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Hi /u/JRhim, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * **No common reposts :** The timeline as to what is considered recent enough to count as a repost is up to moderator discretion *If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIdiotsInCars)*


Shouldn’t the silver Corolla have completed the turn? The lines indicate they should have, or am I seeing things?


No you’re exactly right. The silver car was suppose to take the left turn, but she decided to go straight. But I wouldn’t never been in this situation if I hadn’t switched lanes during a turn, so it’s my fault.


I vote 2 equal idiots. At least you recognize you made a mistake, that puts you miles ahead of most


I’d argue if a collision occurred it would be 100% their fault.


Lmao, your previous post of this same video didn’t have anywhere near this much remorse or self reflection. Corolla was an idiot but so were you for switching lanes mid turn; but hey, whatever works for fake Reddit points.


You are a nerd


These fake Reddit points is what makes me happy! Jk I’m just trolling, me switching lanes 100% cause this whole problem based on traffic nerds so I’m reposting it so please them




😂😂😂 I know it’s funny seeing people getting upset over it, I love trolling


Well now you're just spiting yourself because you got flamed on your last post.


Was not expecting the redemption arc attempt lmao. God I hope some traffic nerd comes through and explains how the left lane does indeed have proper lane of travel, the left lane MIGHT even have a proper way of transition (although its typically 100-200ft) for a lane transition and OP sucks. They both get fined


Lmao I had to please the traffic nerds, they were too focused on my lane change


What in looney toons is this intersection? If you don’t mind, where is this intersection so I can look at it from a map? I suppose yes, you changed lanes during a left turn, but this intersection looks like a nightmare to begin with


Seven Corners Intersection, Falls Church, VA


It’s even worse than I could have imagined…


I knew it. As soon as I saw that intersection. Definitely in the top 10 of worst intersections.


I used to go through that intersection every day when the sun was coming up and in my eyes when I worked in Arlington. It’s truly an awful design.


That's super confusing. I'm not familiar with US road markings but how was the driver of the silver car in front supposed to know that they were in the wrong lane? Both lanes say they go left, but then there are suddenly two lefts and the second one is only available from the rightmost lane. There's no justification for them cutting you off the way they did but their first mistake of being in the wrong lane seems like a really easy one to make.


Yeah that is the flaw of this intersection. But there are lines on the road to show the second left turn lane should stick to the far left turn. The first left is actually consider to be going straight, so you have to be in the right side of the 2 left turn lanes. It’s confusing for someone who is not familiar with this intersection.


Ah I see, so it's not that there are two options for going left, it's that there are two options for going straight on. That's not much less confusing for actual drivers but makes it clearer to me that the silver car was in the wrong lane from the start.


Yeah exactly, there are two options for going straight on. I’m sure the silver car was confused about that too. So I just slowly steered away and gave her a light honk just so she was aware of me coming.


Whoever designed [this intersection](https://imgur.com/a/pUXeVbh) should be jailed for this cluster f of a mess.


Just throw away the entire thing, that is atrocious


Looks like a poorly made intersection in cities skylines lol


I'm parking on the side of the road and calling an Uber if pulled up to that "intersection"


You posted this same video a short while ago and got absolutely destroyed. You tried to justify your lane change on that turn. Now you are straight up karma whoring by reposting and saying you are dumb and wrong?


I mean to be fair, they were dumb, and they were wrong... So there is that ... I guess?


Maybe they actually learnt a lesson, maybe they didn't, we will never know.


Sorry daddy, people were getting butt hurt over my lane change because I didn’t admit fault. So I’m admitting fault now so we can just enjoy the damn video. Relax. And plus I love Karma whoring, I need it to pay my bills I guess


So you were in the correct lane to begin but decided you wanted to go a different way but then decided ...no going left is what you want? Luckily drivers around you gave you some space


No the silver car was suppose to make that left, I was also on a left turn, but the silver car decided to go straight instead so I had to steer away from her and try to make my turn as well. But it was my fault for switching lanes.


Wow, you literally posted this earlier today, got eviscerated in the comments cuz you were blaming it all on the other driver, and are now reposting it with a more passive caption to try and get up votes for it? Sad


Eviscerated is such a cool word.


Lol the subreddit was butt hurt over me switching lanes during a turn because that was such a bigger deal apparently. So I’m trolling and saying it’s only my fault here. Relax buddy


Nobody in this video knows how to drive


I live 5ish minutes away from this intersection and this happens everyday lmao. Worst intersection known to man


You have committed a cardinal sin on this sub. But the other driver was definitely an idiot.


Really? You took all the trouble to reupload this and you didnt just upload the original file? DONT HANDCAM YOUR SCREEN


Regardless of how you did, GOD DAMN that's a horrible intersection, it's like several people wanted five different designs in one place and no one was gonna budge It seems like you weren't the only one here, the silver Toyota decided to go straight on a turn only, so you're at least the second place winner here


Yup. You did a stupid. As long as you learn, you're good. Major props for posting your stupid moment, it shows you can own it.


*After posting it thinking he was in the right, getting absolutely skewered, then deleting reposting it for the karma.


Lol can’t tell if I’m trolling, thanks for the karma, don’t forget I changed lanes during the turn and caused this whole ordeal


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Virginia, April 16, 2024, this is original content


Absolutely masterful.


I’m a new driver and this is just confusing as hell. Granted, shouldn’t the silver car have turned left?


A nightmare junction... bet there's a ton of accidents here.




Yup your the idiot. You should’ve just kept going and figured out how to get back to where you needed to be.