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Damn.. to those haters in the other comments.. relax Let em enjoy the game. Honestly compared to the vast majority of MMOs out there, SOTO is absolutely sick af.. now I’ll say this, other MMOs have set the bar pretty low. But it’s nice seeing some quality content and story that GW2 gives


Some people don't understand that others are allowed to like the things they don't like.


Yeah! I mean SOTO is very good, we still have 2 updates and we'll get an expansion like this every year or so.. come on.. I know some people are gonna say "but Living World was free and.." Living World isn't a viable model anymore is that simple, GW2 doesn't have a monthly charge it needs to get money from other source than cosmetic store and that's all. You can compare GW2 with FFXIV or Wow and it's at their level easily without take money from you monthly. Let people enjoy the game :)


Id rather pay for 2 expacs of the level of SotO 2 years in a row than a monthly sub. And I have played a lot of sub fee mmos (runescape, wow, ffxiv) Basically buying an indie game in terms of $


I totally agree with you


Why do I feel when you say "other MMOs" you probably mean only WoW lol


>other MMOs have set the bar pretty low. Actually IBS and EoD set the bar pretty low, as they are some of the worst content for an MMO.


>Honestly compared to the vast majority of MMOs out there, SOTO is absolutely sick af To be fair, compared to the majority of MMOs out there even Dragon Response Missions are sick af.


Summary of most comments: "STOP HAVING FUN!!!!"


Im happy if they are having fun but the whole post is written in such a vague way, its not really differentiable from bots spamming positive comments under youtube videos It sounds fake from start to finish. Im not surprised it attracts negative replies.




SOTO is really good. It made me want to play GW2 again, made me enjoy it again for the first time in years. The last few years have been nothing but disappointment after disappointment but SOTO is a complete turnaroud. I'm actually playing through the achievements, I like the replaying the story. A vast improvment over every other content since the horror that started with Champions.


I have been enjoying it as well, and I'm eager to see what the second half of the Nayos meta will be like once they add it.


I definitely enjoyed the story playthrough and the maps but for me, the easier skyscale acquisition was definitely the highlight. I never bothered to complete maps before but now traversing through old zones is such joy. So I'm finally embarking on the gift of exploration adventure and working towards crafting my first legendary weapon (thank you, legendary starter kit!). It also encouraged me to finally finish seasons of the dragon. This Soto feature alone has helped me rediscover neglected old zones and will keep me playing and having fun for many more hours!


I'm just glad there's no dragon BS this time


SotO's story has definitely been a huge step up from Champions and End of Dragons. Map design and encounter design haven't been all that great, but the meta events are at least decent, especially with how freeform Nayos' is.


What surprises me the most reading the comments is that people didn't like EoD lol For me it was the one that kept me engaged all the time and fell very short. The others I was bored doing it.


Is it better than EoD though? I was so disappointed of it.


Not imo. It has the same vibes but somehow even worse dialogue. Its also ALOT of standing still and waiting fir chars to finish their 50 lines in the slowest maner possible.


No more aurene = win. If only they were getting rid of the talky Walky too.


Its mediocre / low effort try


It's amazing how people are content with mediocrity that is only slightly cheaper than regular expansion. Compare SotO to WoWs Dragonflight and even Endwalker (FF14) and it just falls flat on its face.


dragonflight is an absolute snoozefest with 2-3 great side stories. thats it. one of the least engaging stories ever.


And lets not forget one of the big features of Dragonflight is pretty much a direct rip from Guild Wars 2.


kinda funny that one of the big features of SotO is also a direct rip from Guild Wars 2 :P >!its a joke about reusing the skyscale !<


It's not even a good rip at that.


Endwalker was released for 40 bucks in a game whose monetization scheme is literally "Which way should we monetize our game?" "Yes." SotO costs 25$ in a game that's free to play and has no sub fee.


On the other hand, GW2 introduces problems and then sells you the solution to them. Inventory management being the big one here. Pick your poison I guess.


Yeeaah but, it’s also not even a fully priced xpac sooo….


Indeed, its a smaller form of living world content, packed and sold as such…


A smaller form of LW content…a SMALLER form..? Explain how then.


Its self explanatory 😘


No, it really isn’t. If it’s so “self explanatory” you’d be able to go in depth as to why you think it’s a Smaller form. But really, it just sounds like you don’t like SotO- which is perfectly fine- but feel the need to give a dumb and just plain Incorrect reason. If you hate it, you hate it. That’s fine. But to say it’s SMALLER than a LW..? You gotta go in depth why you say that, make people understand Why you think it. Otherwise, it’s just plain wrong.


So because you don’t understand it ( biased view ), it’s wrong?


No, it’s wrong because it’s wrong. I don’t understand it because you refuse to explain it. Smaller xpac? Yes. Smaller version of a LW? No. MAYBE if you actually took the time to explain How it’s smaller to you, I might understand and accept that I’m wrong. But because you apparently won’t, because it’s “sElF eXpLaNaToRy”, then I’m just gonna assume you’re hating to hate and can’t think of a better reason other than one you made up.


I don’t understand why get so emotional? Get a grip and if you enjoy the game, good for you!


The first chapter required Valium and weed to get me through it. Stealth mission > forced prolonged death > stealth mission I don’t have the patience to be forced into doing chores for a story, I’d rather just the story.


Eh?. Did someone promise you a gem code to make this post?