of minutes of agony


Brainpopped by inquisitorial psyker because his "Beloved" told him to


Of all the big nasty things you could get killed by. Of all the fights worthy of killing Homelander, were I in his place. I’d be the most upset to die to some ENA sounding motherfucker with a TTS voice in his head.


Claims to be a god. Dies of *BLAM*


Homelander: I am a God! Literally the entire Imperium two seconds later: HERESY! *Exterminatus*


\*everyone in a 1 million foot Radius\* "heh Your even less of a God then the Corpse emperor" - Chaos "HERESY"- imperuim


"And you wonder why we yoinked free will' - C'Tan


Kills lucius to become slaanesh best boi. Turns into lucius.


this right here feels like the right answer to me


I was just thinking that.


He'd be promised everything he ever wanted by the big 4 and become a Demon Prince of Chaos Undivided. Unfortunately for chaos however, he'd be too busy fighting Abaddon for the spotlight to actually do anything useful.


Basically Bela'khor 2.0


Now I have an image in my head of Abbadon trying to swat at him like he‘s an annoying fly…


The dude falls to Slaanesh almost instantly. Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeench hold no interest for him but excess? Come on. The man has a crippling breast milk fetish and Slaanesh has a tiddy planet. It's a slam dunk.


Khorne would like him because he's a ruthless killer, Tzeentch would like him because he thinks he's a highly intelligent schemer, Nurgle would like him because he's terrified of becoming older and weaker. They'd absolutely fight over him.


A warband of the Night Lords (dedicated to Slaanesh) capture him


Oh boy


It would probably take some form of psyker to stop him.


Or a power weapon used by a fast enough wielder, or a melta weapon


An ogryn would bash his petulant face in with a rock after Homie insults the little un's


Momma said protect the lil unes


An’ Momma nevah lies


Jokes aside... Super humans, especially "super man clones" like Homelander, from most franchises would fare pretty well, at least to begin with. The "Eaten by 'nids" or "Extermanatus" would be a real possibility, but it would not be instant or guaranteed. We have to remember that for the purposes of exciting narratives, we are exposed to and are generally viewing the most exciting, violent, and exceptional circumstances of the galaxy. A story of a farmer on a compliant agri-world planet, squared safely away in a solar system that has several systems in all directions acting as a buffer from all the mad shit, just wouldn't be fun. They would live out their life farming, paying their tithes, with little to no problems other than the generic problems a farmer would face like local economy/politics, weather, etc. Even in the war torn systems of the galaxy, the majority of action is between standard humans (guard) and enemies of a similar threat level to the guard. Many guardsmen have never seen Astartes, many humans on safer worlds have either not even heard of them, or treat them as myth / legend. The issue would arise when the super hero makes themselves known to the wider powers at play. Chaos would probably be innately aware of their sudden existence and start making plays to slowly manipulate and corrupt them, but it would be a slow methodical scheming rather than anything sudden. Assuming the super is human, (or human adjacent / trans-human at least) then it would take the super causing notable disturbance for anyone to even know they are there, and even after that, news would take a non-negligible amount of time to be raised through the several (several dozen, or several hundred) levels of insane Imperium bureaucracy to reach anyone of import. Once the Imperium leaders or Inquisition are aware, then things start happening a little more rapidly, and I suppose it would then depend on which wing of the Imperium gets there first, and how the Super reacts to being confronted. If we are being honest, a super on the level of Homelander has very little to fear from guardsmen, they can either obliterate squads with little effort, or simply escape if faced with overwhelming fire power. It would be a similar story with standard Astartes or Primaris squads. If a super of that level wants to join and help the Imperium, there would be serious distrust on both sides, and the best you could hope for is a very tenuous and fragile alliance/agreement. There would have to be high level safe guards imposed from both sides, likely to the level of mutually assured destruction for either side to even remotely trust the other. It would take considerable resource to confront and subdue/defeat them. We are talking high level Pyskers, or something in the realm of Grey Nights or Custodes threat level to deal with. In one on one combat a super man clone would dispatch most Primarchs without much issue, so it would require a very specialist and tactical approach, such as a Psyker powerful enough to instantly melt the supers brain and body, or Extermanatus of the planet they are on and dealing with or ignoring any collateral damage. In the case of Homelander himself, a power hungry, delusional, sociopathic narcissist that would refuse to believe humanity is actually a threat to him? Landing on a human planet. He would do great! Until he takes over the planet he spawns in on, and then the Imperiums forces arrive to bring him back into compliance. He would likely win the first couple of incursions / skirmishes, but would ultimately be dealt with. Once the correct level of force and correct tactic was employed, he would be dealt with quickly and efficiently, but until that time comes he would feel like he is winning. In terms of landing somewhere like a planet covered in 'Nids... He would obliterate legions of them, for a good while, until they adapted to be resilient to things like his laser vision, adapted ways to counteract his strength and speed as escape tactics, and would eventually consume him, unless they by chance send a few Maleceptors or other psychic based creatures at him, then it ends much quicker. He lands on an Ork planet? It doesn't take long for him to reach Yarrick levels respect. It doesn't take much longer until he far surpasses that level. The Orks respect and belief in him causes an increase in his capability, obviously not to the level of Ork memes that have taken over this bit of lore, but it would certainly take effect. Until a random WeirdBoy accidentally explodes his head after losing a hand of Ork Poker and getting mad. Lands in an Eldar Craftworld? The council and Farseers instantly read what kind of horrendous bastard he is, and mentally destroy him in a heartbeat. Dark Eldar? Similar to Craftworlds, except instead of killing him they neuter him and make a toy out of him. TLDR : Has a major psychic/psyker weakness. As most supers from outside this universe would to be fair. Other than that, his only other weakness is precisely what would end him in the best case for him, his narcissism and attitude. I put WAY too much thought into that.


AND way too many line breaks


Yea you are correct. It wouldn't let me post, I had to show formatting options and activate markdown editor as a work around for the comment to post, which screwed all the formatting up, and now I can't be arsed fixing it. Sorry.


Haha nothing to apologize for, liked all of it enough to read through the whole thing like some weird cadence spoken-word poem.


orks respecting him for the scrap? Homelander isn't putting up a fun fight - he just kills and leaves. Orks would definetely not enjoy fighting him bc he doesn't make fighting fun.


Thats kinda the way i believe homelander would fair in almost every franchise you put him in He wouldnt die immediately. But his narcissism and attitude plus his megalomania means he will throw himself at the top tiers of whatever franchise he is in and absolutely try and try and try to take them down. Which in turn means he would get himself killed because if there is something that is more than he can chew then he will 100% bite it and suffer the consequences Its like in that death battle against omniman. Homelander heard about omniman and immediately went there to get his spot as number one, antagonising him nonstop and eventually getting himself killed


100 % agree. In his own universe he is arguably untouchable, and even if that changed, and someone that could body him came along, it would take far too much humility and emotional intelligence for him to admit that. A powerful fucker for sure, that could survive and throw hands in many franchises/universes, but ultimately he is his own worst enemy and his own biggest weakness.


You might be a psyker cause you took the words out of my damn brain Homelander's biggest enemy is the fact he cant even accept he is even mildly touchable. Someone pops up in the boys that is even rumoured to be able to punch him and he is going through a psychotic breakdown to kill that person to prove his own ego That untouchability is also a weakness. I never watched the boys and all my knowledge of him comes from videos and people talking about him on reddit and the number one piece of knowledge that just keeps getting slammed in my head over and over is that he just cant actually fight because he never needed to, a damn teenager could throw a better punch than him. Its why i dont think he would be able to take a primarch head on. That paired with the fact he has never felt pain, thus probably has a very small pain tolerance and i believe roboute is more than enough to kill him But you could technically survive with his powerset in any franchise, as long as you dont have the mindset. Literally give any character his mindset and theyre gonna die way sooner. Like imagine if raditz had homelander's personality and mindset, he would either get killed by vegeta/nappa or he would just suicidally charge at frieza cause he wouldnt be able to accept having someone's authority over him, and poof, raditz never appears in dbz cause he died about half a decade before the events of the saiyan saga and only gets mentioned by vegeta as a suicidal fool that didnt know his place


I think the best thing about the way “The Boys” show is written (I haven’t read the comics). Is that there are definitely people who could take him on, I mean there’s a super girl who can explode people’s heads just by thinking about it. The only tangible reason she doesn’t do it, is because she is terrified of what happens if she tries, and fails. I haven’t watched the whole thing I but I don’t see homelander having much of a defence against that, it’s similar to a high level Psyker melting his brain. In this case, his only defence is the fact that he is so unstable and terrifying, coupled with his very overt self belief makes people that could fight him, doubt themselves so much they daren’t even try. It’s an interesting character, obviously OP in most ways, but his biggest strength and his biggest weakness are almost the exact same thing. To counter one of your points, an interesting fact from the show though, is that he DOES feel pain. When he was experimented on as a child, and put in an oven, it didn’t destroy him, but he says he could feel it, every second of agony he felt. It’s a massive plot point too, because it explains a lot of his sociopathic narcissism, as a child and teen he was subjected to horrific experiments, that would instantly kill a normal person. However because of his super durability and healing, he was never in mortal danger. He DID however, feel every ounce of physical and emotional pain that those experiments inflicted, it’s the main reason he’s such a fucked up person.


Also, as a massive DBZ / DBS fan myself, I fully hear what you are saying about Raditz and Vegeta. Firstly, it is not just a personal flaw, but a racial flaw inbuilt into the Saiyan's mindset, something they intrinsically feel, and is reinforced through brainwashing their entire life. Goku and the half Saiyan's have the intrinsic natural side of it, but can overcome it because they didn't grow up in Saiyan society. But Vegeta himself had a very similar character flaw, although he was just smart enough to not let his pride/self confidence completely cloud his judgement. Vegeta knew full well that Frieza would effortlessly delete him at that point, so despite his pride and narcissism, he knew better. Where Vegeta falls into the same trap though, is that he fully believed he was far beyond anybody that he didn't already know about. In the Saiyan Saga he scoffed at the Earthlings, and thought them completely beneath him. Even when Goku showed up, he continuously underestimated Goku, and the rest of the earths fighters, and over estimated himself. To be fair, his hubris was a bit of a cliché plot point, one on one he could easily have beaten them all, except Goku, but one on one he would have still defeated Goku, it just wouldn't have been easy. He underestimated the cliché "power of friendship". Because his pride in himself had always driven himself to believe that he couldn't trust or count on anyone else, and that he had to send out his weaker minions for the chaff, and only got involved when his peons weren't enough. Point proven when he talks about Raditz being a pathetic weak idiot, and when Goku fairly defeats Nappa, instead of teaming up with Nappa he destroys him himself, out of disgust. Even in later DBZ and DBS there are still obvious hints of Vegeta wanting to prove himself above everyone else, wanting to do things alone, being reluctant to work as part of a team and trust and rely on other people. But ultimately Vegeta has had massive character growth, and as much as it hurts him, he can admit when he can't do things alone, he can admit when he needs help, and he can even agree to not only team work, but to fusion... Homelander doesn't have that growth, and I don't think Homelander has the capacity or capability to accept the truths that lead to that growth.


Yeah thats pretty much the key difference between vegeta and homelander Vegeta even before the saiyan saga knew to keep his head down and knew when it was dumb and suicidal to go fuck with the wrong people like frieza Homelander doesnt have that knowledge, he cant hear past his own hype and when that lil thought starts shattering after a well placed punch to the face, he starts having a mental breakdown that has him be even dumber about that Vegeta survived this long cause he can admit there are bigger fish out there and is capable of keeping his head down. Even in the start of super we see vegeta doing the same thing with beerus cause he knows that he really cant handle a god of destruction, i legit believe what we saw there was pretty much the same as teen vegeta with frieza But homelander is just completely unable of anything like that. He wont admit shit, he will have a mental breakdown about it and he will charge frieza/beerus like a dumbass and get himself killed


The gods of Chaos would *immediately* try to claim him as a champion. He'd likely fall to either Slaanesh or Khorne, and become the most powerful Daemon Prince to ever exist, putting even Daemon Primarchs to shame. He would then get crushed by a named Space Marine character not wearing a helmet, most likely an Ultramarine.


Or perhaps they will name the grey knights. And then just never do something with them again for some time.


I would more rather see him go well with Slaanesh as I 100% think that Homelander would pull a Skarbrand 2.0 and get yeeted to brain damage proportions.


He's stuck on one planet unless he finds a space ship. Probably eventually gets killed or sent to the warp by psykers


Gets fast corrupter by slaanesh or gets pokeballed by trayzen


Falls to Slaaneshi corruption. Executed or banished by a Grey Knights strike team shortly thereafter.


If he appears on an Imperial world he'd probably go on a killing spree with how shitty it looks, if he's on Terra then he's probably gonna go to the fanciest building (the emperor's castle) and get bisected by a custodes.


The moment he jumps into 40K, wherever he is Trazyn gonna smell his vintage aura and immediately put him in a Pokéball.


Trazyn would be a little silly


He'd become a Slaanesh's Chaos Spawn so fast even shem would get whiplash.


Since we know he’s vulnerable to biological attacks, I’m guessing life eater bombardment. Can he fly into space?


he would of been fed to the Emperor when he was a child.


that man is an insane, perverted, degenerate ego maniac. He'd be corrupted into a champion of slaanesh within a femto second.


Bisected by a daemonette while nursing on a single tittie


Runs into an Ork WAAAGH! wrecks havoc in the camp until he gets hit with a Shokk Attack Gun and experiences REAL pain


Would Fabious Bile be able to extract Homelander's compound v to further improve upon his super space marines?


Guilliman finds him, calls him a candy-ass wannabe poseur, and then punches his head off.


Random psyker will crush his mind.


He'd 100% fall to slaanesh within a week.


I like to think he lands on a Tau world and either underestimates their guns and gets his head blown off by a rail gun projectile moving at 0.6c, or gets brainwashed into becoming a productive member of society.


He gets easily killed by Goku, who was also transported into 40k.


A low level psyker melts his brain


Not sure he would be except by a powerful psyker


Drank poison milk Ended up comatose


Jurgen runs him over with his Chimera. What kills him is the smell


I feell a virus bombing in his future. Chief librarian of the Grey Knights


Trazyn immediately yoinks him.


"This one can fly without wings!" *electronic squeals of excitement*


Make him fight Lucius. There's no way he wouldn't feel a sense of pride or enjoyment from killing Lucius. Lucius needs a new codpiece.


Kills Lucius and gets turned into a screaming face on a suit of armor


He spawns on a peaceful agri world, learns of the people’s big E worship and makes himself known as the Emperor. Takes over the planet after defeating the local Guard and the PDF who smelled heresy in his words. He does not yet know what an Astropath is. Big mistake. As the Guard reinforcements arrive, they have some Sororitas on board as well. Because heresy. They too are defeated but unfortunately for Homie, the Grey Knights like to play cards, learn of his takeover, take a psychic look at the situation and are not amused. When they finally arrive, Homies rule over the Planet is about to open a portal to Slaaneshs place. The second wave of Guard reinforcements are used as bait, Homie - already transforming into a daemon prince- gets overwhelmed by the Grey Knights psychic shenanigans and after a cataclysmic fight, they yeet him into a black hole. A space marine chapter is created to guard the black hole, called the Black Homies. It will take centuries, but the planet will recover and no taint of chaos will remain. Of course, billions have died.


space marine sergeant shoots him once, sees the bullet detonate harmlessly, then throws the vortex grenade he was keeping for a special occasion


A small chunk of the eclesiarchy will flock to him as a second coming of the emperor before he starts sucking on slaanesh's tits(?) and starts a frenemy bromance with Fulgrim 


Tries to take on ANY space Marine…Dies.


He’d get corrupted by chaos and probably become a champion, to Slaanesh maybe.


He’d probably try to prove his dominance/superiority to other humans and promptly be shot by bolters until he ceases to exist


random psyker could kill him


He’d talk shit to the wrong psyker and that would be the end of that.


I’d be interested to see how Tzeentch would go about things


Slanesh is going to have *quite the time* with that one. Oooh boy.


I love how this isnt a "What happens?" or a "What does he do?" it just cuts straight to the point of how he gets completely murked by the entirety of 40k


Freshman level Librarian boils his brain.


A group of standard guardsmen could kill him


Killed by a stray hellgun shot to the head. Those are about on the same level as his eyes


Bro is gonna do a speedrun to either daemonhood or to stare down the barrel of a retcon gun


Killed by a random las shot from a guardsman and is never mentioned again


Let’s be honest here. He’s the next person who tries to kill luscious the eternal


Easy clap, he's a mutant with the ability to fly and fire eye lasers


Chaos has a field day with him


Honestly the more I watched the show the weaker homelander seams. Like at the begining sure he is strong. But by now ? He would lose to a random guardsman with a plasma or melta gun (he is really not that durable when not that strong punches can hurt him). Hell he might even lose strength wise to a few Terminators From how pathetic he seemed in his fight with meave. So tldr: he would lose to a random guardsman with a meltabomb up his ass


Depending on where he popped into that nightmare isekai would alter his outcomes immensely. Mostly, I see him getting bodied by the Imperium. But if he's somewhere his arrogance and idiocy won't get him immediately marked for execution, he'd fall in with Slaanesh pretty fast. Unless Khorne got to him first.


Ok, so I see a lot of people calling Trayzyn (which is, in my opinion, the most likely outcome, honestly) And a lot of people are calling corruption, but Slaanesh. The thing. The thing is. I think Khorne would get him? Cause like, yes, he's got all that sex shit and shit, but he's *angry.* He does the anger-murder tango *a lot.* And the best thing about that is, even if he made champion, even if he made Prince, Homelander would *absolutely* pull a dumbass and try to punch Khorne and claim the throne. Chaos spawn *at best*, trapped in a cool axe for eternity at least.


Gets dissected by someone in the imperium to reverse engineer compound V and add that to the astartes mix


Honestly, it's warhammer, it'd probably be something anticlimactic like a single ultramarine or a gellar field failure


There's a chance he is not killed at all (Stolen by trazyn)