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Fuck that, pour some gas on the fire baby! šŸ„³šŸ¤ŒšŸ˜ø


My favourite line today has been "fraudster commits 40 years of fraud gets charged for fraud surprise". "Guy doesn't pay for labour fuck him" is another good one. It's fuckin half day Friday, fuck it lol.


Seriously, dude has a long and well documented history of refusing to pay laborers after they do work, that should be enough to condemn him by itself.


But for some reason... we fucking don't?? It straight up blows my mind that they think he's on our side somehow.


I love doing this. I'm more liberal but I'll say build a wall just to rile people up. What ever fans the flames


So what's the win condition? If you prolong the conflict, it just keeps going. If you give a masochist a spanking, are you punishing them, or rewarding their behavior? Behavior will only change if you learn how to stop rewarding it.


Nobody's going to change their mind, no. But part of the win is making it really obvious that there's a world outside their echo chamber, that actively opposes them. And more important, that people outside that echo chamber don't have to shut up and put up with it. It's about supporting people who might be intimidated by the maga types, and letting them know they're not alone. If someone else brings it up, I'm not going to let them control the entire conversation by sitting silent.


> If someone else brings it up, I'm not going to let them control the entire conversation by sitting silent. Pretty sure this is why so many people are pushing the idea of not responding to the trumptards. Doing so lets them control the narative. Fuck that.


There's no need to argue with them. "Oh, that was wonderful, finally!" without looking at them, while continuing on with your work. Then if it keeps sputtering maybe wait a while, and then say, "forever after he will be convicted felon Donald Trump," and then ignore him and go on with your work.Etc.


I am frankly worried how many of us will go red at work. Honestly, I've met some really cool guys who share my political beliefs. There's one GGG (Good Guy Greg) in particular I'm honored to call him a gentleman and a friend honestly. Such a good dude (He doesn't vote for Trump and believes in women's rights). He even called some other JW a bootlicker and I wanted to fucking high five that man so bad but just slightly agreed at the moment. I gave him the proper fist bump he deserved later though. We still talk too. Oh, and that man defended abortions so violently. He said something that made my jaw drop. They were frankly super gross first... and he kinda upped the ante on 'em but it totally worked. They got the point. Solid dude


the win is getting it through the thick MAGA skulls out there that THEY are the sheep and they believed propaganda and lies over truth and reality.


But you cannot get it through their skulls. Dear Leader isn't the cause, he is the symptom. There's only one kind class of people with the training to achieve your goal- therapists. And they are unlikely to achieve a goal like that in less than a couple of years. By providing the desired conflict, you raise the defense mechanisms of a codependent person, ensuring they will not capitulate. They are now even more motivated to defend dear leader (or more realistically, their codependency). There is only one sensible way to achieve your long term goal, walk away. Take away their soap box. Of all the cases, this one was generally considered the weakest, and he lost, and it wasn't even a close decision. Leave the codependent behind, alone, angry, and forced to deal with their own problems, instead of giving them the distraction they desperately desire. Either they will get help, or they will self destruct, but they will be forced to do it without disrupting your peace.


>But you cannot get it through their skulls The only way you can know that for sure, is to never try.


Of course, you're right. But there are instigators and bad actors on both sides, as we can see from the above comment. Some people just want to mess with other people, and don't see cause and effect or the bigger picture.


Alternative proposal: Any time anyone tries to talk to you about the president, ask them about their comptroller, treasurer, the chief of their municipal police department, their municipal/circuit court judge, prosecutors, can they name one person on the school board? Superintendent? Board of directors? Just one person on the city council, zoning board, or public works. Pretty quick way to tell if someone actually cares about politics, or is just enjoying some reality tv.


Don't roll around in the mud with a pig. They'll beat you with experience, and they enjoy it. Treat them like the pariah they are and disengage. You can't logic them out of their nonsense, and your moment of feeling smart will be gone the second they overlook it and continue on.


Fantastic idea, thanks.


You know our headquarters is in Washington DC and that we work directly with the current president on pushing legislation that supports the working class right? I get that youā€™re enlightened to be above politics, but we as union members have an obligation to be politically active and this is not what we stand for.


What we stand for is our own agenda as the working class- not giving an audience or an unnecessary fight to a codependent person. There is no win condition to giving a Dear Leader supporter the fight they want, it's counterproductive because they want that fight. They have successfully exercised control over you. The cycle continues. You cannot punish a masochist by giving them a spanking. You cannot punish a narcissist by giving them an audience. You CAN punish them by making them irrelevant, and that starts by taking away their soap box.


Youā€™re the one who made this post to talk about not talking about him, didnā€™t ya.


I don't understand the love for Biden. He opened the border to millions of illegal aliens that the cons are using to destroy the wages of the American blue collar worker. Im not sure why I should be celebrating an obviously politically motivated attack to imprison the only alternative to this disaster like we're a banana republic. The worst part on reddit is you can't even express this perspective without a torrent of downvotes punishing you for your opinion.


The border needs FUNDING, and the Republicans won't give it to us, because otherwise what would they complain about? We literally tried to pass a border bill and it got shot down by Republicans. So who's letting in "millions of illegal aliens" then? It's not a politically motivated attack. Dude was charged. Evidence was brought in. A jury of Americans was carefully selected by both sides. The evidence was reviewed. He was found guilty. Go look at the evidence. It's pretty clear he committed felonies and got caught.


Yeah, they create the problems they bitch about then blame the Democrats. Gives the the public something to rage about


Who's raging? Had the tables been turned dem groups would be burning cities down and stopping traffic like they love doing


No, they wouldn't be. And you know it. They'll stop traffic over genocide, but a corrupt leader getting what he deserves? Nah. Democrats are pretty good about calling out corruption in their own party.


Well to be fair they are calling out Biden for his corrupt use of the judicial system and executive branch so there's that...as for genocide how can a country whose population is 20% Palestinian with Palestinians amongst the highest offices in government and military be committing genocide? If Israel wanted to commit genocide they could easily wipe the Palestinians off the face of the earth. Your assertion is a disgrace to people who've actually been the victims of genocide such as Rwanda where 800,000 Tutsis were murdered by Hutus with Machetes in 3 months


I agree with all of your points. The trouble is, you have fallen for the codependent's manipulation. You got sucked into a talk about politics with a Dear Leader supporter. You can argue with him, but you will never change his mind. He has disrupted your peace, and that is what he finds gratifying. Rules of the internet #7: If you argue with a troll, it means yhey win. Rules of Acquisition #109: Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.


That's my fetish tho


Those border bills have extra stuff added in that has nothing to do with the border that the dems know the republicans will not agree to. Then they will say look they donā€™t want to support it! Itā€™s all a game and they know how to play it and play YOU! You are falling for their propaganda, they will say anything to you to remain in power.


Yes they do that shit all the time, this is what politics is, every single bill is like that. This bill was part of a foreign aid package for Ukraine and Israel. The Republicans wanted the border language until Trump started yelling about it. They just passed a foreign aid bill in April, instead of border security being added in we got TikTok essentially being banned.


Actually the "crime" was a misdemeanor that didn't survive the statute of limitations, the jury was instructed by the judge unconventionally, and a specific judge was specifically handpicked for a specific case which is unconstitutional. Not to mention the conflict of interest that exists because the judges daughter directly benefits financially off a guilty verdict


Stop eating fox news's absolute bullshit for breakfast dude. 34/34 guilty. Felonies.


I don't wants the news. And his "felonies" and this fraudulent case to obtain them only strengthems American's support for Trump. But rage on




Show me the man and I'll show you the crime. (Lavrentiy Beria)


Evidence. They fact checked his ass in court bro.


The irony that you quoted Beria of all people when Trump campaigned on a chant of 'Lock Her Up!' is crushingly lacking in self-awareness.


Yeah, and then what? Did he actually do it? The democratic party has lost its mind and now targets people for prosecution based on their political beliefs and lets allies skate the rules. That kind of misuse of the legal system should scare anybody with an understanding of its implications, unless you think you're part of the in group.


The irony of advocating for locking up your political opponent for alleged crimes, only to then be locked up for verifiable crimes, is just hilarious to me. If you can prove that the Democrat Party did what you are alleging, I'll vote for whoever you say. BUT, that's the trick: proving it. And I don't think you can.


The preponderance of the evidence - Alvin Bragg campaigning on locking Trump up and then inventing novel theories on how to invoke a federal criminal statute under which Trump was investigated and found innocent (campaign finance violation) by federal investigators, in order to go around the statute of limitations JUST to make it a felony is nakedly partisan. Refusing a change of venue in a district that voted 95% for democrats. The judge donated to democrats and refused to recuse himself. Giving bizarre jury instruction to allow the jury to disagree on even what "crime " Trump was allegedly guilty of violating, even when he wasn't found guilty of said crime by the feds. Basically taking it upon state authority to even attempt to prosecute a federal crime. The whole thing reeks of gestapo style bullshit. Come on, you can't seriously look at this case in the privacy or your own mind and believe it resulted in a just ruling in the court of law. And neither does anybody else of good judgment, whether you want to lie about it here or not.


This is a completely wrong understanding of the situation on so many levels. Itā€™s kind of impressive how someone could be this far off.


I'd love a new perspective, because the outlook is pretty grim.


Itā€™s really hard to do that without having a face to face conversation as I donā€™t know you and thereā€™s a LOT to talk about here, but Iā€™ll give it a shot. 1) Blaming ā€œillegalsā€, people who have the least power over dictating what happens in your life and mine in this system, isnā€™t it. What does deserve finger pointing is those who are profiting off of their ability to exploit the vulnerability of these people and the people and interests who led to the situation in the home countries of these people leading them to decide that theyā€™re willing to risk it all in order to GTFO. 2) He didnā€™t open the border any more than Trump closed it. 3) The issue of the border is being used as a political tool. Itā€™s distracting from much more serious problems that those politicians are either actively encouraging or ignoring and those politicians are using it to get people riled up about something so that they can blame these destitute people who canā€™t really defend themselves and the bleeding heart liberals who do defend them. 4) Itā€™s in the interest of us as union workers to make sure that every worker is able to work under as good or as possible. These people donā€™t want to work for less, they want to be able to provide as good of a life for themselves as we are able to do for ourselves. We should be wanting to help bring them up, not push them down. We do better as union members when a higher percentage of all workers are empowered to stand up for themselves. Thereā€™s a lot more to say about this, but I have shit to do.


You shouldnā€™t listen to the talking heads if you want to speak factsā€¦ https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/factsheet-final-fy23-numbers-show-worst-year-at-americas-borders-ever/ 2018 was around 500k, 2023 is over 3million


How about this one: our economy will detonate if not supplied cheap labor. Given the low birth rate and large amount of elders retiring continued economic growth and profit relies on both migration and illegal immigration. Stopping illegal migration would reduce business profits, raise the cost of labor, set inflation on fire again and result in tremendous cuts to entitlements such as SSI. Neither party wants to stop illegal immigration and itā€™s a huge pony show.


I can't argue with that. Absolutely disgusting that the American solution is to exploit the poor.


I mean, it isnā€™t just the US. The economic, migration and fertility problems are global. This is why we see increased migration, child labor laws being reversed and women being forced to birth poverty babies. ā€œSperm counts are falling by around 1.1% per year, with an overall decline of 51.6% in 45 years. Of concern, the rate of decline has doubled since 2000ā€ https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/expert-reaction-to-study-of-sperm-counts-over-time Global fertility halved since 1950ā€¦ https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/20/health/global-fertility-rates-lancet-study/index.html Guess Iā€™ll go watch children of men nowā€¦


1 we donā€™t love Biden 2 we attempted to pass border legislation but the other side turned it down so they can politically posture


The border deal was in bad faith - how can you regulate intake if you aren't even trying to enforce it now? The border is wide open and states that try to do their own work to stem it are met with lawsuits from our own government. What we need to stop illegal immigration is enforcement against employers who are exploiting their labor. The whole thing has been a goldmine for human traffickers and scum who pay under the table and minimum wage for backbreaking work. I don't like Trump, but I see the disaster that has been the last four years, cancel culture of people with the wrong opinion, and now the attempt to jail the leading opposition and that scares the crap out of me for the future of my family and our country. Those gloating about the conviction should maybe consider the other side's concerns if they don't want to rip our union and this country apart. Whatever you think of Trump, his conviction is a tragedy for our country - either because you see it as I do, or because you believe a felon could become president. It is nothing to celebrate.


There is SO much more at stake here than the immigration problem. Trump said he wants to invalidate the US Constitution and become "dictator for a day". The actual future of our Constutional Republic is at stake.


If you believe that sincerely, you've been watching the left wing equivalent of Alex Jones.


The guy literally said that, thatā€™s a quote from the guy. Also considering you canā€™t give an actual left wing Alex jones equivalent should prove that it isnā€™t a thing


If you don't believe Trump's own words, then why would you support him? They say when they tell you who they are, believe them.


I donā€™t support him, I think my other comments should support that


My comment was meant for the Capacitor guy šŸ˜Š


Actions speak louder than words taken out of context. Biden is actually acting dictatorially by pursuing is political rivals with the might of the US government which is by the way unconstitutional which we already went through when Hilary was pardoned during her presidential run


"I will be dictator for a day" how is that taken out of context? Or In a Truth Social post on Dec. 3, 2022, Trump repeated his claim that the 2020 election results were fraudulent, and argued that this allows "for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution" Please explain the context in which we are to take these quotes?


"We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden Context matters. Alright. Alex Jones is a wacko. But CNN and The View are barely a class higher.


Jesus - you actually think thatā€™s a real quote. Amazing. ā€œShared on Facebook and Instagram days leading up to the 2020 U.S. general election, posts show a clip of Joe Biden saying, ā€œWe have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.ā€ The posts falsely ask if the video shows the Democratic presidential candidate ā€œadmit(ting) to voter fraud.ā€ It was a slip of the tongue - Biden was describing the voter protection program his campaign has launched in anticipation of potential legal fights over the outcome of the Nov. 3 election against President Donald Trump. ā€œ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27E2U7/ You are painfully ignorant and gullible.


You missed the point of my post. Yes, that clip was taken out of context - so was the earlier one. Context matters. It was in fact a real quote.


The full quote and context is what you're leaving out. Go watch more CNN because that's where the quote was popularized where they even cut more of the quote out to make it seem Trump wanted to become a dictator period


I mean thatā€™s like, your opinion. I disagree.


As a woman, and usually the only woman at work, I'm not going to sit idly by while anyone supports someone who doesn't think I should have basic autonomy over my body. Fuck that noise. Anyone who is in a vulnerable position needs people to fight. Silence never got us anywhere. To be silent is to be complicit.


Get em, sister.


I agree with you, but I also want basic autonomy over my wallet!


"I agree with you, but..." is a shitty reply when women are dying from street abortions, pregnancy complications, domestic violence while pregnant, and childbirth resulting from pregnancies they didn't want. If you want more money, take labour action. Don't choose your money over my life.


I was referring to the inequity in our legal system over having to give the ex 1/2 of our hard earned $


I never said, "be silent." My message is to take away your opponents voice. Here's how I picture a conversation where you take away their voice and still make yourself heard. Maga: "This is unfair! It was a rigged trial!" You: "That's so sad. Bless your heart. I'll pray for you."


The Republican party is such a shit show. Their nominee is literally a felon now.


And the other option is a potato. We're fucked.


My vote would be for potato this time. No one wanted these options. But itā€™s still an easy choice.


Maybe if you're a redditor you feel that way. Yet Biden is still down at the polls but enjoy your echo chamber


Polls have zero influence on me. Why would I care what a poll says? My votes already decided.


It might not influence you but the world doesn't revolve around you. The polls demonstrate the pulse of the country. Vote for whoever you want, it's a democracy


Bro, the democratic nominee is literally a dementia patient who canā€™t form a coherent sentence two speeches in a row. Both sides need a revamping in nominees. This is a joke of an election already


The current president of the United States wanted to run for reelection. No shit heā€™s the nominee. Throwing around the dumb ass dementia fake news is really tired.




Trump cult member.


I'm sick of high inflation, cancel culture, political prosecutions, millions of illegal aliens, and endless wars. Labeling people like me "Trump cult members" is probably just pushing independents to the right.


Iā€™m sure independents are lining up to vote for Trumpā€¦


I guess we'll find out. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They are lol. This trial pushed my vote for trump


Why? Was his defense strategy so embarrassing you felt bad for him?


Made it obvious this was political persecution


Fat Hitler Trump is being criminally prosecuted for the crimes we all watched him commit in broad daylight. Biden hasnā€™t gotten us into ANY wars. Trump employs illegal aliens every single day and immigration only makes our booming economy stronger. And the ā€œcancel cultureā€ whining is lame as shit: https://www.thedailybeast.com/jon-stewart-blasts-trump-cancel-culture-and-gop-hypocrisy-after-harrison-butker-outrage


How does illegal immigration help blue collar workers when all it does is increase the supply of largely unskilled labor? Or is this one of those things where we just shake our head and say oh well because we work in a skilled trade with some protections? Less fortunate workers can't unionize effectively when the supply of cheap and desperate workers is plentiful. That used to be a mainstream understanding in the labor movement.


American blue collar workers arenā€™t signing up to work the chicken factories, clean hotel rooms, or do a boatload of other unskilled labor jobs that immigrants do every single day. Americans think theyā€™re ā€œaboveā€ such kind of work, including many at the poverty level.


You would be surprised what Americans will do for work if the pay is fair. The problem isn't entitled Americans - the problem is shit wages. I went from easy white collar work to electrical as a second career because of the pay, despite it being "dirty constriction work." Americans won't do it is tired wall street capitalist class bullshit.


High inflation isn't the president's doing. You want to blame a world leader, blame Putin, but you can't even fully blame him, he's just one input. Trump created some upward pressure with his stupid trade war, but even I wouldn't place the blame for inflation on him, and I wouldn't piss on him to stop flames. The Fed has raised interest rates under Biden and that puts a pinch on all of us, but the Fed is explicitly and intentionally not under the president's control. That's why we can't blame Trump for the extended period of low interest rates that many economists warned could lead to inflation, even though it happened during his presidency. Trump was asking for negative interest rates at one point, btw, which is maniacal, if you claim to care about inflation. The idea that a president has anything to do with cancel culture is nonsensical on its face. Hell, the idea that cancel culture is *real* is laughable. How's Roseanne doing? Oh she's still rich? What about Chappelle? Still selling out shows? Who knew cancelation was so profitable? Hell, Rittenhouse fucking killed a guy and he makes money off it. There have always been millions of illegal immigrants and there will always be. This isn't a new problem and it's not a partisan one. Both sides try to blame the other and both sides have failed to address it because it's more useful as a platform plank than a solved problem. What's really gonna cook your noodle is the fact that it's too late to solve it. You ain't seen shit yet. The climate migrations that we're going to see in 10 or 15 years are going to make you pine for the calm and peaceful days of the Biden years. PS, Biden's border policies are essentially the same as Trump's border policies, except that time when he was going to sign a bipartisan bill that would have made immigration policy even more conservative, but then the "conservatives" tanked the bill because Trump said to.


Im not a trump fan but Biden canā€™t even speak bro


Have you watched the full video of a Trump speech? Not a clip, but the entire speech? Trump doesn't so much speak as babble, stringing together words that vaguely indicate what he means but fails to actually explain policy.


Have you ever watched a full Biden speech? He steals other peoples speeches and still canā€™t read them correctly! Then gets lost walking off a stageā€¦. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


ā€œObjectively, Donald Trump has a documented history of lying that is so marked as to be considered 'pathological.' Politicians often say untrue things, but the frequency of Trumpā€™s lying is so extreme as to meet criteria for sociopathic behavior, since he tells falsehoods across all life domains, from his personal relationships to business dealings and finally to politics. Recently, several clinicians have noted the ways he has begun to mistake words, lose his train of thought, confuse Biden with Obama, particularly during long rallies held in the evening. There are examples of phonemic paraphasia ā€“ swapping parts of words for others that sound similar; these are signs of early dementia, even though they are intermittent. ā€œThe complaints about Joe Biden have been more vague ā€“ citing his advanced age, physical fragility and occasional mixing up of names. But there is no evidence of dementia onset, no ā€˜sun-downing,ā€™ no reports from staff or cabinet members that he is failing to stay on top of legislative or international issues. This in contrast to Trump whose cabinet at the end of his term considered invoking the 25th amendment. ā€œThis is not a partisan take. If the figures here were reversed, I would make the same judgment.ā€ https://news.cornell.edu/media-relations/tip-sheets/cornell-expert-says-trumps-frequent-phonemic-paraphasia-are-signs-early


Have you not listened to your orange turd gurgle? Pipe down princess.


Did I say I like Trump? I literally said BOTH SIDES need a revamping of nominees. Jackass


Haha, it won't happen. I don't have enough flashcards and Crayolas to explain this to you. Poor sweet summer child. Stop slurping on the orange glizzy.


"Don't ever talk about him. It makes him stronger. Don't even mention politics for fear he could be brought up" posted to a subreddit where every other thread is about trump because a bunch of grown assed adults that always talk about fighting for each other are afraid to say "yeah he deserved it" on the jobsite.


What is he, Voldemort?


It's not about whether he deserved it or not. When your collegues talk about Trump, they're really talking about themselves. They're exercising a power over you. That's how codependency works. The short of it is, if you give a masochist a spanking, you are NOT punishing them. If you want the behavior to end, you have to recognize the manipulation for what it is and disable it


You mean exercising the power of democracy? Yea people are allowed the freedom of speech even if it is political. This isn't the Banana republic Biden has us all feeling we're trapped in


You can better exercise the power of democracy by voting, attending your local's meeting, town council or pta meetings, door knocking in support of your preferred candidates, picketing... Arguing with a coworker whose mind is already made up is about as politically active as arguing politics with the homeless guy bumming change in front of 7/11. Nobody actually benefits from it.


I'm not arguing. And I rather exercise the power of democracy by enjoying my life, raising my children with the values I believe in, and seeking happiness with my family. I don't have time to knock on strangers doors and attend town council meetings sorry, got more important things I rather be doing


People can have differing opinions on politics. 50% of people are dumber than the average person, so there is a lot of misinformed politics. You can be pro labour and support certain ideas of the conservative parties. For example, Iā€™m extremely against the Trudeau governments method of trying to reduce gun violence by regulating law abiding gun owners. I think the way they have introduced their laws are undemocratic and authoritarian. So I support the conservatives in their policy to revert that. That doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m conservative, or liberal. Political ideas are not a monolith. You should be able to debate these things, and explore new ideas and open others minds to your ideas. I would also recommend avoiding people who are completely brainwashed and stubborn in their ideas. Some peopleā€™s minds you simply canā€™t change, or it may not be worth the stress to you to try and nuance them.


This is the exact reason why I say we need more choice. Dealing and putting everyone into just 2 groups is crazy. I guarantee everyone reading this agrees w at least 1 thing the other side fights for. So we are all just choosing what fight to give up and picking the lesser of 2 evils.


[itā€™s friday](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bf/67/89/bf6789979cfb31b73a29004fdd61c4af.jpg)


This is making me glad I worked alone allllll day today, with an earbud in and head in the game. šŸ¤™šŸ»


I usually just tell them "yeah whatever I just wish we had a president that's not more than twice my age"


Jesus can we just stop? There's already countless threads on this, we don't need to hear about it every second of the day.


Itā€™s Redditā€¦ itā€™s a liberal echo chamber what else do you expect to find hereā€¦


Trumps mishandling of COVID and printing so much money is what fucked the economy up to today for the middle class. I say fuck trump and magats


You do realized it was Biden increased to the mostā€¦ right? https://bipartisanpolicy.org/report/deficit-tracker/


Itā€™s all so tiresome.


I hate politics but somehow found myself here. I'm not even union lol.


Then you will hate these guys. They live for politics


We don't have to do anything but vote out the little kid sniffer ..


Funny enough this is the first I've heard of it


What is going on? Sorry Iā€™ve been abroad all week and apparently missed something


Kangaroo court convicted 34 counts against Trump months before election.


Get the whole job site riled up


Agree with everyone individually and then put people against each other works every time


Fuck that. Cowards avoid conflict. Fascism / corruption of democracy should be confronted wherever it pops up. Make maga scared again.


You people live in alternative reality from regular people


My tactic is to tell people to google "Trump Rule 34" and turn safe search off so "Google's woke AI won't filter the results" before I'll talk to them about Trump and the trial. I'm choosing chaos.


Trump belong in prison BUT If they can railroad an ex President like this they can lock ANYONE away for ANY reason. That should scare you we are now communist China or Russia


He was indicted by a grand jury and convicted by a jury of 12 Americans for the crimes he committed. No one was ā€œrailroaded,ā€ cultist.


Not only that, he admitted to the crimes he was charged with. Has the motherfucker really not ever heard the words 'You have the right to remain silent,,,'


I heard you canā€™t be a union wannabe electrician unless youā€™ve been on and have your kids on puberty blockers, is that true?


Dumb bot account


Research the number of times president Biden has been on tv in front of the bug. Go back and review how many times the convicted felon has an appearance in front of the bug. Iā€™ll waitā€¦ Should tell you everything you need to know.


The union was built on politics. Lol. And rich people problems are inherently our problems not theirs. I'd like to see what happened happen to more people in office and in the board rooms lobbying bullshit bills that fuck us and our environment


That is a cogent well thought out piece of advice that I actually follow myself but youā€™ve described it perfectly. Donā€™t feed into their need to have a self righteous conflict of opinion. Walk away. Well said.


PSā€¦ I am gay!! Hahahaha


PSā€¦ nobody gives a shit!!


Weird non sequitor, but good for you? Happy pride?


I mean trumps gay lol


Fuck it!! We all gayz!!


Well, I've never heard of a straight electrician.


Trump "generated billions of dollars in earned media coverage throughout the trial, hosted massive rallies and impromptu campaign stops in New York and beyond, increased his lead over crooked Joe Biden in the polls and raised more money than Biden and the Democrats in the month of April. Not even a witch hunt trial could slow him down. In fact, it only made him stronger."Ā 


That's what they told ya


May 30th, 2024 might be remembered as the day Donald J. Trump won the 2024 Presidential Election


You mean something like the ā€œbig red waveā€ of 2022?


When Joe Biden says our economy is "strong as hell," we don't know if that's dishonesty or dementia talking. But we do know it's just not true. The fact is, gas, groceries, housing, and electric bills are all up under Biden, costing families thousands more each year. Joe Biden's weak, failing policies are destroying our economy. And that's the truth.


none of that is bidens fault. gas went up because of trumps master putin decided to invade another country. capitalism is to blame for the crazy rise in prices. bidens weak and failing policies brought 750,000 jobs to this country, the lowest unemployment in decades, and record breaking dow jones numbers. stop listening to fux news and read a forbes magazine.


Inflation is a world wide issue. Look beyond your bubble. Facts may be tough to look up but it may keep you from looking uneducated.


The economy is indeed strong, just not for us the middle class. It's strong for many large multinational corporations, which in turns give out good numbers that politicians like to point at. This will never change under Trump or Biden. It's gonna take more time than any of us want for the economy to "feel" strong for the middle class, but at least Biden signs legislation to get the ball rolling. Trump nor any conservative in Congress would do the same.


You won't convince anyone here. I've said my part on this and all you get is an account ruining torrent of downvotes for expressing a good faith comment. Hatred of Trump gives people a pass on the failure of the Biden administration, the democrat party's betrayal of blue collar workers, and a pretty transparent record of going after political opponents using lawfare. A very grim situation our country is in.


The fact that you call the "Democratic Party" the "Democrat Party" shows where you get your news from. Republicans renamed the Democratic Party the "DemocRAT Party" years ago because they put emphasis on "rat" and didn't like the fact that the real name has "Democratic" in it. Look it up. You fell for that intentional misnaming.


You are such a drama queen. Whatever man.


I'm dissapointed you resorted to ad hominem attacks instead of just sticking with a debate. I won't respond in kind. You're entitled to your opinion and to whom you support.


The reply was pedantic and simply accused me of being brainwashed.


Considering thatā€™s not when elections are held I would disagree