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You can select which game modes you want available (PvE, PvP, WvW). The change doesn't go into effect until the next day (or week for weeklies) so you lose some time but you won't need to change it again unless you want to.


why do people not read the interface? i don't get it. you open the vault first time, you get a full ass explaination and choice to select game modes... "but the game doesn't teach you anything" no, you just don't read!


People don't read... Period


It even lets you check/uncheck the boxes lol Yeah idk. Usually it's adhd at least in my experience. I know a certain someone who just ignores these things all the time and then have no idea what anything means.


> but the game doesn't teach you anything While I agree that people should read the interface before making posts, who are you quoting? OP did not write this in his post so your hostility is misplaced.


I might have needed to clarify... i'm quoting the general community here, cause this is something a lot of people say, when talking about the game. even i have said it before because in some cases this is true, but it is not in this case. So it was more a general rant, not against OP specifically.


Yep, gw2 explains a lot, just mostly in text which most people skip. If people would read popups, tooltips, hover over ui elements, read their levelup reward information and the explanation of the adventure guide task information, we would have less questions to answer.


i have seen a lot of streamers play the game for the first time and this happens soooooo much. the level up rewards explain so much and what do they do? close it instantly. And then later they complain about something not getting explained. it kind of triggers me.


Ok. Sorry to hear that. Consider finding a more healthy outlet than just being crass on the internet.


> crass Oh my sweet summer child \^^


Don't belittle either. Your comments are quite toxic.


no need to be so hostile. Edit: GuIlDwArS hAs ThE fRiEnDLieSt CoMmUnItY It's okay to shit on me for literally just asking a question, but don't go around telling people the community is any better than other MMOs. Can't eat your cake and have it too.


Is he wrong tho?


I mean, a quick search on this subbreddit would tell you the amount of times this has been asked, which is a lot.


sorry i just have read this kind of post soooooo much in the last weeks and i just don't get it.


Every time i hear "the friendliest community" i give a caveat. I say that people are the same everywhere, but in gw2 as long as everything goes smooth, people will be friendly. If something goes wrong like failing meta events or things are competetive like pvp, things will not be as friendly anymore. Also the game tries to incentivise people to be helpfull by giving them experience for everything, no kill steals, no shared resource nodes and so on. Also: I was not insulting you, was not mean and i even said sorry when you responded, because i was not even talking to you directly. I was showing a little bit of frustration because so many questions in the game could be solved, if people would start reading what the game tells them, and if they missed it, ask the wiki first and if they can't find it on the wiki, search on reddit. I was also asking why people do this, cause i don't get it. One person here responded, that for them it would be an ADHD thing, which i can get, but even then there are still the layers of asking the wiki and searching the reddit. Hell you could even ask chatGPT at this point.


Why vent your frustration here? I did mean it when I said it's best to find a way to work through that frustration in a more healthy manner, because this is not working for you nor anyone else. You feign understanding for how someone might miss this information but then you choose to ignore that reason anyway in favour of saying it's a personal issue again. There's just no point to what you're saying. Reconsider writing a comment whenever you are frustrated. It would make the internet a more pleasant place. Edit: ChatGPT sucks and should be destroyed.


"Why vent your frustration here?" Because this is a relevant public forum? What is this question? They weren't even mean in the first place.




I like that this is genuinely more rude and mean spirited than the first comment you condemn


Isn't it? You hit the nail on the head. I'm having fun ^^


You're inviting yourself into a conversation with the express purpose of stirring up trouble. Don't be surprised to be told off for that.


Disagreeing with you is not stirring trouble, friend. Please find peace. Your question has been answered and I hope the frustration of this thread does not sour you. At the end of the day its a game, have fun.


I wish people around you were more forward with how they truly think of you. If this is how you act, inviting yourself to things you have no part in, then I worry for them.


GW2 does have the friendliest community in game but if you expected that from Reddit you are right to be surprised.


That is the point though. People here pretending GW2 has the nicest community while they're knee deep in toxic sludge lol.


It's a testament to Reddit that this app can take the friendliest MMO community and turn it into people bashing someone asking a simple question because they missed the intro screen. I've been playing this game since beta and I read game stuff more often than most people, but the first time I clicked past the intro screen without reading it because I wanted to see what was in the Vault. Then I also thought I was stuck with PvP and WvW daily / weekly. Took me a couple weeks before my guildies told me how to change it.


most of the comments here are just about giving the requested information. all i did was get a little annoyed, that people don't read or even search the reddit for information. And this is now considered "bashing"? All i said was "for future reference, read the interface" but snarky. you could even just check the wiki and get all the information you need: >Upon the first activation of the Wizard's Vault, players are presented with a selection of gameplay options (PvE, PvP, WvW) for which they want to receive daily and weekly objectives. These options can be changed at any time but will only take an effect on the next refresh of the daily or weekly objectives. The selection of objective types will continue until changed. To change the type of objectives received, click the gear icon to the left of the Daily tab.


To be fair, it's an MMO subreddit. Any MMO subreddit is going to be a horrible place. Take /r/ffxiv for instance, say one single thing against the game, even the most minute thing, and people will jump down your throat and bash you relentlessly. I fully expected people to get hostile and shitty to me, to downvote me. It's what an MMO subreddit does. Either join the super strict conventions of the place or get ready to be ostracized.


You can select your preferred daily content from gear button next to dailies tab on WV.


If you don't like PvP do not click "I like PvP" on the big pop up centred in your screen




Theres cogwheel in vault, choose prefered content.


Good news: to be able to afford literally everything in the vault before the season is up. You do NOT need to do every daily and weekly and special. If you did ONLY the 4 dailies (login +3) for the next 81 days, you would have 5265 AA. If you somehow managed to ONLY do the weeklies, that's 8250. All the stuff worth getting before the season ends is around 5,900 AA Considering Wintersday will have some special AA challenges and the Lunar new Year event too (likely 300-500 AA per event) You will have plenty without doing every daily and weekly IF you switch to PvE soon.


Is this like a season pass thing? season passes are awful lol. Eww.


No, not really. It's just like dalies were before, weeklies were added, and rewards were improved. We've always had dailies in the game. Most season pass things are pay to improve, where is this just replaces dailies and weeklies. Also, there's a ton more currency than you need so it's easy to skip days. You can choose which dailies you prefer (WvW, PvE or PvP) by clicking the gear. If you get tired of one you can change it. And there's less FOMO because items in it now go to a legacy tab where they sit forever, albeit at a slightly increased price. We're not paying for a season pass. It's just dailies and now weeklies with better rewards.


Anet basically compared this to a season/battle pass but without the paid aspects.


Yes but there are no paid progression, any seasonal rewards like the griffin mount skin from the last rotation are always available in the legacy rewards tab so you don't need to rush.


They modified it so it is not like a "battle pass" as much as possible. It still has some FOMO, so that is eww. But you cannot pay to progress, the seasonal exclusives are always available (but cheaper in the season they spawned from), and the rewards are nice without being essential. Again, I don't like the fact it is a new FOMO element. But it is not anything as toxic as other things


FOMO elements in any game are awful. I don't play games with FOMO elements. I've dropped many a game for that exact reason. Battle passes and all that, no thanks


Wait, now you cannot select the mode for dailies you want to do? With WV you were able to select only PvE (or PvP, WvW) and now it's gone?


>Wait, now you cannot select the mode for dailies you want to do? ofc you can


You can. OP just doesn't know.

