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I’ll fuckin’, I’ll fuckin’ lay your nuts on the dresser, and bang them shits with a spiked fuckin’ bat. BLAOW.


I’ll fuckin hang you by ya fuckin dick off the 12 story building out this motherfucker…  Rae kinda lost it what that one lol


Keep feeding you and feeding you and feeding you and feeding you.


YO roll the dice man, roll the dice!




The only thing I don’t get is why a slam band is talking about their lyrics like I can make out a single lyric in any slam song


Yeah agreed! I can tell they’re political have a lot to say but they don’t have lyrics anywhere that I know of. Bummer


They don't even write lyrics LOL KK admitted that. It's just the overall meaning of their music


Oh really? Fair enough Haha I guess I can dig that


Yeah he said that in a recent interview I can't remember which


Can't hate. Good entry-level slam band for the new jacks. Catchy as fuck. Good mastering. Anti-war aesthetic pumps hard. Made by an autistic guy in his parents basement - sick.


If anyone here is looking for some good underground slam, I recommend Short Bus Pile Up and Dripping. Both made a single album, both are on Spotify, both are amazing.


Short Bus Pile Up??? Did you just insult the entire sub


Dripping is a great album


I like dumb shit and dudes having fun




Smooth those brain wrinkles out with some Torture.


they fuckin rule


They are fun, and their live shows crush. But yeah, I’m not 100% sure why they popped off like they did randomly. lol


Because lots of cool bands and labels co signed them and shared their music. Also they’re cool guys and their music is cool. Good bands blow up fast nowadays because theres a lot of eyes on hardcore


got the bryan garris and isaa co-sign when interviewing for revolver mag... pretty much the biggest reason


I remember that interview and thinking, "oh hell ya new music time" so I went to Spotify and what the fuck man I had such a bad time listening to that.


Makes no sense how they’re being billed over some of the bands they are.


I saw they’re billed pretty high on the KL record release show in KY, maybe it’s only because Bryan and Isaac really fw them. I thought their album was cool but I wasn’t absolutely in love, but if I were KL doing a hometown record release I’d want the show set up how I envision it, know what I mean?


They’re the only band on that knocked loose show that isn’t local technically


Bryan Garris gave them a shout out in an interview. Maybe I’m missing something from before then, but that’s the first time I heard of them and they’ve been all over the place since.


Because moshing to slam and death metal under the context of hardcore is way more fun


I’m not a huge metal fan. I prefer my hardcore punk. I like some death metal, not really knowledgeable on slam. But here’s why I think Torture is special: 1. interesting vocal technique that makes it off putting at first and grows on you. I think the cricket sounding vocals made me turn it off at first, but then i kept going back and it’s interesting. It’s a band that grows on you … 2. everything about the band on paper sounds unlistenable, yet, i get the sounds stuck in my head. That dude was able to craft some legit catchy songs … 3. political messaging and overarching themes in the releases make Torture less a band and more of a project. It’s more meaningful than a standard band so that’s why hardcore kids connect with it… 4. Heavy.


The vocals are really not interesting though, there's been frog vocals since the 90s with bands like Demilich....


Again… i don’t know shit so I may be all wrong. But it seems different to me from my listening. Even among slam and grindcore, there’s usually variation. I could be wrong though.




Not skilled at all. He’s good at the other instruments tho




Ad hominem, *yawn*


Soul-crush, mind-melting, technical, avant-garde, & grooving slam death metal. Anti-war ethos. Frog vocals. What's not to like?


The frog vocals :/


I love them.


Yeah, I am struggling to think of a band who's vocals I dislike more. But I've seen live footage and the guys actual vocals are pretty good.


I never heard of em so went to listen to them. Thought I blew the speaker on my work computer or something lpl


Technical? Avant garde?  What am I missing? I heard them and it was nothing but palm muted chugs for the entire song. 


The drums are what stands out to me. Especially the orchestration and phrasing on the fills. They don't always land where you expect them and that makes it interesting.


A guy writing a slam album in his parents basement isn’t avant-garde. So anti war they make money off of it!


Absolute worm brain mentality. Do you have any idea how much money he could possibly be making? If you think it’s a lot, you are a moron People love music but call a musician sellout as soon as they make a wage off their effort.


On one hand, I'm selfish and want to keep bands I like to myself and not blow up. On the other, though, it's definitely a hell yeah moment when they get the money and fans they deserve. Well, that and I'd sellout in a second lmao


No I didn’t say ole boy was getting rich or nothing, relax boss. I didnt call em sellouts either.


“So anti war they’re making money off it!” You are one of the dumber folks on this sub straight up


Ur real touchy bout this band. They ain’t ur friends bro


I just took that description off their bandcamp, cornball. "Torture" could also describe your current mental state, struggling to understand why you don't like popular thing and rationalize how you are better for not liking popular thing.


Sorry bro I’m not well versed in the torture bandcamp lore. Get over yourself


“A band I don’t like is blowing up oh my god how could this happen let me post about it on Reddit” Do you see how you look here?


the "a band I don't like is blowing up" part is me whenever I browse the metalcore sub, yeah.


The less time I spend hating bands the better my life is in general. I don’t need to know shit about sleep token I don’t like them and that’s fine.


sleep token is actually a very fitting name for that band


I don’t get the Sleep Token hype at all.


Just cause I don’t like something doesn’t mean I can’t be happy for someone getting paid off of it. I just think it’s weird how alotta y’all mfs like worship these dudes.


You’ve offended the young heads who think they’ve discovered a super secret


Tiktok newjacks just think hardcore is when CHUG CHUG CHUG and you flail around in the pit while the singer tells people to "turn someone into a wedge salad".


Yea and in turn those kids are flocking to shows. Show turnout is the best it’s been since the early 2000s when everyone considered bands like As I lay dying, from autumn to ashes as hardcore I know twitter and some on this sub hate the new kids mostly cuz they don’t mosh like the cool kids do, but I’m sure the bands are stoked to see huge turnouts at their shows.


Nobody and I mean nobody but maybe high schoolers ever considered as I lay dying and from autumn to ashes hardcore.


Yes they did. Underoath too. Hell our scene would mosh to anything resembling a breakdown. We used to get winds of plague tours before they signed to century media and they would bring the funeral pyre with em. The funeral pyre is a black metal band but our scene would mosh hella crazy to their sets. This was early 2000s when every local show would be packed. 250-300 kids for a local show.


…were you guys in high school? Breakdowns =/= hardcore.


Yea no shit Sherlock lmfao but that’s the way it was back then, even for metalheads. Soon as a breakdown would hit “get that hardcore shit out of here” Now a days people think 200 stab wounds is hardcore. That’s my point. I know AILD isn’t hardcore but back in the early 2000s when people didn’t give a fuck if it’s tr00 hardcore or not they would flock out to shows regardless because there wasn’t some fool pissing and moaning about tr00 hardcore lol


Hey man, because you guys in whatever scene were all wrong for however many years does not mean everyone else thought like that. That's all I'm saying. I think you guys are unique in your thinking. Those aforementioned bands were Hot Topic bands. Mixed bills existed. Heavy bands played with heavy bands but there were still genres. I'm not even trying to be a genre stickler. Lumping those bands in with hardcore in New England would have got you made fun of. Early 2000's were certainly something. Lots of deathcore/hardcore mixed bills around here at that time. As a side note, early-ish Underoath rocked. TOCS is still a banger. Keep on rockin', Frankydie. Have a good weekend dude.




Did Jesus tell you that?


It sounds good, the slams hit hard and the anti war theme is relevant right now.


Never heard them before but thanks for bringing them to my attention.


How every band blows up: they have music people enjoy and it made its way to the right ears of folks who wanna promote it


because it’s fun


I think torture is cool. Final resting place is also cool


I'm so obsessed with Final Resting Place


Very cool riffs and snare


Entire drum mix is crazy, thumpiest kicks I've ever heard


Every time I hear them I think, this is music dudes in bands write at practice waiting for the singer to show up


God they suck so fuckin bad.


Idk I fucking love Torture, it’s so thought out yet so stupid at the same time, it has a great message behind it and it’s built for dancing, got to see them at Ephyra and it was probably one of the best sets of them, trying to see them a 2nd time hopefully.


Man, I don't get it.  If every part is a mosh part, than no part is a mosh part.  I certainly don't need a 30 minute set of 6 minute songs consisting if a technical slam riff played at varying slow tempos. It's like making a 90 minute montage and calling it a movie.  And nobody better talk to me about the intense classical music influences, how its not meant to be listened to but "experienced", or deep and impactful anti-war sentiments being what makes it amazing, because I don't buy it. I hate war, grew up playing more classical music, and am best in person, but that doesn't make my music remotely listenable.  


Slam is modern hc. Get ya some And1 basketball shorts or forever pose.


Torture Good


Not sure how to put it, but I could swear sometimes they intentionally deviate from the expected downbeats and upbeats, not sure if it’s even a different time signature or what’s going on but some parts are pretty confusing to even to just bop your head to, still very heavy in a way though? Makes me wonder how they can possibly memorize and perform their songs. Definitely talented guys. Also most of their first sets were filmed and people went absolutely nuts in the pit, the YouTube hits probably had a lot to do with the initial hype


Torture is blowing up…?


View the vocals as an instrument and enjoy those dope ass breakdowns


Infectious Jelqing has entered the chat


Instrumentals are sick, vocals are fucking awful. But people unironically like bands like Gutalax, I think some people just have a tolerance for bullshit vocals.


Gutalax fucks, how dare you


Are they sick? I’ve listened a few times just feels like normal bedroom slam to me.


It’s nothing special, but it’s definitely something I could see myself enjoying if they didn’t have deliberately stupid vocals over them


This band fucks that’s why they blew up


No one in that band has ever fucked and you know that cmon now




There's really not even riffs though, its just chugging breakdowns for literally the whole song. Thats fine if thats your thing, but there's really no riffs to be heard here.....


Slam used to be considered a fucking joke of a music back in the 2000s


no it wasn’t it’s always been dope


I can respect some slam bands cause they actually work hard and are good musicians. Can’t say it’s my fav tho


Im still convinced the knocked loose dudes promoted them as a gag.. lol they're unlistenable imo


I’ll agree that when I checked out their album it just wasn’t for me, but from what I’ve seen of their shows it’s wild. They’ve earned their spot




I like the record quite a bit but it took me several listens to really appreciate it. Someone told me to look at it the way I do drone metal. Completely changed my perspective. That said it does feel weird how big they blew up. I also don’t buy the industry plant stuff. No one is gonna plant a guy doing the fucking frog voice even in metal.


I don’t think someone should have to tell you how to interpret music for you to like it. Let’s face it, it’s just not good and that’s ok.


I thought you were talking about the Weekend Nachos 7”. Have never heard of a band called Torture.


Playing with them on the 21st with Hoods. So fucking pumped for this one.


Torture? I think that’s pretty inhumane. No way I support that in any way.


Music is pretty fucking dumb, but I don’t mind dumb every now and then. The vocals are fucking comical. If it’s supposed to be a meme then fuck yeah. Sounds like some ambient forest cricket sleep music with boring chuggas.


Torture fuck. Plain and simple.


“Yeah so what I learned how to burp my ABC’s in elementary school too”


Found them on accident a while ago and while it all tends to mesh together it’s at least a fresh take on slam. Super super simple riffs combined with super spicy syncopated drums, plus a vocalist that nails those parts + the vocals live is impressive.


Just listen to sum capital H and you’ll understand that it’s just not the same type of music. Real deal hardcore has always been where it’s @


Torture fuckin' rules, I've listened to 4 daily for weeks


I grew up nerding out to Devourment 🤷‍♂️ It’s just fun it’s not rly that deep brother


Imma be honest I'm not a huge fan of them (I prefer more up tempo slam) but KK just makes flat out amazing music. Even if I don't listen to them I can't help but to respect what he does with it. He also make modern slam that is wayyy different than most drop tuned memory gangster slam. It's something unique and cool, which is needed rn


the vocals are fuckin awful lol but the rest rips


Torture go hard I'm a massive Slam fan so I love the band


Can someone explain the vocals to me? Are there lyrics? Just noises?


Think of the vocals as a percussive instrument Man, some of y’all on this sub are like my parents when I first got into cannibal corpse in high school. “This scream death crap you can’t even understand what he’s saying”. Who cares. It slaps. If you don’t think so, that’s cool, find something you like. I think kaonashi and knocked loose sound like steaming hot dog shit so I just avoid it. That simple.


My brother that was quite the reaction to an honest question. With acts like Cannibal Corpse I feel like I can actually understand them. With Torture I think the riffs are dope but the vocals just kinda ruin it. Still cool and unique though, just not really my thing.


Apologies, wasn’t really even directed at you, your the last comment on the thread and the thread is full of whack takes. It’s a slam band, not surprised a bunch of people in the hardcore sub don’t fuck with it. There are people in death metal circles that don’t fuck with it either. It’s not really casual listening, either ya get it or you don’t 🤷‍♀️


Torture’s sick if it’s your introduction to slam. If it’s not, it’s fairly boring…


They’re fucking awful, stop making excuses for their butt cheek vocals.


White guy crying about Palestine clip I see on Twitter feed a million times to an audience of white people pretending they actually care about Palestine to feel included.


What shitty corner of the internet taught you this weak brained cynicism?


Yeah yeah I get it fuck Israel free Palestine spinkick repeat