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I left the video a Little Long so yall could see how long the light was green and how long he had to stop


Yours is a good length.


That's what she said.


Did she really mean it though? Maybe she was just trying to be nice.


I think that's when they say "it's perfect"... a friend told me once...


"Any bigger would just hurt"




"By the way Brodie, when a girl says it's a good size, it's a nice way of saying it's small."


Sometimes there’s 1 or 2 minutes in these videos before anything happens. I’d say your 14second video edit wastes the least amount of time while still seeing why this person is an idiot. I’d like to thank you for that.


TY for the length discipline


all 3 of those vehicles from the right side, ran that red light.


Most places allow turning right on red. The first two cars seem alright as long as they get up to speed quickly.


right on red is after STOPPING first. None of those vehicles stopped. They all ran the light.


The video starts right as the second car is accelerating into the turn. I don't think there's enough information to say they definitely did or didn't stop. The only one we have that information for is the truck, who completely fucked up.


The first frame of video shows the first vehicle already moving. So they either stopped plenty back from the actual stop line, or they just rolled on through (the much more likely case). Almost everyone rolls red lights when turning right on red, if the way is clear.


They have the visibility to stop that far back, it's not like there's a corner to try and peek around. Like I said, I don't think there's enough information to say for sure about that one.


It's not long enough. You should've left at least the first 30 minutes of your drive so we can see if you did anything to piss them off /s


Thank you, I appreciate properly edited videos


I may be alone in enjoying the anticipation and waiting to see whose gonna do it.


The edit is a good length. 👌


Is this in 'merica?


Idiot saw other cars turning and thought it was clear without even checking. So dangerous in any car, let alone a truck pulling a trailer.


That’s gotta be someone who forgot they had a trailer, right? Right?


I’ll be mildly charitable and say that’s pretty likely.


My first accident ever was me being t boned by a teenager texting and doing this exact thing. “The car in front of me was moving!” That doesn’t mean your light was green kiddo


We really take vehicles for granted now, like it's a normal everyday thing to drive so who cares - such as wiping our ass or taking a shower but it's not. No one takes a second anymore to realize how big of a deal driving a vehicle is. You're driving a 3-4 ton massive piece of steel. It has flammable liquid in it and the ability to destroy a building or kill someone. I'm no perfect driver either, I've sometimes not seen someone and have accidentally cut someone off but I noticed it right after, rolled down my window, and tried to wave sorry to hopefully get the other drivers attention. This video and a lot of things on the road I see is a complete lack of respect for other drivers and their own vehicle, so many people just don't care. This truck driver probably had no idea what he did wrong. ..Edit for spelling..


> No one takes a second anymore to realize how big of a deal driving a vehicle is. cyclist and pedos know


I'm always much more cautious when a light turns after the last car in opposing traffic was tall, like a bus. Idiots know they can't see the light, but just assume if the last car went that means it will still be green for them.


There are drivers out there, like this idiot, who think "right permitted on red" means he has the right of way to OP"s green.


Red lights mean absolutely nothing anymore. I see this every single day now.


Yep. These people running red lights and stop signs are the same people who stop at yield signs because they don’t check traffic on their approach. It’s ridiculous.


I bike daily and almost get hit daily by people who don't know what stop lines/signs are. Hell, I almost caused an accident on my bike because I did stop at a stop sign and confused the driver apparently.


I got honked at for coming to a full stop at a stop sign. Too many idiots out there that think a stop sign means gently tap the brake and keep going with no care for other's right of way


I had one lady roll a stop sign and almost hit me. Then, proceed to drive 15 in a 20. I passed her only for her to speed up, pass me, and slow down again. Some people just hate bikes.


They hate everyone and anything that "inconveniences" them, whether it's a stop sign or a bicyclist. Also, cars create a sense of anonymity that emboldens some idiots to act violently cause they can just drive off with no consequences.


9 times out of 10 it's a truck.


“I’m biggest so everyone else has to stop for me.”


Happy cake day!


I used to be against red light cameras but my town installed many of them within the last year and I'm all for it because people are so aggressive running lights now. It's not a magic barrier that will stop everyone but at least people are getting hit in the wallet now.


I’m very tired of seeing shit like this. Does law enforcement actually do anything to these guys!? Like what’s the next step here!? I had something similar happen and called and they verbatim said “what do you expect us to do?” Despite me having dashcam evidence with a mic where I repeated the plate number along with it being visible in the footage. Does this matter anymore?


Still would need to prove who is behind the wheel. That's why the cop being there (conducting the traffic stop) would put a specific person behind the wheel.


That's a crock of shit because red light, speed cams, and toll booth cams are notoriously shitty and just get the license plate in focus. You definitely can't tell who is behind the wheel and you will absolutely get a ticket.


Something that works is phone the non emergency line of the police station and report the vehicle (license plate, color, model, and where abouts headed N-S-E-W). Say it's a suspicious looking vehicle and it's swerving around the road, it also cut you off. Sometimes that'll prompt them to send a cruiser to pull them over and do a welfare check. Technically you're not lying.


Good idea


It's interesting that this has been a more common sentiment nation wide right now. Having lived in South American countries for a few years, one thing I would always tell my friends and family that was one of the biggest difference between our society and theirs is the respect for traffic laws. Red lights are just a suggestion down there. Seems like we're slowly devolving to that for some reason. The question is is it a symptom or cause? Is it the fault of the law enforcement or the fault of the people? Not sure. I just witnessed someone sitting at a red light for a few seconds and then gunning it... right in front of the cop. The cop just shook his head, but did nothing. I think cops are recently being told to ignore enforcing traffic laws and focus on other stuff. I think that's a bad idea, and will do what I can to vote against politicians that support policies that promote that.


The only 2 things I see HPD do in Houston is traffic control for sporting events and parking in the bike lane to play on their laptop.


Cop needs to witness the crime. Otherwise it wont hold up in court and waste everyones time.


Were you in an accident?


I wasn’t. The cops also said because I wasn’t in one, there’s nothing they could do if they weren’t physically there to see a crime being committed. I’d get that reasoning if there was no video evidence but there was in my case. It’s like it’s basically okay to commit traffic offenses as long as a cop isn’t around.


>It’s like it’s basically okay to commit traffic offenses as long as a cop isn’t around. Yes, law enforcement needs to be present to enforce laws. They arent gonna make house calls over random videos


It’s not a house call. It’s literally forwarding video evidence to officers via some email or whatever setup they’d implement and then the offenders would be mailed tickets or something. That’s what I thought would happen off the top of my head. It gets more money for the city and encourages safer driving.


Many places require an officer to serve a ticket. For those that don't, none of those tickets would hold up in court. I would just plead not guilty since the jurisdiction knows law enforcement didn't witness the crime and they can't prove the video is from a reliable source. Waste of everyone's time Edit: Not sure what to tell the downvoters. Guess yall really think people turning in videos so officers can issue tickets is a good use of time.


And I’m calling shenanigans (not on you but rather systematically) on questioning whether it’s a reliable source or not. If video has some spot on committing a traffic offense, what would constitute a reliable source. And don’t officer because we all know these guys can get plenty unreliable once their bodycams just happen to malfunction at convenient times. What about cameras that are better quality than ones used by law enforcement? Would that still be “unreliable” despite superior quality? What’s the difference between video taken by an officer and video taken by a citizen? Also, if we as citizens are deemed “unreliable sources” then why even call for a witness in court cases which can be WAYYYYY more unreliable than video evidence and just as reliable at best (imo)? If fact, if citizen video is so unreliable, how come it’s admissible in court or as evidence in other circumstances? What differentiates reliability in this case? See what I think it is is either municipalities don’t have the bandwidth to pursue such an endeavor or they just don’t want to.


I havent had a traffic ticket stick in 15+ years now as they are all thrown out on technicalities. It really doesn't take much. Some random persons video ain't gonna cut it. For any serious case, I'd be impressed if a DA has won on a single video submitted by a person. Normally they need every video they can get + witnesses + other evidence and even then they'll probably settle to lessor charges


This is disheartening, not gonna lie.


Good news is you can very likely get out of your next ticket. :)


Why are the cops in my area routinely asking if anyone has videos of things like hit and runs or property damage then?


Well you see he had a very important left turn to make, so he needed your lane more than you did.


Hey, he's got kids!


he had the red light!


Omg I thought I had seen this one already too! That intersection, white truck, and then the left turn lane past the light are all the same I swear.


You have to assume people in white trucks will do something stupid, it's in their nature for whatever reason but by accepting this we will all be safer.


This genuinely accurate. There must be some reason or statistical studies done... because it's way too true for white pickup trucks in general. I mean, it's probably the easiest truck to get with shit credit and a bad driving record. Fleet vehicles


>Fleet vehicles It makes sense. These drivers are probably on a tight schedule, driving back and forth on the same roads, trying to rush supplies form point A to B in heavy traffic. It's why dump trucks tend to run red lights. They are shuttling loads all day (often paid by the load) and don't have the patience to wait at the same light a dozen times per day.


Typical big truck small brain. They saw you coming probably and just didn't care.






[GET OUT MAH WAY](https://imgur.com/a/get-out-muh-way-limbrol-Uw3aSEP) (can someone explain to me where this came from? It's hilarious but I have no context on it)




Good reaction by you.


That’s infuriating. And lemme guess, there was no one behind you


White truck drivers are the worst! I mean the color of the truck, not the driver but maybe that could be true also.


And of course it’s another truck loser with 0 IQ


Oh man, it's so nice to see someone entering an intersection carefully enough that they can actually stop if a moron goes on red. Good job OP!


A big truck and hauling a trailer too. You’d think they’d be a bit more cautious with the extra cargo but noooooooo. We gotta be a total idiots and pull out in front with while we have a heavier vehicle! What a dipshit!


This is the type of guy that turns and goes "I wonder why someone near is honking"


I think I saw this same guy the other morning, light turned red, I stopped, and sat there 5+ seconds before a White truck with trailer looking like that, got to the intersection, and made no attempt to stop, as I watched him run the redlight.


Infuriating. Someone did that to me today, only to turn right away. No one behind me for a mile, smh.


What an entitled POS. Even goes wide into your lane; driving like they're the only ones on the road. Also, you should secure your dashcam. It's bouncing all over the place even before looking up into the sky when you brake.


They're in a truck pulling a big trailer. They expected you to get out of their way because their vehicle is bigger and makes them feel important.


That's why I treat every green light as a stop sign. Green doesn't mean "go" it means "go **if** it's safe." Learn to practice defensive driving. /s


Two guys are driving in a car. They come to a red light. The driver blows right through it! The passenger says "What the hell, man?! That was a red light!" The driver waves him off, saying, "My brother drives like this!" So they drive a little while longer, and they come to another red light. Once again, the driver blows right through it. The passenger freaks out. The driver says, "Man, relax, alright? My brother always drives like this, and he's never been in one accident." A few moments later, they come to a green light, and they stop. The passenger looks at the driver and says, "What the hell are you stopping now for?" "Well, my brother might be coming the other way!"


In my old ass mustang, i gotta be careful. 1st time driving it after learning manual, i stalled it on a green light and ended up running a red because i took too long to let out the clutch. Silent drive home bc i thought i looked like a fucking tool there


I actually hire 5 different spotters (Sometimes more) to travel on my route so they can block off intersections and traffic to let me through. Can never be too safe.


Is that a the reflection of a bobblehead in the windshield?


[I don’t care if it rains or freezes as long as I got my plastic Jesus](https://imgur.com/a/PmYa04l)


Driving like that with a trailer is crazy… he’s trying to kill someone


Good on you for using your brakes. That’s nice to see for a change.


Lord almighty idiot *with* a trailer.


Had the same to me except from the left side but no lights 😭🤣


Idiot is lucky you were the driver, OP.


Always expect some idiot to do something stupid. Then when it happens you won’t be too surprised.


That's the fourth truck turning on red in front of OP's I've seen in three days.


Typical self-important/entitled ass-hole with a pickup truck!!!


That's the driving of someone who is paid by the load.


I had some guy do this to me the other day, “some people just want to see the world burn”.


this looks like Kansas City but without a QT its hard to say for sure


Wow, I'm shocked it was a truck....


He bought his DL! Dumb shit!


I thought what a moron…then I saw the trailer?! JFC!


This happened to me the other day too. Like they think they have time or just don't look or idek


Do they have tickets in US if the crossroad has cameras?


My dad and I have a theory regarding people who do this and people who pull out in front of you in general. If you notice, a lot of the time they only go a short distance before turning off. It’s almost like they’re thinking, “I only need to go a little piece. There’s no sense in me having to wait for so long to pull out.” As idiotic as that seems, I’ve seen it go that way too many times.


If I was having a bad day, I would have made his worse.


I couldn't tell if he didn't see OP or just didn't give a fuck.


Hula girl was shaking for her life


Good lord that is horrible driving. Even if they weren't running the red, they: 1) Should have seen your vehicle 2) Not taken an extra wide turn into the next lane. That turn was illegal whether you were there or not. And to then make the next left is just shameful. People like this either should have their license revoked for not knowing the rules of the road or have their license revoked because they know the rules and are just inconsiderate pricks.


Definitely call the police on this piece of shit and submit this video!! That guy had a fkng trailer and he woulda killed somebody with it


They'll tell you straight up they won't do anything about it for any number of reasons they'll make up on the spot.


Yeah I don't get this. "we can't prove who was driving" okay, track down the owner and ask who borrowed the truck. "Nobody? So you want to report it stolen? No? here's your ticket then"


yeah, but that would require working and that's too hard.


Everyone is in his way https://imgur.com/a/get-out-muh-way-limbrol-Uw3aSEP


You’re a better man than me I would’ve rammed his side then and there


If i still drove my old shit box I would’ve


In my state, you can make a right turn at red in certain areas


Of course the white truck was in the wrong but OP reaction time was very slow. Didn't touch the brakes until you were nearly on top of them


Take a ride in Amish country, that’s normal there


Roundabouts my friend. Build some bloody roundabouts.


Shoulda t boned the fuck out of him to prove a point




Since the date is in the bottom left do you believe that I, having posted it an hour after the date and time, managed to repost it that fast? Or possibly it is my car and not a repost.


what shithole do you live in where you can’t take a right on a red?


1. There are many places where a right on red is prohibited, and that doesn't make them a shithole. 2. To legally turn right on red when it's not prohibited, you have to *actually stop first.* How do you not know this? Have you seriously been going through life thinking you can just fly right through a red light if you're turning?


What’s the problem? Did he not make a legal turn on red? If you hadn’t been taking all day to go through the intersection then maybe he wouldn’t have immediately made a legal right turn. Also at 0:05 you can clearly see the truck making an attempt to turn yet you still didn’t start slowing until you got even closer, why is that? Long unnecessary horn too ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Jesus Christ. To make a legal turn on red *you have to stop first*. How do people not only not know this but be so confidently ignorant? OP also "took all day to go through" because they saw the idiot about to run a red light and entered the intersection carefully. Does it hurt to be that stupid? Because it should.


So if they saw an “idiot” about to turn then why the unnecessary horn, were they taken aback by the right turn? I doubt it because they clearly saw the pickup attempting a right turn at 0:05


Which one is it...did they take forever getting through the intersection or did they not stop soon enough? Also, why do people assume "horn honk" = surprised and unprepared?


You're gonna hurt that smooth brain of his


I'm glad you included the gif. It is exactly how I feel about your objectively incorrect take.


Nah, he's/she's/they're doing Judge Judy dirty be associating her with this shit take. *Edited for gender inclusivity.


Not a he for 1. Perfect gif for ridiculous comments and responses that make little to no sense.


Your use of the GIF is terrible regardless of gender.


> What’s the problem? You think you're funnier than you are. >Did he not make a legal turn on red? Nope. >If you hadn’t been taking all day to go through the intersection then maybe he wouldn’t have immediately made a legal right turn There's nothing legal about what the truck did. Please don't drive, or at least be a better contrarian.


Please do *everyone* a favor and stay off the road.


If there was better public transportation trust me I would


Just get a bike. Cyclists rarely stop when they're supposed to anyway, you'll fit right in.


He did not. The truck still needs to stop at the light and can only turn when not impeding the traffic coming from the green light. Truck did neither


Op saw what was about to happen and didn’t adequately prepare if they felt the need to use the horn


Why do you assume "horn honk" = surprised and unprepared?


And? Sure OP could have been a little more defensive, but the truck still completely blew a red light and is in the wrong


Do you normally misinterpret videos like this? Like, the part where OP safely stopped without hitting the truck running the red light; do you just, like, always fail to process information or something?


Oh no! OP used a ***HORN***! Put him on trial for assault!


Is this a joke? No he did not make a legal turn on red. Turn on red is required to yield to cross traffic. He - by definition - made an illegal turn.


Semantics. The pickup truck thought the intersection was clear and he was good to go. The only problem that the pickup truck might have is turning in the left lane instead of the right lane. Outside of that I fail to see the issue


lmao. "your honor my client did not break the law they merely did something illegal", I request a mistrial based on these semantics!


Lady, if you’re trolling then bravo. If you actually think you have the right of way when you turn on red, as evidenced by your comments, then may God have mercy on your soul.


This more than mere semantics. The truck was required by law to stop for the red light, then determine if it’s safe to turn right on red. Instead the truck just flew right on through as if they had a green light. 


Why did op continue to go after 0:05 when they clearly saw the truck turning with a trailer attached?


OP was in the middle of the intersection as the truck gets into the turn. Open your eyes. It also doesn't matter. The truck literally ran a red light. Are you a troll or moron? Sounds like you run red lights, frequently and blame others for your stupidity lol.


At 0:05 you can clearly see the truck turning, op was not in the intersection at that point


Says the lady who doesn't understand you stop at red lights. Nope, still wrong. Try watching it again. They were in the intersection before they turned. Stay off the road. You are blind and an idiot.


With dash cams you can’t tell exactly what the driver is doing. Since the camera moves up at 0:06, OP clearly is hard on the brakes then. So, I would assume at 0:05, OP notices the truck and is already starting evasive action. Probably moved their foot off the gas and onto the brake pedal, but not braking very hard until it’s clear they need to. What did you expect OP to do at 0:05?  Instantly stop?


Lol this has to be sarcasm.


First time on Reddit? There's a very, *very* good chance she's 100% serious.


When a big pickup is working hard hauling a massive load like that, you have to give them a wide berth. They can't just stop on a dime like your little car. Also right on red is legal so they clearly thought you had enough time to respond, and they were correct. There was no crash, it all worked out, big truck made the right call.


When you have a big trailer and can only take a right on red after a complete stop, the safest course of action is to start to stop when you see yellow.


Working man has to get to the next job, no time for that.


That's not a fucking excuse to put people in danger, wth


This is a troll take right? No way you used “working hard hauling” and “working man” unironically in this situation.


Too many morons it's hard to tell lol.


I was trying to get in the mind of the truck driver. Don't you think it's interesting to contemplate the thought process of the folks starring in these videos?


Nah, you're just a troll.


I really wasn't expecting anyone to take the original comment seriously, but here we are.


"right on red is legal" If you *stop first,* you absolute pinecone.


Let's be honest. If you come to a full and complete stop, you're definitely in the minority.


Even if that's true, the majority who don't stop are still wrong. Besides, this guy didn't even make an attempt, and there was clearly oncoming traffic with the right-of-way. Your take is bad and you should feel bad.


I'm sure he had to slow down a little, just to make the turn.


Right turns on red are only legal if you stop first.


Maybe, but no cop is going to take issue with a pickup hauling like that. Respect.


This is an all-time bad take.


Thanks, I like to get in the heads of idiots, view things from their perspective.


Bruh, just go look in the mirror. I've always wondered about narcissistic internet trolls who find cheap thrills in farming downvotes. What exactly do you get out of that?


Sadly, I think a lot of the people like him are just that dumb. They post an asinine comment and think it will be well received and then get downvoted and try to sound witty or clever.


You seem to be in the head of an idiot 24/7.


Just try and stop at red lights...for the sake of others.


That doesn't seem like a very long journey for you.


How do you get in your own mind, aren't you already...in it?


I don't understand the question.


You dropped this: /s


Bahahahahaha, man you MUST be trolling, no way you're being serious! Every sentence you wrote has an easy factual conter argument based on road safety reglementations. Nice rage bait tho 10/10


Right on red is legal *after* you come to a complete stop and verify that nobody is coming from your left and nobody is crossing the street. I think it's time for you to go to driving school for a refresher.


I like going left on red from a two-way street onto a one-way street.