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You thought about the T-Mobile home internet? They claim it’s unlimited. Some around 40-50 bucks a month. https://www.t-mobile.com/home-internet?&cmpid=HEIS_PB_P_24HINT40PV_43700072266798374_691745277354&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD79WuViDh5kSxVpww0f_XoGCrf3S&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1dvwqdmBhQMVs2FHAR16-wEdEAAYASAAEgLd9PD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Yeah according to the terms they won't throttle you until you use 1.2Tb in a month and only during periods when there's network congestion.


Not to bad, if your consumption fits that constraint.


Went well over this at 3tb+ and my speed may have slowed from the usual 400ish Mbps to around 250 - 300. Could just be congestion on the tower its paired with but its absolutely better than paying the Jonny sins of WiFi bills from cox. There is no reason why I should be paying $187 for a 500 Mbps down 15-20up limited usage plan when my "promotion" ends. If I can pay you $60 for the past 3 years then I can continue. Tmobile has been absolutely amazing with more reliable connection which is a shock since its wireless. And im only paying 30 a month for the 500Mbps plan with ~130 upload "unlimited". Still recommend setting up your own router and firewall on the other side to connect to just for security reasons since it offers next to no customizability other than IP change really.


That service is not available in my area. Trust me, we would have signed up if it were. TMobile doesn't recognize our address at all. I did sign up on the 'waiting list' to be notified when they do expand to our area. We have 4G only in my area. All of the channels/APNs have either 5mhz or 10mhz width on channels B4, B12 & B66. Nothing else!


That’s rough, hopefully star link works good for you. I guess worst case is try a WISP if it doesn’t.


We have no WISPs in our area either. I know that Starlink works well in our general area, though...I installed a Gen 2 Dishy for my friend last spring in a county adjacent to us. He has great service to this day. He did have to buy the ethernet adapter for his SL router though - that's to be expected :)


That service is not available in my area. Trust me, we would have signed up if it were. TMobile doesn't recognize our address at all. I did sign up on the 'waiting list' to be notified when they do expand to our area. We have 4G only in my area. All of the channels/APNs have either 5mhz or 10mhz width on channels B4, B12 & B66. Nothing else!


The reseller gave us the Tmobile lite version of the service. It is limited. We can't get 5G Tmobile here, as there is no 5G service. We live 36 miles from the nearest city, on the coast. There is a single cell tower. I've lived here since 1991 when we built our house. I watched them build the tower around 1999~2000.


I have it and use 2-3TB a month with 600/120 speeds. Lots of buffer bloat though


Does TMobile home internet include IPv4 connectivity even through CGNAT? Or is it all NAT64?


It's still CGNAT is my understanding.


Hope the Starlink treats you better, all of those cellular services suck.


I mean didn’t you read the terms and conditions? At least the critical information summary!


I did read everything after I was released from my hospital stay, my wife activated it during our absence from home during that time. The service was effective for her since she was actually at home 1 or 2 days a week during that time. It's our fault for being ignorant! I'm just warning everyone not to trust a reseller. They are not legit and are most likely selling you a TOS violation the moment you go active on such service.


oh yah, I used a similar service that resold ATT, and they started to bone me. This was a couple of years ago where my family cabin now has fiber connection. I'd burn my ""allowance"" 3 days in, and it was dog shit, I dont trust providers like that any more because of the atrocities.


Agreed on AT&T. Our first SIM was for their 'Forever Unlimited' service...now it's forever disconnected because I exceeded 800gb of usage in 1 month. What can I say? Between telehealth (video calls to physicians) plus internet use and watching TV - it is easy to use that amount of data!


I have no idea why cellular internet has become an actual thing, let alone whatever reseller you're talking about. I guess you have no other options where you live. And you can't afford starlink.


'Affording it' (Starlink) was not the issue. My wife had the aforementioned service activated last fall while I was in hospital for several months - neither of us really were home to use it, or cared at the time. There are no cellular companies who offer any type of internet in my area except hotspot data. The plans are 150gb for $99 (Cricket Cellular) Starlink JUST OPENED our area in February...we just purchased Starlink. 4G internet is not a viable option as far as I'm concerned in our area...after our bad experiences. Starlink costs the same as HomeFi cellular broadband - so why bother? We went with Elon's services! You're correct - cellular broadband is not a thing.