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Same issue on ps4


I even just deleted and reinstalled the game and get the same error PS Plus/“You don’t have the privileges to play online”


Pay them their coin. They deserve it.


I’ve been paying them $60 a year, most recently last month. They already have my money, I just want the services that are supposed to come with the money


I believe he meant paying for HLL instead of PS+. Just another thought, what if you purchase the game, do not install it, and ask PS for a refund (should be eligible if you have not yet started the download) . Maybe that'll trigger the license lookup again.


Huh that’s an interesting concept. I got the game when it was released for free on PS Plus in October. I’ll see if it persists and then may pursue this option


Happened to me today I just did the basics and kept trying and forced my way in


I’m having the same issue. I called support, did some troubleshooting steps (restore license, reboot router, enter safe mode and restore defaults) nothing fixed it. They ended up telling me it’s a network issue because their changing the way their subscription service works and to “try again later”. Doesn’t look like it’s something their fixing.


Beyond frustrating. Didn’t this happen in March? And they still can’t fix it…let me know if it starts working for you. I’ve been checking sporadically and still nothing


I don’t know. I barely have time to play. I have two toddlers who take up most of my time. I had a couple hours today for the first time in a while and…this. Pretty frustrating


Similar situation here…hadn’t played in 3 weeks, had a few hours yesterday and boom…can’t play


Any luck for you? I just tried, same thing.


Last checked yesterday. Still no luck, will check later today


Yep still doesn’t work for me


Any luck now?


Yep it worked today for me! Hopefully it’s fixed for you too?


It only worked because all online games were available without ps plus on 28 and 29 May. Now it probably isn’t workingg


My god you’re right…I’m sick of this error. I have PS Plus, I want to play the damn game…


Not sure if applicable to you, but if you shared your account on a different PS5/4 before, go to your accountsettings and set your current PS5 as primary (if not already tried). I've been sharing my PS+ account with my brother and we had something similar back on PS4.


is hard to find that option on ps5, is the one on that say console sharing and offline play. if I go to the app on my phone I can see my old PS4 appears as primary. Do I need to change that there?


I just tried this, but didnt work




The issue continues? I keep having the same problem in my ps4. It never happened in the past.


Been having the issue since this morning on PS4 pro. Active subscription for a year that doesn't expire til June 22nd. I called and was told the same thing: network issue with no time frame for fix. :(


Yep told the same thing on the phone yesterday with them for PS5