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If you’re a dude in your late 30s early 40s on suboxone that still wears an ecko hoodie and shiny basketball shorts with a chinstrap this is your favorite band.




You're not wrong. I still love em though


i am infatuated with how accurate that statement is. shit, i even know a woman who fits that same description. myself: never liked them to be honest.


Why would basketball shorts need a chin strap?




I somehow just know you def fit that description. (I’m a 39 yr old hardcore fan so… I feel you tho) haha


Agreed! Ahahaha 💀💀💀💀 couldn’t agree more.


Thats facts...


Fred Durst lookalikes punching the air


You got me on the first half


Mandibles taught me how to handle Fools


First show I ever went to was an E Town Concrete gig with God Forbid and I wanna say it was in Elizabeth, NJ but honestly not sure any more. Might’ve been Newark. Some neo nazis showed up and got their skulls cracked open and that was my intro to the world of “underground” music. That being said, The Renaissance is still a mandatory spring album for me. I can accept it’s not for everyone but damn were their shows fun back in the day


Elizabeth might be one of the sketchiest cities I’ve ever been to.


The litter box had me hopeful but seems to of been shut down


Really hoping that place comes back.


insane that nazis showed up to an e town/god forbid gig, like did they not realize who was in those bands and what they sounded like?


At least in NJ they would show up specifically TO instigate and start fights. Which inevitably led to FSU and their flavor of bullying and violence.


Pretty sure the only show they ever played actually in Elizabeth was hell fest so it was probably Newark.


Thank you my friend!!


Thought the same, more than likely a club called The Pipeline.


Was that the old Rexplex?


Wow that’s a throwback!


I want to say this was at a VFW or similar hall and the other Redditor is probably correct that it was in Newark but this is going back to 99/00 and my memory is pretty spotty 😅


Pretty sure this was a Manville show and indecision (Artie Milhouse on vocals iteration) also played and maybe diecast too. If not, pretty similar situation happened at a manville show and the neo nazis got beat on the way to their cars. No way you are going to see neo nazis show up at etown/Newark shows, that would be insanity. And Newark at the time was having shows at pipeline (although by 99 that might have closed). Maybe qxts if Newark.


I grew up one town over so that is DEFINITELY the show!! Thank you for helping me piece my memory together. Wow I appreciate all you old school fellas


Where you from? I’m from middlesex boro


I remember those days pretty well when Artie was with indecision. Also remember Diecast pretty good too. I was supposed to book them up here for a DIY show. They we're from Boston right ?


Yeah they were. I think some members of Unearth toured or played with them at some point as well.


Yeah, I feel like they toured together possibly. I had a good 600+ HC bands that I networked with in some shape or form to book them, get their demos, see if they wanted to 'trade shows,' etc and it was 20 or more years ago. My memory sucks too much to remember unfortunately, but I do have slivers of selective things I can recall LOL 😆 getting old sucks ass. 😔


It probably helped that they were in their hometown. I could just picture Ant gettin' everybody all amped up and shit saying somethin like "Get that n**ga, kick that fool in his dick tip!!!" 🤣🤣🤣 Seen Elizabethtown Concrete prob a half dozen times over the years, mostly up here in NY and I never got to see anything too exciting unfortunately.


That in 2001?! If so it was Elizabeth. Dizneyfist and Strabismus opened that show.


I liked when they got pissy with NoFX at a warped tour stop.


I’m gonna need more info on this please and thank you




They played after NoFx and Fat Mike said “next band is coming up, E something “ and Ant came out and yelled “E-Town Concrete mother fucker!” right at him. Apparently kind of surprised Fat Mike away.”


I was doing the Front of House Sound when E-Town played warped after NOFX. Biggest sound system I ever mixed on.




We are hear by requesting further information about the incident of which you speak.


The drummer was my teacher in high school shout out Mr. P lol


As someone from a small blue collar community that dealt with drug issues in their family and community a lot, So Many Nights was and is still a banger that speaks to me still. I think it just applies to certain people and it doesn’t to others and that’s fine. And I think that was their point. They made music for people that was going to get it, and that was all they really cared about.




Imagine saying this about a drill song


Drill is inherently more of a beast than E-Town.


First hardcore band I found in 8th grade, still sounds like home to me. Anytime I hear a band with a super hollow snare it just sounds like Jersey


Couldn’t agree more. Grew up in north jersey, moved away when I was 20. Etown just reminds me of being a teen in NJ.


Anthony Martini for president 2024 time 2 shine


Lmfao 😂 man that's hilarious 😂


E Town is a great band. Not for today’s Nickelodeon Hardcore Kids


i'm convinced e town haters never gave them a serious listen. genuinely great riff writing with easily one of the best hardcore drummers of their era. ant has a great voice too. yeah it's a little corny but show me a band who isn't. people hear one second of rapping and go "this is numetal 🤓" and ignore everything else going on


Some good, some not so good


I figure the rapping may be what divides people in terms of their actual songs.


Mostly just his use of the n word. I grew up loving Etown and it still hits, but that wasn't ok then and is unthinkable now


I had to look this up lmfao I cannot believe this is true. I used to wonder if a white artist would ever be dumb enough to use the n-word and TIL there is a band from jersey who dress like Italian kids from season 2 of the sopranos who did it 20 years ago. Maybe the dude is Dominican or something?? This blew my mind.


You never heard of Ill Bill the rapper necros brother? Surprisingly was pretty accepted in hip-hop by people like Sean Price despite being most famous for a very controversial song title in 2008. His newer stuff is less shock filled and pretty good but yeah it's bad to be known for that he did a split with the thrash band Ghoul.


And how could we forget his brother Necro. When people would say how obscene Eminem's lyrics were I would be like oh just wait till you hear this lovely ballad called Your Fucking Head Split or perhaps Dead Body Disposal, good times


RIP Sean P. Duck Down put out some amazing real hip-hop records.


It literally was the downfall of E Town… They wanted to be making that Limp Bizkit money. Martini actually doubled down on keeping the n bombs on the record when the big labels came around…..I still have my orig copy of TIME2SHINE with the Caucasian n bombs 😂


Wow this entire time I thought he was at least half black. Wow lol




Same question was asked in the numetal subreddit recently. I like them. Probably heard The Renaissance the most out of all their work but Time To Shine is a classic too.


>*Same question was asked in the numetal subreddit recently* Unsurprisingly


one of the best shows live i ever seen, filled with hate 2009, guys moshing in suits and crowd killing


Got me through hard times.


Hard times build character, so I’m told.


Word is bond


You can’t take me outta hard times But you can’t take hard times outta me


Loved these dudes when I was younger. They were a product of the times. Dudes went hard in both styles.


Gridiron for boomers


Teddy is the nicest guy, he’s an elementary school principal in Elizabeth


Yeah, I remember someone saying he was in the education system. I think at the time they said he was like a history teacher.


If people can let themselves get past the n word and 90’s style, the lyrics are heartfelt, thoughtful, and intelligent while also being heavily wignorant. Ant is a better than average MC and frontman. Their rhythm section alone is heavier than most copycat drop B chug chug beatdown shit. They could and should have been bigger. A lot of people don’t get it but that’s ok.


I would honestly have to agree, and probably couldn't have said it better. They were definitely not a bad band especially for the times. There weren't many other bands that could/ did really compare to or pulled off that style or the 'rapcore' or whatever you wanna call it. Their shows were pretty high energy and whatnot too. I saw em probably 5 or 6 times over the years and never had a problem with them. Time 2 Shine seemed like it was a pretty popular record, at least promotion/ sales wise. It wasn't uncommon to see that CD on the various distro tables at shows, or inside the pages of the bigger zines either. I got no beef with these cats.


Booked them a few time out here in PA. Always brought me a nice crowd. Had a friendship with them even Anthony n his wonderful personality 😆. Time To Shine is my shit..


Was Anthony a pain? Curious


Nah,not to me.He liked to bust balls you just had to give it back.


Anthony was always super nice to me


Time 2 shine!


They opened for Cold As Life in Detroit in the 90s, and suddenly their tough-guys-from-jersey atittude- was squashed real quick.


E town played the first hardcore show I went to at an arcade in jersey in 2000. They played with onekingdown and nj bloodline (maybe sworn enemy too?). I wish I remembered more of the show, but I remember hearing OKD for the first time and most of the e town set. So much ignorant mosh. I think people ripped the sinks out of the bathroom walls too, so that was pretty much the end for that venue. I can’t deny they were one of my favorites. Time 2 shine, second coming and the EP still get regular play from me (especially over the last few years) along with some of the renaissance too. I used to bump into them at shows while out with my friends, and they were always super nice to us while we tried to pal around with em.


LMAO, Sportsworld in Paramus. I think their first and last show.


Haha, surprisngly I think they had a bunch. I think Earth Crisis and Madball played a show there too. Used to have an Excess DB flyer floating around somewhere.


You might be right. I'm pretty sure that was the last at least. Some wannabe meat head toughs from my school tried mixing it up with some hardcore kids in the pit at that show and got throttled.


Was that the big fight during E town?! I remember half the venue felt like it cleared out. I was brave enough to jump to the front and sing along after all the big dawgs went outside lol


I believe there was maybe a flare up during One King Down and another big one during E Town. But yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it.


Sportworld lasted for 3 shows. The room it was in there originally had no specific legal capacity, there was only a capacity for the entire complex. The morning of the E-Town show, the fire department came and decided with was now like 600 capacity. There was about 1000 tickets already sold. The Sportsworld manager was the drummer from the band Trixter, and he basically said "go for it, and I guess this is the last show here" I decided to tell people we could do shows anymore because someone stole a block of expensive cheese that was for a Bar Mitzvah there the next day. And to this day, I'll still run into people that believe the cheese story. All this will be in my eventual book.


Nj Bloodline r godz


The best description I ever heard was " E-Town Concrete is hardcore for people who like football."


That’s Gridiron


Nah, ten yard fight


Line of scrimmage


Move the Chains Nosetackle


The mantle has been passed


These guys and 40 Below Summer. They had a strange vibe but i liked it.


The shows were super fun, it was the closest I could get to seeing limp Bizkit lol


I got no problem with this band, they're ok. Not my thing at all. But what I find funny is I know several hardcore dudes that back E Town and any other rap metal band, but don't actually like rap music (or, in some cases, hate it). That's so incredibly sus to me. If you listen to rap metal, and not rap, I can't help but think you might be a white supremacist. Not saying that's always true, just a vibe I get. It's big ass "well my favorite basketball players are Larry Bird, Bob Cousy, Luka Doncic and Dirk of course!"


Time 2 shine is fire tho.


> I know several hardcore dudes who like onions on their burger or sandwich, but they don't eat whole onions. If you like the taste of onion, but don't eat straight onion, I can't help but think you might be an alliumphobe. Not saying that's always true, just a vibe I get.


Agreed! I'm sorry, but if you enjoy Jersey meathead dropping N bombs in his struggle bars, but not actual rap music, that's a very sus opinion to have.


It's not 'sus' to like elements of one thing but not like the entire package. Call people white supremacists because they're actually white supremacists, not because they like E Town Concrete but not straight rap lmao


If you’re into E Town that doesn’t mean you’re a white supremacist but if you’re a white supremacist, there’s a good chance you’re into E Town


Yall just trying to call anyone a white supremacist. Take a look in the mirror.


Ok but my man: Martini was behind that insanely whack AI rapper FN Meka who was cancelled because he was a deeply negative stereotype of black people cooked up in a lab by white guys. Moreover, the guy liberally uses the N word in his incredibly weak rap lyrics. There's a pattern, I'm just saying. Another dude in this thread said the E Town show he went to brought the Neo Nazis out. I'm just saying lol


Lol you’ve never been to an e town show and neither has that loser, I’ve seen neo Nazis get their wigs split and beat up out into the parking lot at E town shows


I'm not saying he isn't but listening to any band doesn't make you a W.S.


Does that mean that one can listen to a band full of white supremacists with lyrics surrounding white supremacy without being a white supremacist in your eyes? I think you should reevaluate your statement lol


Literally nothing about the band is white supremacist, you just need something to be angry about because you’re young and haven’t been around real Nazis. I know being an activist and taking a stand against a moderately popular band from 20 years ago gets you all hot and bothered, but there’s always nuance and context. Go to any hood on the East Coast and you’ll find people, white, black, and brown, all using the n word with each other, doubly so 20 years ago. It might not necessarily be right, but it’s the truth.


virtue signals left and right with these jokers lol


I wasn't calling people who like E. Town but not straight rap white supremacists, I'm just saying that having the specific opinion feels motivated by something other than subjective preference or matters of taste. And frankly, if you have that opinion, I really gotta know why. I gotta know why you get hype listening to Martini spit his clunky struggle bars, but are turned off by actual hip hop.


Say struggle bars one more m'fing time bro, ONE MORE F**KING TIIME LOL


You have fun bumping that trisomy rap


show me on the doll where ant money hurt you


You're corny


says the guy who has said “struggle bars” multiple times in this thread and trying to really shove your views down other people’s throats. fuck outta here


I stated an opinion, people responded, I responded. That's called a conversation.


I mean, Bird was one of the absolute greatest to ever do it, and was stated as such by most of the people he played against, including Magic Johnson. Michael Jordan even picks him as the best small forward in NBA history.


Damn straight over the head


Nah, I get what they’re saying. If someone said to me “I love basketball, my favorite players are Bob Cousy, Luka, J Kidd, and Dirk of course!” I’d side eye it a bit. My point is that even as a white player you gotta put Larry Bird as an outlier here cause he was that good.


What do Dirk, Bird, Doncic and Bob Cousy all have in common?


I get that their all white, I’m just trying to say that out of all of those white players maybe Bird is the one outlier to the list.


Love it




People in this thread will say they don't like E-Town but then go and listen to Lionheart


I didnt think anyone actually listens to LionHeart either. Just kidding. E town is the band people love to hate on but if they were around in 98-2000 they most certainly would understand the appeal. They’re not bad and def deserve respect for the work they’ve put in over the years, imo


Well I have time 2 shine tattooed across my neck so yeah


I love e town but my unpopular opinion is made for war is their best album.


im late to this party, but id put time 2 shine over it by a smidge. made for war is one of those once-a-decade albums.


I’m definitely more a Second Coming guy, but that album was decent.


Pariah fucking goes. Love that song.


E Town reminds me of Bruce Springsteen where people from New Jersey absolutely love them and I just never got into it.


New York’s ok if you love saxophones…


I'm 35 from and i think i discovered E town when i was in about 6th right so right around y2k - 2001 at the time i was into early KoRn and coal chamber and wu tang and biggie and shit like that... i think my friend's older bro put us on Necro not long after that... yikes. ​ YO - as a middle schooler i didnt even suspect that the front man was white. then i thought at last one member of the band was black. idk. 'they got away with it' but it's like the same sentiment with NEcro... I would not confront that white devil and say hey man, you actually cant say the N word outside of your immediate card holding perimeter... He's rip my breasts apart n digest my heart... whaa- ​ i still fux with only a handful of tracks. That time for me, having a band from E town NJ where i was spending summers, was so fucking cool to me. about manipulation and betrayal and lets face it "punch the wall" kyle teen angst all that shit at that time... sheesh.. ​ ive been feelin tf out of dirty-jerz lately on some friendship break up shit. as soon as i comment, im going to continue breaking the track into stems and doing some rendition edit of it... artistically removing the n word though just bc i can do ya thing baby, continue to shine chowda!


Best hip-hop-metal-HC band to do it IMHO. I still listen to em , blasted time 2 shine and dirty-jersey this morniung


I show Time 2 Shine to every five-finger-death-punch-type listener I know. They usually love it.


I feel like they could've used the n-word like, at least 7 more times per album.


Oh bro AT LEAST 7 times...probably more like 10-15 times


Eeeeeeeee town!


Never been my thing


The singer planned to stab the touring guitarist because he didn’t say good morning to him. Then the touring guitarist went home and made 100 YouTube videos about it. That was funny as shit. The band has my full support that was awesome.


Bruh thats concrete dream. A new band. Stop with the misinformation.


Really, hahahahhaa I retract my statement, are concrete dream a hardcore band?


They're a numeral band. Lmao I grew up with the stabby guy. He's pretty cool.




Id comment but people would just downvote you for having an opinion that doesn’t align with theirs. Your favorite band sucks


Does he still say the n word at his shows now?


I love it


Love it


just listen to Dog Eat Dog or Biohazard.


Can't say I loved all their stuff but some of it has stood the test of time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sVN4sAQx2E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sVN4sAQx2E)


E-Town cool to me back in 1997 for exactly 2 weeks until I realized they were in fact, terrible.


Just awful.


Piss drinking can never be gangsta.


I saw them with Incendiary. I didn’t like them prior to the show and my feelings changed not after. Never been a fan.


I’ll never forgive them for being a surprise add-on at a show and taking 30m from Shai Hulud. That and it just sounds like Fred Durst too-cool-try hard vocals with a boring backing metal band. That and they stamp how “authentic” they are in all their bio pages. Just screams suburban white trash.


if you’re crying over shai hulud having their set time cut into by an actual good band i feel for you


Not as good as Limp Bizkit but I still rock with it


Music for numetal fans that prefer to say they’re hardcore fans. So, so bad.


Kinda fun for a few songs, most albums are pure skips.


I heard a little bit of their stuff earlier, actually. I think someone brought them up in a thread about white hxc guys saying the n-word (lmao). They’re pretty corny. They’re just one of those early 2000s rap metal bands that just got out there too late to be on time with trends. Their frontman can actually flow, but at the end of the day it still just sounds like shit that you’d hear in the background of a Fast and Furious knock-off circa 2005.


thought they were absolutely garbage in the 90s, haven't been bored enough to listen again since


Culture vultures. Enabled lots of swag-ganking suburban/not tough white kids. These guys and Eminem, of course. ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


I don't care where you're from or how you grew up. If you're white, you have no business dropping n-bombs in your original lyrics.


Imagine being from a neighborhood where no one has ever corrected your behavior or given you any reason to think you shouldn’t. In the line of work I do I meet a lot of people from predominantly black neighborhoods and a lot of the white guys in those neighborhoods go there whole lives being called the n word and calling their friends it bc they are living in that culture. The first middle class white guy they meet telling them it’s bad has never once changed their mind. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong or advocating for anyone to say it or not say it, but no one has ever sounded morally higher than anyone else by making blanket statements about dumb shit like that


Getting downvoted by a bunch of borderline racist white bros that probably wear flat bill hats. Feels bad man.


i saw E Town at the TLA in like 2002 or 2003. it was a really good show. my buddy was into them, not so much me. not that i disliked them, i just wasn't one of their fans. a couple of their songs remind of some times driving around in my friend's car in high school, so there's some nostalgia despite not being a fan.


I loved em when I was a kid


Just found them a few months back. Not typically into their style of HC, but listening to Baptism by them has been really causing me to branch out even more within the scene. I love it.


Fck this guy and his mandibles


I was cheesing so hard during their set at Furnace Fest last year. So many memories brought back up from that set. Player songs I never thought they’d play in that setting that I love.


I messed with “Mandibles” a little bit..but overall wasn’t really for me


Love them.


Every once in a while I’ll feel the need to listen to them. Go-to tracks are Mandibles and Phoenix.


“4 the Fame” and “Dirty Jer-Z” are major go to ones for me.


lord of cowards in here, also yeah i fuck heavy with e town but that’s beside the point


Time to shine still makes me wanna mosh thru a brick wall


I remember them lol. In my darkest hour


I remember listening to a lot of these dudes, Dog Eat Dog, and Vietnom for a few months in highschool mid-2000s. Still spin DeD every so often. The other two not so much.


Love em


They are the coolest band ever


E Town is for the real ones.


One of the most unique and overlooked bands in hc.


Jersey Love




There actually cool and like if hardcore wasn’t so woke now days they’d still be cool to like they use to be pretty popular


I found out about them a few years ago and was instantly interested and started asking everyone I could if they knew about them ahaha


https://preview.redd.it/escl2wyrrota1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84da6d99a56880a6fdb9ff542d5e4361c799211 I love them.


Still listen to them at 43.


One of the first bands that got me into hardcore when I was growing up in Staten Island in the late 90s. I go back home anytime they do a show.