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Look at the rear end of the Hyundai. Likely they are now gun shy, worrying about being rear ended again.


he gone end up with a car like the hyundai if he keeps driving like that


I thought only Nissans could look like that


No, the Nissans just come with that option installed from the dealer.


No horn?


Nope. On that Hyundai, though, there's a good chance it's broken. šŸ˜„


Id be on my horn like flys on shit.


I have no idea why the Hyundai driver just sat there. No horn, no going aroundā€”just willfully sitting behind an idiot stopped at a green light.


I think this is the 5th video of this exact intersection I've seen on this sub and I don't live near here at all, just recognize it from the videos.


I live 2 blocks from this intersection and had to screen shot and enlarge because I kept thinking ā€œthisā€¦..looks familiarā€ lol


Technically, the Hyundai is not allowed to change lanes since he has a solid line, so he could get a ticket for doing that and even worse if he does it in a traffic light


It's not illegal in California to cross over a single solid white line as long as you do so safely. Going around would likely have been safer than sitting at a green light.


Yup itā€™s only double yellow that are illegal to cross (with some turning exceptions).