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Am I losing my mind or is this intersection posted about daily? I swear it's been 3 or 4 days straight, each clip different.


good new! those states are not mutually exclusive so you could be both going crazy *and* have seen the intersection posted daily


Finally some answers!


I read this in Professor Farnsworth's voice.


I take this is a high compliment :)


I don't know but I see stuff like this happen at least once a day in Phoenix, and I often don't even drive 25 miles a day. I don't have a dashcam but if I did I would not be posting stuff like this, because if I did I'd be posting it 5 or 6 times a week. Boring. But maybe - in a different city with better drivers - a guy gets a dashcam, drives around all day in that other city with good drivers, nothing even close to bad driving in view of his dashcam happens, for weeks at a time, and then one day, something like this happens, and the guy is all excited, like "oh boy, I can post this on Reddit! and get hundreds of upvotes! Woo-hoo!" He could move to Phoenix, One month of driving around in Phoenix will help him realize this is any given Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday and not that interesting.


> I often don't even drive 25 miles a day One time I had it happen twice to me when going to pick up pizza (in suburban Houston). But the thing is, the pizza place is across the street from my neighborhood, I was on non-neighborhood streets for a total of like 120 feet. And it happened twice.


given that the vast majority of intersections in the US are the same terrible design one way or another its pretty hard to keep track id say.


Every intersection in suburban areas looks the same anywhere in America.


I wouldn’t risk it as long as that big Enclave is blocking my view…… But that truck is just too impatient to wait for a few more seconds……


It's also high enough that, in theory, they should have been able to see over everything either way.


If they had just pulled up a bit to look before going full send, it wouldn't even matter how tall they are.


If you asked the guy why he bought the truck instead of Sedan that'd be one of the reasons he'd give you. Who knew these people are full of shit... 🤨


My dad always says, reach your destination 4 mins later, but reach there with all 4 of your limbs attached. Maybe hailing from a South Asian country with a lot of motorbikes on the road, I dont make a move till I've seen the entire view of the road and vicinity.


I hate this with a passion. Especially when they hesitate. Seems to happen more and more..


If you’re gonna pull out in front of oncoming traffic, at least floor it, not go a good 10 under


There are drivers out there, like this idiot, who actually think "right permitted on red" means he has the right of way to OP"s green.


I'm not saying he's not an idiot but he's not even finished turning in this clip. How fast do you want him to turn lol


Bruh people need to stop this main character energy just wait literally 5 more seconds and this whole interaction would have been avoided like is it really that hard to see a car coming and NOT pull out?????


in their defense, the black SUV making a right hand turn blocked their vision of you for a solid 5 seconds


If you weren't speeding through yellow lights.....


yeah all the other cars in front of them were already stopped. they had ample room to stop when it became yellow and they still sped through the intersection. the light would’ve been red by the time OP made it through meaning that OP ran this red light.


In my state you are only allowed to proceed through a yellow light if your vehicle, specifically where it meets the road, has already entered the intersection when the light turns yellow. So if you're front wheels haven't crossed the white line yet, and the light yellows, you're required to stop. If the law is the same in OP's state it's likely the other driver knows the law and was about to proceed to make his right turn when he saw the light turn yellow and OP far enough away they were required to stop. Then, the other driver was aware enough to stop his advance completely, despite having the right of way, to avoid an accident.


That law your referencing sounds EXTREMELY dangerous, but I've never heard of any law like that getting enforced anyway.






Honking all the way through too what an ass


Correct, I also don't speed through caution lights and complain about others being idiots.....I appreciate you taking the time to look through my profile in an attempt to insult someone who is shameless But hey good luck pointing fingers and blaming your faults on other people. Whatever gives you purpose


You don’t speed through yellow lights? You’re full of shit lol


I do, but I don't Video it then blame others for a near accident


No, that guy is the one that slams his breaks on the line when the light is just turning yellow.


Learn to drive, wook


I'm guilty of this too but yellow doesn't mean keep going it means get ready to stop.


Oooooh is this 146th and Hazel dell?


Has to be, I see the IU health on the NW corner.


I drive through here every day for work, funny to see something I see every day on here


I’m not from this area but when I looked it up I think it is.


Any decent driver let’s go of the accelerator and let’s him pass… why make it a close call when it shouldn’t have to be?


Any decent driver stops at red lights and doesn't create dangerous situations. So why make it a dangerous situation when it shouldn't have to be?


Let's work on our grammar.


As an Indian, this is hilarious to watch. Like people are getting such traffic free roads, wide lanes and what not but still manage to have close calls and crashes. I don't get it if the reflexes too slow or the people are not focused since the roads are empty anyways.


You all know it’s legal and common practice to make a right turn on a red unless otherwise posted right. And when turning in to a three multi lane high way there is no law that says you have to yield. I swear. The comments on this page are all being posted by people that probably are idiots in cars.


The guy turned into the correct lane. He was perfectly fine doing this. You on the other hand trying to beat the light look like the idiot


Merging idiot in pickup has to yield to any vehicles already in the lane.


Are you a real person or are comments like this written by a bot with brain damage?


I’ve worked for the DOT most my life. Have had to clean up pavement and put crews to work curbing and striping and countless installs due to damages caused by similar incidents. And everytime the driver blowing through the yellow and crashing into another vehicle that merged into “his own” and “correct” lane is the one that ends up paying up. Nothing the driver did pulling out broke any laws. The only person here that might be cited by the police is the one speeding through the intersection. I swear the more I watch this page the more I understand that most drivers are completely unaware of how to follow the rules of the road.


I’ve worked at Wendy’s most of my life. Now let me tell you the perfect way to raise and butcher steers.


Fake news. The truck turned right on red into an occupied lane. No offense to DOT maintenance workers, but I don't assume they know shit about driving because they work on roads.


That’s like saying a guy who’s worked at the paint factory for decades knows how to cut a better line than I do as a residential painter. Fucking ridiculous to claim that pickup truck did “nothing wrong” by pulling out in front of another car while turning on red, when you’re supposed to yield. What a fucking moron.


The truck’s right turn was on a red, they are supposed to yield to oncoming traffic. OP has the right of way, does not matter if the light turned yellow or not. Also not to mention that the truck turned very wide into the middle lane instead of the far right lane. Truck is 100% in the fault here.


OP's light was still green as the clock ticked to 12:40:15, which is exactly when the truck entered the frame (already rolling forward). OP crossed into the intersection only one second later, which is about half a second after the light switched to yellow. In absolutely no world did OP do anything wrong, and in fact prevented an accident by letting off the gas (and possibly breaking - it took nearly 3 seconds to clear the intersection) and swerving into the clear left lane. The truck had a red light. Red. R-E-D. Right on red requires STOPPING and ensuring the way is clear. Truck did neither. For everyone's sake, I hope you don't drive.


Good news! We found the truck driver


Many people don't understand that even though someone is doing something stupid, it's always in your best interest to drive to prevent an accident. The op car in his haste to beat the light, also switched lanes in the intersection. Any insurance underwriter would also find the scammer at fault if an accident occured.


Any decent driver ones that may f driving is anticipating what the other driver will do. In this scenario it’s treated no different that someone pulling out from a parking lot or parking structure. Out of the two drivers one pulled into the correct lane and the other forced his way mid-block on a yellow. If I had to split the idiot behavior between the two I’d say the one blowing the light represents atleast 90% of it.


This sub makes me lose my mind. “Blowing the light” the light turned yellow when they were 5 feet from the intersection this has to be bait


Seriously. This sub should be called idiotsincomments. They say OP blew the light because it turned yellow. Meanwhile the pickup is literally driving through a red light. Yeash.