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i wish there was a popup when you first unlock the vault that prompts you to make that selection...


you could only dream of such an amazing feature.... wait a minute!


Yeah but if you buy the collectors Edition and log in for the first time, you get like 10 prompts. I can see how they missed it, two of my friends did it aswell...


You don't get it until level 80, though.


I've been getting it since I started and I don't have a character past 40 yet. I can't open on my own, but if I accomplish one of the objectives for it (like the login daily one), I can click that, get the points for it, and browse through the menu. Once I close it though I can't open it again until I log in the next day, usually. Seems like a bug?


Yea I think that’s a bug, you can do it on free to play accounts too so any account can access the wizards vault, especially if you click the eye on one of the special tasks then it’ll never go away until the season restart


There is. It asked if I wanted WvW or PVP. I'm guessing pve is on by default.


Expecting new players to understand what's that option for is kinda disingenuous. It should be PvE-only by default.


I wish there will not be. It encourages people to play all gamemodes.


Nope. Let the player decide. It's good as it is with the decision making.


People do not know what is good for them. It is designer's job to show them.


Don't superimpose the habits of 1/4 a consumer base on the 33% that are situationally aware. A hard requirement to switch game modes and mindset thrice daily to optimize rewards is jarring and would gradually drop the active population by over half.


"WE DECIDE WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!!" Won't come across good.


Give better incentives to play those modes then. Don't force people. While we're at it, update the damn modes if they want people playing them. WvW and sPvP have gone most of a decade without meaningful updates.


Just no.


I've known from personal experience that I loathe WvW for years now. Why the hell should I continue to be forced to try it?


As someone who hates sPvP, only if there's enough objectives to complete the daily chests with a single game mode or the cosmetic items can be obtained elsewhere. Which is almost like the previous system :P


even if there was one, my adblocker is tireless and eliminates anything that pops.


You also get this window to select the game modes the first time you open the wizards vault, but as usual 90% of players never read anything in the game and just click it away. But hopefully this way more people will know about it.


When I first saw the Wizard's Vault I assumed it was an endgame grind thing that required good items and ignored it lol


Yeah.. reading would've helped.


Barely anything in the game really requires "good" items lol. Can do the hard content in rare level 80 gear and it wouldn't be much different to ascended lol. I'm in the camp of not reading much, mostly when it comes to the story stuff cuz I'm a WvW fiend but.. yeah reading here woulda helped lol.


For sure! The only thing I was reading was the story missions, only after 80 I started my search for what to do next and what the game was about, had some really helpful guildmates along the way and honestly it was fun learning from scratch and from the community as well. I'm usually the type to search every single beginner guide, advanced tips and tutorials but I'm glad I chose not to do that much with GW2.


Well good, it's nice to see newcomers figuring out and enjoying the game :) cheers


People get salty over anything on this subreddit. Thanks for the tip.


People sometimes miss stuff that's blatantly obvious to others. Thumbs up - good for you.


I always read posts like this and I’m surprised that people don’t click every UI option. I’m always worried I’m going to miss something in games so I click as many things as possible.


If so many people miss it then it's not as obvious as it should be, just saying. I wouldn't expect new players to even understand what those options are for, just default it to PvE-only.


> I wouldn't expect new players to even understand what those options are for, just default it to PvE-only. Can't say that I disagree.


Incidentally, PvP Vault tasks are the most reliable, they're basically the same every day (play one game, get 3 or 4 done unless it's a particularly bad day), and will never give you long mini dungeons or capricious defense objectives, or whatever. The only real catch is that you usually need to play ten games a week to get the weeklies. But PvP has some pretty good rewards on the side, so it's not so bad.


The one I got particularly mad was the weekly win 5 games, I miraculously won my first 3 even tho I had no idea what I was doing and thought it would be easy going to finish de task. Now, I'm on a 7 game losing streak and every time I just queue up wishing it was over already. My problems aside I agree that the pvp reward track on top of the wizard vaults point is quite enticing but not enough for me to suffer through a mode that I don't enjoy for almost an hour every week


There’s basically never a reason to spend the time on more than 6 objectives in the weekly unless you also happen to enjoy it. The 7th and 8th weeklies only give you 50 AA each which translates to 1.6 gold (the limited items are so cheap and we get so many special objectives that you’re guaranteed to get everything you want minus noob traps and then you spend a few weeks just getting the 1 gold for 30 AA.) You either 1. don’t care about gold farming, in which case you can safely skip it or 2. At least sometimes farm for gold in which case anything else you can do gets you at least 15 gold an hour so and weekly that takes more than 5-10 minutes probably isn’t worth your time. The main value of the weeklies is the 450AA, 10 laurels, and celebration booster in the meta reward. That’s why so many people who do any amount of competitive mode time tend to stick to those modes in the vault, we tend to get the weekly passively while doing things we’d do anyway.


In this particular case I'm getting my first ever ascended armor from the chest in there that's why I felt "forced", but I appreciate the explanation about the value of these weeklys. For the time being I really don't care about gold farm tho, I'm still trying to understand the game as a whole and throw myself in game modes and events I haven't tried yet while trying to get full ascended gear and useful masteries


Win 5 is spicy, the matchmaking ensures 50% win rate with amazing precision long term, but you can have winning and losing streaks, so you can't really rely to win 5 any given week (but then next week you win 8, and there's no win 5 task in the vault, you know how it goes). That's why I say it's usually necessary to play ten games. With that you can complete 6/8 PvP weeklies quite reliably.


I wish I could set daily to PvE and weekly to PvE and PvP.


Because of the different reset times, you can! Set PvE + PvP on Sunday night, then change to only PvE before daily reset.


Amazing tip, thanks!


Daily pvp is amazing though, you even get the reward track potions now


Don't worry OP: i just realized that there are several more reward rows in the vault, not just one. I have to scroll down. Never noticed that, never saw the small scrollbar. I often wondered where ppl were getting their legendary boxes and clovers from haha


Oof, I hate PvP and was so glad once I found out how to turn it off from dailies.


All objetives from all modes (pve, pvp, wvw) should be show always in different tabs, and let you choice the 5 dailies/8 weekly more easiest combining modes or not (more similar to old daily). At this moment if you select all 3 modes they mixed objetives but only offer 5 dailies/8 weekly forcing do always objetives from 3 modes, when should give 5x3 modes/8x3 modes weekly, and you choice what 5 dailies and 8 weekly you want do of any mode, the daily/weekly limit and poiints earned would be same.


I'm still new to the game. Nevertheless, I already knew that. But thanks for keeping us newbies informed. Do you have any other tips or tricks of the trade for us newbies?


Isnt that the default? I’ve recently made a new account after coming back and it was pve only from the start I didn’t even knew you could set it to other nodes


I heard others talking about only getting PvE without changing it as well but mine was giving the 3 types from the start so I'm not sure


Ive just discovered this since I’ve read something about wvw track and they said setting dailies to wvw gives track contribution. So I was just as surprised as you and after clicking it only pve was selected so I thought that’s the default


Oh my god. I've been ignoring WV instead of doing modes I'm not interested in. Maybe I'll actually get somewhere this way.


Hardly ever comment or upvote on Reddit. Just wanted to say a big thanks for this information, I completely ignored the wizards vault because I didn't want to do PvP. Absolute Legend.


I’m really enjoying the pve daily and weeklies. Apart from it being the same few jumping puzzles and mini dungeons a bit too often, it’s encouraging me to do bounties and world bosses in different areas and just gives something a bit interesting to do each day. Also teaches people about dodging and defiance bars 😊


1) I didn't even know that was an option and I've been playing since launch. However, mine must already be set to PVE because those are the only missions I get. 2) You can also do fractals which drop ascended gear and accessories. 3) You can also craft ascended gear.


I didnt know, so now I say thank you


You literally just saved me so much heartache


As some who likes spvp and not so much wvw or pve this is game changing. Thank you


Ah shit, I need to try this. I was not filling my wizards vault missions because I did not feel like I’d enjoy WvW or PVP for now. Thanks for the tip.


I had no idea! This is amazing as I have dealt with some toxic af players in sPvP and it was really ruining my experience.


And make sure to always ignore, best never answer and always block the toxic players, especially in PvP.


Just make sure to spread the word and save the newbies from this PvP experience


This helps me a lot, thanks.


I did PVE only for a while but some of the content is gated behind expansions that I haven't done yet so I was unable to finish all 4 on some days. I really like WvW and I tolerate sPVP so I plan on keeping all three available until I can reliably do all the PVE content.


Did not know this. Thanks !


Hey cool seeing you here haha. we were in match together (where we had an afk by name of murder) and you had mentioned this, glad to see you spreading the good word.


Hey broo, you inspired me to spread the word, crazy to see you here lol have fun my fellow PvE enjoyer! F*ck murderzz man


Hell yeah! Hahaha f murderzz indeed, bro rly came in at the final minute of our painful defeat


I was in the same boat when my friend told me about being able to change it to PvE only. I don't like pvp type stuff in games as much, and I felt so limited until i was told about the setting. I can do much more now, and I'm happier for it. Wahoo!!


This is confusing to me. The game literally tells you about this? More useful tips you might like if this was a "tip" for you: - Equipping gear makes you survive more damage - Doing hearts gets you XP - Some characters have gold coins above them, that's a shop you can use - Pressing "I" opens your inventory


Chill bro


Ice been playing the game for years and somehow missed it until a few days after launch when I saw a similar PSA post on here, so definitely don't listen to the usual gripers on here they whine about everything. On the other hand, my teenage, ASD daughter spotted the message in-game no problem and thought I was goofy for missing it! :p


SPvP lasts a maximum of 15 minutes, even if you lose the match you get the daily rewards, just take a healer class (guardian core, tempest aura, druid staff) and spam heals, this will only last 15 minutes and 1 match usually almost It's always enough to complete 4 vault missions... much better than spending hours doing PvE things while you'd like to be doing other things on other maps... I understand that you don't like PvP, but I think it's worth the sacrifice, it will save you a lot of time


I need more elo food in PvP please, it’s bad enough that you have to be top 80 to get platinum, if more people quit it will just be even more difficult lol


I actually set it to pvp. with a good build you can clear the dailies in one game per day ~10-15min. the weeklies you can usually complete just by clearing the dailies except for the tournament participation one which I usually skip.


Two questions: 1) What is SPvP (instead of PvP?) 2) I haven't finished PoF yet. Are wizards vault missions the daily things like "loot 30 enemies" or is it something else?


1) Structured PvP, I saw some people talking about it like this to refer to the 5v5 mode 2) "Kill 10 enemies in X map" for dailies "Get 10,000 xp in WvW" for weeklies are 2 examples that I remember right now so they are basically what you thinking Edit: I only been playing for 2 weeks and I don't have the latest expansion so may be wrong on no. 2


That game mode selection is the first thing ever that pops when you open the vault for the very first time in your account. There is no way around it either until you confirm your selection.