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The line Stella told Ted in the car always gets me. “She’s on her way, and she’s getting here as fast as she can.” I think a lot about the day she finally gets here


I really loved that line. Been going through my first rewatch of the series since my initial binge 4-5 years ago, and cheesy as it is, it's moments and lines like that, that give me new optimism and hope in my own adventures. This series is full of stuff like that for me.


It's a nice line, as long as it's known that you are also on your way to get to her as fast as you can. That way it is about working to get to her as much as waiting for her to show up.


She's coming fast, but that doesn't mean you can be lazy, it means you should improving yourself so you're ready for when she's here.


Oh of course. I’m making sure to move forward in my career and work out. Definitely gonna be the best of myself when she gets here


I found mine! He was my boss’ client. The two of us hung out one day and just never stopped. Three years later and I love him more every day.


So wholesome. I love this and happy for you


Yes! We met playing dodgeball one night, then didnt see each other for 4 months. Joined a kickball team and she was on it. First game i was arriving to the field early, saw her say in the messenger group that she was the first one there and no one had shown up yet. Ran a bit to get there faster, then saw her and walked up and tried to play it cool. Didnt want to seem weird so said i vaguely thought we had met at dodgeball once before. Unfortunately she didnt remember me at all hahaha Luckily she still thought i was charming so eventually we started dating (later on she remembered me from the dodgeball night) and now weve been married for a few years! Edit: And that kids, is how i met your mother


Truly romantic!




Nope. Still looking though, wish me luck.


Good luck! S/he’s on their way and they’re getting here as fast as they can.


Thank you!


Yes, fortunately. We both had to go through a whole mess of crap before we found each other, but it was all absolutely worth it.


Same here




Just think, she’s probably somewhere out there just getting absolutely plowed by some guy.


And he's probably plowing some girl. But when you meet someone whose soul you want to plow, you know.


I don’t think I want to think that😭😭


Is it because I'm some guy.




100%. The whole wild wait was worth it. ❤️


Just finished rewatching the show, feeling a bit empty inside, and the thought occurred to me: HIMYM really set a whole generation up for disappointment in the love department. Then again I'm way younger than Ted when he met Tracy, but still, the show gives love and life a childlike innocence I just seem to have lost somewhere along the way. I hope I find someone to rediscover it with. If I can feel this way about TV characters and the *idea* of love how amazing must true love be.


As I'm getting older, I'm learning that life has some really unexpected things happen. I went through some fairly shitty thing in the past few months, really had my heart broken and honestly the situation my ex was in was so tragic. But then I met someone recently, and I've never connected with someone this way before, it feels really easy. I hope it's the real deal, it sure feels like it is. Never felt anything like it. The first time I watched the show I'm my 20s I didn't buy the true love aspect. Pushing 40 now, and I think I'm starting to believe in it.


You mean my Lebenslangerschisalschatz?


I sure did! We dated in high school, but went our separate ways after. We each had lots of adventures and lots of mistakes. We didn't keep in touch, but the number of times our paths *almost* crossed is weirdly high. Eventually we ended up in the right place at the right time and the rest is history. Baby #1 is on the way, so I'm going to have to develop a much longer version of this story soon.


Please do. I would love to hear the whole story! (please give me some hope 😆)


Absolutely. We've had shit times before we met, shit times sometimes since. Living 6 hours apart right now, but her and her kids are finally moving here after 3 years. Can't fuckin wait.


Stella? (Except for the leaving at the alter part lol)






Another sub I'm on for a different show just made a post to say that we needed to mark spoilers for new subscribers, despite the fact the show ended 16 years ago. I think it's a little ridiculous at the 10 year mark. It's been a decade, if you're joining the subreddit and have never watched the show after this long, you should assume that you are about to view spoilers.


I met mine in 6th grade. She used to sit in front of me in class. I never once talked to her and to be honest, I never even thought about it because I was a shy kid. She sat in the front row and one day the teacher was passing out homework. The teacher gave this girl in front of me the papers with the instructions to take one a pass the rest of the papers back. The girl took one paper, passed it back and kept the rest. After a few moments, I realized she wasn't passing the rest back so my shy self had to tap her on the shoulder and ask if I could get the rest of the papers for the students behind me. Her face got super red with embarrassment but we both had a good laugh and every day after that, we talked to each other and became really good friends until 8th grade where I finally asked her out. We are turning 26 years old this year and are still just as happy as the first met. I'll soon be celebrating 12 years with my best friend and look back at her simple mistake as one of the most important moments in my life.


I met my Marshall in high school and we’ve been together since we were 17! We’re now 31 and I’m always trying my best to hold my tongue when friends and family have dating problems because like Lily, I have no real advice - I just completely lucked out and found the love of my life early 🥰


I found my yellow umbrella and it’s the sweetest guy I ever met, we met accidentally because a friend


I’d like to think I’ve found my Tracy tbh. It’s only been about two months, but I think I have


Thought I did. Turns out I just found my Stella. Been a year or so since. Still a bit rough.


When I was in college, I had plans to hang out with a friend off campus, her name was Kate. However, she was delaying leaving because we bumped into the guy she was hooking up with (Jack) and they were flirting for a while. Jack had a friend, Mike, who was visiting from out of town. I started talking to Mike for a bit and we exchanged a few jokes. After we went our separate ways, I told Kate that I thought Mike was cute. She immediately texted Jack who texted back saying that Mike thought I was cute too, and she showed me the text exchange. Later that evening, we bumped into them again. Kate and Jack went off to hook up, and so Mike and I went to IHOP at 1am to grab a bite. We exchanged numbers. This month will be the 14 year anniversary of when we started dating, and the 7 year anniversary of when we got married. We have a beautiful daughter.


You were rewarded for being a good wingwoman


I'm pretty sure that I've had but I'm not with her just yet A fun fact of it is that like 10 minutes after the breakfast in which we met ended I saw this girl with a yellow umbrella in my classroom.


I met my "Marshall" on our first day of high school. We were both new to the school and quickly became really close friends, and in the past few years best friends. We decided to try being FWB, and quickly went from that to dating, to engaged. Now we are married with a little one on the way ☺️ At our wedding one of our friends made a joke that we are super similar to Marshall and Lily 😂😂


Yes! It was a wild and very frustrating time before that for both of us. But one thing we did manage beforehand was a good amount of personal work (like therapy) that made us into who we are for each other. We admit a lot that without those developed tools, we probably wouldn’t be anything other than toxic for each other. And shoot, over 3.5 years, we have continued to work on ourselves and our relationship, but it wasn’t a lick of work because realizing that this person is my best friend and growing together is like, the best thing I do! But if you’d like the story: We met in a very boring, old fashioned way. Yup, just online, via Bumble. I had been casually flipping through, truly not even sure what I was looking for. I’d just cut things off with a guy I saw briefly and I was confident that I could do better than *that guy* but also…did I want to do dates, hookups, or relationships? I didn’t know, I mostly just wanted to meet good people first. I found my partner’s profile. He had a decent bio, answered the questions directly, and had no photos of him at a wedding, him holding a fish, or him standing with a girl (later explaining that she’s a cousin). It wasn’t anything for me to directly turn down, but he also mentioned that he’s “a people pleaser with a heart or bronze” and I was not entirely sure that that…was actually true. Or that I actually wanted it to be true. So I let him sit there for a few days. Never no, never yes. One day post shift, I was drinking an adult beverage and watching the sun rise (I worked nights). I was positively buzzed, and decided to open up Bumble. And he was there still. I’m much friendlier when buzzed and my only thought was “why the hell not?” I swiped in the “yes” direction (sorry it’s been a minute since I’ve needed to remember their actual functionality). It was a match. I sent a very casual, “Hello,” because “Hey” is apparently too low effort and “Which Ninja Turtle are you most like?” is a little overreaching in my mind? And he answered back as I was nestling down for a good ol’ day sleep. It was just really…normal conversation. Not particularly directional, which is good when you’re just looking for a human to treat you like a human. We did work opposite schedules, and it was right before Christmas, so at one point, we organized a date post-Christmas. We kept talking and about a week after meeting (online), I was up late because that’s what I did and he had just gotten out of a concert. We decided that waiting until after the holidays was just not gonna work, we needed to meet now. So we looked up a place that was still open and not Denny’s and set out for this impromptu date of pizza and beer. I sat outside and waited for him in my cute ass peacoat that I can only wear in December in Phoenix. And it was a pleasant night; again, just very easy and very normal conversation, no innuendo to take it elsewhere. As we were finishing up, my best friend called. I apologized to my partner as I answered and told my friend that I was on a date. I ended the call quickly because I’m not fucking rude, and we planned to still meet up for the already scheduled date, too. Upon driving away, my friend called back, because he was shocked that I was actually on a date haha. And we started dating. But I had my doubts, because I’ve this horrible attachment style known as “disorganized-avoidant” and I’m quite terrible at letting myself just be happy with someone, because I’m always waiting for when they want me out. I constantly worried. I would try to detach myself so it would hurt less. And he never wavered. He always reassured me that he liked me, and that he’s not going anywhere. It took me…mmmm, three months of “why the FUCK would he like me this much?!” before I realized that this was the first secure attachment I’ve ever had in my life. Thirty years of weirdness with everyone else…I was finally safe. My heart was safe. He wanted me to be happy and I wanted that for him as well. Three and a half years later…it’s still there. I’m still positively smitten with him. He still looks at me and smiles. Maybe we fart around each other more now, but we’re saving to buy a house and one day we will legally entangle ourselves when it’s ultimately beneficial. Marriage is not really important for us because we already have the relationship, marriage won’t change that for us. We went though a very tough week of having to put my cat down and then getting stuck in the middle of nowhere on the I-8 for seven hours and following that, that was the moment we both realized that we are in it for the long haul here. He’s my best friend, the only person I never tire of being around. I’d say that’s how I met my kids’ father but…I literally had a surgical sterilization last week, so there’s only our little spicy tortie girl Callie. I love our life.


"and then it happened: Marshall and Lilly became one couple blob" http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/12400000/Marshall-and-Lily-marshmallow-and-lilypad-12490709-300-169.gif


You know. It took until I was 30 to find him. I’ve been through a lot of abusive situations to get here. I know you might’ve been trying to be funny but this is just not the joke you think it is. I’m sorry to appropriately comment on a sub and have it incite a level of mockery.


I meant it as a compliment, actually. Marshall and Lilly have something amazing and anyone who can have that is an extraordinarily lucky human being


Yes! Funny actually, we met our freshman year in the dorms. He lived down my hall and we bumped into eachother on a drunk Friday night and talked for hours, became best friends and started dating after a year of friendship. Our six year anniversary is this month!


I have! Id basically given up, and everyone used to say ‘it’ll happen when you least expect it’ but I thought that was bullshit because I was actively looking .. like how can I not be expecting it? I’d gotten to the point where my ‘when I get married’ had turned into a ‘if’. Then I joined a hobby that the average age is about 60 (I was 28) with a few younger people in. Literally the last place I would expect to find someone, I just joined because I loved it. Turns out everyone was right because we’re getting married next year 💕


We met at my previous job. I worked directly from one of our clients' offices, so I was rarely in our actual office. I went to the office for a meeting on that day, and I was enjoying lunch with some of my colleagues, when one of our managers asks me if I met the new girl and I say I haven't. She says that I really have to meet her. Said girl comes back after lunch break and the manager directly brings us together to introduce us and she says: "Setheran, this is New Girl. New Girl, this is Setheran." New girl: - You're Setheran everyone tells me about? Me: - I'm Setheran everyone tells you about. She lets out a little laugh with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. The first thought in my head after seeing her smile was "oh shit, I have to marry that girl". We're engaged and will be getting married in July. We later found out that the manager (with whom I was very close) immediately noticed that New Girl and I had a lot in common, and she wanted us to meet because she knew we would eventually date.


I thought I had but then she found her Marshall


Looks like you were her Scooter


I met my wife when we were 12, took a while for her to see the light, but we've been married for 4 years.


Yup, very much met my Tracy!


Absolutely. Both her and me weren't looking for a relationship at all and were fine with being friends. We got married 19 years ago.


I met my Marshall two months after we started university! I stalked him on his social media for two weeks before we met on a party and we just clicked. Been together for 5 years now!


Still together with my high school boyfriend so I guess we are more like Marshall and Lily.


I met my wife in 2013 after I came home from Afghanistan. I volunteered to be a coach for our local Special Olympics since I let them use our National Guard Armory to practice and I grew up with one of the athletes. I had a great introduction lined up my head and when I approached her I just verbal vomited nonsense, did an about-face, and range walked my dumbass away in retreat before she could reject me. Later I ran as a guide for our blond athlete in the mile race. At the dance that evening my future bride approached me and forced me ti dance with her. I REALLY CAN'T DANCE but I was also dealing with spine issues since Afghanistan. She gave me her number. Summing it up we had a falling out and popped in and out if each others lives for a few years and when I medically retired from the military in 2017 she came back and decisive. We married in 2018 and we now have a 20 month old girl plus our 9 year old who is an amazing big sister. She was born when I was in Afghanistan so I call her my "preborn daughter." She was always my girl I just hadn't met her yet.🥰 I was 35 when we got married so I appreciate Ted's quest and feeling like giving up. But we've been married almost 4 years now and getting stronger every day.


Yes, when I was 16. I'm 29 still going strong with her.


My girlfriend is definitely Marshall. She goes around the house singing what she does, helping anyone she can and loves the environment. We joke about how much she resembles his characteristics.


Yeah, my wife of ten years. She introduced me to this show. First episode I ever saw was "I ❤️ NJ.". She's from Jersey, so the show's absolutely crapping on it made me laugh even harder. Rented the first three seasons on Netflix shortly thereafter. Became my favorite show.


I found my Marshall! 🥰 I absolutely adore my husband, and he would have been worth any wait!


Nah, no hope no dreams


I met my Tracy in Dec 2020. I made a mistake in June 2021 and didn't tell her about it. It came up yesterday. Now I might loose mt Tracy and I don't know how to fix it 😭


In two weeks, I’m marrying my Tracy. Been a couple for almost 12 years. We met at university, We were in a volunteering meeting in a room that joined onto the student pub and you could just about hear the music. Loads of volunteers sat in a circle, listening to/watching the volunteer coordinators. Except for her, she was dancing in her chair to the music, miming silently along. I watched her. She looked up, locked eyes with me momentarily embarrassed that she was “caught” dancing. I smiled. She smiled. I fell madly in love with her in that moment. She’s been my everything ever since.


I like to think I did. My husband and I have been together for 6 years now, but we have a long history of 'almost meeting' before we actually met that does kind of remind me of HIMYM. 10 years ago, we both applied for positions at a company. He got the job there, but I didn't. If I had been hired then, we would have met just before he met the mother of his children and our girls wouldn't exist. A year later, (9 years ago) I was helping my best friend photograph her brother in law's wedding. My future husband and future stepdaughters were at that wedding. The oldest was 5 months old and his girlfriend was unknowingly pregnant with their second at that time. His girlfriend's mother was the bride. (if we're being technical and silly, my best friend was once related to my stepchildren through a couple of marriages.) I don't remember them being there, but he remembered me. Told me later he always thought I was cute, but he was in a relationship and a new dad and was trying to make an honest effort at the relationship he didn't want to be in. 2 years later, I applied to that same job that I had been denied before (I didn't even know it was the same job until I showed up at the office and realized I'd been there before) where I was actually hired this time. In the time between the wedding and being hired by this company, my husband had separated from his girlfriend and was now a single dad with 2 kids. I still remember the first time I saw him. It was my very first day of work and I was able to see him pull up from my office window. I remember watching him walk across the parking lot and thinking to myself 'Hmm, he looks cute'. And we've been together almost ever since. Fun side note to end the story. Last year, we were discussing summer plans for our kids and I was telling him all about how when I was a kid, I got to go to summer/sleep away camp and how it was some of the best experiences of my life. It lead to me pulling out memorabilia from my time there. While going through it, we discovered that for a couple of summers during my youth, I shared a cabin at summer camp with his cousin.


I absolutely have. Met this girl when we were teenagers. fell for her hard, though I don't recall pulling a Ted back then, though I would tell her I loved her on our second date as adults. We ended up breaking up amicably and stayed friends. Over the next 24 years our paths would cross not just in our home town but in another state as well. There was an instance about 14 years ago when we met up while I was out of state for the holidays. we touched base and had her meet up with me at my grandparents place to catch up and see how we were each doing etc. She was in a bad marriage but doing ok for the most part. I felt bad and recalled my feelings for her but didn't say anything. Of all people, my mother told me we should take her with us back home to get her out of that situation she was in. I never did offer but did find out years later, even if we had, she'd have never gone with us because of other things that were happening at the time. We caught up again when I was back in state where she was living a year later and things were better for her. After that we lost touch for a few years. Turns out she eventually moved back home and even asked about my whereabouts but I had moved to another city by that time, about 70 miles away, but never new she came back. She figured she lost her chance at that point. Eventually I would move back to our home town, due to housing costs. One day I ended up reminiscing about the past, which I did quite a bit back then, and searched for her on social media. I had actually done this several times over the years but was never able to find her profile. This time I was successful and friended her. We chatted back and forth for a bit and even hung out when we could as friends. During the previous 9 years, for both of us, we were in bad marriages and had kids and would become single parents. I eventually got divorced, which prompted me moving to another city, and she moved back home because she left her husband to stay with her sister. We each had our share of relationships and personal growth during that time which made us who we were before getting together. Finally after about 6 months of hanging out, I asked my kids what they though about me asking her out. They loved the idea and so I "took the leap" and asked her. That was 5 years ago this past December and we will be celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary this July. I've posted this before but this show really helped me a lot over the years getting me though some tough times. I would say that I was Ted for a long time, searching for my Tracy but only finding Janette, Zoey, Blah Blah, even Karen. I even tried to be Barney for a bit but found that it wasn't my style. To me I feel like my wife is not only my Tracy but also my Robin too because I had that second chance and took it. Today we're Marshal and Lily in nearly every way which is great. Now we watch HIMYM together and refuse to let the other watch it if we're not there.


Don't think I have one anymore.




Barney got in 3 long term relationships, got in 2 engagements, and got married. So yeah, be like Barney. Don't get divorced tho


In 2018 my previous employer hired a girl to be our translator on a trip we took to Hong Kong and Mainland China. She met us in HK and traveled with us for 11 days. We’ve been married for 2.5 years now.


I spent an hour writing my response... I can't get it to post


It wouldn't post... so I posted my own thread... titled How i met your mother. Check it out


I used to be a hopeless romantic, believing in true love and "the one". But like Ted in later seasons, I stopped believing.


I think I'm still stuck on my Robin :/


I only met my Tracy the stripper


I'm alone like ted in time travelers thinking about the good time and stuck. Probably I'm never met tracy in my life


Met when we were 17 at Subway where we both worked. We were friends for a year, and both dating other people, when I made a “like for a truth” status on Facebook 😂 He liked it, I said I “used to” have a huge crush on him. He told me he had felt the same, both of us broke up with our significant others within a week, and have been together ever since! 11 years together and married for 6, still my best friend and can’t imagine my life without him ❤️


I’ve been thinking about mine how I met your father a lot recently - the story of how we met is so long with so many twists and turns I could totally make a series of my own! - pretty much i met him and it was literally love at first sight for me, an exchange girl came, I liked him but him and the exchange girl dated, she ruined him, we reconnected and have been dating ever since - not to mention he loves olives and I hate them ;) (even though that theory may have been disproven when Robin and Marshall both said they didn’t mind them)


Not yet. Hopefully I’ll meet her soon


I have. We started off as Barneys and turned into a Marshall and Lilly.