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I sat and watch someone do this at my nearby HEB last weekend....and I think they only did it because there was already a basket there. People are so freaking lazy, when HEB actually has cart corrals almost everywhere in the parking lot and within a VERY VERY short distance you can easily walk it over and be back at your car before you realize you even left your vehicle


My store was opened in 2017, the service department manager had us (two days before the grand Opening) pick up and move all the corrals to their forever home. My God it took 6 of us to move each one. I remember him saying "we ordered enough to ensure that customers are no further than 6-7 spots away from a cart corral, so we can avoid the whole leave carts in parking spots or curb thing" The very. First. Day. We counted over 150+ carts left dozens of feet beyond the lock perimeter. The store actually had to disarm the geofence because we would drain the batteries from the cart unlocking remotes so quickly using them so much. District management cited them many times for it and they just ignored them till the problem got manageable. They da real ones for helping us out


It isn’t an issue of having cart corrals or not. The problem is the laziness. People who are that selfish and lazy probably won’t change. When I see people do that, I go get it and put it away as soon as they let go of it. I’ve been told that they have people they pay to retrieve carts. I don’t even give them words. The store won’t fix my vehicle damage from stray carts. The police don’t have anything to do with that outside of writing a report. It’s private property so all I can do is take them to small claims court. All because so many people are THAT lazy.


That’s called being a sheep. They just follow and do what others do, even if it’s dumb AF.


Return your cart to a corral is objectively the right thing to do.


How long have you been an Oveja?


Oh, I always speak up when I see that happen.


Im still waiting for some one to tell me something when i leave it like that 🤣


Dick move.


You’re my new favorite Redditor!


I had a very obvious eye roll and huffing. The Karen did not k ow that my 80+ year old Mom was with me and urgently needed to get home.


People like you are what’s right in this world.


HEB is my friend


As a former cart pusher If there’s barely any cart corrals spread though out the entire lot I don’t blame them for leaving them there.


i cant exactly always walk to the cart corral, the world isn’t a safe place, i cant walk 50 feet from my car with my baby already in her carseat, and its difficult to push the cart and carry a baby. i do it out of necessity for my child’s safety when my fiancee isn’t with us.


I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but that just sounds like a lot of excuses.


I have TWO babies. Two. And I still put it back every time without leaving my babies alone. It's not easy but I'm not gonna just leave it. That's so rude to others imo. Or I circle around until I find a spot right next to the corral and my HEB is huge and usually packed. I still make sure. I've never just left it. I'm not going to be this kind of person just because I have babies...makes zero sense. Also I'm a single Mom


I’ll double that, I have 4 kids and I always put my cart back. Load the groceries, load the kids, lock the door for the whole 45 seconds it takes to walk the cart to the corral and back. Done. People are so fucking lazy.


I keep my baby in the cart as I push it to the corral. Park cart. Take baby out and walk back to my car with my baby. Like what about that is hard? Like why are you attempting to take your child out and carry them AND push the cart? Keep the child in there until you park the cart where it needs to go. You can be a mom and be respectful of other people.


I get more annoyed at the constant mixing of large and small carts, when there is clearly a spot for both, and usually the small slot has a large basket jammed into it you have to pry out.


A lot of people are unable to do the toddler game of putting the block in the block hole and the sphere in the circle hole.


My favorite is the suburban moms that love to park at the furthest spot from the doors so they "can get my steps in" and then blatantly leave the cart they used next to their car because I guess that last few feet is just far too much for them to handle. Also when you have absolutely no carts to grab from the lot, the front porch is swept, trashes are taken out, and quite literally have nothing else to do but wait for more work to do. "So a customer complained that you're just standing there doing nothing"


And they took the cart out there with literally one bag in it instead of leaving it at the door.


Ok this is me i dont live in the sub-urban but still when im in Texas this month im pregnant and getting out in the tightly packed parking lot is horrendis for me 😅 i legitamentaly have to park in the empty side just so i can actually get out lol but you know what at least i put my carts back


That pisses me off so bad. I make a point to put my buggy back. Also if I am able to I will put separate the small ones to one section and the regular sized ones in the other. This one lady last week literally put her cart in a parking spot and the return buggy thing was next to her. I’m sorry y’all have to deal with these careless/lazy folks. I appreciate y’all so much.




This absolutely nails it. It's the perfect integrity check to let me know if you are at least a semi decent person or a lazy scumbag.






We need cart narc to come visit all HEB’s


Weewoo. These lazybones are everywhere.


The people saying you’re complaining are the same assholes that do exactly this with their carts lol


Exactly my thought. It's really not that difficult to walk an extra few steps to put the carts where they belong :/


Oh really?!??! What if doing your shopping takes EVERY bit of energy you have? Heck, I can't even get a carry out when I have lots of heavy items in my cart. By the time I handle all my groceries 3 times, and I've loaded the stuff in my car, I'm lucky to be able to drive myself home I'm so tired. There is no damn way I'm walking to return a cart. Not everyone is the same as you, health wise. But hey, thanks for judging your customers!! (**without whom you would not be working at HEB**)


If a few extra steps will hurt you then keep your ass home!


Disabled people shouldn’t go out?


Wow, nice.


Womp womp; put your cart back entitled piece of shit. Btw your miserable purchase of 209.76 dollars doesn't do shit to pay me if you completely stopped buying at any HEBs they wouldn't even notice


Okay, so there are a ton of alternatives if your health isn't as good as most. For example, curbside and Instacart. I'm sorry that you have not been able to get carryouts, but I'm sure if you asked a manager they would happily send someone out with you. I was merely expressing my subjective opinion on the matter and I'm sorry if I offended you. We definitely appreciate your business, and yes, I'm aware that without our customer*s* we wouldn't be what we are today. I hope you have a good night.


Hey get the fuck over yourself and do curbside.


Some of us like to do our own shopping even if we're tired, and not have someone choose substitutions for us. Besides, people lived without curbside forever.


I hear you. After a full day of work and then grocery shopping afterwards, I'm wiped out and have a long drive home. I live in a tiny home community and my parking spot is NOT close to my house. Then I have to make several trips from my car (sometimes in bad weather) to get everything to the house and up the porch steps, not to mention getting it all in and put away. That said, I do return my cart unless I'm at a store where there's no cart return nearby (not necessarily HEB.)


Okay, then do curbside pick up? I’m so confused…


Wow, major Karen energy here. We even got a version of "we pay your paycheck" bullshit.


Jesus. I'm disabled, and I hope that if I get as raging about my pain (fibro is fun!!) as you, that someone puts me out of my misery. Hot dang.


Time to call "The Cart Narcs"


And teach these lazy bones' a lesson.


In case you had forgotten, Cart Narcs tried that stunt at an H-E-B awhile ago, only to be rightfully warned (by a gun owner) to back the hell off. Don't encourage Cart Narcs, who's no better than Tanner Cook...


There are some of you in this sub right now that do this. Stop hiding and explain yourself you lazy bastards.






Next time I’ll leave my cart behind cars since you have major issues 


When I went to Sweden you pay a crown for a shopping cart to use and when you bring the cart back you get your crown back. If you don’t bring it back then someone else will and keep your crown. Solved!


I had one customer come up to me while I'm gathering carts and then walked up to me and put his trash in my cart. He was loading his cooler with beer and then saw me and just gave me the beer trash box. Like what the actually heck! I didn't say anything cuz that was when I first started but I was so bad I almost said something.


That guy was a jerk.


Thank you for saying that 🥲 that was about 4 years ago and I still remember it.


You know what’s worse, the people who take their bags out out of the cart and leave 2 feet inside the store rather than putting it back a few steps away…they deserve stepping on all the legos and warm pillows


It takes more energy to lift the cart up over the curb than it does to just walk it back. Do better people-lol


The way this HEB is set up is insane. The doors basically open onto parking lot, so you can't even see customers coming out until they are right in front of your car. I drive so slow in parking lots, and it still freaks me out.


Here is a life hack for you. Always drive to the back of the Parking lot as soon as you enter. Never drive in front of the store, it's slower. Sometimes driving behind receiving is another option but that depends on the layout, also beware of nails especially home improvement or Lowe's.


that's done by design, so that people drive SLOW - the parking lot of anywhere shouldn't be somewhere people speed thru in their car. You should ALWAYS drive slow in a parking lot, no matter where it's at. You must be one of those people who thinks they don't have to stop and let people cross, because you're driving a car you are king to everything


Way to make assumptions. I'm not sure you read my comment. I drive VERY slow and yield to all, but the set up is unsafe. The walls block sight of pedestrians until they are RIGHT there. Some customers don't look before going into the parking lot, so while I'm looking left (going 5 MPH) browsing for pedestrians, they show up out of nowhere. I've been to dozens of HEBs, and this one is extra bad.


They fly through my parking lot. It’s so bad I see someone speeding I just stand there and point at them that way everyone is looking when they start honking 😂


Stop look both ways and wait wait for traffic you dimwit.


You’re the dimwit dumbass. Pedestrians have the right of way. Not cars. Fucknut.


Where are the "Cart Narcs" when you need them? " whoop wheep whooopp whoooppp that's not where the carts goooo".


BuT tHeY pAy PeOpLe To GrAb ThE cArTs


I remember that store!


the amount of effort that had to take 😭


real like it takes more effort to park it in the mulch than to walk it over to a corral lmao


This should get you put in an insane asylum. You obviously can’t play nice


I'd like an Aldi's type system for HEB to help with this mess


People do realize they teach disabled people to do this in physical rehabilitation on the obstacle course right? 😹 They have a cart and car in physical rehab and teach those recovering that have balance issues to keep the cart within arms reach of your vehicle at all times so that you can balance on either the cart or vehicle to reduce the chance of reinjuring yourself. They make people show they are capable of using the cart as a walker, then getting to the car and transferring weight from the cart to the car and then be able to get into the vehicle on their own as well as being able to get out of the car and transfer balance from the car to the cart to be able to go into the store. The rule they taught us was that you ALWAYS keep the cart within arms reach. People use carts as walkers so they can still shop since the government does not provide a shopping service for the elderly and disabled. You can use leverage to hop the cart onto the curb to keep it from rolling to hit cars while still having it close enough to your vehicle to maintain your balance. They put it on the curb as a courtesy but they should never try to walk it to the cart stall and walk back to their car without anything to keep their balance or they could reinjure themselves.


I'm normally 100% on board with your post. However, I see that's a "with children" spot. You don't want to leave your infant/child alone in the basket while you're offloading groceries to the back seat - that's how children (can) get taken. The likelihood is very low, but it (could) happen. So, you strap your kid in the car. But then, when you're finished loading the groceries into the car, you don't want to leave your infant/child alone in the car, so what do you do? You're likely not going to unstrap your infant so you can push the cart to the return. Honestly, HEB should have a coral right next to the "with child" parking. I understand the likelihood of anything happening is EXTREMELY low... but it does happen and some folks don't want to take the risk.


I hate this. I have two young babies that I have to carry and I still return that shit b


How about people who drive around for 15 min looking for a parking spot! You could have been halfway done shopping! Wasting time and gas being lazy!


Or the ones who hold up a line of cars waiting for someone to pull out, and when they finally park and you pass them, you see 3-4 spots that were only a few yards further away!


You can't make people care. It's the major problem with everything in the world that is wrong.


my favorite is when we have a sign that says "stop for pedestrian crossing" that is at one the entrance to the lot and two right in front of where all of the curbside people cross and yet people still speed through and don't stop for anyone. little do they know that if they hit one of us they are making us rich as heck


I had a guy just the other day speed through the location I work at while taking out an order and he almost hit me, honestly would’ve been fine with it. Some days off with a pretty paycheck doesn’t sound so bad


yeah fr, apparently you can get up to like 250k if you have heb sue for you. not sure how much of that is true but someone at my store years ago got hit and a few months after she quit because she got a lot from the lawsuit


I hateee that too fr


need to call in Cart Narcs for backup


What store is this?😅


no honestly i work in service and I HATE when they just leave the cart at my register like wtf…


Facts. I shop for ships & every store I walk out of, I see this. Like, a few more steps to ONE OF THE MANY cart return spots was going to be the death of you .


Lazy ass slackers that have no regard for human life.


As someone who works at Market Street where we *HAVE TO* go out with the guest if they take their basket - nothing makes me more annoyed than them insisting they take their own basket after being told why we go out and then them saying “I’ll bring it back” and then we find it somewhere on the other side of the parking lot. We also get annoyed at taking a carry-out for just one bag 🙃


Idk but I am old. I was a small child in the late 70s before cart corrals were everywhere. I recall every time we used a cart to get back to the car, my mom would walk the thing back inside the store. It’s way easier now and people are just lazy and rude. How hard is it? It’s not.


i used to work at this store lolol


My favorite is when they leave the electric handicap carts in the middle of a parking spot, or someone on the gravel... I dont miss doing parking lot.


I’m stealing this. I already say I hope you step on Legos, but I’m gonna add the bite your tongue part from now on.


Lazy bones


Clearly, the customer had a child in the vehicle who would vanish into thin air if the parent doing the shopping got more than a parking space distance away from them.


The shopping cart theory at play- this person is ultimately not a good person


I usually park not too far from a cart carousel for that reason. Easy to get a cart and easy to put back once I’m done. My best friend in HS and College was a bagger and he’d complain daily about how lazy people are. I vowed to never be that person


I used to push carts and I’d take this any day over loose carts ramming into cars


I take my longboard with me into the store most times, stash it in the cart while I shop. Then on the way out there I go blastin' this now freight train of a shopping cart through the parking lot. Unload stuff. Then skate it back to the front of the store or wherever the carts are, and then skate back to my car. I enjoy every moment of it, and it's pretty clear that people get a kick out of watching the board/shopping cart combo in action.


I always make it a point to return the carts. It's irritating when lazy people just leave them anywhere and everywhere. Just imagine the state of their residence. Lord'vMercy!


Walmart recently did away with 50% of their corals. I was actually one of the few people who DID RETURN THE CART. Now its different. I am fine walking a short distance to return the cart but if I'm too far away, I'm NOT going to do it. Walmart should not have removed their corals.


If it's any consolation, when I'm going in the store to shop, that's the basket I'll grab. And when I'm done, it goes in the cart return. AND, I'm from California, where they just leave 'em in their parking spot!


Just be a decent human being and when you see someone do this just push it behind their car so they have to get out again to move it.


Did anyone else help bring carts in during covid? What a crazy experience that was. HEB in NB has some great customers, thankfully.


Where’s the Cart Narc when you need him


That depends. Where is the nearest corral?


For real !!


Can you imagine what people would do if stores started charging a “restocking fee” or something on un-returned carts like used cameras to get the license plate and sent a bill in the mail like toll booths do nowadays lol


You guys ever watch Cart Narcs on YouTube? Bunch of lazybones in rolled out there. 😂


What happened to clerks taking groceries out for the customer?


when im working the parking lot and i see people do this i give them the dirtiest looks cus like, come the fuck on, is it that hard to walk a couple extra feet to put it in a corral. or when they put it between parking spots and cars park there and i cant move it i fucking hate customers


One time when I was feeling particularly cynical AND confrontational. I was in a Denis Leary mood. I was getting out of my car and saw a person in the space next to me heaving their cart up onto the landscaping. I stood there and shouted with malicious enthusiasm, “YEAH, NICE! THAT’S WHERE THE CARTS GO!” The lady pretended not to hear me and trudged to her fucked up car, and I realized I had just fucked with *exactly* the kind of elderly, mulleted, vape-shop whore who would just relish waiting until I went into the store so she could use her James Avery cross keychain or the very key to her PT Cruiser to gouge the rudimentary likeness of a stiff dick and hairy balls into my driver door. So, I got back in my car and went home and didn’t go back to the store until the next day.


this will get me downvoted a lot. but take into consideration that this is mothers with child parking. this could have potentially been a single mother that does not want to leave her kid in the car alone while she walks half a mile to put the carts back.


These people make me want to snap




Where are the cart narcs at?


It’s the same people who think littering is “their right” and somebody is paid to clean this up 🫠


Many humans are outright lazy asses!


Just being lazy. That’s what that is.


Yet none are near the handicap parking.


Society will never recover.


Do this at Walmart NEVER H-E-B.


so you WANT the cart to roll into your car? it's better then leaving them in the middle of the lot


First world problems


I do this sometimes: 1. To protest bad customer service 2. To keep teens gainfully employeed 3. When my toddler is in the car already and I don't want to be more than a few feet from her in a running car.


I assume you’re talking abt the cart? As a cart attendant at a diff place myself, this never bothers me. It’s actually closer to the store than the rest of the carts in the corrals. And if you take it on it’s own, just more time to pass your shift along. Doesn’t look like it’s in the way from a “I’m trying to park here” perspective either.


Be glad they didn't put it in the lots where someone might hit it with their cars.


I'm still gonna do this 💯


Oh wow dude you’re a freaking loser


Someone Hates their job 😭


It’s ok to admit you’re lazy and I don’t hate my job I just hate you


Trust me: it’s much worse on the west coast than it is here with this kind of stuff


Who tf cares we live here


Yea and this is nothing compared to what it’s like a couple states over. If this was a picture from a California parking lot, there’d be at least 20 carts in this picture. You might be a bit spoiled


You might be a bit of a dumbass if you think we give a shit what other states look like, we don't want idiots ruining ours.


Dude it’s literally one cart lol. Not to mention: how often does this kind of thing happen in this state anyways? What I’m saying is you are pretty privileged and whining over one cart that you can move yourself if it bothers you that much. It’s one thing if it’s a parking lot full of them, it’s another if it’s just one sitting there on a curb in a way which doesn’t even look like it can fall and hit a car. Cry me a river, grow up and don’t be a Karen


It's really too bad that HEB doesn't adopt the old school service of having people actually take the groceries to the car for shoppers -- then no cart corrals are needed because the carts are automatically taken back to the store. Market Street does this and it's wonderful, especially for those suburban moms someone mentioned because they oftentimes have little kids they have to put in the car before they put their groceries in. 


Yeah I'm old enough to remember this being the norm and it sure was nice. HEB is the only place I've noticed in recent years where the employees stand around on their phones as a matter of course. Some of those kids could sure use something to do, and that something could be putting my groceries in my trunk like they already do when I get curbside.


Do your jerb


It’s not my job They have people they get paid to do that why would you want to take their jobs?


Or ppl who don't want to walk halfway across the parking lot to the corral and leave there kids in the car unattended.


Meh, i don't see the problem


I call it job security 🤷 Nah but I only do that if the receptacles are full plus it's better than the people who just leave them loose to go rolling into someone's car


Life is hard and cheap in the great suburban outback.


I meeeeeaaaannnn but it's close to the entrance though. 🤷‍♂️


I say that's job security.


What a stupid post, oh wow someone so mad that a cart not its place. They have workers there for that job. Like wtf something stupid to worry about


My sentiments exactly. That's what our PLAs are for.


And I'll do it again 🥱


That's why we have parking lot attendants it's not a big deal unless they pile up. I started out in central checkout


I put the cart wherever I feel like. Most times in the corral. Sometimes on a curb. Sometimes right up against someone’s car who was giving me a hard time when I was looking for a space to park. IDC and if someone tried to walk up on me and correct my behavior, I would first ignore them followed by pulling out the stick and encouraging them to leave me alone. As a non employee, taking time out of your day to correct someone over grocery carts is insane. Just because you don’t like it, because it comes off as lazy? Just stfu and go buy your little K cups and Plastic Water bottles and stop trynna exert some sort of authority over every facet of a persons life. They literally pay multiple people to keep the lot clean & tidy.


So, it’s right beside a parking space for mothers with babies. Would you expect a mother to leave her child unattended while she finds and stows the basket in a “corral??” Get over yourself.


How do you know it was actually a mother and not just some lazy asshole?


all yall in here bitching and complaining shut the fuck up you Karens and Ken’s….nobody gives a shit about how much you complain…stick your head under water and inhale clowns


Bro that shit pissed me off the most😂


You must be the person who collects the carts or who never had their car struck by an abandoned cart.


Stop Deez Nuts


I don’t do this normally but maybe the lady had a baby. It says parent parking. I have in the past had to leave the basket after getting my baby buckled in and realizing there were no cart holders near by.


Do you know why they did that? Maybe there's a clue, nearby...like a sign, even. It may be possible that a parent, with a small child (or multiple small children), decided it would be better to leave the cart there, at the risk of offending your delicate sensitivities, rather than leave her child/children alone in the car to take tye cart back. Seriously, if you feel so strongly about this, get out of your car and put the cart where it belongs. Be the change you expect from others.


Jesus Karen…you posted about this?


Fat Republicans, just lazy


This case might be ok because they have children. When my friends and family members go to the store with children, afterwards they don't want to leave their child alone to return the cart. It is only in those instances and the elderly that I find the behavior acceptable.


FYI, the family (or mother or father) probably had a child and couldn’t leave the child not attended. You probably do not have children. Also read the sign.


I'll be honest, the only time I ever leave a cart in the parking lot is if I'm in a hurry for something like work. Otherwise I walk my fat ass to the nearest cart thing and leave mine there as that's where it's meant to go after my groceries are in my truck


You're in a hurry but shopping for so much you can't just carry it out without a cart? Big doubt, lazy ass.


Get a life and move on, lol 😆 go and save the polar bears or something, lol 😆 😂


It’s better than in the middle of a parking spot


I feel like ppl who are bothered by this have issues lol. Not that big a deal.


Get over yourself




Stop caring about bullshit that doesn't involve you.


Take your own advice numb nuts!


Go sharpen your crayons


I'm sick of these cry baby posts!! Waaaaaaahh! Someone didn't return the cart!!! Oh, whatever will we do!?!?!?! (If only there were people that are PAID to collect the carts...) 🤔


Most of the cart pullers aka baggers are under paid and most of the time they will be sent outside on harsh weather Yes the freeze we are out there Heat almost 100 degrees we are out there In the rain risking getting sick and not being able to call and therefore getting fired because we're not fulltime and have no benefits Yeah believe us we're gonna complain when we get paid 12 to 13 dollars an hour and not even make a living wage So shut up entitled piece of shit


Ok but what if we are a inconvenient distance from the cart depository Edit: its a joke people, I always return my cart 🫡


Your fault for parking that far away! Don’t be a lazy fuck!


Your inconvenience will be noted and taken into consideration. Please continue to place the carts in the designated area. In other words “suck it up buttercup”


Then don’t bitch when a cart hits your car, curbie


Theres no way you used "curbie" as a slur


So you’re able to push a cart through the whole store but the second you’re done 10 more steps is too much for you? Just be honest and say you’re lazy


Not shopping cart/parking lot attendants complaining that customers won’t do their job for them. LMAO. Just put the cart where it belongs. That’s what you get paid for.


Ah yes, you are the perfect example of the entitled people we are talking about. Your argument is - I will make people’s jobs harder than it needs to be, for no other reason than im an asshole, and then tell them that this new inconvenience is something they should deal with. This is the same as saying- “im going to dump all my trash all over the floor next to the janitor instead of putting it in the bin where it belongs. And he better not complain- because its his job” See how stupid you sound?


They’re also the first one to run to management when their car gets hit by a stray.


You people are soft. 😂


And I'll do it again. Customer don't always know where the nearest cart coral is at.. You have a problem now create a solution. Complaining does nothing


Fyi  To the whiners  I do this because I suffer from lupus and can’t return the carts and half the people park in handicap spots who aren’t sick  If you loan me your perfectly healthy bodies to not annoy you  When I deal with inflammation and pain on some real major levels so bad that my legs swell and I can walk far. But hey let me return the cart for you. Go get disabled and come back and bitch about this thanks 


How's about do yo job and stop complaining. Get a different profession cart pusher.


What do you do for a living?


Stay at home son


Ah, a useless fuck got it.


Not bitch and complain about a job I'm supposed to be doing.




Coming from the guy who sits behind a controller playing modern world goddamn day and pushing carts


I don’t work for the stores. They can go get it.


I always leave them like that 🤣 ppl dont realize but everyone is loosing jobs to robots as soon as everyone is trained to always leave them in the same spot the guy who collects carts from the parking lot will loose his job. Same thing happened with self chek out yet pll dont realize it.


Thanks for your help in creating jobs, such an entrepreneur 😑



