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Home Depot needs to get with the times.


So does Walmart...


Walmart at least has Walmart pay 😂


Home Depot has Home Depot Pay via the app as well. Which accepts Apple Pay and PayPal.


I shouldn’t have to open an app to use Apple Pay.


technically using apple pay is opening an app since it’s contained in the apple wallet. very effective to just double click but still i see what you mean.


I didn't even know this. I am going to try to download it.


The only caveat (and I think the WalMart app is similar) is that it treats it like an online BOPIS order, so you'd still need to "pick up" the order at the Service Desk. Not only that, it takes a full 10 Minutes for the order to hit our systems as paid and ready to be picked.


Oh you are just talking about BOPIS orders. I wanted to use the app to pay literally at the cash register like at Walmart. Not wait for the order. I thought Home Depot had more technology lol 😂 I like Walmarts QR code scan that I can use to pay. I haven’t been on a register for 5 months so I was hoping something changed at Home Depot.


So, according to one of my customers. Walmart STOPPED accepting Apple Pay (tap to pay) AFTER they were hacked. Which was 3 months after HOME DEPOT WAS HACKED.


Walmart has never accepted apple pay and neither has Home Depot


Home Depot has accepted tap to pay before. I was working for HD when they started to accept it and when they got rid of it. It was enabled on the previous pinpad model.


On occasion you can get our pinpads to register Gpay, but it never allows the transaction to go through. They are planning on having tap as early as black Friday, but definitely by the end of the year.


$100 says it doesn't happen. who wants to bet me?


Who has an extra $100? We work at home depot.


haha i know I don't, but i'm not going to lose the bet.


I’ll believe it when I see it. This is the same company that said ESVS was gonna be retired to to order up since 2018/2019. Took a few years to happen


HD took Apple Pay. Then Home Depot couldn't properly secure their point of sale system and got compromised. Following those efforts, they disabled contactless transactions, signed some shitty deal with PayPal, and never enabled contactless.


I used to use samsung pay at Walmart and Home Depot. Helps that samsung pay sends the card swip also. But then they both blocked it.


I vaguely remember HD offering Apple Pay for a very brief time.


Meanwhile here in Canada, both Walmart and Home Depot accept tap, apple pay, and google pay xD


Both Home Depot and Walmart in Canada have tap 😂


They won’t do contactless payment because how large 95% of our transactions are. Shit would be getting skimmed left and right customers would never come again


respectfully, you have no idea what you are talking about. Tokenized transactions can't be "skimmed".


Since Lowes has apple pay and tap pay I think HD might get it again.


it would already be getting skimmed now, skimmers that go over pinpads are only for cards dawg 💀


What does that have to do with contactless payment lol


Hone Depot is horrible at keeping up with technology.


Tap to pay is going to slowly be rolling out to stores. My store has had the actual machine that can process tap to pay for literal months just sitting in the vault and I just got word from one of my managers that it's coming sooner rather than later at least for my store


I've been told the same with my store. We're supposed to get it by the end of this year.


Home Depot in Canada has tap where I am


Hd won't because of possibility of card fraud /theft


This statement is incorrect.


What is the correct reason?


"We don't have apple pay " *Taps phone to pin pad* "We don't have apple pay " *Taps phone to pin pad* "We don't have apple pay " *Taps phone to pin pad* An actual interaction I've seen.


A bit different but i had one day where this old guy put his card under the whole pinpad like in between the pin pad and the stand holding it and stand there waiting and it was honestly annoying having to tell him what he did wrong


you should probably refer to it as tap payment as Apply pay isnt the only tap pay service.


It's a direct quote of the cashier.


It’s insane how many times I’ve said it… I started saying PHYSICAL CARD ONLY! and they still tap phone!


Pls insert. No tap! Only insert.


This feels familiar. "Slide your card " *inserts card* "Slide your card " "Oh, slide the card? I am 'insert deprecating comment ' today. " This happens multiple times a day


But the vending machines in the break room do take Apple Pay.


Those aren't HD.


Every time someone tries to tap it, put up another sign. See how many you get up to


The place I used to work didn't accept chip until 2021. Our pin pads had a chip spot in them so we had a sign in the chip spot saying no chip. I had customers take the sign out, say "this is blocking the chip slot" while handing it to me, and then insert their card. I tried the whole add a sign every time thing until I ended up with 20 signs within a couple hours.


This would work until you run out of space and have to start putting them on the screen, one day me and my friend took one of those spikey neon green signs cut it in half and wrote something abt how we dont have tap and taped it to the bottom of the pinpad, people would still ask despite the big neon green sign on the pinpad


I keep having to tell customers "We ain't fancy here, still gotta chip your card". It makes them laugh.


I always say "trust me i wish we had tap too" honestly i never shop here so it would effect me much but its just a useful feature to have


Hey, a local grocery store I worked at 15 years ago still had the credit card imprinters lol HD isn't doing too bad in comparison


i do the same thing😭


To be fair, every place of business should have tap to pay by now.


My local taco truck had tap to pay


How much more money will a business make if they employ TTP? You ever refuse to do pay for something because you could not tap? Do as deep of an analysis as HD did on those questions and you will probably come to the same conclusion they did. But now since Lowes has it surely it will come in the next couple quarters


I thought No tap was in November.


That's no hoo hoo November you're thinking of. Even if it's self love.


yea, hd needs to update their credit card readers for swipe, insert, tap or nfc (ex. apple pay).


Those pin pads ( and the ones before these) support it. It's the code that doesn't support it


Yep, you gotta have the SOFTWARE installed to support the tech. People be like "but it's a standard" -- but here's the catch: The NFC technology -- as in the hardware tech -- is THE standard, but the SOFTWARE is NOT. Apple Pay uses Apple Pay software, which is supplied by Apple under contract. Google Pay software also has a contract. Those contracts require a portion of the payments to go back to Apple/Google.


That only partially explains it. For paying with _your phone_, sure, there has to be software support on the register itself (relatedly, fuck businesses that _only_ accept Apple Pay and no other method of payment including physical cards, most of the country is too low a tax bracket to buy into an entire new hardware ecosystem). But to tap a _physical card_... It's the same exact data transmission from the chip on the card, whether you're tapping it or dipping it. Neither the bank nor the register know what physical gesture was used, all it sees is the same data from the card. It should take zero code modification on HD's part for the pinpad to let you tap a physical credit card.


The NFC for cards requires software from the processor to work as well, which does incur a slightly higher processing fee. It's the same reason tap for credit doesn't work with ORCA card readers on buses, because it's a different software setup.


Yes and No. The additional software is an NFC-provisioned payment sink -- that handles the NFC payments to the NFC-enabled merchant bank. There are some additional things needed on the provisioning side -- keys/certificates -- that some payment providers can handle with their own implementations, but, if you're using FiPay or similar, you'll need a seperate NFC handler. The *Merchants* do not have to pay Apple Pay/Google, but the *banks* pay for the tokenization effort. It all comes down to cost and risk. Is the cost of adding the additional software/hardware to the point of sales systems worth the added risks of Tap-to-Pay payments? Tapping has less risk that inserting your card, so your chargeback risk drops.


Which explains the slightly higher processing fees based in exactly what forms are accepted. NFC for cards has the lowest increase in processing fees. As you add Google, Samsung, and apple pay, the fees increase just a bit more for each one added. I should know as i, as a merchant, went from PayPal here to zettle and upgraded to an NFC enabled reader. My processing fees went from 2.08% to now a range of 2.10-2.25% all based on how the payment is processed. NFC/Apple Pay is 2.25% But it required that i changed both the reader AND the software used to work with the reader. If i didn't upgrade the reader my fees wouldn't have changed.


Apple Pay and Google Pay look just like tapping a card from the perspective of the merchant -- it's the same data transmission. The fact that it's Apple Pay or Google Pay is handled by the card network, where the card number is dispatched appropriately to the bank that issued the virtual card number. There's no special software for Home Depot or anyone who accepts credit cards; if that were the case, merchant adoption of Apple Pay wouldn't be anywhere *near* what it is now. It's just tap-to-pay -- the local market around the corner from me sure as hell didn't coordinate anything with Apple. EDIT: for that reason, Apple Pay is even accepted in countries where it isn't *offered* (i.e., people who live in that country can't add credit/debit cards to Apple Wallet, but people visiting from another country can use Apple Pay from their phones/watches).


To a degree, this is technically correct. But you need the software to even support it and your payment processor needs to handle the software implementation and associated fees. This means NFC processing fees are typically higher than chip fees. So yes, while the merchant doesn't need a direct agreement with say Apple, the payment processor does, and the payment processor is obligated by some of those agreements to pay apple for those tap transactions and at the very least - provide signage to their merchants with said support that states apple pay is accepted. I've not seen a single merchant with tap NOT have related signage, which includes the tap to pay symbol (looks like the wifi bars on your phone) on ALL readers, along with signs for apple pay and android/Samsung pay if the processor accepts those as part of NFC. The difference here is that apple pay and Google pay DO NOT give out the card number during a tap. Instead, they give out a unique transaction code that must be relayed through apple/Google servers to authorize a sale on the card on file being used. So there is an additional software set-up for merchant readers to accept "transactional" payment systems like apple pay, these come with even higher processing fees than NFC alone. Yes, the payment processor CAN handle this additional set-up, but then they increase processing fees for those transactions as well.


In case anyone is curious what that NFC symbol looks like: https://freeimage.host/i/d33Dcl9 Before anyone says i don't know what I'm talking about, I AM A MERCHANT. I do on site IT Systems and Network support. Some of my clients ARE BANKS and payment processors. I upgraded from PayPal here to Zettle (by PayPal) and the upgrade with the new reader made my fees go from a flat 2.08% to a range of 2.10-2.25% with apple pay being the ONLY payment that costs me 2.25% (google pay is 2.18%) -- all based on how the payment is processed. Chip is 2.10%. This upgrade required a change in the SOFTWARE used along with the new reader that accepted chip and tap. The biggest reason some retailers haven't accepted tap is purely because of the transactional payment systems like apple pay not allowing the returns systems to look up receipts if they didn't have a physical copy of it. (Because it didn't give the register the actual card number.) Newer returns systems allow look up by phone number, which is given to the register during an apple pay transaction.


> Apple Pay uses Apple Pay software, which is supplied by Apple under contract. Google Pay software also has a contract. No. Totally incorrect. They both use the NFC standard that utilizes tokenization of the transition. HD just has to enable it on the pin pad for it to work. Google / Apple get paid on the backend complelely invisible to the retailer/merchant.


If they update the readers it will be to add the option to tip


And then customers get mad at you, saying, “Then you should have it posted stating Home Depot doesn’t take tap.” When you show them the sign, they get even more angry because you just showed them that they can’t read.


Customers might get offended at this if they could read.


An old man made me get my manager bc we don’t have tap to pay, then told me I better start looking for a new job because we lost his business and we won’t be around much longer…. Okay…. 🙄


As ridiculous as it is that we dont have it, im still a vocal supporter of "bring ur fucking wallet with u why did u leave it at home like an idiot"


"Damn now i gotta go back home 10 minutes away" sounds like a skill issue tbh


“Well, it was either ‘upgrade our equipment’ or ‘increase executive compensation’, and the board decided.” is my go-to line.


"What if I push the card against it?"


I put a sticker on the pad in the garden department. A manager came by and ripped it off. "They know we have no tap." People still tried to tap.


i HATE HATE HATE explaining this, and sometimes they look at me like it’s my fault we don’t have it


I'll just play the long game and let them figure it out. Same with the emailed receipts. The onus is on them to follow keypad prompts. I've never had someone try to make it my fault they cant complete a task millions before them have done with ease.


I find it funny how the Canadian division supports tap with the same hardware and system but our neighbours to the south don’t


Home Depot Canada stores all have tap. Love using my watch to pay, so simple.


Only the latest and greatest tech for Home Depot. (may I have the carbon copy of my credit card receipt?)


They think you misspelled tape.


But it says TAP in large friendly letters


From what I understand, we're getting it within the next few months


Some rare lucky stores have gotten the upgrade, I'm told, but I've yet to see it at any. I'd call their bluff and check since that customer told me what city but I don't feel like driving that far.


Some stores are piloting it now for rollout later this year, it’s coming, just a matter of how well the pilot goes with fixing the bugs.


Don't not tap. Got it.


What's Tee Ayy Pee? I'm try'n to tap!!


Double tap


Sorry, bro. It's basically force of habit now.


Hi Im people


Home Depot needs to pay up and get that shit enabled. If you're really looking to make the customers experience better than you can't keep annoying them like this. Especially since it was on previously


How is Home Depot using artificial intelligence? Not at all. Pretty alarming at the store level I’m sure people use it in corporate (I hope) Lowe’s does tho


Mother fuxkers can read God damn it


I just let them til they figure it out 😳🙈🤣


It's cause they use to it


so, curious, does the home depot credit card have a chip?


What home depot should do is on there app, let users add credit card details and when they are about to checkout, just scan the qr code to use there credit card on the home deopt app. That way you can bring more people to download the app and shop from there. Walmart already does this.


I'm a stoner ok don't laugh at me


HD is cheap. It’s 2024 and we don’t have tap


Does that reader do tap to pay?


Why is HD not doing the tap to pay?


Because Home Depot is the only major retailer that doesn't use it.


That sign is too small…


U gotta say it in Spanish also


I'm one of them. I just get used to something new, and HD doesn't have it.


My only question is why can I get receipt or email and receipt? Why can I not just do email only?


How would you differentiate you paying for stuff and someone dishonest just walking out?


OK, I get that from your point. I’ve just always wondered because even in store when I have mentioned it to the self checkout people they always laugh and say they don’t understand either.


I was told by our IT field captain that tap and pay is coming in November


Thats pretty smart


Dude, I have people who come in to the elevator of where I'm working. The lifts buttons can be cancelled if you push it again (it lights up when active), I was going to the G floor. Lady comes in and presses the G floor and cancels it. And goes to look at her phone. I just gave her the annoyed look, and it took her 2 minutes to realise. Really huge NPC energy. Why I didn't press the button again is because I was curious how long it would take.


And yet the firmware says insert or tap...


Why don’t they have it?, it’s been in widespread use for easily almost 20 years, it was invented in the 90s


Khabib approves this


Home Depot will get it once someone finds a skimmer on their pad and it becomes a huge liability. But only then. Because they’re to cheap to pay for it otherwise.


We had a customer say that they believed their card was skimmed at our store a month ago. Our OPS Manager had me check each and every pin pad. I knew it couldn’t be us because I check the pin pads daily for damage. The customer was running errands all over the city that day but accused us of having a skimmer. We knew it wasn’t us because it was only one customer that complained. If it was us, we would have had dozens of customers complaining.


To be fair, it's such a habit now that sometimes I tap my card as I'm reading the "no tap" sign. Then I feel stupid. The I insert it while degrading myself to cashier.


I received a washing machine and dryer set for my wedding last year and it stop working.i have no receipt and home Depot want return it for another one.


So fix it and then you won’t need to worry about it:)


I will definitely try to tap.




300 billion company and absolutely refuses to shell out a couple more dollars for hardware that local gas stations with .0001 percent of the cash on hand HD have.


Hardware is fully capable, the payment software had to be redone to get it to work.


I quit going to my preferred gas station because they quit using tap to pay.


There's actually a shortcut you can share with customers. They can buy a digital gift card on their phone or app and then have the cashier scan the barcode. It works in a pinch.


Dude that is genius, I will have to use that from now on, you are a godsend. 🙌


It's frustrating that Home Depot is still the only store in my town that doesn't take tap-to-pay, especially after Covid. That's fine, Lowes does and I can get additional cashback from my cards with the tap, so it's like getting a discount every time I shop at their competitor! :D


Tap to pay makes it more difficult to track purchases as the customer data is randomized with the token


So your real world UI/UX data shows that your setup is horrible and needs to be fixed. Don't blame the user, blame the engineers.




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