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He's probably the best written character at this point. He's also hot, and I can't choose between him and boothill.


boothill is a lot hotter for me but ipc team looks so fun fun trumps hot


I've genuinely been trying to figure out why people find him hot. To me he just seems really bland in every regard. Can you elaborate?


Rich asthetic, smooth talking, pretty hair, pretty and unique eyes, the flamboyance, the drip. There’s a lot to choose ngl. I like his hair more when it was longer but besides that it’s pretty easy to see the appeal


Thanks for replying instead of just downvoting a genuine question. I see the aesthetic as gaudy. The speech comes off as insincere. The hair and everything seems just really basic to me. I do guess the eyes manage to be "unique" in a game where everyone has unique eyes. Anyhow, shows the subjectivity of such things, I guess.


Given that a massive part of his character is pretty much based around being insincere as a coping mechanism, I’d say that’s a fair take


I see him as somehow like Tartaglia. Someone who works in a shady, maybe morally gray organization and yet acts alone and not connected to their company, a complex character that you can't hate because of his story. And you know that they're really kind, despite their flamboyant attitude. And after that 2.1 quest, I liked him even more. Sadly he doesn't wanna come home.


Use the summoning spell, "Doctor, you're huge!" That should do the trick 🤧


Genuine question: How is he kind? He seemed like he just wanted to do stuff for his own self interests (nothing wrong with that- he deserves to do stuff for himself) but I never got the vibe that he is actually kind.


For one, he has a Hero Complex of sorts, trying to do everything himself and always betting himself. I mean, at the end of 2.1, he was even betting >!His life!< for a chance of his plan succeeding ( >! showing Penacony "Death", or getting to the Shadow Realm Acheron sent him!< )


I like what the Dreamscape Pass says about him. "He could have used all the resources the IPC has — Wealth, information, even the lives of his underlings — But he wagered himself instead. Was it out of kindness, or a cunning strategy? We will never know."


He might not be the type of 'kind' you mean. Aventurine has kindness, but he projects it by being morally grey(kinda like Ruan Mei). He's not good, he's not bad, he's just living with the big gamble. I believe the fact he didn't accept the "blow up Penacony" button was partly because he still has morals and just a bit of kindness for the people. Or maybe i'm coping.


Childe never worked for me. Always felt too forced and silly. Aventurine, maybe because of the way the narrative introduced his character worked much, much better.


For me, Childe was more like a walking meme 90% of the time. Always giving money, being treated as a fool constantly. I don't mean he's a bad char, of course, but it didn't make the impact Avent did. Avent gave money and was treated as a fool, yes. But it works for a purpose. The money works plus the mission works as a distraction to TB and co., and he proved not just through words but actions how he was no fool. I admit, it probably has to do with how much focus Avent got on 2.1, but the execution is just spotless.


Tartaglia never had an actual backstory neither in main story, nor in his own quest, unlike Aventurine. We, listeners, doesn't felt any sympathy or attraction towards him, because we never seen his perspective, his thoughts and worries.


That's a good point


Well, he was introduced early. And like every early characters, they're not that well written and their attacks are not that refined compared to the current ones. But still, I liked him ever since he was introduced and especially his love for his siblings. You can be an anti-hero or even a villain but not to family, you'll always be that big bro that they can depend on is what enticed me to pull for him back in 1.1


Ohh yeah I hate childe. Childe and Deluc are my most hated characters, but Aventurine, that damn smile...


Has a decent backstory, well written personality, and doing shit like solo Acheron. Dude clearly has plans but on the surface he seems like just purely rely on luck.


That's his whole gimmick. He does plans no one would think of because of how incredibly improbable they are, but his luck does the trick once he sets everyone on stage.


This. Plus like he doesn't really have anything meaningful left. Like he's gained power and position within the IPC, but like he lost literally everything early on in life because everyone else he cared for was also banking on his luck. He's got like the most interesting psychology of all the characters as what he has now just seems empty compared to what he lost to get where he is.


Because hes interesting, and also https://preview.redd.it/qow7txvarfvc1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fceb9a1e6a9dfc15fd0f303b4efd72e33c58d4f7


He's everything I want to be. Bratty rich twink.


His kit is SO MUCH FUN, I'm lacking 5-star sustains, I like Elation path in Simulated Universe, and I love characters with RNG mechanics (I replayed Swarm Disaster with Aventurine and Qingque the other day for the ultimate gamba experience)


He's the best written character in the game so far. That's about it. I'm a massive writing nerd, I love reading stories, and analyzing characters, plotbeats, themes etc. So I was super happy to see what they came up with when they cooked Aventurine. In fairness though, I wasn't hit as hard as others, probably because I've seen characters that have a lot in similar with Aventurine, but were just done... better...(There is still the rest of Penacony to complete him though, so maybe he'll completely win me over then. We'll have to see.) But Aventurine is still super awesome, easily the best they've made so far. I just hope that the constant complaints from some of the dumber fans with 0 reading comprehension(that there is too much text, and its all boring) doesn't discourage Hoyo from prioritizing their storytelling. I've been enjoying Penacony a lot so far, and I really hope that Star Rails only improves its storytelling from now on. (Oh also, his VA, Mr. Camden, is INCREDIBLE, seriously. I can't believe Aventurine was his debut as a VA)


I grew up playing hold 'em and card games with my grandma and cousins and my dad was a magician, so I always enjoy seeing the representation. I found the choice in his design, a gambler following Preservation, a compelling idea, and was happy how his character was seeded in 2.0 and later explored in 2.1. I'm a sucker for tragic characters with a hidden kindness. Big Bi energy. Camden's vocal performance is great. I like Green. More Preservation Please.


My man gambled that he would die. Absolute madman.


Have you heard the snap when he attacks in the overworld? Pure seratonin for my ears.


Shield, Drip, Story, AND hes bussing it down sexual style(hes also goated with the sauce)


Compelling character, sad backstory, very nice voice and voice acting. Also, very hot




Good story, underdog (I want to see him win at life)


Something about his psychotic gambling is appealing. His backstory is interesting and all but not really the part that I like. He is a fearless coward who hides all of his fear in a facade of confidence and flashness. It is genuinely one of the most entertaining parts of him. Also I adore characters who go from lowest position possible to the highest by sheer cunning and gambling. Going from a slave to a stoneheart


Interesting character. Pretty eyes. Gives trailblazer credits. He says "friend" funny. Cool ult. I have a thing for unhinged fictional men. And he snaps and casino chips rain down. Tbh really did NOT expect to like him as much as I do. Actually pulled for his LC which I haven't done so for any other banner character. I've enjoyed the writing in both HSR and Genshin lately.


I dont,he gave me E2 clara /j


E3 here Hope is not entirely lost but I'm cutting it very close


he’s got good drip


He is a straegic investor, basically an IB guy, and he is a gambler. And he is hot. He is literally my ideal self


His self-worth is just like mine fr


He's handsome and pretty combined. I'm weak




Honestly, He's such an awesome, amazing and attractive man. Plus, he's gorgeous. His backstory honestly made me want to give him a big hug and just say "It's Okay!" Pulling for him was a happy moment for me


chest window


I love everythin' about this smol King~ 👑


He's everything I love in ONE character. He's amazingly well written (the best written in HSR), he's hot, his voice actor did an amazing job, he's complex, he makes Conundrum 12 a joke, he's a gambler and he let me win all 3 50/50s. Aventurine is HIM.


He's everything I wanted my faves from all the Hoyo games to be and to become (well-written xoxo)


He is the best boi! Reminds me of my beloved Childe from Genshin Impact. I like his character, unit design. And finger snap.




His story is great, he is handsome as hell, and his kit is best by far.


I don't. Don't get me wrong, he's *incredibly* well written and has an interesting and engaging story. I just don't like him that much.


He thinks he's me (gambling addict)


I don't like him, but I don't hate him either


Peacock design


He is a sustain with follow-up that isn't March, meaning he slots perfectly into my Clara-Numpy-Ratio team.


Animations, abilities, NOT his personality.


Cool character, no one can deny he is well written for HSR standards, i just wish we spent more time with him, to be specific present Aventurine Probably my second favourite Penacony character behind Firefly


Ultimate gambler. Don't need to say more. His plot is great but I would've pulled for the gamba alone, I'm a gambler main after all. Mained QQ before him and I want at least his e4 so I can use him as an actual dps


I don’t hehe Wtf


oh i think i have a few \*cracks knuckles\* - I love his drip. I lurk on the leaks subreddit from time to time ~~(not as member tho)~~, and times ago I stumbled upon his model. Immediately fell for the peacock-esque looks. - I am generally a sucker for characters who don't have a happy background, Aventurine is no exception. Also some significant events [of said background] involving him happened on a rainy day?? [](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/9b33b009ff67039d522ed7e6cbda2aaa7365f437688436d2f629f4ee8a6d4ee7_1.jpg) ~~kaeya kinda had an influence since he's another peacock-esque guy with events on rainy days~~ (note that i say this after finishing the current quest ~~and suffering for him~~) - I have often heard that his voice was really good since Aetherium Wars was live, but I couldn't confirm it myself as I couldn't do the event when it was live... man, I now think his voice is pretty hot. - Speaking of attractiveness, thanks to the very first cutscene featuring him (the one with him playing with his Token in front of Trailblazer), I am not sure if he looks better with the Hat and Glasses combo (he was datamined with them) or without 👍 - Altho most of my experience comes from the Trials (both Story and Banner), I felt pretty comfortable using him in terms of gameplay. I sure love big, meaty shields, especially when I skipped Fu Xuan and still haven't been graced by Gepard's presence (much to my chagrin). ~~i will sacrifice my sanity to s5 destiny's threads forewoven just for him, so in the future he'll do fun stuff with a very big def~~ - Not only his gameplay is fun, but its animations are really cool. (By extension I also really like his idles) - (2.1) >!Altho I did it post-nerf, his Boss Fight was not only a fight I managed within a few attempts, but it was also really fun to do. His Boss Theme is also absolutely great, I *need* a vinyl for the Express.!< (Also the music used for The Golden Touch!! Help I can still hear the trumphets when he gets close to the machine and is about to pull the lever) I think those are all the reasons I could remember, tho it already made this comment as long as a papyrus tldr I love Gamba King Aventurine. From design to story, from gameplay to simple animations, I just think he's really neat, and I hope for more content involving him


also i am stealing your meme OP (with upvote), the cinema/peak mems are fun


Honestly, he got me when I finally understood what the godforsaken three chips meant. Sealed the deal for me as one of my faves lmao


First true tank unit we got in the game, mc shields small, gepard only does it in his ult, shields are great 👍


I don't


Hes a strategic gambler. I like Quingque... I am not addicted to gambling...


I like his overall story, but somehow not very convincing to make me go for him 🤔 I like him because of his CN VA, probably going after him on his rerun


Didn't like him in 2.0. 2.1 was a total reversal of my previous opinion of him, and best written character for a hoyo game I played (I played 4 at one point)


I was planning tentatively to get him when they first hinted at him as I needed a preservation character that wasn’t the MC or March for my teams and I tend to like a lot of the imaginary characters (minus Yukong). So when the leaks started coming out that he was going to be imaginary and preservation I was already considering pulling for him. Then we heard his voice during the one quest and I was a little iffy as I wanted to hear more and it is hard to judge based on so few lines. Then his LC art dropped which made me go “oh great now I have a type” as I also have Luocha. Was going back and forth at this point and then 2.1 one happened and I was hooked. The story was phenomenal, the voice acting was spectacular, and his kit works for what I need. I can see why people consider him hot and all that, but really if that was what I looked at for characters I would have pulled for Blade. Personality and kit are more important to me as I have to vibe with the character and see myself having fun playing them. Just happens he is also sexy to boot. Lol


Idk he's cool Just that


Hot twink with cool lore


I don't


1. Really like the IPC 2. I like poker clothing style 3. He almost lies as much as I do 4. I'm not a gambling addict


I don't, smarmy prick is what he is.


He's alr, still needs some growing on me. I mean he's a better written character than probably almost everyone but idk, everyone obsessing over how well he's written kinda repulsed me.


I don't


I don't




I don't


I don't.


I like his co-workers


Who said I like him, I just want his banner to get lost so I can pull my cowboy


absolute Nah


ipc scum