• By -


“Tell me all of your opinions about Bitcoin.” Is good for eight hours


Idk double back the crazy and start talking about dreaming that Jesus was crying the night before the verdict....worse come to worst you start a cult with high dues


That's right. You out-crazy their crazy.


This is what I always suggest. Tell them that the moon landing is fake not because of Hollywood but because the moon itself isn't real and the whole project was funded by the nonstick tape industry.


Is this like the magnetic storage tape industry or the bubblegum tape industry?


Big fruit by the foot doesn't want you to know this one trick..


Magnets aren't real.


Tell me more (takes a big swig of Faygo)


“What are they hiding with this news. They’re distracting you, man”


God that's fucking funny




*This koolaid smells weird*


Thats cause its everclear mr jones


Or “What do you guys think about this big meeting in Davos?”


I don’t know, I don’t watch Doctor Who. 


Electric vehicles is always a good option too…




>How can you easily steer the conversation away from politics? - Ground up/ground down on receptacles - Wagos vs Wirenuts - pre-twisting or not (wirenuts) - kicks before or after 90⁰s - "Lil kicker" offset maker ruining the art of pipe bending - spackle buckets as tool bags ruining the trade - milwaukee vs Dewalt cordless tools - knipex vs Klein tools - be late...anyone asks why you are late, tell them you were banging their mom in the parking lot or porta-potty - use the urban dictionary word of the day in a sentence ....I could go on for quite awhile.


Talk about how shit apprentice pay is for inside wiremen but not for outside line.


You're not wrong. At least outside you get more exposure to potential sources of death and maiming 😀 Even a groundman is far more likely to come into contact with something injurious (high voltage, slipped/fallen load) than a JW I would think.  Not to say inside apes shouldn't get a better shake. The 40-50% they start at is bullshit


I started at 33% (cw) and just topped out recently. It’s bullshit if you’re older with previous life and work experience. But 18 year old kids are worth 50% the first year or two. Just as I was.


I screen shotted this, what else you got homie?


lol.... - start taking a break order...ask if they wanna supersize it....doesn't matter what they've ordered...everyone gets a plain bagel (no butter or cream cheese at all) and a small black coffee...no milk or sugar or change - yell WRAP IT UP...and start slamming and locking gang boxes - simply stand too close....maybe wink a few times - sports...hockey and baseball going on - ask who installs electric water heaters..plumbers or electricians ? - backstabbed receptacles vs screwed down terminals - which trade does the most drugs/drinking - when's the scrap wire run ? (asked in full gen pop)


Tell them the only reason you joined the trade was because of all the man love stories you heard in prison/boy scouts and are curious, bi curious


Wait for one of those moments when everyone stops talking and ask real loud, "when does the sex start?"


Man, that’s ghetto. No no no. You ask, “who’s got the yellow 77”, when you’re setting finish that day…


You sly, subtle, sexy devil. I see what you did there...


...that's amatuer hour...buy a 10" realistic dildo and leave it in the bucket of soap...obviously tell no one and let no one see you drop it in the bucket.


At this point, isn't everyone in agreement that the trade with the most drugs/drinking is the painters? Even the painters won't argue on that one.


*HVAC has entered the chat*


Hvac guy here confirming the obvious.


No, that's pills


fking iron workers are all crazy, OSHA even gives them different rules than everyone else. I assumed it was from the drugs and drinking.


painters are up there for sure. which came first...boilmakers as a trade or as a drink ?


Boilermakers are always the crunkest on industrial projects


Wouldn't you have to be blasted out of your mind to spray and roll out white walls eight hours a day, every day? They EARNED this!


Depends on the drug. I think electricians win the weed race


well we already know electricians are too lazy to install water heaters.


Ewww backstabber receptacles, granted they were old but I've had to replace 3 because the plastic broke.... Screw them fuckers down...


job security back stabbing....unless customer wants to pay for premium install with pigtails


Oddly enough, I think you may have just begun your own presidential campaign with these posts. You have my vote.


lol! Milwaukee vs dewalt debate. love it. Maybe have some Ryobis in the truck you can break out when the politics gets heated. That should distract them.


Was going to say milwaukee vs ryobi debate


Black and yellow just showed up!


What’s to debate? Red is obviously the better choice unless you’re a homeowner


See it’s already working 


😂 happy Friday gangsta let’s get this shit over with


He said he wanted peace not war!😂


lol....we are approaching that


This guy is trying to start a war. It just takes one weirdo to say they like Wagos….


Who is using wire nuts in 2024?


The service guys doing warranty work troubleshooting all these shitty wagos you ding dongs bury behind refrigerators


Are you talking about the stab ins? Sure, those suck. The lever ones will kick a wire nut's ass all day. There's a reason why oceanic vessels are allowed lever nuts but not wirenuts.


I would love to work a job site with you, you’re my kinda people lol I was just waiting to read “right or left handed jacking off”


>I would love to work a job site with you, you’re my kinda people 👍 I tell people (foreman, PM, toolie)....there are 2 versions of me: - ace mechanic - ace-hole ( pronounced asshole ) ...you get the version you deserve. 🤣😅 >I was just waiting to read “right or left handed jacking off” "the stranger" for those that don't know: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=the%20stranger ...gonna be a lot of apprentices missing after break 😁


If they are an old timer, tell them you like the term bulbs instead of lamps.


that's a fight...lol


I've put an embarrassing amount of time and research into the origins of this debate to formulate my argument. They are bulbs. Let's fight.


> Let's fight. 🥊 Lamps go in fixtures. Bulbs go in the ground.


The only people to refer to them as lamps are electricians because we are a stubborn bunch. The term lamp comes from gas lamps, which originates from the greek word for torch. Gas lamps were the standard method of lighting prior to electricity, so they really didn't have another word...yet. In the first screening of electric incondescence lighting, people immediately called them light bulbs (because of the shape) and the name caught on. The electrical trade itself was created in the 1880s because of the electric lighting that replaced lamps. The separation line between Electrician and property owner was at the light bulb, as they could replace them without the electricians. Therefore, Electricians wired lighting fixtures, but oddly kept referring to the bulbs as lamps, on account of them being the light source. The early electricians refused to adopt the terminology used by the public and taught future generations to do the same. Oh, and rods go in the ground.


>The only people to refer to them as lamps are electricians because we are a stubborn bunch. That's not even remotely true 🙃 😁


Milwaukee all day damn its working already


Slow clap... you are a modem day, poetic, mam of the people! We don't deserve you.


This electrician banters


>spackle buckets as tool bags ruining the trade Woah now... we don't have to be attacking EVERYONE here ... right ???


Ground down Wire nuts Pre twist Kicks after 90s Yes Yes Milwaukee Klein I’m going to be even later tomorrow because the line grows every day. “Look at this, a gaggle of fucking *wasstings* hanging around the box with nothing better to do than join the circle jerk.”


> Wagos vs Wirenuts You trying to start a war?


>You trying to start a war? If I wanted to start a war, I'd ask you if you like bananas.....


What are your thoughts on Knipex vs. Klein?


harbor freight...ftw


I'm asking as someone that is looking to carry one of these brands in a local supply house. I am probably going to carry both truth be told.


That lil kicker thing sounds like the devil


If I had to make 100s of box sets on 3/4" or 1/2" EMT ....I'd get an apprentice 🐒.


I vote Wago.


straight to jail.jpeg


Remind them that Trump can’t even vote for himself now 🤣


Technically, he wouldn’t even be able to pass a background check for low level SECRET security clearance that low level combat arms soldiers get.


He couldn’t have passed one when he first ran because of all his foreign debt.


I wasn’t aware of him being in foreign debt the first time…………. I was thinking about all the mishandling of documents but I’ll have to look into the debt thing. Thanks for the information!


Oh yeah. He had so thoroughly trashed his credit by that point that his businesses were stuck using some pretty questionable banks and private firms for funding. Deutsche Bank was the big one, iirc.


He couldn’t really before. Regardless of your politics, you can’t deny that there is compromising info on Trump out there.


It's amazing to me just how many people are willing to vote against their best interests.


I find it to be disturbing and even a bit frightening. All Trump wants is their vote, and then he’s done with them. How in the hell can they not see that as plain as day???


Every politician in the world would F their mother for a vote so he is not unique in that regard. I will be glad when all of this is over I hate election years


He should have to drop out of the running. Full stop.


Some states prohibit convicted felons from running for office.


This is federal office, not state. Technically, he could win from behind bars. Granted, max he can get is 1-4 years behind bars, but is more likely to not see any. You just have to be 35 and be a US citizen for like 15 years (maybe American born too, but not sure).


You do have to be born here, hence the whole Obama birth certificate thing.


Print out 3 things -When trump said innocent people don’t plead the fifth -Him pleading the fifth -Him getting found guilty on 34 felonies  I’m sure that’ll go over well


Don’t forget the rape thing, like the one conviction and the hundreds of allegations! Then double down by pointing out he paid a porn star to shut up, he could have done the same with others. He’s a billionaire right?


Fk em, just say thought you guys like law and order.


"I believe in the party of law and order. Any of you liberal bitches that want to whine about a rigged system and how America is unfair are welcome to leave.". That should confuse them long enough to get back to work.


Love it!! LMAO!! 😂


Amazing 🤌


That appears to be a full loop 🔁excellent!


Spoken just like me. It works motherfuckin' wonders to say the exact same shit to them that they project onto anyone that has beliefs different than their own. Also, make sure to state that racist white folks are less than most POC. Women can literally replace them at their job and no one will miss them. They'll never bring up politics around you again.


I mean, the fact that the guy who literally took out a full page ad in the New York Times now claims he had a trial and criminal charges that were rigged against him ..... Irony is officially dead.


This is good. Real good.


Love this. "Good on him for sticking to his law and order shtick enough to take this one on the chin."


"I'm just so confused, he said he would testify and clear his name, why wouldn't he testify if he were innocent?" 


This 😆


They also don't like low energy losers. Sad!


Damn that’s crazy being in a union and voting for trump lmaoooo


Dude... It's crazy. Not just voting for trump, but being in a union AND somehow upset anytime a union strikes anywhere in the country. They're everywhere and it's painfully stupid.


This all day long. The cognative dissonance must be so bad they visably vibrate.


ive deadass seen some say "i dont know, with how the liberals rigged the election making trump loose, maybe we should do away with voting" like.... how much brainrot do you need to get to the point of actively going full authoritarian. I genuinely believe that the whole "project 2025" conservatives are seeding this type of thinking throughout the voting base to make it easier to disrupt future elections and build more distrust in our elections moving that needle closer and closer to loosing rights to vote.


My FIL is a cop and always talks shit about unions. It baffles me.


“Yeah wow that’s crazy” As you walk away from them.


Took my step mom 37 “yeah wow that’s crazy”’s before she stopped talking to me about politics. Most polite “idgaf” on earth, that is if you respect who you are talking to.


When a young person says this to me I stop talking.


Don't talk politics. Put your headphones on and if somebody insists just point at the headphones and say, "This is way more interesting." If your caught without your headphones on you can do the southern thing and say "bless your heart, " or "I'll pray for you AND him!" Then walk away. If somebody demands that you talk politics, just loudly say, "That's a rich people problem, I don't freaking care!" Then walk away.


Sorry sir, I believe your phone did you dirty with an autocorrect. I'm certain you meant to say "hearing protection."


Genius. I was just going to say change the subject lol


I'm grateful I don't work with MAGA douche bags. Fuck Trump


I wonder if I can trigger the MAGA creep that works for our village that has his red hat on the dash of the bucket truck, if I finally call the office and make them make him remove his political bullshit from the municipal truck.


Ronald Reagan was much worse for unions than Trump could ever hope to be. Everybody is so stuck on Trump that they’re not going to realize when someone worse than him comes along, which will likely be very soon.


I have always said that the true danger is the well spoken fascist who follows Trump. That said, I see nothing wrong with hating the person who breaches the first seal.


Is Ronald Reagan one of our two choices for president this year?


Dudes brain is stuck in the 80s


Right this moment, he is the biggest threat to continued democracy in this country. We have to face what’s here in the present and handle the future when it gets here. Just my opinion and I see your point though.


Eye contact and rip one out. I know from experience, this will have people avoid you for at least a business day.


I liked the other guys’ style, but I like yours too.


Fuck, it was already bad this afternoon.


"I don't like talking politics. You won't change my mind. I won't change yours."


encourage them to drag up in protest and picket in the streets! Edit: They've been saying for years that they're gonna do it; I think it's about time they step up and follow through or STFU and put their tail between their legs and sit home on the couch and cry it out.


Hey, man, show some compassion. Marching isn't as easy for everyone equally. Most of my Trumpster neighbors recenlty managed to haul their lawn chairs and Rascals a good 6 blocks away to sit in the way of the gas station entrance for a rush-hour motorcyle parade in honor of something vaguely pro-America. I think. And it took it right out of them. Probably killed a couple of em. They're doing their best, alright? AI generated facebook memes about imaginary earthquakes making an image of English Jesus appear in a poorly rendered fake mountain, and made-up elementary schools hiring drag queens that force children to pledge allegiance to satan are a lot easier on their blood pressure. At least they have the patriotic motivation to hot glue giant Chinese made polyester American and Blue Lives Matter (flag code be damned) flags to the back of their minivans. Even if they had to quickly slap an Aliexpress via FB Marketplace "Trump 2020" sticker over their old antisemitic bumper sticker in light of recent pivots in political identity.


Sir, you are an excellent writer and you should work on some kind of manuscript during whatever downtime you can scrounge up.


do not break eye contact and put your headphones in


union folks supporting that shitbag is so counterintuitive. Can’t wrap my brain around it. He would dismantle everything the unions fought for. Take our rights to organize… writing is on the walls. Look at Texas or any other red state. Right to work bullshit. Supporting the orange fat man as a union member is halfway retarded.


You don’t have a hair on your ass if you don’t head up the conversation with “well, about time they punish those damn crooked rich politicians”.


Fuck em. Time for the man babies to grow up and see daddy is a piece of shit.


mention how small their pp is.


Say that you’re glad someone is finally draining the swamp that Trump talked about.


If you’re in a union you’re a socialist


Take the salting mentality and ask them why it’s so important to them. You wouldn’t call a non-union tradesman a scab for his choice and tell them to shut up. You might learn something or actually understand why they care so much, doesn’t mean you have to agree with them.


Play along and ask if they know about project 25 lol, steer that into Illuminati and finally into a passionate story about how a patriot tried to steal the us constitution to preserve our freedom but it was all covered up…subtle nicholas cage quotes along the way.


Out conspiracy the conspiracy theorists…I like your style.


Fire with fire 😁


I typically just go with “both sides suck” and leave it at that. Also if you don’t normally talk to the guys, just ignore them and get to work. I’ve found it’s very hard to reason with anyone who is so invested in their political party, right or left.


Our lifestyles are predicated upon politics. There is usually something to be lost, especially the trajectory since the politics Reagan, for wage earners. Trump is the antithesis of working class and wage earners but has bamboozled his way into the hearts and minds wage earners through effective propaganda of right-wing wealthy autocrats "Stolen, are the critical thinking skills of working people from such long standing, extremist groups that once appeared as benign. We now are experiencing the damage caused by well financed propaganda campaigns to enrich and line the pockets of past, present, and future generational wealth at the expense of democracy. Fuck the Bourgeoisie, the autocrats, the dictators and especially those who have been duped into the supremacy of that style of "governance", which contradicts our inherent, beloved democracy" -Kevin Wooding


Tell them he should just comply and he will be a-okay


I think people are starting to wake up, haven’t heard much if any political talk in the lunch trailer this year. It’s all gotten so vapid and embarrassing it’s hard to take seriously.


“The jury convicted him because of actual evidence and testimony.” “Do you *actually* think that Trumps defense team didn’t make **GODDAMN SURE** some of the jurors liked him?” “Jurors **the defense** picked convicted him.”


Listen here brother. At the end of the day refuse to be a bootlicker and be your brothers keeper remind them of the hay market affair and the battle of Blair mountain. Solidarity [https://imgur.com/gallery/d4TtT7V](https://imgur.com/gallery/d4TtT7V)


Straight up say with complete conviction, "I don't give a fuck about that shit, let's get to work." If it continues go to "if you are finished gargling Trumps balls can we get some work done?" Try "Are you auditioning for a spot as Alex Jones's butt boy?" And if you are a real masochist you can ask "What do you think Putin thinks about all of this?"


I have three options you can choose from. •Tell em, “did you hear about that shooting in Minnesota yesterday?” as they start rambling about the Trump case. If they say no, say to them “oh it’s crazy you should look it up”. •if you wanna sound in touch with intentional news. You can bring up the collapse of the Argentina currency, again. •last but not least you can hit them with how you saw one of those cyber trucks in person and how ugly it looks. Then ask em if they have seen one in person yet.


Blue collar, union workers are the biggest anomaly to me. Working in a system that pays very well and protects them at every turn but was established by “liberals” so they fully support “conservatives” who want to completely eliminate the system which allows them such good pay and employee benefits. It’s truly one of the finest examples of the under-education of America coming to term.


Say “good, fuck him, lock up all Billionaires! Working class Solidarity forever!”


God I’m so glad my whole crew gives zero shits about politics


It's so disappointing when a year or two in on a politics-free jobsite people finally get comfortable enough with you to start sharing their beliefs... And they're way off base. Always starts with a few mentions of Joe Rogan, followed by a couple of heat-of-the moment complaints vaguely attributing unfair treatment to "skin tone"... Then it's a floodgate. Tranny this, f-word that. And making disapproving facial expressions, ignoring it, or even heavily suggesting that you're not in agreement don't work at that point. You're already on the fast track to full blown racial slurs peppered into conspiracy theories about the fucking moon landing... Hunny I'm so sorry that you've never traveled more than 100 miles away from your rural midwest hometown, and don't recognize that despite being a big, fat, hairy, bald white male in a trucker cap and work clothes... I listen to techno music and share stories about my days as a rave club dj and doing LSD,/ecstacy, and my flannel is rainbow, and I voluntarily refer to myself as a "bear" while talking about my obviously black spouse... I don't know how that wasn't enough... But ffs I can't make it any more clear that the beard and forklift skills are not open invitations for you to vent to me your frustrations about spending $300 on lapdances from a stipper only to feel yucky when you realized she had a penis... We are not on the same page my brother!


>It's so disappointing when a year or two in on a politics-free jobsite people finally get comfortable enough with you to start sharing their beliefs... And they're way off base. Always starts with a few mentions of Joe Rogan, followed by a couple of heat-of-the moment complaints vaguely attributing unfair treatment to "skin tone"... I feel this in my heart brother. I'm a big ole cis white dude and pretty hard to miss with tattoos. However when some people get alone with me... (you know when none of those 'others are not around) is not a free pass to be a racist bigoted clueless fuck. I don't want to hear their bullshit, and when that shit is said I'm gonna call it out. Just because I am who I am is not a free pass for someone to be a shithead.


Exactly. Hard to tell which aspect of the visual assessment is worse... the angry dipshits claiming to be on "my side" assuming the worst of me and chomping at the bit to misconstrue my supportive intentions? Or the guys I thought were pretty cool getting comfortable enough to confide in me their most ignorant personal thoughts.... We should have a special group for hyper-masculine, highly technically skilled, and societally conscious, intellectual laborers... At least to vent to one another about the class struggles that come with being strong, smart, and moral, but not born into or otherwise suited for "desk job" positions. (I think they used to call that an "engineer".) Oh... I guess we're here, huh?


My brother in christ, you know exactly what's going on in the Midwest union situation, and I'm here for it.


Remind them that there was so much evidence that they found him guilty of all 34 counts and even OJ was found not guilty. That should end the convo.


How about everybody just shuts the fuck up and does their goddamn job?? That would be nice for a change.


Just get to work and stop yapping.


Tell them to shut the fuck up grow a pair


God that is the worst. If you are a journeyman just tell ‘em to please shut the f up. If you are an apprentice, suck it up or get better at steering the conversation. If your partner asks who died and made you boss, tell him his mother did.


I don’t engage


Just laugh at them -


Nobody cares.


I can't wait for it all my coworkers are gonna be crying I'm showing up waving my American flag U S A U S A!


I take it your local isn’t in the New York/jersey/Philly area? There might be champagne on some sites I know


Talk about pussy


It's only a problem — if you choose to make it a problem …


Oh no! anyways


Show everyone your complete disinterest in the subject and visibly tune them out. Body language can tell a person a lot about where the conversation is going. And for the record I’m right there with ya. I honestly forgot the dude was on trial.


Bro, this is gonna be a hot topic for the next few days. . Gonna be lots of swearing and old men worked up...lol. Just keep urself quiet and work through it...no matter what u say, it will be at the wrong time for these old guys.... you can do it... .I did it along time. And listen. I hear you. When I was young, I gave 2 shits about politics. Now that I'm old. It hits different. We are just grumpy, gripey old Masters.....you will get here one day!.. Best of luck with ur career, Purp'


Just say "I know it's fucked up , and this trial was total bullshit...Probably what he gets for hating unions so much...." throw up the international signal of I Don't Know Man 🤷‍♂️ , and walk away....


Never understood union members being Republicans


"cry to your mom, not to me."


When people try to get me going on politics I shut it down by telling them I don't give a shit, I hate everyone equally. Then I shut my mouth and even if I have an opinion I keep it to myself. Engaging idiots with your own opinion is the worse thing you could do.


"you guys seen Barbie?'


You might be surprised and they won't want to bring it up. I live in a pretty heavy maga area and work with some rightwing dipshits. When the verdict came down my coworkers mentioned it but then kinda went quiet. I went to the bar after work and not a person was talking about it. It was weird I was expecting it to be the only thing people talked about. Maybe it just broke their brains idk


You ask 5.0 Gen 3 Coyote or LT1?


Too bad MAGA dipshits aren’t bright enough to realize that Trump has crapped on Unions for decades.


You don't. You publicly shame them for being in a cult of personality, throwing their lot in with a conman-felon-rapist. Only way you beat out stupid shit is to make the cognitive space they occupy exceptionally uncomfortable. Maybe those asshats will start thinking before they speak if they fear ridicule again.


I love the United States and despite being imperfect, I believe in our Justice System.


In all seriousness, now that Trump is a convicted felon, I wonder if his supporters will work to support the rights of other felons. Being able to vote from prison and all that jazz.


There used to be a time when union members supported Democrats because they support unions. Times have changed. Now they support politicians who will end the unions.


It’s simple, in good company one never discusses politics, child rearing, or religion. Else there will be contention.


Technically, he can still run for president. Google "Rule 34 Donald Trump." For more info.


Tell them to google "Trump Rule 34" before talking to you.


“Damn that’s crazy” works for most shit.


One of the things I miss about white collar desk work. People don't make politics their entire identity. I switched over to blue collar work and you never hear guys shut the fuck up about Trump.


Just don't talk about it. Bring something else up, or be busy when it's a topic that you aren't into


I live in redneck country, and not a single person has brought this up, today.


Just tell them that IBEW contractor got stiffed on every job he did in NYC.


I used to work with some maga guys. Still do but they've cooled on him a lot. Still hate biden and for some reason Mexicans. Anyways you can always move the convo to the absurd. "He paid her like 100k just to not talk about having sex with him. Seems low to me. Like if I fucked trump it would have to be in the 7 figures for me to not talk about it. Hey man what's the lowest number you'd take for sex with a rich dude? Remember, you're not a hooker. The sex was free. It's the silence he's paying for. I think the Bible says that's OK."


What’s more telling to me…… not a single person ended up mentioning it all day on my site today (on the right wing side). The few “Trump guys” on site had nothing to say, for once.


Really is fucked up, I’m in the carpenters union and I can not believe how many of my so called union brothers love trump. The man refused to pay many Union contractors in NY and at his attempted casino businesses in NJ.


Whenever they bring it up just talk about what a loser he is and laugh in their faces when they try to defend hom


Tell them it's too bad Trump and Barr prosecuted Cohen to begin with. that's where the evidence came from


It's not a political thing, but a legal one. The old crook got caught cheating according to state law (he's a candidate for a federal position, not a state one), he was tried and found guilty. That's that...


I just find it ironic that union workers want to vote for a guy who’s anti-union


Just grab em by the pussy, then get to work


It’s all so tiresome isn’t it?


The fact that any union member supports this twat is mind blowing


Ridicule and shame them for being gay. They obsess over a dude.


I’d avoid queer shaming imo but the obsession over a viciously anti-union pig fuck like Trump is a bad look