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I think she has good chemistry with Charlie, but other than that I think she’s irrelevant. The show would lose nothing from the main plot if she were gone


Idk i think she's funny but the show hasn't given her alot of priority, they focused mostly on the other main cast. Maybe we'll get more scenes from her in the future season. So for that reason I don't wanna judge already


I don't dislike her but I do find her kinda pointless in the show.


Yeah, I think I didn't phrase it well. I meant that she's not well written into the show. She doesn't fit into the group dynamic at all, yet she's still there for some reason.


> phrase it well. I meant that she's not well written into the show. She doesn't fit into the group dynamic at all, yet she's still there for some reason. Yeah I agree. We could talk about why she was put in the show for a while, but on the positive side, she is played by a stand-up comic and she's not bad at all, so if they write her character better, I think she will be funny in the future.


I totally agree


The only thing that pops into my head as a possibility is that she adds diversity into the group. She’s lesbian and I think in the group she and Charlie maybe the only ones with siblings.


Why don't you edit your post to say that?


Her character is written terribly and her constant surprise face is akin to any YouTuber. Her and Jesse are the big negatives of that show for me


I agree for the most part. I like Jesse tho


Idk maybe…. But here’s the thing, the show has had one season and 10 episodes. HIMYM was not a great success out of the box either and I think that this kind of non-linear storytelling needs more than 10 episodes to get its stride. I think Ellen has potential. She is awkward and shy and still trying to find her place. Next season we get an actual season since they doubled the episode count. I am reserving judgement for now because I really think the show has potential.


I just think she so far doesn't make sense in the group dynamic. However if they manage to do something interesting with her in future seasons I will be the first one to eat my words and take them back.


Fair enough… I think the short season really didn’t have time to flesh out any character tbh


I agree


I completely agree. I think this kind of show does actually need more than a 10 episode season to develop the characters and build into a great story. I don't feel like HIMYM has any filler episodes, because each contributes to the character arcs or the overall story, and I think they really found their way around the characters around seasons 2 and 3, season 1 gang was waaaay different than season 6 gang for instance. They were all written differently over the first few seasons, so I think something like this might happen with this characters. They just need more time to completely define them and their arcs. I like Ellen so far, she's so cheerful in a way that's absurd. She feels warm and quirky, but I agree that she hasn't really fit in with all of the characters. I think none of the characters have been really been worked enough due to the short season. Maybe Sophie has had a little bit more of depth, but still not enough. I guess we'll see how they do next season.


So you are not... *friend of Ellen* ?




>i I didn't even know this existed but I already love it


totally agreed, her character is not written into the show well at all. i almost feel like the writer’s intent was to make her the opposite of Barney, a produce farmer with a failing love life, and I see that they’re trying to set her up for some relationship arcs, but so far her character could be completely written out of season 1 and it would have no effect on the current plot of the show. it definitely doesn’t help that most of her lines are pretty cringey, if they gave her better dialogue she’d be a much better addition and much more tolerable, even if her character has no effect to the current plot.


That’s my problem, just really really bad dialogue for the character, not sure on the performance either. Have similar issues with Charlie for the same reason.


I enjoy the show overall but can’t stand her


Yeah exactly, it feels a litte childish and awkward


> Am I the only one Literally never. The answer is always no.


Just an expression, didn't mean it literally


Bruh this is literally for the HIMYF chat. Your comment has nothing to do with how I met your mother


Need a fresh up of memory. Who's Ellen?


Jesse's adoptive sister


Nah, I'm not a fan of her either. She's dull and boring, and doesn't mesh well with the group. Her only real connection is to Jesse, who she barely has a relationship with. She doesn't really work as a character.


Ellen Pierce?


It seems to be a consensus. She's got no substance whatsoever and is very poorly written. She seems to be here labels more than a 3 dimensional person. That's my beef with her. Hopefully they'll flesh her out more in the second season cause right now there's just nothing to her.


She checks boxes


I can relate. it reminds me of how I used to feel about Phoebe in Friends, I also remember that by the 3rd season of Friends I liked Phoebe. I hope they make the character better, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


I think the show would be best served if her or charlie were written off the show. trim the fat. I dont think either one is bad, but they both feel kind of odd in the place of the cast and I think writing out one would give the one whose left a better opportunity to grow as a character.


Ding. I think you are dead on with this.


Charlie is the best


Her character is supposed to be the barney character but she is more like Lilly in that she is a profoundly horrible person


What's with all the HIMYF posts? I know it's a HIMYM spinoff but there's an entire sub dedicated to it. This sub is just spammed with HIMYF opinions anymore. Edit: Downvote me, idc. Doesn't change the fact there's an entire subreddit dedicated to HIMYF. Why should we have our HIMYM sub spammed with HIMYF stuff when there's a sub they can use? Many of you just help encourage it.


Agreed. I mean, if it's something that is related to HIMYM, for example, about an old character showing up, then I get it. But this has absolutly no connection whatsoever to HIMYM.


Because it is related and timely? Would you rather every third post instead be "Did you know Marshall didn't know his dad died when they filmed that scene?" Or "What's your favorite quote? Mine is 'why couldn't you be that lame dad for me?'" At least HIMYF posts give this sub some diversity of content.


At least it's HIMYM related. I didn't sub to this sub to read lame HIMYF posts. If I wanted to then I'd join the HIMYF sub. They just want their post to be seen so they post it in the already popular HIMYM sub instead of where it belongs. If there was no HIMYF sub then I could understand. But this is a sub for HIMYM, even if some HIMYM posts are dumb too.


You must be fun at parties


Agreed. I'm getting close to unsubscribing as it's driving me crazy. HIMYM is my favourite show and I want to see posts about it, not a separate show that has it's own sub.


I also dont like Ellen in How I Met Your MOTHER! because she is not there


I eke dont like ellen in how i hath met thy mother! because the lady is not thither *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


good bot


Thank you, nicbentulan, for voting on Shakespeare-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


good bot


Vacuous truth. Interesting...


She's Always mean to others and overreact


I think she's the most irritating character to have ever been written in the history of sitcoms. I seriously hate her stupid expressions, her over-the-top goofiness, and her ultimate uselessness in the whole show.