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I still feel bad when I think of Steve Irwin, my parents didn't even understand how much he ment to me so it made it even worse, used to watch croc files and crocodile hunter when animal planet was actually about animals


The fact that we have got to the point that Animal Planet isn't really about animals anymore is boggling. But yeah same story here Steve would be pissed.


Just like mtv stopped being about music. Reality tv takes over everything.


History channel. Shit was the best for an autist like me that loves documentaries. Then it all became about alien nazis.


History Channel used to always be nothing but facts now its one person's opinions that are portrayed as facts just like everything else in this country it seems like


Modern Marvels and How It’s Made


I remember waking up on weekends and watching How It's Made instead of cartoons. Dope ass show.


This week in history.


R Lee Ermie used to watch all of them shows with my grandpa man🥲 Just found out he died in 2018 rip that man taught me so much about guns I owe him a lot looking back


Mail call. Loved that show!


The one I remember was locked and loaded I couldn't remember that until right now for some reason but I seem to vaguely remember him in quite a few shows he had a great voice I remember "Locked and Loaded with R Lee Ermie *lever action sounds*" being the intro


I haven't had cable in like 10 years what does Animal Planet show now?


Like game warden shows and fucking they've got a couple about zoos but it's mainly about the Dynamics between people and not solely focused on the animals anymore at least that's my take on it it's a tragedy honestly


I kinda liked North Woods Law, but yeah, if the channel isn’t mostly about the animals, they’ve lost their original appeal.


Soon we will have a show called "ow my balls" r/idiocracy


But it'll be about a man named Eddy Balls, who has a disease that causes him extreme pain every time he walks or some shit. Bravo and WeTV y'all get at me million dollar idea over here.😂


Bro everyone will wear crocs they love that!


Million dollar idea? You must like money


Yeah, scope drift really sucks. I remember when the Discovery Channel was about science, Animal Planet was about animals, and the History Channel was about Hitler. I miss those days.


You're saying it's so bad there's an actual term for it? Truly tragic.


I may have just made it up myself. I was thinking it was an actual term, but that's scope creep, which is something different.


Well it definitely is now because the whole scope of their programming drifted drastically👍💯


I remember going to blockbuster and getting crocodile hunter dvds as a kid. Steve was such an Aussie legend, we really lost a pure soul


You're alright mate.


Some men....just want the world to learn.


...about fire. By making it burn.


Ah yes fire, so beautiful yet so dangerous. It purifies but also destroys truly an enigma.




So you have a time machine and use it to go back in time to kill the stingray, but not to go back and prevent Steve from diving that day and saving his life?


Would have made a lame meme. God, I've never had Steve Irwin and lame in the same thought before so thank you for that.🤮


Do you think you could really stop Steve?


He might be delayed by fans asking him sincere questions. A few minutes might be all it takes.


That’s a good point. I agree with your original position, btw.


Oh, I'm not the person you were originally replying to.


I'll use my gun to shoot holes in all the boats so he can't go out diving.


Or just trap and relocate the thing a hundred miles away from where he dived.


Far better that one stingray dies, so more animals be saved through his continuing efforts. RIP.


Sad thing about time/time machines is that if it was inevitable, he would just pass away from something else. It sucks, but at the end of the day got to grow up. Steve Irwin's kids and wife seem have moved forward. Both love animals and have accepted what happened to their dad.


He was too good for us.


We talking about Steve? I wonder where he sat on guns.


I poked around online, he did a few specials were he did talk about guns and he referred to them as "Beautiful chunk o' machine" and others pointed out he was at several US air bases and always was impressed with the "equipment"


I'm surprised. I kinda figured that he'd have the standard "Guns are bad, look at how much the homicide rate (which was already dropping) fell after we banned guns" brain rot opinion that a lot of Australians seem to have.


His major thing it looks like was illegal poaching, which I'm all for stopping.


Protect wildlife with guns 💯


Give the wildlife guns🙌


That means you have to train wildlife to use guns and set up logistics to handle ammo and parts supply. I have a simpler solution: Just have law enforcement poach the poachers.


No no, lets arm the orangutans and gorillas. Chimpanzees, too! Someone should make a movie about that.....


I tried that once. The zoo spent three months under siege from local law enforcement, eventually the national guard came in and dealt with the situation.


A crocodile mounted sentry gun will tend to do that🫡


Planet of the Apes. 😏


Emus with guns would enslave the entire Australian population. Roos would probably shoot each other and everything else.


I never said sacrifices wouldn't have to be made😅




Acceptable losses I stand by my statement🤷🏻‍♂️


He liked guns but hated hunting, he never wanted to take a life of anything, but he did shoot with his father growing up, there was a show were he suba dived to see machine guns used during ww2 against the Japanese on an Australian ship, and he called the machine guns beautiful


Did he hate hunting or hate the idea of doing it himself? I'd imagine that, as a conservationist, he understood the necessity of hunting for population control.


He really hated illegal hunting and poaching, he probably didn't think too much about hunting for food because he did state he hated animal agriculture in Australia because it was devastating the land and cruelty of any nature he looked down on, like trapping and invasive fishing, but he came from a rural area and used to carry a big knife before his fame really took off, he believed in rehabilitation


Cool. Thanks for that!


The joke is Steve wouldn't have wanted the time traveler to shoot the stingray. Not so much his gun politics.


Ha. I understand the joke. Just made me curious about his stance on gun rights seeing as though this is GunMemes.


What? Can someone explain?


He goes back in time to kill the Stingray that killed Steve Irwin, but realizes that Steve wouldn’t have wanted the Stingray to be harmed.


From what I heard it was the camera man who spooked the stingray while trying to get a better shot after being told to back up as to not spook the ray. Hopefully that sentence makes sense.


Who is Steve Irwin?


He was an animal conservationist and all around a swell guy. His optimism and positive attitude were infectious and improved the mood of everyone around him. He became a media personality and used his fame to help conservation efforts.


This question makes me sad. Like... There's almost two generations now that have grown up without him.


I feel sorry for you. Nonetheless, I’m sure it’s not your fault that you are immensely uncultured. I pray that you find the way.


bro im 22 when he died i was eating mud


I’m 20, still watched his shit relentlessly. That’s like saying you shouldn’t know who the Beatles are because you weren’t alive.




Fair enough, carry on


Im just not American, that's probably why I never heard of him.


Steve Irwin was Australian. Yeah, we probably all know who he is because of American TV, but I'm pretty sure he was famous in Australia before Americans ever heard of him.


He’s not American lol


He would still be alive had he not yanked the stinger out of his heart. At least from what I'm understanding.


Instincts are a bitch sometimes.


Sometimes you have to make tough decisions for the greater good.


Damn, I wonder how many people on this sub are too young to understand this reference.


I laughed... But now I'm crying again.






Sure but one stingray ≠ Steve Irwin. He would have went on to do a trillion times more than save one stingray who may have just been eaten by a shark ten minutes later anyway.




I don’t want a Time Machine, I want a portal gun so I can get out of this timeline.


I hated stingrays. Still salty about it.






Just give Steve some body armor instead


Steve Irwins Family after I don't kill the stingray: 😐


It’s such a tough place. We want revenge for such a good person but even acting out our vengeance would not be in accordance with the wishes of who we want to honor. We are then left only with acceptance and the need to appreciate what he did for all of us, especially those who grew up watching crocodile hunter and crocodile diaries. Accept what happened and appreciate everything Steve Irwin gave us. It’s the right path.


All these years later, and he’s still missed. I still remember the day he died