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No one dislikes Rage's ST


Even conservative shitheads who don’t understand any of the lyrics.


But what DOES the band name means?????


Toaster burnt my toast


Printer is low on cyan


Error 404 File Not Found


Elon Musk with Ai on an iPhone in a Tesla.


They’re frustrated with their printer!


When did they become so political?!?!?!?!


My PS5 crashed and I was about to get a Victory Royale


They love it more than anybody.


I liked them before they got all political


Im pretty sure theyve been politcal from the jump!


Really? You think they would have at least hinted at that in the name or something.




We understand the lyrics. It just doesn’t matter that much to us. Guitar makes cool sound.


How can "conservative dickheads" be expected to understand the lyrics when Rage doesn't even get them? They sat silently by while the worst government overreach in my lifetime was happening. They were cool with the hypocrisy from government officials going out while the rest of us were locked down. They did not speak up while small businesses were being crushed and special rules were being made to help big box stores stay open. Maybe they understood what they stood for years ago, but Covid fear destroyed their brains and turned them all into good little government obeying bitches. ... and don't bother with any "my grandma died" bullshit. Anybody who took over a year to understand that you can't hide from a virus is just a dumbass.


Shut the everloving fuck up you dork ass loser. 


Dude, no way you replied to a comment about conservative dummies not understanding Rage with what you said. 😂 The internet is truly a special place lmao


Case in point ⬆️


Wait. So being against fascist and totalitarian Covid policies makes you a conservative? Interesting mental gymnastics you’re performing. The government and Phizer don’t give a fuck about you or your health. Don’t do their bidding for them.


Go ahead and explain which Covid policy was Fascist. Please make sure to cite an academic definition of Fascism so we can be sure there are no “mental gymnastics” occurring.


Federal vaccination mandate for businesses of over 100 employees. Forcing an experimental vaccine on people because pharmaceutical corporations (and defense contractors) actually run the government. And their corporate owned media mouthpieces to push their propaganda. Which is the definition of fascism. How many vaccines did you get, anarchist?


You ~~forgot~~ chose not to cite an academic definition of fascism. Probably because you are aware of your own misuse of the term. Let’s refer to scholar Stanley G. Payne. He defines fascism by focusing on three concepts: 1. "Fascist negations" – anti-liberalism, anti-communism, and anti-conservatism. 2. "Fascist goals" – the creation of a nationalist dictatorship to regulate economic structure and to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture, and the expansion of the nation into an empire. 3. "Fascist style" – a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth, and charismatic authoritarian leadership. [Source](https://books.google.com/books?id=_wNBDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA9#v=onepage&q&f=false) Now which of these do you think describes vaccine mandates?


"Vaccine mandates are fascism" is so fucking funny lmfao. Is sending your kid to school fascist too?


Proving that you don't know what fascism means isn't helping your case here. You give off the same energy as that [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/s/UtbMeujRiw) of the lady dancing to killing in the name while wearing a thin blue line flag as a cape.


You’re correct that they don’t give a fuck about us. You know what they do give a fuck about? Getting the economy started back up and getting back to making money. So yeah, I’m pro vaxx but I also understand that the main reasoning wasn’t because the government cares about me, it’s because they wanted everyone to get back to work. The craziest thing about you guys is that sometimes you’re totally on point but your reasoning is absolutely insane. Like the Q idiots that are completely right about elites controlling the world… but Trump is gonna be the one to save us! He’s literally one of them smfh


You didnt get vaccinated, and you didnt weak a mask


My employer at the time was forced by the United States Federal Government to require Covid vaccination of all employees. The governor of the state I live in passed legislation that forced these companies to allow unvaccinated employees an exemption policy. So because I decided not to take an experimental MRNA vaccine I had take get a stick jammed up my nose once a week and wear a mask for my entire 10 hour shift. While my vaccinated co-workers didn’t have to do either one. I am an “essential” worker. I work in manufacturing and worked through the entire pandemic. And oh yeah, never tested positive for Covid a single time before I quit and found a better job because fuck working for fascist corporations.


Prolly cuz u wore a mask dude


dude I had to wear one last night when I was fucking your mom


Hope she consented




Man's real mad he didn't get to kill his grandma


Still whining about having to sit inside for a bit all these years later?


You’re talking common sense on the hardcore reddit, you had to know it wasn’t gonna be popular.


I do it for the downvotes. Fuck these chicken shits that can't even begin to understand how offbase they are. They can't even sort out their emotionally driven opinions from fact. "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me... unless it is politically convenient for me.. then in that case I will die on that hill to defend government overreach". I never thought I would see the day when Rage supports government control.


You could still go rub yourself against your lil buddies, they just advised against it. You didn’t even have to wear a mask by law, it’s the business’ individual choices whether they applied the mandate or not. And if the mandates didn’t exist but RATM chose to require masks, would you still think they’re fascists?


Tons of municipalities had mask mandates, but the thing is those shitty masks everyone wore don’t stop the Covid virus from getting through. Unless it’s an N95 it’s useless. If you can still smell a fart the virus can pass through. Forcing everyone to wear useless masks is indeed fascist. Nobody is stopping you from wearing one though. Good luck out there.


Conservatives who don't understand what fascism is is my favorite thing


Liberals who read just far enough to see the words "far right" and then stop trying to understand what facism is is my favorite thing. Liberals who don't understand that the political spectrum is a circle not a line, is my second favorite this. What is your second favorite thing, chief? Being wrong? Let me guess... you think supporting government mandates is not even the least bit facist... because "facism is far right wing".


I'm not a liberal try again. Liberals are also right wing as all of US government is. Fascism is far right, but that's not the reason mask mandates aren't fascist. Trump could've been the one to impose it and I still would be fine with it. Just like speed limits on the road are not fascist and instead they are a guideline as to how to keep yourself and others safe. A fascist would do things like build a wall to keep others out so we can make america great. This is an example of hyper-nationalism (a core part of fascism). Another thing a fascist might do is try to control what information is allowed to be taught in schools (conservative groups who burn LGBTQ books or Nazis burning school books in germany). Another core tenant of fascism is contempt for electoral democracy (one could argue that Trump's response to the last election would fall under contempt for electoral democracy.) I could keep going, but I'm not your poli-sci teacher. Go read up. Also my second favorite thing is when people like you double down on something you have a 3rd grade understanding of.


You keep insisting that vaccine mandates are fascist but you have yet to back it up with an explanation as to WHY they are fascist. Sounds like you know you’re wrong. Here’s a link that you’ll ignore just like you ignored it the first time I presented it to you: [let me know if you need help with any of the big words](https://books.google.com/books?id=_wNBDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA9#v=onepage&q&f=false)


There’s something really funny about conservative and beyond people not being able to spell “fascist”. Actually, it’s funny in three ways


You talking to me numb nuts? Who said I was conservative? “Progressives” who don’t realize they’re fascists are my favorite thing.


Don't say conservative talking points if you don't want to be called conservative idk. Also I would love to hear your explanation of what makes me a fascist


They have every right to require masks. They have every right to be good little boys who support government overreach. They have every right to be lyin' assed hypocrites. I really don't give a shit... but I'm going to point out their hypocrisy. I'm still going to listen to their music and enjoy every minute of it... but it just won't be the same because they have exposed themselves.


Womp womp go cry about masks to the other braindead fox-news mouth breathers who actually care about what you have to say. You're such a whiny fucking bitch ong. It's been 3 fucking years and you trumptard crybabies never fucking shut up about this shit. It's over, masks are gone you can stop crying they won't hurt you anymore.


Did I say something wrong about masks? The ONLY thing I said was that Rage had the right to require them. That is quite the strawman you built, though. And then tore it down with some really well thought out playground razzing! Did you also stick out your tongue at me... because that would really be bad.


“Govern me harder daddy” The official motto of the hardcore scene now


"I'll gaslight and make excuses for you daddy!" It's a weird kink.


this comment has some great meme potential. someone who’s good at this stuff needs to get on that


I just listened to it at work today. That shit is still top notch.


I went to my first HC show in 1986 and I loathe that band. I’ll take Fugazi any day over those clowns


I find it interesting that this was always classified as rap rock/metal and never as post-hardcore - to me it ticks all the boxes. Love this album.


I've always felt like Stanford Prison Experiment sounded like Rage instrumentals with a more conventional post-hardcore vocalist. [Exhibit A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAY2hDWM83M)


Wow, I hate this


Nice, I saw RATM and Stanford Prison Experiment play together in Atlanta around the time of the 96 Olympics.


That didn’t aged well. Just like me


They got popular around the time of numetal and pop culture lumped them all together along with limp, slipknot and SOAD when it reality they are all v different bands.


They predated those bands by like half a decade. Them + faith no more (or some say Mr. Bungle) were the origins of Nu Metal.


A couple years for sure. 3-4 I think. Not that much


Dude fr, as I was getting into bc I kept thinking of this album and how it isn’t classified as some sort of hc. Glad to see this




I did until they got political. All kidding aside, I used to be a big fan, but as I’ve gotten older I’m indifferent. My taste in music has shifted a bit, but I jam out to them every now and then. Know Your Enemy is the best song on the album.


The verse riff to Know Your Enemy is the greatest hardcore riff to never appear on a hardcore record. 


Isn‘t that the song with fucking Maynard James Keenan out of nowhere?


Yep. They’re all friends. I believe Tom and Adam went to school together before moving to LA. Stephen Perkins plays some additional percussion on that song too.




I like everything they’ve done


I remember when it was released and my friends and I were all excited for “Zach’s new band”. We were disappointed and even made fun of it for a while. But we all came around and liked it after opening up our minds a bit. I love the first 30 seconds of every RATM song.


Truly the kings of intros. Great solos too if you don’t watch Tom Morello actually play them


What’s wrong with how he plays?


dudes a weeb, sorry




I feel like I'm going to regret posting this, but I'm not personally a fan. Sorry. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand that it's an iconic album and I get why it's loved by so many people, but RATM just doesn't "do" anything for me.


Same here. Inside Out on the other might be in my top 5 EPs of all time.


There's no way I could've gotten into Rage today. I just happened to come across them when I was 10 years old, and it blew my frikken little mind bro. (I had an older brother, this was early 2000s) It's nostalgic, but I still enjoy it.


It also wouldn’t be original today so it wouldn’t blow your mind. They captured something really unique at the exact right time people wanted it.


I'm glad you weren't downvoted, you simply answered a question. I've always hated threads on reddit where answering an honest question in a manner disapproved by a majority of the users results in insults.


Some people can’t help but get their feelings hurt when they read opinions that differ from their own. They have that reddit mod potential.


I feel like theres a lot of rage fan crossover with primus. We're all just like.. yeah it sucks...but its our suck


I feel the complete opposite but respect your opinion. On paper it’s not the most interesting thing to me, but I listen to and it just lights me up. Don’t know what it is. One of my all time favorites.


Hard Stance or bust


Toms guitar style has aged the same way rap rock did but Brad and Tims rhythm holds up so well. Id be interested to hear your age because i can definitely see it not appealing to a younger crowd.


I'm 39, so I probably just missed the bubble or was too young at the time or something.


Yeah I don't like them either. Rap metal ain't my thing.


Disagree and downvoted because your opinion hurt my feelings


I gave you an upvote as an apology for that


I disagree but upvoted because of honesty


If you don’t like rage, fuck you


It wasn’t bad. I think the frat boy/lunkhead fans killed it for me though. I’ve never seen a group of fans so oblivious to the lyrical content of a band’s music. I think I would have rather had a new Inside Out album instead.


I don't remember any of my friends listening to rage, we were into powerviolence and ebullition/vermiform hardcore. it was the pantera and college bros that were into them.


My recollection as well. We all appreciated that it was Zach, but I didn't know anyone who was into hardcore who actually owned this album at the time.




Same. It was a ‚rock disco‘ type of a record that served as an entry point for many in the generation after mine, just like Nirvana, downset and a bunch of others, never cared too much for it myself though. Not hating it either though, respect the popular appeal without too much musical compromse.


Must’ve been a time and place thing because I knew a buncha kids (myself included) that were primarily into Ebullition and other smaller label/DIY HC bands that really got into Rage when this album dropped. We were all also very into hip hop at the time, too, so maybe that was the bridge.


weird, we are all into wutang, jeru, digable planets, cypress hill, etc. as well. idk.


I like it


All of the rages against the machine albums are classic and they were gateway to hardcore and punk and metal for me. They were probably very influenced by hardcore and punk and are bow very influential.


All their material is top notch. Really got into them when EE came out. Loved BOLA too; some real hidden gems. Renegades too has some great covers


One of the hardest album covers of all time. Don’t really care for the band though.




Wasn’t there internet discussions about inside out making a go of it in 2024?


Yeah. They did/are doing some reunion shows. No Zach though


Umm ofc


Not personally, but I'm not fond of them altogether. But I imagine plenty of us do.


Silly goose, RATM are goated. Wholly unique, pure punk attitude, some of the best lyrics and riffs combined, can't really ask for much more.


This album changed my life in 92.


I didn't like it when it first came out and then after a while I liked it for a little bit. Now I think it's kinda corny and the band lost the perceived integrity they once had.




Musically of course, this album goes crazy Politically, I find this record to be very generic, with a lot of good messages and lyrics but paired with stuff no reasonable person should support (pro-Shining Path, pro-Nation of Islam, etc.) Evil Empire is the superior record by a mile for me, a much more studied more nuanced take with actual details on issues instead of just bumper sticker catchphrases and zine-lifted sentiments. Great songs about life for indigenous Mexicans, personal tunes about identity issues, a grossly underrated feminist anthem ("Revolver"), like it's really too bad this stuff goes over peoples heads because EE is peak RATM.


Easily their best album. Not even close.






I do


Come on.


Fuck yea


Inside Out shout-out. NO SPIRITUAL SURRENDER!


what about the singers hardcore band before ratm


Inside Out or Hard Stance?


Inside Out rocks


Inside out


Zach also played guitar in early Farside too.


It’s a good album


It’s one of those albums I don’t listen too all that often but when I do I know all the lyrics. And while I find Tom Morello insufferable at times he was the reason I wanted to learn guitar.


Being a hardcore kid when this album came out, it was almost surreal. We all knew and loved inside out and saw them quite a few time and we all excited to see what Zach was doing with a major label release. We went and bought the album and had a little listening party at my friends house. It just blew us all away. I went to the record release party and there was a group with signs and stuff saying “don’t sell out” haha. What a time for hardcore!


Love this album and Evil Empire, which to me has better rapping on it. Zach definitely stepped his game up on Evil Empire, but I had S/T on cassette tape and used to play it DAILY. Such a great album.


These guys had no misses, knew when to hang em up, and were perfectly dysfunctional. All the makings of an iconic band.  I can seriously go through every album and find no bad songs or cohesive messes. Way ahead of their time. And would count as hardcore today.


This album radicalized me way back when it first came out. Absolute classic and still as relevant.


Brendan from Incendiary sounds like Zach to me, every time I hear Bite the Hook I think it could work as a Rage song.


Yeah, even if you are deaf and claim to not like the album,you have to respect it for the fact Zach from Inside Out did vocals on it


does this mean I have to respect mindfunk since pat dubar sang on it?


I think this is their best album. After this, they went a bit more nu metal/jump up and down, but this one is a certified banger.


Best of classic rock


Settle for Nothing is one of the hardest songs ever made.


Band: hates corporate ideals Also band: capitalizes every part of their music possible and charges a grand for a ticket


This album changed my life


NGL I dont like any RATM. Their sound just bothers me. sorry not sorry


I don’t care for it. It’s fine but I’d never choose to put it on.


I’ve picked up lots of change to the end of Freedom’s breakdown


I’m a bigger mark for Battle of Los Angeles


I like inside out more!


I loved it as a kid and learned just about every song on guitar but it's not something I ever really come back to. I think it's great, I just don't go out of my way to listen to it like I do for system of a down's self titled




One of the best albums in my life


I definitely don't like anything Zack De La Roca has ever done. Nope. Not at all.


Being 12 when this album came out was literally mind-bending.


RATM has been one of my all time favorites since a was a kid and they still are


The older I get the more I have losses interest in this band as a whole. Still a landmark release though.


This album does not miss


I do


RATM were my gateway band to all things non-pop. Without them it’s possible I’d have never got into metal, then onto hardcore, then onto vegan straight edge and politics in general.




Best. Fucking. First. Release. Ever.


I like Evil Empire better.




This is a hardcore album


Township rebellion has the hardest riff of all time


Incendiary loves it




11/10 album, it's goated


Turnstile certainly did as evident on Nonstop Feeling


Fuck yeah! The best thing my big sister ever did was introducing me to RaTM


Love Rage but when I heard Zach on the Inside Out EP No Spiritual Surrender! Man we could’ve lived in a whole other timeline!


Deff in my top 5 of all time


Everyone loves RATM ST


I was in LA at the time, doing graffiti. Downset were HC kings for vandal kids. Members were in CBS and UTI. Ray dissed Zach for being from San Diego suburbs and wearing pink Polos. Downset did political rap HC first, so our myopic scene didn’t fuck with RATM. I saw them open for Amenity in San Diego (RIP Mike Down), at Iguana’s in TJ and at Lollapalooza. They never inspired my soul. Years later, after Rage, I’d see Zach in restaurants and coffee shops all the time. He’d pull up in his 700 series BMW, reading Chomsky. A couple times I overheard the waiters say, “the rockstar doesn’t like to tip.” Objectively, the music is great. The politics are righteous. Tom’s playing is extraordinary. They have HC roots, but based on the zeitgeist, I’m a hater. I still listen to “Anger” or “Pocket Full of Fatcaps” and went to see Gridiron when another old head said they were the “new Downset.”


I dont like any of their stuff


Hell yeah


My mom got me this, SotD toxicity, and disturbed the sickness on CD in 2008. I was 14 I installed them on my Xbox 360 and would grind gears of war for days listening to all 3 records.


Does a bear shit in the woods? Rage is probably one of the hardest-core non hardcore bands out there


Its aight


It's my favorite album ever


Whole discog, especially *Evil Empire*, is great Rage is a punk band




Yeah, it's weird to me how it gets labeled as metal


There is no one that will admit to not liking this record in this sub. If you do, str8 h8, loozer.


How could anyone not like this album?


Hell yeah. I think it's weird how the hardcore history of the band is constantly ignored. I definitely consider this a hardcore album, it's what made me crave more punk in metal and more heaviness in punk.


If you have to ask, see yourself out.


If you don't fuck with it, you don't fuck with hardcore


If you listen to that dudes riffs you will see that they are not good. Look past the nostalgia. That shit is no good.


If you look past the riffs, bass lines, drumming, and the lyrics, you’ll see this album actually sucks


And don’t take into account all the hardcore bands that are massively influenced by this album. Those guys never knew what was actually good.


Brooooother, no way you just said Tom Morello wrote bad riffs. Dude is the epitome of catchy riffage. Not to mention how creative he gets with experimenting beyond basic pedals.


That shit honks.


Truly 🦆


Shut the fuck up pussy.


How about you eat my shit.


Who in the fuck could like hardcore and not like RATM? There’s just no fucking way.


You don’t really belong in hardcore if you disagree with Rage.


Agree and respect the politics, for sure. But the Venn diagram for Agree/Like are circles on different pages.