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Funny enough, all those FF pieces are double crit. Meanwhile my Acheron’s relics…


And people still try saying substats are uniformly distributed lmao


Sets definitely have special substat priorities The amount of crit and elemental damage bonus on the break effect planar set + the amount of atk% balls and break effect substats on the follow up planar set cant be a coincidence




90% chance to get Crit stats on Def relics


Yeah they 100% do but people on this and the RailStation sub keep telling me that’s not true against all evidence to the contrary lol Edit: the downvotes are just proving my point 😊


>  against all evidence to the contrary If you have stats to support it I'm eager to see it. 


If you think the substats aren’t weighted, you’re delusional.


So it's "trust me bro"? Don't get me wrong I fully support this theory but until I see the actual evidence it will be just a theory (a game theory!)


I don’t need to present evidence to you, just farm relics for a while and you can get all the evidence you need yourself. Statistically significant, first hand evidence.


That isn't what statistically significant means you know that right? Where's your t-test and a p value lower than 0.05?


> That isn't what statistically significant means you know that right? Where's your t-test and a p value lower than 0.05? What the hell are you talking about? You can farm relics and once you’ve farmed 100-1000, you can calculate your own statistically significant t-test or p value.


Yeah you said you have evidence, backpedaling means you fucking don't and it's just your own anecdote. Sometimes I forget people are this unbelievably stupid


I said you can find the evidence yourself, why would I go through the trouble of serving it to you?


mf too deep down in their own head 🤣


They are random but the odds are definitely biased towards the undesirables. I really hate loot systems like this, it just drags things out and ruins the fun.


By “random” I meant uniformly distributed. I’ll change that comment.


Whenever I want ERR or ATK ropes, I only ever get BE ropes. The one time I actually want a BE rope, suddenly they're rarer than speed boots.


Hasn't it been proven since genshin that hoyo fudge the relic odds towards flat def and HP and away from crit rate and crit dmg (and energy recharge)


I don’t play Genshin but I wouldn’t know. I’m actually going to start keeping track just to shut up the people downvoting me and calling me names out of sheer spite lol


Yep crit rate and crit damage are rarer than other substats in genshin


Yes it's true. Crit substats and EM have one of the lowest odds. HSR uses the same weighted RNG as well.


I'd blame confirmation bias, but seeing that I still have to get a single double crit piece from the follow-up set whilst sitting on 2 full set pieces with double crit on the break set including the choice of choosing between CritDmg & CritRate main stat from the chest piece... Coincidence? I. Think. NOT.


Acheron literally gets all break effect for me for the past week.


Dot players can share the feeling, crit stats love appearing on the dot set relics


I started saying fuck all, and now my kafka crits like a truck


Im endlessly farming to get rid of all the bonus crit stats. I succeeded doing so with Bs but Kafka is still WiP in that regard Its always the sets you dont want crit in they show up so much in


I feel like I see you under every single post. But you are a nice reminder to save my pulls for Black Swans rerun.


Only online media place I use aside from sites with artists I follow, so yea probs why you see me alot, for better or worse lol Am also saving for her re run and good luck to you :)


Thank you. Good luck to you too. Id say for the better, you seem to have some well formed opinions and game knowledge.


Nah I make some mistakes, recent month banner revenue had a bug and I formed an opinion expecting it to do better not knowing it was bugged (which turns out it did do better after I got told about the bug). Opinion wasnt received too well but it happens But thanks :)


You can Crit DOTs in DU. Judging by how some SU blessings have become characters, it might not be as copium as we once thought


Only natural. The game becomes harder but mechanics don't get stronger. Getting DoTs some critical damage is the most easy and acceptable solution.




At least its 2 pc atk lmao. My qingque live on those 2 pc atk


Bless the set passive bonus and you can farm it in tandem with Duke Infernos remains, better than one set being amazing and the other not what you want at all


I went 2 pc fua 2 pc dot on my ratio for this reason.


My Ratio, my Topaz, my Himeko, my Herta... maybe my Jade. Crit DoT 2pcs for everyone! Now if only my Black Swan was properly built.


Yeah. When I was building Guin, I was given half a dozen crit body dot relics.


Tbf they have very good set effects anyway. If you have some dot source then def shred set is arguably *the* best set for crit dps.


This is why and how I've built Pitch-Dark Hook the Great.


atk and speed on the follow up set crit on the dot set an universal experience


Let us cope and manifest Nihility Crit Support Trailblazer my brother in DoT.


At least crit can do something on kafka, kind of, firefly on the other hand has such low multipliers that a crit would do nothing even if she could hit it


Tfw you are on your 5th crit rate and crit damage body piece when all you want is an atk% main stat


i wish i had this problem


I have several, full sets of this armor with Crit Rate and Crit Damage and even Speed substats on all pieces. Bugs the shit out of me. on Acheron it would turn her into a GOD.


Can i trade all the speed and break effect on my diver set for those crit stats?


At least I can put those on Xueyi


Get nice Atk% main stat, speed, crit damage, crit rate, break eff chest. EVERYTHING INTO CRIT DAMAGE.


The latter one should be good on Xueyi, right?


The amount of frustration I felt when I rolled ALL crit DMG substats on a speed boot for FF. I have never gotten that lucky when I actually wanted it, and now this mf has 32-33% crit DMG bruh.


A short video on: Malding 101 https://streamable.com/0xrihs I swear to god this happens to me at least once a week when crafting, I am NOT synthesizing shit.


Thanks to Xueyi that she exists


I have belobog sets with speed crit substats while farming Inert Salsotto https://preview.redd.it/jiee30om04ad1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=66df288fa7ba0ba76770efdc96efbffad94632aa


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And guess which sub stats comes with that relic pieces


One time I don't need crit stats, I keep getting them on Firefly relics. 😭 Why can't I get them on Acheron relics?


The amount of crit relics i got is absurd compared to others relic sets


I swear the game’s weighted to give you sub stats that don’t synergize or mesh with the gear.


I swear I've gotten so many relics like this farming for firefly


You guys are getting crit pieces?


Ill have you know I rolled my best crit stats while building Firefly! Why must this game torture me


Give those to sushang and xuyei.


I get so many Crit rolls trying to build my supports it stopped being funny a VERY long time ago 😭


There will be another break DPS that asks for crit in the vein of Xueyi sooner rather than later. Please for the love of god keep these.


Same thing happened to me, but xueyi char will benefit from this


30 5 star relics 10 are fireflies. None have break damage substat. -> cry


I've seen a bunch of head pieces with crit rate plus crit dmg, hp% or def% with double crit, the one thing I want which is atk% with either break effect or speed doesn't fucking exist lmao