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For clarification, my car was the BMW. The Tesla had their cameras turned on and he provided me with the videos for the insurance investigation.


What the fuck. Hope you get a drivable car soon! Glad no one was in the car.


To be honest, I was looking for a reason to not own a car anymore, so I’ve been viewing this as kismet.


A BMW will do that to you.


Dude I have a major love/hate relationship with my car. I love driving it when it’s working right. But when it’s not…oh boy is it expensive.


I can't even cruise in peace anymore without being stressed out about the next thing that's gonna break lol


I know! When it was new to me I was like “hell yeah this is comfortable, it’s fun to drive, the audio is awesome.” Then I got a maintenance bill.


Didn't think I'd laugh in this thread, well done.


lol. Same.


**B**ig **M**oney **W**aster


The last time I was in the market for a car, I looked at getting a used BMW. The advice I saw was that if you can't afford a new BMW you sure as shit can't afford a used BMW.


this is correct


weird advice. i can't (or don't want to) afford a new bmw and I've had a 2010 BMW for the last 7-8 years without much drama.


Bring My Wallet


Bring Moar Wallets


I dunno man, I got my first one 15 years ago and I've now had 23 of them. I don't think I'll stop buying them anytime soon.


Yeah? Well I got my first one 13 years ago and I've had 28 of them.


Yeh I don't get the joke, every BMW I've driven has been great. Do they have a bad reputation in America or something?


Not really, it's just that blinker fluid is almost impossible to get stateside so most BMW drivers don't bother using them. (jk)


In some circles they have a reputation as being expensive to maintain. Especially since a lot of Americans don’t do proper maintenance. Then things get very expensive. 


That goes back to something i have read. A car mechanic wrote that German cars (With some exceptions) can last ages, if they are maintained to the standard that the manufacturer set. Unfortunately in some countries people don't give a shit about inspections and oil changes. And all that German planning and engineering can't cope with not having an oil change after 50k. it's outside of expected operating conditions. In Germany if your car is not "Scheckheftgepflegt" you are shunned from society.


There is definitely truth to it. A lot has to do with high quality engines. So brands like BMW, Mercedes, Volvo etc are all known for high quality engines and all that, same with body work generally. However, like all cars, parts tend to die and need replacement. When you buy a Kia, you expect them to run like 200k km/120k miles, and be near end of life, because not only do a lot of parts die on you, but the engine gets problematic. With those other cars, a bunch of parts are still going strong, but a lot of other parts still die on you. But yeah, proper maintenance is very important, and if you got an expensive car, it's worth maintaining it properly. I got a 2009 BMW E93 with a straight 6, which was 80k+ euro back then, and it's in fantastic condition with 160k km on it, but you just shouldn't cheap out. If you want to cheap out, just get an old Honda or Toyota.


Also, they apparently don't come with turn signals, so that would be a major annoyance. At least to the rest of us.


Whenever I get that line of "oh they're gonna have so many electrical gremlins" I know they only heard about what bmw is like from their uncles buddies friend that had a 20 year old zero maintenance bmw that took it to the dealer every time there was a check engine light. From my actual experience yeah there is always something silly wrong but the car is very easy to work on, parts are so easy to get and it'll keep running with however many issues you can count. They aren't for the faint of heart but they also aren't real bad. I've had 4 different 90s 3 series make it well over 270k before I got bored and traded it off.


90s, 3 series? Those, and the ones from the 80's are the only ones I'd consider owning. Besides some of 1 series. ![gif](giphy|v2CCfqt97mRR8XKsEP|downsized)


Yeah the e36 is 92 to 98ish. The 80s 3 and 5 series of all trims are some of the best cars ever made, I've had handfuls of the e28s and they are amazing. After about 2002 the bmws don't interest me much, the juice becomes significantly less worth the squeeze with those. My favorite is the m52 powered 328i e36 cars


Definitely agree. Also love some of the earlier stuff as well. ![gif](giphy|ejDdN89MsMZg7s0JIz|downsized)


I thought this was a joke. A very good joke. But I guess you're serious?


Go buy a $1500 e36 and see how deep this rabbit hole goes my guy. I cannot for the life of me say no to a thousand dollar beater bmw


My 02 325i I bought with 48k… it now has 267k and still purring like a kitten. Clutch is strong as ever


After all, BMW stands for Big Money Waster


inshallah brother


Woo hoo! Hope insurance just cuts you a big fat cheque...


Love BMW’s under warranty. Dump them asap when it runs out.


Good Tesla!


Something you rarely hear 😂


Objectively, it's a cool and useful feature. I'm honestly not aware of any other brand doing this. Are there?


I think you'll find that Teslas are much better when there's no driver around and they're parked.




They're typically not heard tbh


Show of hands who else is paranoid about getting hit by an EV because you didn't hear them behind you and an idiot like those on this sub could be driving.


This is a downside on my EV anyway. Usually if I'm in a parking lot behind someone who is oblivious to my presence I will turn the wheel back and forth. The tires on the concrete usually get their attention without scaring them (like a horn would)


My bike rim brakes squeak when I brake. I could easily fix them but I leave it like that for dimwits that wander in front of me and requires me to emergency brake.


That's definitely a pretty good solution but yeah, maaany people won't even think of doing that or won't do it consistently.


My EV has a pedestrian horn, which gives a polite little toot in parking lots.


Had _TWO_ of my cars totalled this way. I should start installing 30mm cannons in the parking lot to explode any car that comes too close.


Pfft, 30mm doesn't even qualify as a proper cannon.


20mm did the job against a T-90 so I’d say 30 is plenty


The M242 Bushmaster fires a 25mm round and didn't explode the T-90, they just destroyed all of the optics.


Yup they could theoretically penetrate the top turret from the right angle, or throw a shot into the unarmored rear by the engine, but the goal was definitely just to blind and disable them, which they achieved spectacularly. Just imagine the panic of the T-90 crew as their systems failed them under fire


I'd wager a 30mm autocannon slinging 100g of HE at 600RPM would work just fine against even the "toughest" cars.


Sure the 30mm is good enough for a Honda Civic, but what if you happen to come across someone that has used their American right to own an MRAP? No sir, what you want is this 1944 M4A4 Sherman with the 76.2mm anti-tank cannon. *slaps roof of tank* This bad boy can fit so many war crimes


Yeah, comments crazy just because it's a BMW. Didn't even look closely at the video. I understand though. Everytime I see a Nissan I roll my 👀. #TheBiasIsReal


I had to watch this like 10 times before seeing the red car. Well, at least someone proved that the Indicator on a BMW are in fact working. Sorry for your loss. Good luck with the insurance


Finally, a positive story about Tesla.


I was going to joke about what it takes to finally get a BMW's token signal to work, but now I feel bad.


I hope he was an idiot with insurance.


The bare minimum. Only liability. But enough to cover my car and not the Tesla


Ooof that happened to my step son last year. The lady had minimal insurance. Not enough to cover both his car and the car she pushed him into. Yup, same exact scenario and his was totaled. Fortunately he had coverage, so he got paid and they get to recoup what they can from her insurance. It was pretty hands off for us. Good luck with your claim!


What happens in that case? I would hope your step-son is not liable for the damages to the car infront of him


Not at all. He has no fault in any of it. Once her insurance company advised us that the payout would fall short of the full value of the car, we made a claim with our policy. Our insurance took care of it and made him whole. They then go after the insurance for the person at fault to get what they can. No rate increase or anything. The woman who hit his car was 100% at fault without question. It would be an absolute injustice if his insurance penalized him when he was legally parked and asleep in bed when it happened.


> No rate increase or anything. What insurance company do you have? When I got hit I lost my "accident free discount" so my rates went up with Progressive. "We didn't increase your rate, you just lost your discount". *facepalm*


I had Geico for years and had two different claims that I was not at fault for and zero increases to my premium. One was while moving, the other was when a lady scraped my car up in the parking lot while backing out incorrectly.


Man, you're lucky. Some lady once falsely accused me of hit and run (I did not hit her car, she just harvested plate numbers in the parking lot where we both happened to be), both the investigating officer and my insurance company (Geico) looked at my car and were like "lol, no," and Geico denied her claim against my policy. They still raised my rates a ton at the next renewal. I changed companies and haven't been back with them since.


I had the same thing happen years ago. Guy brake checked me in his extremely rusted out beater Buick and he tried to claim I'd done 5,000 in damage to his car. Cop came and didn't even write it up because it was more or less a love tap. I sent in a couple pictures of my front end that was more or less pristine with just a few scratches on it, and predictably the other guy dropped the claim, but they still almost doubled my rates. I dumped them immediately after.


i had geico, got hit by someone, they promised they wouldnt raise my premiums and then they immediately raised my premiums i'm sure it just depends on your area


They don't raise your premiums they just reduce your discounts.


I have full coverage with Geico. Was stopped at light and a girl slammed into the rear of my car. We pulled in a small shop and she tried to leave without giving me her insurance. I started filming her and she said, on video, it was her fault, but she needed to go get her son. I continued filming her and plate number. She punch me in the arm and tried taking my phone. I had police come out. They said the assault was my fault for filming her? They did get her insurance info. for me. What did Geico do? Said she denied hitting me and so they would not pursue the claim. To take her to small claims court. All after seeing the video with her confession and reading a text from her insurance stating she was at fault but because my insurance didn't find fault, they wouldn't pay out.


Accidents that you are not at fault for shouldn't impact your accident free discount. Source: have progressive, was in an accident that was not my fault, did not see rates increase or any discounts removed. Was your situation a he-said-she-said with no evidence or witnesses? If so, it was likely concluded as no fault with each insurance company paying for their own driver.


> shouldn't impact your accident free discount. It really shouldn't, but it does. I fought Progressive for YEARS to get them to fix my CLUE report/risk tier. Insurance is broke and about as well-regulated as public utilities.


> Insurance is ~~broke~~ a scam and about as well-regulated as public utilities. FTFY


Geico did that to me too. This was a State Farm policy.


I had an accident years ago that was not my fault, and Allstate made me whole with no rate increase. I have State Farm now (because Allstate wouldn't insure my house), and I would expect the same from them. Look up your insurance company's ratings, and get good quality insurance. It's worth it.


>It would be an absolute injustice if his insurance penalized him when he was legally parked and asleep in bed when it happened Absolutely. I'm glad they didn't Thanks for explaining!


Iirc they can still sue the person who had inadequate insurance as well.


But were you actually made whole? Your car now has an accident report on it and will sell for less if you ever sell it.


It was totaled. We don’t have it anymore and I felt the money received was pretty fair. More than I expected TBH.


In that case, definitely. A lot of people don't think about the resale value hit after repairs so I thought I'd bring it up.


It depends on what coverage the stepson had. If he also only had liability, then he could try to sue the other driver for damages not covered by insurance. But realistically, he would likely get nothing from this and just have to take a loss. My policy has a separate coverage for "Uninsured Motorist & Underinsured Motorist" for these types of cases.


US insurance is wild. Minimum EU payout on liability insurance is £1 million, some countries have even higher or unlimited.


What do you mean and not the Tesla? As in the Tesla owner gets screwed and is responsible for their own repairs?


Tesla owner can sue the person responsible.


If they only had the bare minimum I feel like that'd be trying to squeeze water out of a rock.


Nah, you can get their wages garnished, they don't have much of a choice in paying you back.


Not necessarily. Below are the laws regarding garnishment in my state, read over them and ask yourself how many people that are driving around without insurance or are woefully underinsured would likely also fall into one of these categories: >Under Wisconsin law, most creditors can garnish the lesser of (subject to some exceptions—more below): >* 20% of your disposable earnings, or the amount by which your disposable earnings exceed 30 times the federal minimum wage. (Wis. Stat. § 812.34, Wis. Stat. § 815.18(3)(h).) ("Disposable earnings" means that part of the debtor's earnings remaining after deducting Social Security taxes and federal and state income taxes listed on the person's wage statement. (Wis. Stat. § 812.30(6).) >But if the resulting amount causes your income to fall below the poverty line, the garnishment is limited to only that amount above the poverty line. (Wis. Stat. § 812.34.) Also, you may petition a court for relief if the exemption is insufficient to acquire the necessities of life for you and your dependents. (Wis. Stat. § 812.38.) >A creditor can't garnish your wages in the following circumstances. >* Your household income is below the poverty line. (Wis. Stat. § 812.34.) >* You receive need-based public assistance (such as supplemental security income, food stamps, or veterans benefits based on needs), have received such assistance within six months before service of the earnings garnishment forms to the garnishee, or have been determined eligible to receive need-based assistance although actual receipt of benefits hasn't started. (Wis. Stat. § 812.34.) >* At least 25% of your disposable earnings are assigned by court order for support. (Wis. Stat. § 812.39(2), Wis. Stat. § 812.44.) >Also, in Wisconsin, the holder of a payday loan can't ever use a wage garnishment to collect the debt. (Wis. Stat. § 812.35.)


The Tesla owners will get paid by their insurance. The person crashing will pay the insurance company whatever is above their liability limit. If they don't have the cash, they'll garnish wages, and the accident driver will probably end up paying a lot in extra interest fees.


Realistically, if you live in one of so fucking many US states with insanely low minimum liability limits, you absolutely must buy underinsured motorist protection (or whatever it is called in your state). Most Canadian provinces have a minimum liability of $200k. I can't believe there are states with a $20k minimum. Quebec is $50k and that feels insane. Car costs alone are more than that!


I would have high coverage anyway because I have very little trust in other drivers.


>I can't believe there are states with a $20k minimum. $20k for property damage is relatively *high* by US standards. In some states it's as low as $5000 (e.g. $20k is the *total* in California—$15k bodily injury plus $5k property damage—for a single-injury wreck).


There are states with much less than $20K minimum




Quebec is a bit weird because private liability insurance within the province is just for property damage. Indemnity for injury and death are covered by a public insurance program funded by registration and driver's license fees. I mean, $50k is still pretty low but that's probably the rationale.


I was honestly even just thinking of property damage. It would cost more than $50k to replace my truck if it were written off and it’s just a Ranger!


In a situation where the at-fault party doesn't have enough coverage the normal procedure for the insurer is to tabulate all the claim being made against their insured, figure out what proportion of the total each person's claim is, and then apply those proportions to the available amount of coverage. So for example if the driver has $5k in coverage, and the BMW guy has $18k in damages and the Tesla guy has $2k in damages, then BMW guy has 90% of the total and Tesla guy has 10% of the total, so the insurer would normally offer $4,500 (90% of the $5k limit) to BMW guy (or his insurer if he already collected from his own insurer) and $500 (10% of the $5k limit) to Tesla guy. At that point the claimants can accept or reject the settlement, though rejecting it usually means suing the at-fault party (who usually has no money) for the whole thing, and getting nothing more in the end than what was already offered, or winning an uncollectible judgment. The insurer for the at-fault party can also opt to just pay whoever on a first-come/first-served basis, though doing it that way may expose them to a claim of improper claims handling from their own customer. Outcome of that varies by state.


They probably have UIM coverage for their own vehicle and they will subrogate the driver's insurance company, possibly the driver depending on liability and damages.


I thought you needed full coverage for a new car. That thing looks real new and I doubt someone would pay it outright and not carry full coverage...


Most lenders will require full coverage of the financed car, because that's their collateral. They dgaf about any other cars.


The "full coverage" they require doesn't cover enough anymore if you get into an actual accident, probably hasn't in a long time.


Isn't the bare minimum like 200k? Would've been enough


What did the tesla owner do?


hey, the blinkers on BMWs do work!


That’s why it was totaled. The BMW dealership didn’t know how to turn them off, so they just replaced the car. 


Haha that is a good one.


They always work. They just emit a light that poor people can’t see.


Ah so they're utterly useless then?


Haha! I thought the same. But wouldn't that be the alarm going off and triggering the lights?


The what?


That annoying clicking sound that happens when you accidentally bump the lever by your steering wheel while reaching for your cell phone


Only when it senses danger


Just had the Blinker fluid replaced. ![gif](giphy|dyjw1AUfocWcQIQOdx|downsized)


It's part of BMW automated system when it detect an impact. It happened to my car too when I got into an accident hazards light came on that you can't turn off


Has the insurance company tried to hold you 50% liable for parking your car in an accident prone area?


Likely blame the bmw for following to closely.


Parking too still*


Please tell me that isn’t a real thing that happens.


there's a non-zero chance that a state farm agent has tried that at least once before


There’s a little shred of truth - premiums WILL increase if there are a lot of claims in your area


Not just your area. I left State Farm because they jacked my rates up after Houston, TX got flooded a few years ago. The said it was an "area adjustment" but it was pretty obvious what they were doing. I live 4+ hours from Houston...


that's fucking low and robbery


I was once rear ended in a similar situation - a line of cars waiting to get out onto the road. I was first, the third dude hit the second car, who then hit me. The cops basically said "not enough safety distance" and second car's insurance was responsible for my car damages. We were standing still 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bro what garbage ass insurance do you pay for


Probably not


That red jeep was like... Two cars one hit. Hell yah


It’s a collateral - mom, get the camera!


It's a Jeep thing. You wouldn't understand.


Came here to say this.


Just needs to pick up the spare


Driver: "It wasn't my fault! The bmw came out of nowhere!"


"XYZ came out of nowhere" roughly translates to "my eyes closed down and i didn't have access to proper vision for at least half an eternity while operating a vehicle and just chose not to stop for the others and my own safety." or "i looked elsewhere but not the streets."


Damn, dude totaled a Beamer and did decent damage to a Tesla. What a dumbfuck.


That Tesla still had paper plates. That thing was brand new.


Or was Carvana'd


Wow...Glad that nobody was in there. Also, this is how you edit a video, was happy to not wait six minutes for the punchline.


Damn still had the temp tag.


Probably been on there for a good 3 years already.


So meta.


Bummer for Cammer. The hazards of street parking. The driver was distracted. Best guess is driver was looking down at phone and drifted into parked car. I wish there was sound so I can hear if driver even used the brakes. I saw no other vehicles moving.


He was actually on something. After the crash he walked into the apartment complex nearby and the employees told me and the Tesla owner that he pissed himself. It was 130 in the afternoon.


The video cuts out as soon as he steps out of the car. How impaired did he look when walking away? 130 is early, but I guess it's never too early to drink or get high. I'm just glad he hit a car and not a pedestrian or cyclist in that bike lane. Could have been worse that property damage. I hope his insurance pays you for the full full value of your BMW. They always try to under value the payout.


Its 4:20 somewhere.


It’s always some idiot either drunk or busy on the phone. I wish there was a tougher law for these clowns.


It's hard out there for a pimp.


Tesla still had its temporary tag on it…. Damn shame.


He had just got it a few weeks earlier.


Poor bastard. I honestly feel for both of you. I’ve been there.


Now I get why BMW drivers take up two spots, when they park normal people crash their cars.


First time that blinker has ever been used I'm sure.... Jk sorry for your loss.


It came out of nowhere!


Totalled means not salvageable. Pretty sure that's fixable


The blinkers on BMW turned on!


This perfectly illustrates why parking protected bike lanes are so valuable. Sure, the car is toast but somebody on the sidewalk or in the bike lane could have died.


Totaled? The blinker works.


Well.... it didn't beforehand.


My 16 year old son just did this. He left our house and decided to set his GPS after starting do drive down the street. He made it three houses before drifting over to the left and running head on into a parked car. No on hurt, both cars repairable. He's had his license just a couple of weeks.


That’s a tough lesson to learn. Glad nobody was hurt!


No one gonna mention the guy walking on the other side of the street on the left? I don't think he changes pace or even looks over when the crash happens


Oof. I am so sorry.


is that an orange subaru?


Those headlights look like a Jeep Cherokee.


I bet they backed out and left too


Actually yeah it was a hit and run


I'm sorry that happened to you, but I'm not surprised. People these days are so shitty.


Thanks, luckily we got the video and a passerby took a picture of his license plate and gave it to me after he fled.


Good! Hope it all gets sorted quickly! 🙏


arrest touch pot secretive threatening correct placid shelter cats relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A BMW Tesla twofer?


I feel like the word totaled isnt known here.


IMHO, 90+% of drivers are too dumb to operate a vehicle in 2D. Let's give them 3D flight! That'll blow over well.


Ouch my man! That hit looked mean! Would like to see your car if it's not the one we can see. If it's the BMW, hard rear quarter hit and front end, make sure to price out with several different shops, and EQUAL value. Not the going rate! Same/like miles and condition. DO NOT let them low ball you at all!


"He suddenly stopped!" *always has been*


It's completely your fault for not making your large, visible BMW larger. And more visible. Also, cars aren't made to be stationary. What the hell were you thinking about, not moving?


What a bimmer


Ouch. Fellow 2 series down...


If you were the car recording, you don’t know what totaled means. If you were the car crashed nevermind.


This happened to me today :/






This doesn't look totaled to me. Unless the car is too old to warrant fixing? But I can definitely see some youtube channel "I bought a totalled BMW and gonna fix it" Boom! 3 million views!


Turn signal still works


Was that a Volvo? They totalled 2 cars that day, but at least they have the money to pay out.


Shows you the value of parking protected bike lanes, good thing that wasn't a biker getting hit