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So a doctor did win the Nobel Prize in 2015 for his use of ivermectin on humans. The disease that he was treating was river blindness, a truly horrible ailment that leaves countless people in the Global South, particularly West Africa, completely blind. Ivermectin is a wonder drug in stopping this blight. But what causes river blindness? Flies biting people and infesting them with roundworms. That’s right, ivermectin kills the worms that work their way into their hosts’ eyes and blinds them. Ivermectin is saving countless people from a life of blindness, but it’s doing it by deworming. There are some early studies that show that it might be an anti-malarial too, but remember that malaria isn’t caused by viruses, but protozoa. Ivermectin is a wonder drug, but it’s not a panacea and no reputable study has shown that it can treat COVID.


They’ve been so excited since they found out about that Nobel prize. Like that means it’s automatically good for ANYTHING. Marie Curie got a Nobel for discovering radium, maybe they should scarf some of that and watch their jaws disintegrate.


Can I use a nuclear reactor as a tea kettle? This is the level of logical leap they are going for.


We could probably send their lord and savior to North Korea since Trump had such a beautiful love letter from Kim Jong Un to start.


I’ve been mocking the ivermectin > vaccine crowd openly for months. Yesterday my far right dad said “You know it’s not JUST a horse dewormer. It won a Nobel prize.” Facebook should be illegal at this point.


Ask dad why doesn’t Merck try to market more sales of their Ivermectin for Covid.


comment edited in protest of Reddit's API changes and mistreatment of moderators -- mass edited with redact.dev


You should say "so did Obama." (Not to say that the 2009 Peace Prize didn't feel quite unjustified, but might as well use some short, quippy, not-foolproof takes against them)


Sir, I’m not trying to get murdered and we both know those would be fighting words to him.


Like all of their shitty Facebook posts. Read the headlines and assume the rest.


https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/03/how-we-realized-putting-radium-in-everything-was-not-the-answer/273780/ It was used as a “cure” for all sorts of shit back in the day.


Wait, now they support Nobel? I thought it was bullshit since Obama got an award and they wouldn't give Orange Julius one.


But I’ve seen that plaster casts fix broken bones! Why won’t FAUCHI put himself in a full body cast to protect himself from Covid?!?! I’ma start plastering my face right now.


You mean """Dr.""" FRAUD-Xi


yes “””DOCTOR””” filch-me of my freedoms to buy garth brooks CDs from walmart


I heard he was in league with the Chicoms to invent the Kung Flu, aka the China Flu, aka the Mark of the Beast. You awake yet, brother???


I’m WIDE awake!!! I’m fuckin’ WOKE! Hold up…


*Bet you won’t repost!!!*


Another irony is that someone is almost certainly going to win a Nobel for mRNA vaccines. Too bad he won't live to see it


At least he used it to win the coveted HCA!


I would be surprised if someone *doesn't* win a Nobel prize for mRNA vaccines.


Yeah but that’ll just be some dumbass fake libtard conspiracy Nobel prize, not like the righteous super manly Nobel prize given to the ivermectin guy


But Gawd created those worms especially to blind people. Who are we to interfere with Gawds work?


This is what really made me realize how dumb people in this country are. Yes, something that kills worms will be effective on a number of different types of worms. Worm infection is obviously bad for you. What the hell does this have to do with a virus though? I feel like the people who went down the natural medicine route too hard where everything is advertised as a panacea has made them assume that there is only good medicine that cures everything or bad medicine that doesn’t work and is poison. Like…how has that ever been the case? It’s like turning down chemotherapy because Tylenol cures your headaches so it should fix your cancer too. I just get sad sometimes realizing the state of anti-intellectualism in this country.


I would suggest he ask the recipients of the Nobel Prize whether they think it ivermectin should be used to treat Covid. My guess is they would laugh and say hell no.


At least one of them has. https://www.drew.edu/stories/2021/09/09/drew-university-nobel-prize-winner-refutes-ivermectin-meme/


The citation specifically calls it out as a treatment for roundworms, not “magic pill that will cure all disease“


It’s astounding, these people that go on about BIG PHARMA trying to get us all on their drugs but don’t realize that Merck who sank millions in a failed Covid vax is telling everyone not to take Ivermectin. If it was all some big conspiracy wouldn’t they be preaching the benefits and pushing Ivermectin on us all? So when an expert recommends treatment it’s big pharma, but when your far right echo chamber pushes something it’s a “wonder drug” it’s somehow not tarnished by big pharma? You can’t have it both ways.


If ivermectin were effective, and part of protocol, they would be howling about how doctors are literally treating people like livestock, and forcing big pharma drugs on them that are meant for animals. The point is to be angry, not informed.


It's madness... Post after post of "Do your research" and then he references actual research and gets it completely wrong. These people have co-opted the word "research" and it's depressing.




Also, the horse dose is way more than what these people need even for river blindness. It isn’t formulated for us. Animals are different than us. Duh. But I feel for Jayden. He seemed like a really dumb guy who hates pedophiles and child abuse and just got really brainwashed because he is simple.


His thoughts on child abuse are bizarre. Most of the time it’s kill pedophiles, pretty typical, but when he said that masks are worse than child rape my jaw dropped.


If i was around an adult that tried to say that putting a mask on a kid is worse than raping them, I'd automatically be suspicious of them and what they wanted to do to kids.


I honestly think the qanon fascination with pedos is not some noble thing from people who love kids. I won’t say that they are full on pedos, but I definitely think they are getting the same prurient fascination and arousal about kids being victimized that people get over watching serial killer documentaries. Obviously neither are obsessed with this stuff because they feel so bad for the victims. They’re into it because they want to hear the weird and gruesome details.


And they vote for people who have actually sexually abused minors such as Matt Gaetz and even Trump himself.


Have any Q Anon people been arrested for child porn yet? If it hasn't happened yet, I'm sure it will eventually.


I mean, if you watch that Q: Into the Storm documentary, you’ll find out that the people who are likely Q were hosting porn sites, including with some thought to be child porn or at least adjacent, so I guess it goes all the way to the top.


It's definitely projection. I knew someone by association who was obsessed with Pizzagate and expressed real anger at the sexual abuse of children supposedly at the hands of Democrat politicians. He just plead guilty to having hundreds of images and videos of prepubescent child sexual abuse on all his devices. I won't say the details but really disgusting stuff. He'll be in jail for more than a decade for it and deservedly so.


Those thoughts made my skin crawl. I got “I’m saying this to cover my own ass” vibes. It was gross.


I always get the impression that people who rant about pedophiles are potential Snowtown type serial killers.


Yes this guy had too many creepy comments and observations about children period


The argument that the doctor won a nobel prize is so baffling to me. So what? It was won for a completely different circumstance. Just because a doctor won a nobel prize for their innovation doesn't mean it can be applied everywhere. Or maybe it can and we can start convincing people that lobotomies won a nobel prize and are effective against covid.


His "anti-capitolism" rant on slide 14 is something else. edit: Thanks for the gold!


He was actually within spitting distance of being right about something there.


Yeah I just find it funny he listed companies he deemed "liberal" while genuine leftists have been bringing up employee mistreatment from Disney for years.


And not to mention every trumpy voter loves them some Disney and walmart


It’s almost like… they’re trained, obedient… cattle?


I think the farm animals you might be looking for are sheep. Weird.


Any herd animal will do.


A Big Corporation shoving out a Small Business is peak Capitolism.




r/selfawarewolves was howling howling at him


The fact I get kicked in the nuts every day is not the problem. The foot is the problem. Wake up sheep.


I would reply to him "wait until you learn which economic system brought about those corporations" - but he can't read nor conceptualize anything anymore ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


No, you dont understand. Capitalism isnt the problem. The real problem is capitalism.


Hey guys, it's not capitalism that's the problem! It's the inevitable outcome of capitalism that's the problem!


ArE yOu PaYiNg AtTenTiOn Y3T!?


His bit about the illegality of naturally occurring medicinal plants comes close. I’ll bet dollars to horse-paste that asshole was in favor of the war on drugs.


You know what they say about acting like the smartest guy in the room… Also, you know what they say about dudes who idolize Joe Rogan…


Joe Rogan is Gwyneth Paltrow for men


Coming soon, the Joe Rogan Scrotum Candle


Oh god no! Gwyneth sells her Fanny Candle for $79, I wonder how much for a Joe Rogan Crotch Candle?


If you have to ask you can't afford it.






Thank you! I've been trying to find a quick 2 second description for Rogan that sums up what I find most objectionable about him and this is perfect. At least Paltrow isn't out there trying to con people into believing her jade pussy eggs will cure covid instead of getting the vax, at least not publicly.


The more famous version is: /u/JoeRoganIsGoopForMen


There really is a subreddit for everything!


it's a user 😀


Aw, sad trombone sounds! I really want a subreddit now of all the times Rogan is Goopier than Paltrow 😅


You insult Paltrow's brand of Grifting lumping her in with Rogan.


"Doop for Dullards" by Rogan. One has to picture Natalie Portman running through a flowery meadow of Trump supporters asking "...what would you do for horse paste?..."


Maybe if Joe Rogan had Chris Evan's figure.


And Chris Evan's face. Ok, maybe if he was Chris Evans.


It's fascinating how they ignore that Rogan said he threw everything at covid including saying he had the monoclonal antibody treatment that actually is an FDA emergency approved treatment for Covid. But no, it was definitely the ivermectin that is responsible for guys recovery. Rogan had the money for private treatment, even to getting the correct human ivermectin dosing that the idiots who line up against 'socialism' couldn't even dream of.


What's the deal with these douchebags getting monoclonal antibody treatment, but they are anti-vax? What's the fucking difference? One is lab made mRNA strands and the other is lab made protein strands. Very similar side effects as well. Do they even understand the hypocrisy?


They’re still fucking around when they don’t take the vaccine. By the time monoclonal antibody treatment is an option, they’ve switched course to finding out.


It’s very effective, and you still get to say you didn’t take the vaccine. There’s still a chance Joe got the vaccine but just said he got the monoclonal antibodies so he doesn’t lose subscribers.


Yep. Hell, he might have done both, but I don’t believe he was unvaccinated, because he’s one of the upper-tier grifters now, like Hannity or Fucker. But, much like those guys, he knows his audience and understands they want to hear how good horse paste works, so he’s going to tell them horse paste works real good. They want to be told that they’re smarter than everyone else, and if everyone else says vaccines work, then they must be wrong, because if they’re right, then Joe’s audience won’t have anything to make them feel smarter than everyone else.


Some of these people got it into their heads that the mRNA vaccine is going to rewrite their DNA, and that the vaccine comes with a computer chip.


Some people don't understand 9th grade biology


The same people that claim the vast majority of people are fine without taking anything use Rogan as an example of the miracle of ivermectin. The biggest one is that if you follow their logic - and logic in general - it’s not surprising that Rogan was fine. They love using their bogus 99.8% survival rate so to them that should mean that 998 out of a 1000 people survive covid. Even with real numbers, it’s not like this is surprising or even interesting, other than from a how to get a bigger audience perspective. It was good for Rogan’s popularity too. Which is exactly why he shared it and made sure to tick the boxes for every trending topic. Ivermectin, antibody infusion, vitamins, etc.


Not least of which he is likely fully vaxxed.


That crap about masks being worse than pedophiles is just unreal. If you were to put me in some Let's Make a Deal scenario - "Behind door one, Josh Duggar! Behind door two, a mask!" - well, I think the choice is pretty clear.


But masks kill the soul so they'll be willing to take the mark of the beast, wake up... I don't even know how these things follow from wearing a mask and taking a vaccine. It's not even just some crazy link I can sit back and laugh about, I'm genuinely baffled how they have managed to come to that conclusion.


His nieghbors lost a neighbor. His cousins lost a cousin. His aunts and uncles lost a nephew. Thr list goes on. Yes, Rachel, we get it!!!


I don't. What did his second cousin, twice removed lose?


A FWB, probably.




The GOP lost a voter, etc


Was looking for this comment and am not disappointed. I thought I surely couldn’t be the only one that laughed at what she wrote.


His dentist lost a patient


His mechanic lost a customer.


Infowars lost a viewer.




He was the best Walmart customer I ever had!!


His cat lost its owner. His truck lost its driver.


Hospital gained a new bed.


“All the local businesses lost an asshole customer”


Q lost a follower. Facebook lost some ad inventory. Amazon lost a customer. The state of Florida lost a reptilian intelligence. The list goes on.


And the world lost another reason this damn pandemic won't end.


Rachel, if you needed pray, I got some pray.


And by pray, you mean weed, right?


Prayer Warrior Cookie Glue #5 - hybrid Prayer Warrior, also known as "Michael Flynn" and "Comet Ping Pong #88" is an evenly-balanced hybrid marijuana strain made from a crossing of Sweet Jesus and Tots and Pears. With its balance of indica & sativa, this strain produces a euphoric high accompanied by strong feelings of invincibility. Consumers who have smoked Prayer Warrior say the effects of the strain come on quickly. You'll be left feeling numb to facts, relaxed, but mentally stimulated and eager to post detailed medical information on Facebook. As far as potency goes, Prayer Warrior boasts a THC level of 24%, making it an ideal choice for medical marijuana patients seeking relief for COVID pneumonia, science, and insomnia. Novice consumers may want to approach this THC powerhouse with caution, but those armed with a high THC tolerance and Bible verses will delight in the heavy-handed effects this strain offers. In terms of taste, Prayer Warrior is sweet and features fruity and creamy flavors and aromas.


Okay. You've convinced me. Where do I sign up for this one?


Save the children! Except from COVID.


It’s aggravating because you wouldn’t know he had kids if he wasn’t rambling about controlling them. He posted constant bullshit and never a picture or mention of them unless they made a convenient pawn.


Quiet, sheeple! Wearing a mask is worse than pedophilia, and your Satanic cabal will be exposed! *speaks rapidly in tongues as eyes roll back in head*


You don’t get it it! If the kids die from COVID, they’ll be safe from blood drinking rapists like Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, and Soros. Why do you hate children?!!


[Update: Jaysen’s friend went off about how he was killed by misinformation. More people need to speak up.](https://imgur.com/a/9JoKViw)


Aw shit that made me sad. He lost his buddy twice: once to Q and once to Covid.


Jaysen may have made himself a casualty, but the people who he left behind is the true tragedy in all this.


Goddamn, his friend is so rational.




That is genuinely sad. I’m sorry that this guy lost his friend.


I'd like to see the responses. Were they supportive or dismissive?


Mostly supportive, usually Amen or a sorry [Shit a couple of people really tried it and got referred to us ](https://imgur.com/a/AmiNfqF)


Man kevin wants people to name names and the response is “I’ve heard from a credible source” I feel for kevin. It must be hard to be a sane person surrounded by nut jobs so deep in their own bs they can’t see beyond it, and to then watch your friends die.


Watch your friends turn into nut jobs then die. It would feel like the Twilight Zone


Kevin is (rightfully) pissed.


"Heard from a non biased expert"


From image 4/7: >...why would I need to pay for his funeral if I'm against the vaccine just like he was? Not getting the vaccine didn't kill him...and I don't pay for those who choose not to get flu or pneumonia vaccine...we all make choices everyday...what's best for us and our family...if I choose to get in a car today and die in a wreck would you pay for my funeral bc you didn't tell me to take a bike or drive a different way?!? We make choices, we have free will...but beyond that God is in control and nothing happens outside his will and perfect timing...it wasn't bc of Jaysens choice but yet Gods timing. "Gods timing" provides a suspiciously convenient excuse for their selfishness too.


Jaysen's friend was able to properly use "their", he was clearly way too smart for this bunch. Seriously though I noticed 13 comments are they supporting this guy or is it what we think it is?


My friends wife wouldn’t let him take the jab because they had god in their life’s. I begged him to get it but wife threatened with divorce. She ended up getting infected and infecting everyone in her home. She made it out of the hospital. But yesterday her brother died at 4am, and her mother died at 10am. So sad, I always come here and think these people deserve this. It jus hits different when you people personally.




He's assembling the prayer warriors


yeah if that's the best photo you have of the guy he was just as ugly on the outside as inside.


After reading many post's on this forum I am seeing a pattern here. It's nearly always religious people who fall for misinformation.


Have an entire extended family of deeply religious people. They don't fact check anything, and have been posting/repeating all sorts of nonsense for 20 years. Then they get mad when I fact check and point out their BS isn't true. It always turns into "You and your damn facts", "you have your facts and I have mine", or "we'll just have to agree to disagree". They will NEVER admit they were wrong and are stubborn about the smallest, pettiest things. After 20 years, I'm done arguing with them. BTW - con men love to target religious groups specifically as they are often very trusting if you pretend you are a believer. A small sample: [https://apnews.com/article/6c6e9173cb9be9aa3ca9ce3212c5d645](https://apnews.com/article/6c6e9173cb9be9aa3ca9ce3212c5d645) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2006/09/10/fraud-plaguing-churches-congregants-span-classbankheadofficials-say-billions-have-been-stolen-in-religion-related-scams-in-recent-yearsspan/40cdbab0-e2d5-45bf-9298-c0efd05aa94f/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2006/09/10/fraud-plaguing-churches-congregants-span-classbankheadofficials-say-billions-have-been-stolen-in-religion-related-scams-in-recent-yearsspan/40cdbab0-e2d5-45bf-9298-c0efd05aa94f/) [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/affinityfraud.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/affinityfraud.asp)


Hitchens was right when he said religion poisons everything. You’re right, they don’t fact check anything. In my experience, as long as the information is from someone they trust or has the same worldview, they believe it hook, line and sinker.


Of course religious people fall for misinformation; religion **is the epitome** of misinformation. In fact, by definition, religion is precisely an amalgamation of misinformation lol.


Exactly. Religion is a belief system totally divorced from facts or logic. They already know "the Truth" and seek evidence to support their beliefs after the fact, regardless of how illogical or nonsensical said "evidence" may be. Religion literally encourages people not to question their beliefs or think critically. That is the basis of "faith."


Agreed. However, if you go a little deeper (derper?) it’s the people susceptible to dangerous group think that blindly follow religion, and are now doing the same with covid and q misinformation. I have friends/acquaintances that are not religious (but would be if we lived in an area where steel building churches were the norm) and they fell for the republican, q and now anti science shit hook, line and sinker. Bonus: these people are the first to call all of us sheep and followers. The projection is a symptom and defense mechanism - presumably handed to them by god /s. My brain hurts just thinking about it. Edit: grammar


The fact that the Q motto is “where we go one we go all” and then they have the nerve to call US sheep is mind boggling


Oh my God. That needs to be a meme. A bunch of sheep with the tag line, “Where we go one we go all.”


The shit grammar in their stupid motto really irritates me.


I just though it was fat white assholes with goatees who wear oakleys. For the record, I’m a fat white. *vaccinated misanthrope* with *a beard* who can’t find his sunglasses.


Oh the irony of Christians calling others sheep when one of the top metaphors used for Jesus is "He is my shepherd and we are his flock"


I think it comes from them both being coping mechanisms. The pandemic isn't some random shit happened event if there is some shadowy cabal behind it. That means someone controls it and there is a purpose to it all. The governments and scientists are that powerful they control every aspect of the world. That's how they find comfort over the reality that this virus just randomly mutated for human to human transmission, has travelled around the world, and governments and medical science have had to really scramble to respond to this major threat to life and our way of life. It's the same with religion, if there is some god pulling the strings anything bad that happens has happened for a reason and its all part of some big plan. Not just bad shot happens and you often have no control over when it's going to happen to you.


It would be far far easier to make a list of NON-religious HCA winners…


I think that’s true to some extent. At the same time, one of the reasons you see this is the usa has a lot of religious people, people who are sick become more religious hoping for a miracle for themselves or a loved one, the prayer warrior calls spread the news of their HCA status, and so on. There are plenty of non-religious folks that are antivax as well. It seems to align even better if orange man is their savior.


>It's nearly always religious people who fall for misinformation. You mean people who are indoctrinated into a belief system from the time they're born that encourages them *not* to think critically or question their existing worldview? A belief system that starts with "the Truth" and then seeks evidence to support those beliefs after the fact? Gee I wonder why they might be so susceptible to propaganda and misinformation...


I think most religions are harmful to society in general. How can you expect a person to make well informed decisions when their bedrock beliefs are entirely faith based?


Jaysen was also batshit crazy.


I read elsewhere that the way this sub collects these stories is by searching for “Prayers,” “Prayer chain,” etc.


Congratulations on winning this award jaysen. You totally deserve it for your outstanding efforts in wilful ignorance, you utter utter fucking fuckwit.


Yeah it's one thing to spam reposted memes over and over that they agree with, quite another to take the time and effort to explain in your own words from your own mind the insanity you think is real. In fact I would go so far as to say ...WHOA did you see that?... Never mind, my last fuck just went flying away... So what are you having for lunch today? I'm feeling like I want some French onion soup.


Mmmm... French onion soup 👅😋


You know what? I've never had French onion soup. I might seek it out tomorrow.


What won 2003 nobel in medicine? Magnetic resonance imaging Not sure how that has any relation to corona virus but it did...


Egads! You've found the cure!


YES. I underwent an MRI recently, so I'm cured of Covid now!


Recent studies show being put in Facebook jail or being banned are associated with a higher mortality rate. Source: other Facebook memes




How do you know they aren’t? Zuckerbergs hairline is evil enough to do it


Rachel can’t even spell her husband’s name correctly.


Either that or Jaysen ~~can't~~ couldn't spell his name correctly.


My guess is Jason didn’t want certain people seeing his insanity and spelled his name differently so they couldn’t search him. LEOs do that shit constantly too.


If he was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he wouldn't want others from the religion to see his posts since they're supposed to remain neutral on political issues. Some of the wording he used makes me think he wasn't though.


And as an ex-JW I can say they are not against vaccines or any medical treatment. They do however have dogma's about blood transfusions and abortions. My parents are still members, both in their seventies, and got both inoculations in April and May.


Excellent point that I hadn’t considered before. Nicely done.


Making kids wear masks is worse than raping them? 😡 Wow wow wow wow fuck this guy forever


As a preschool teacher who makes kids wear masks, that slide made me particularly glad Jaysen is gone.


When he was implying it I got mad... But holy fuck when he actually said it. Enjoy death, Jaysen.




Ex-Pentecostal Christian here. Those are flags or scarves, or something similar, he’s using them to worship with. The trick is to dance and wave them about, it’s a way of showing people how much you love Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit. Ideally you do it in the front row so that everyone can see you and be inspired. Truth be told, even amongst the Pentecostal church-goers. These folk are all seen as weird


I was curious about that too. Since there's a woman's hand in the air, I assume that it is some sort of religious thing with people who have their hands up while the band plays. (Either that or it's a Nazi salute, but I doubt it. Jayson seemed more on the "religious-to-the-point-of-stupid" side as compared to the "Nazi fuck" side of award winners.) I'm thinking maybe he's holding an offering bag in his left hand? Maybe the red flag is a way to get attention? It's possible he's at a megachurch and the flag is a way to signal who he is and what he's doing. Either that, or maybe something related to Pentecost?


Points to Jayse for taking the time to commit his thoughts to pixels rather than just sharing memes, it makes the decline and fall of the western moron much more interesting.




Yeah, I’m sure his Father of the Year Award is in the mail to add to his HCA. What a self righteous asshole.


The absolute dumbest fucking one of these was the anti-capitalist screen. Now I’m not anti-capitalist but when someone says that corporations are the bad guys when they come into a town and put small shops out of business and that’s the problem and not capitalism? Wrong. That’s exactly how capitalism works. It’s exactly how it was designed to work. Competition means if you can provide product cheaper and better than your competition you deserve to be put out of business. Modern corporations rely on this.


Joe Rogan is vaccinated, and he’s been vaccinated for months, but he won’t tell his audience.


I believe this. He's built his base on playing both political sides. If he announces that he got the jab he will lose half of his audience for sure. Funny thing is that he's losing much of the other half for placating to the anti vaxx crowd.


Well he certainly had it all figured out. Wonder how he made sense of his last few days.


I’d guess either bioweapon or deep state hit because he came too close to the truth.


What’s sad to me is that I found the wife’s FB & she seems really sweet & normal. Just a very loving mom with 2 kids (1 is special needs). She doesn’t seem to post the crazy shizz like her former husband. Idk. She’ll probably be relieved to not have to deal with her conspiracy-addled husband but nothing in her life will be easy 🤷‍♀️


I truly hope she makes it back to them. I get submissive Christian wife who just focuses on the kids vibes from her.


Yeah. Lots of those women don’t realize how psycho their life has been. Gonna be hard to now realize they have control now. Hope she learns from it and moves towards independent thought Sad for the kids too


So many of these say things like “the world lost a great man today,” but their history clearly says otherwise. Maybe if they had been a great person, a person who spent their time feeling empathy and expressing sympathy, then they would have been focused on the things in life that would have saved their lives and maybe saved the lives of others. I’ve read about so many great racist, sexist, transphobes dying that I didn’t realize so many great people existed.


What in he11 is "mark of the beast" anyway? Crazy people gonna craze.


Your husband was a stupid fat fuck who didn’t really care about you and the children.


Oh, fear not, those pro-life prayer warriors will be lining up to adopt Jaysen and Rachel's two special-needs kids after she earns her award. And I'm sure they will get all of the medical care, treatment, and services that they need to become fully capable functioning adults because they live in the Land of the Free(TM)! /s


“But the world lost a great man today … “ No. No, it didn’t. The world is a better place today.


Bye Jaysen. Your name spelling alone will keep you out of heaven




Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. You lost your husband when he got hooked on QAnon and the right wing bullshit networks.


I really want to see a mug shot of this guy, just to see what he looks like


[Spoiler: Yes he has a goatee ](https://imgur.com/a/e2tKTda)


Slide 20/20. She missed that Facebook lost another QAnon shitposter. That’s a group that’s been heavily hit by the delta wave.


Big Pharma has always been the darling of the republican party. I just don’t fucking get it.


His wife in currently hospitalized. I hope she pulls through, she seems nice and isn’t anti-vax just hesitant. All she posts about is how great her little kids are, I’m truly hoping she can get back to them and perhaps find a better man. JEHOVAH REBUKE THIS VIRUS AND HEAL RACHEL!!!


She should consider getting a dog, and learning to think for herself.


Yahweh says "no deal!"


You mean Yahweh says noweh?


... Fuck, didn’t plan for that


If she's not in to Qanon, his passing will probably be a relief, because the man she married was long gone anyway.


Well, looks like good old God expected jaysen to use the brain he gave him to make a reasonable choice, and since he had so much cynicism and hate, God felt it best to remove him from this earth. I have no sympathy for this person or others like him. Sayonara dumbass. No mistake, he had his chance and failed.


Capitalism isn't the issue. It's the corporation that acts exactly as Capitalism intended that's at fault. Nazism isn't the issue. It's those German soldiers who run the death camps who are at fault.