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The damage is already done.


Yep. I don´t even care about the show story no more, find the book way better. I just want to see the scenes of TGC as Aegon, because he was one of my favorites characters when I read Fire & Blood


Yeah we are at a point of no return


Exactly. Two episodes into the season and I’m ready to give up and wait for AKOTSK


At least that is easy to adapt. No one really supports the second Blackfyre Rebellion. I only support the first.


Curious—do you think Daeron was a bastard, thus making Daemon the true heir? Or do you just like them more?


To be honest, Daeron II being Aemon's Bastard would be the best option. He is a good man and that definitely didn't come from Aegon IV. So yeah, I think he was the Bastard of Aemon the Dragon Knight.


Question so you think goodness is genetic thus Daeron can't be Aegon IV's son? Also isn't making Daeron a bastard seriously crippling his cause he's Dornish for one so everyone hates him then he's also a bastard?


Just enjoy whatever 2 or 3 minutes of (good) screentime Greens will have for the next 2 seasons because there is no coming back from the issues of S1 anymore. Don't take the show too seriously either, since it's a TB fanfic per Condal. The writing issues are so bad, genre should change to a comedy-satire.


THANK YOU! This show is not worth the passion people have for it 🤣🤣




Team Black


What are you talking about? GRRM is part of the writing team and has approved the script. He also said that the show is what actually happened during the dance of the dragons.




Yes lol


There is no coming back for this show after they butchered Blood & Cheese and all the whitewashing of Rhaenyra, Daemon, and Team Black. How are they going to fix any of that? anything they do now is going to butcher the characters even more.


Literally. I noticed they clamoured to make Aegon seem "nicer" like, in that ONE SINGLE scene with the small-folk during the petitions in episode 1- but that was clearly just to make up for how much of a monster they made him out to be in season 1 and now it's back to him being a monster because his son was murdered. Smfh.


I think that scene was there to demonstrate how incompetent he is. Just imagine Rhaenyra doing the same things he was doing in that scene and being nice to the small folk, it would not be framed as her being stupid like it was for Aegon, it would be framed as her being a good, beloved queen.


I respectfully disagree. In the first season, Aegon is portrayed as a scumbag who harasses serving girls, bets on children fighting, and ignores his illegitimate children in Flea Bottom. This depiction shows his disregard for the small-folk. However, the showrunners later attempt to present a more favourable image of Aegon, which feels inconsistent. The handling of the B&C scenario is problematic; it would have been better placed later, perhaps at the end of episode two, to allow more time to establish Aegon as king without the immediate overshadowing of his son's death. This reflects a pacing issue attributed to the showrunners. Again, which only affects the Greens.


it affects black too bec whole jace story with starks was cut to 5 min


Book daemon: “A son for a son” Show daemon: 👉🥺👈 “oopsie!”


Yepp agreed, I didn't much like the first season, but i had hope that with the timejumps over, and the final scene (suggesting that Rhaenyra might go nuts and stops being a saint) the show could become, if not perfect but very very entertaining, which is enough. But aaahmm 😅 boy how wrong I was, I have massive Season 8 vibes in terms of writing.




The show should continue its current course, but end with Mushroom closing a big book and saying “yup, that’s definitely how it all went down.”


Except GRRM stated that we are seeing what actually went down. And not reading the heavily biased story written by the Maestors.


Funny then how F&B got Alicent’s age and relationship with Rhaenyra completely wrong, her children, Rhaenyra’s children, Halaena’s children, Corlys’ nephew apparently being his brother all along, everybody’s hair and complexion, missed Joffrey being murdered by Criston at Rhaenyra’s wedding, missed Aegon’s coronation being at the dragon pit and Rhaenys smashing through the floor and escaping on her dragon whilst killing hundreds of civilians, etc. Funny too how a prophecy was apparently passed down the line of kings despite how the throne had already been usurped and heirs killed before becoming regent, how the wrong Targaryens visited the wall and how Torrhen Stark ‘knelt’ at a completely different location than in ASOIAF’s history. Why it’s almost as if GRRM explained that ‘we have the book canon and we have the show canon’ before HOTD’s release to resolve the growing number of inconsistencies in adaptations of his work.


Well you can cry all you want about it. But I'm going to go with the guy who came up with the story and not a bunch of negative nancies who think they know better and are butt hurt that black people are in the show as main characters. The color of the character's skin did not change the story that was told. It still tells the story of Rhaenyra having bastard children. Crispy killing Joffrey did happen in the show, we saw him get murdered at Rhaenyra's wedding. So I don't know what you're talking about with this one. How is Aegon not being crowned at the dragon pit change the story? It didn't because the scene still shows him being crowned and a usurper...it still made the same impact as the books.As for the prophecy thing, If you know anything about ASOIAF then you will know that MANY Targaryen's were dreamers and knew about the prince that was promised and thought that he would come from a Targaryen. How do you know that Old King Jahearys didn't tell Viserys about the prophecy? How do you know it wasn't written down? We are told that Rhaegar was bookish and he read something that made him want to be a warrior and strong. He became solemn/sad. Why did Egg have the need to bring back dragons. The show runners have thrown crumbs here and there just like GRRM. Look you sound bitter and it saddens me to see "fans" come onto these platforms and spew hateful and bigoted views about a book written for EVERYONE to enjoy. You don't own GRRM or his work and characters. There's no reason to ruin this for others or for people who enjoy the show. Just chill its fiction stop with the negativity and hateful rhetoric.




I don’t think that would make much sense, i think it’s implied Alicent started sleeping with Cole after Viserys died


Agree 100%. I am fairly neutral towards Team Green / Black with favourites on both teams, but I cannot deny they are currently heavily favouriting Team Black to the point they’ve made them boring with how “perfect” they are, and given pointless scenes to team Green that don’t advance them either and make them look incompetent.


I mean the episodes are already done. There’s nothing that can be done now.


More like Sarah "Mess"


Bro the title 💀


The Alicent Cole idiocy is mindboggling I agree A it doesn’t make sense thematically B it ruins any credibility that Cole has, he has a hate boner for Rhaenyra for suggesting the exact same arrangement he has currently with Alicent which totally discredits him in the eyes of viewers But I just skip over those scenes and the rest is stil fine is guess? A lot of it isn’t how I would’ve done it but on the other hand it’s not terrible. That combined with the beautiful visual spectacle and the amazing performances by litteraly every single actor on both green and black is a treasure to see. Matt and Emma are amazing actors, Tom had blown me off my socks this season. Rhys is amazing, the amount of power and emotion he puts into every single syllable is a joy. Olivia despite getting shit scenes and lines is doing an amazing job with it as well. I forgot the name of Halaena’s actress but she’s doing amazing too The Arryk, Errek fight was pretty well done in my opinion too In the end im a sucker for anything ASOIF related so even if I dislike a lot of the ways they are going into I still really enjoy it


Agree 100%, it feels like they’re trying to make Alicent and Cole irredeemable when compared to Team Black. Even though BOTH Team Green and Team Black are supposed to have good and bad qualities about them. It just feels like they’ve completely taken away any good interesting qualities from both Alicent and Cole. Even Cersei was a more interesting, liked character at this point despite doing some despicable things


the show is still a fanfic/taken from rhaena or baela's diary.


Hire a new director and accept their mistakes ? Lol Dude you don't know showbiz well, they will keep them both till people and even actors openly start shitting on them then the show will end abruptly.


Honestly, without Alicent/Cole, this would have been a great start to the season. It is just an infuriating change.


The Alicent/Cole thing could have worked well if it was built up instead of literally violating our eyes from the get-go with no reason whatsoever and continuously doing sex scenes for no reason other than "shock value". I am sooo over the "sUbveRt ExPeCtAtiOns". I don't care about my "expectations", I care about a good fking show that makes sense with complex characters and good character building. The thing with Alicent and Cole is that their horniness is what contributed to Jaehary's death. If they had shown the rat catchers on the way to the castle alongside scenes of Cole abandoning his duties and making his way to Alicent's room, it would have created much more tension and made more sense for the show instead of showing a sex scene right after the death of a child without any warning at all.


I would be fine with it if it wasn't used to make them feel guilty for B&C. It could have been an interesting storyline for Alicent. She desires to feel real affection for once in her life even though it goes against her beliefs. But it's executed to make her look like a hypocrite who is sleazing while her kids are suffering.


>She desires to feel real affection for once in her life even though it goes against her beliefs. Is there anything actually stopping this from being true though? Like don't get me wrong, more scenes will have helped, however there is still enough to know she was close to him and the rest fills in itself (literally) >But it's executed to make her look like a hypocrite who is sleazing while her kids are suffering. This also doesn't stop the above from existing. Actions have consequences. Not everyone is some perfectly moral character that has no flaws or is purely good and they are showing that with this. Far more goes into her position against Rhaenerya than just because she got to shag about, even if the separation began from that.




It is not going to happen so why argue over it?


Someone should throw a red shell at them smh. They’ve come up with good ideas but as a whole…I’m wondering what the hell they’re thinking


>I should be the new director for next season tbh. Absolutely not. Alan Taylor and Clare Kilner have both done a great job as directors in Season 2. Whatever the issues or nitpicks people are having with season 2, it can't be pinned on the directors. Alan Taylor even indicated he had a far different original cut of Blood & Cheese that was changed by the two showrunners. Release the Taylor cut! Condal and Hess are a real mixed bag as showrunners/writers. They have both written some the best original material set in the ASOIAF universe, but also have made some major missteps. The Alicent storyline isn't working. The Blacks supporting characters (Baela, Rhaena) are pretty much non-entities. The introduction of new season 2 characters of Adam, Allyn, and Hugh has been pretty forgettable. The reveal that Daeron exists was kind of ridiculous, and yet what they have done with Viserys in S1 and Aegon in S2 is pretty great. I still rank them above D&D as showrunners - especially when D&D deviated from the source material, but they seem to have really struggled to figure out how to best tell this section of the story.


Love when a show goes against canon for "diversity" by making Velaryons black and then gives all the black characters almost no dialogue or story. I always felt the main characters of Fire and Blood were Aegon, Rhaenyra, Corlys, Daemon, and all of Daemon's kids. Instead Daemons kids are glorified extras, Corlys is a cameo, and Alicent is the second lead...


What they have (not) done with Baela and Rhaena is particularly egregious given they have established both would have had a pretty complicated relationship with Daemon and Rhaenyra. After all, they would have thought for years that their father and step-mom had conspired to kill their uncle so that they could get together. And given Rhaena had yet to claim a dragon, Daemon had little time for her. That could have resulted in some Aegon like daddy issues on the Black side, if they had bothered to explore them.


And Baela seemingly chose to move in with her Grandma Rhaena instead of living with her dad which implied some serious resentment but nope we see none of that


They're basically like d and d. I was hoping hitd would get better writers


Is that guy's last name really Condoms?


No but it made me burst out laughing that you asked so thank you, his name is Ryan Condal!


Firing them would hurt the show's stability and HBO won't do it. Casual viewers are enjoying the show and they're fine with it , once the war starts they'll go crazy over the events. Us book readers may not agree with 90% of their decisions but we should remember GRRM is overseeing it all and we shouldn't expect a 1:1 adaptation.


George is an onlooker that's it. HBO is under no obligation to implement his recommendations. ASOIAF adaptations have started gaining a bad rep at this point.


I don’t think your last sentence is true, broadly speaking. We wouldn’t have three forthcoming adaptations were that the case.


This is sort of what the echochamber in here do to you. Generally speaking, all of Hotd was pretty damn well recieved


Three? I know AKOT7K is under production. Which else?


Dunk and Egg and Aegon’s Conquest.


Dunk and Egg is AKOT7K Also isn't the Conquest just a rumor? Edit: Can someone clear my question instead of downvoting lol


Are these with different writers?


Afaik, there will be common guest writers between AKOT7K and HOTD, but the main writers will be different. It's also the only other asoiaf show under production rn.


Oh my bad. I meant the 10,00 ships show.


There is no Aegons conquest. There is going to be an animated series of Nymeria and her voyage and I believe YiTi. The YiTi might just be a rumor.


Nothing you said is true.


Not sure. If they mess this up, and for now it seems like they do, not anybody is going to trust HBO and GRRM adaptations again. Which is a loss of a lot of money. I've read the books but I am not pissed about it not going point by point accordingly. I am pissed because the characters are inconsistent and very often one-dimensional. I am pissed because it was set up to be neutral and it is not. I am pissed cause the writers are afraid to give agency to many major characters and instead fall back on accidents and misunderstandings. And that is not a comparison to the book. It is about judging the show on its own. Also, how much of the book needs to be adapted in order to name the product an "adaptation" and not a "fanfiction"?


I am a fanatic book reader and agree 90% with their decisions. As well as the majority of people. It is extremely arrogant to simply assume that you and the rest of greenies stans are "the book readers". And is simply not true.


>I am a fanatic book reader That's explains why..


I'm neutral and I lean towards the blacks my guy. I'm just being real , HBO knows better than firing its showrunner midway through the story.


Hey, I agree with you. Book greens were cartoonish villains apart from two ppl


right? and the show has upgrade them to actual characters. Those characters that they insist they "love" and whine they are "writers are butchering them", simply do not exist in the books and the personas they love are actual creation of the same writers that supposedly "butcher them".


Yup, especially Aegon, who I would argue easily is much worse in the books than in the show. In the books he is a manchild, in the show he is a broken boy. But honestly, this sub severely lacks media litteracy. They had a meltdown because in ep 1 they cut to black instead of having Daemon say «go kill Jaehearys! The son of Aegon!». Like even for normies, on rewatch it is insanely obvious that Daemon will say the command. I do not get why people want the show dumbed down, its so fucking pbvious from the scene itself. «What shall we do if we dont find Aemond?» Cut to Daemon smirking and cutting to black. Somehow they thought this meant Daemon just said nothing or just said «go home then», stupidest whitewashing claim yet lmao


It is obvious. And Ryan himself said that they cut the scene on purpose heavily implying that he gave the order


Yhea, because him saying it would be beyond stupid and give away B/C to new viewers


Tbh as a die hard fire and blood fan I am pretty content about s2 so far. B/C was meh but book version would not work with autistic Healena imo. Alicole is meh, it works for the show versions, but my real issue is mostly all of C coles character. i love Aegon in s2, and 1, and imo he is morally better than his book counterpart. Ye ik this is controversial here, but reddit blacks are nuts so I prefer being a minority here. Also idk as a hardcore book fan since release I just wanted to say my piece.


Ralph\_77 to be director of HOTD!


Y'all take this way too seriously. Or is there like a role play thing that I'm not aware of?


Annoying how after the first season they are sooo clearly team black!? The whole point of the war is that both sides are bad. Yet one is clearly shown superior and all the changes made make the greens look inhuman and rhaenyra look like a saint. Dissapointing


What I absolutely don't understand is that if they did have Daeron in mind, how was it so hard to ever mention him? I had very limited hopes for this show after Daemon charged and killed the crab feeder Avenger's style but it somehow kept getting worse. I'm in it for the CGI now and there are moments where the show looks good but there are few and far between awful writing.


It doesn’t have to be anything. It can be whatever it wants. If you want the books read the books. The mention of the queens son was not lazy it was foreshadowing that we will obviously meet him in future seasons. You need to stop looking at this show as an adaption and more like hbo prestige drama. People will always want someone to route for on tv. They can’t make it neutral, that’s not how tv works. Acting has been stellar, directing great. My only complaint is that it lacks humour and is a little dry. But to say it’s lost? We’re not watching the same show, bro. It’s excellent tv. If you’re going to pull this whole: it’s not good because it’s not following the book bs. It doesn’t have to. The whole purpose of the book is that it is not an accurate account. it’s written 100 years later and relies on unreliable narrators. They can take whatever liberties they want because it’s their adaption If you don’t like it, you could read the book again.


Just let the season finish first.


Oh my god what a bunch of whiners. It's an adaption of the book, it's not meant to be a 1:1 transliteration.


This sub seems to be extremely overreacting.Take a shower and go touch some grass.


You are not wrong, hate circlejerk is real here


You do realize that GRRM is helping with the script and has approved these episodes. He also said that the show is more accurate to what happened than what was written in the book. In his words the story written in the books is written by the maestors who he says hate the Targaryen's. So their account is biased against them. It was written to make Rhaenyra and team black look like the villains. In reality everyone is the villain. So Alicent and Crispy Cream are in a sexual relationship, Rhaenyra didn't want Jahearys killed. Aemond didn't mean to kill Luc, but let everyone think he did. I hated the blood and cheese scene, but I get why they did it, because it still worked and got the message out. It was still a scene that hit hard. The show is doing great and will still have great views, regardless of what we book readers think or want. You have to learn to separate the books from the show. Just enjoy it for what it is. I used to think that I would do better because I know the books and lore. I know I couldn't because I'm not a writer and I learned to just enjoy the show and appreciate that GRRM stories and lore is being enjoyed by people who aren't into fantasy. Or wouldn't give his books a second look.


I think you don’t know how TV works.


Stop crying like a baby. If you don't like it don't watch it its as simple as that. Both ep 1 and 2 flow well together and any issues between the two seem more about the different directorial approaches than the writing.


"king Daemon" here's your sub: r/HOTDBlacks


I can go on any sub I want I like the Green characters more right now so am on here. But the laugh this post gave me was well worth cause sure HBo is going to fire the guy who reignited passion for the GOT television verse