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The condition of those roads are horrible!


Welcome to Massachusetts!


Kinda a fact of nature when you get freeze and thaws. When I first moved to a non snowy place, I was amazed how little cracking there was and cars didn’t rust out from salt.


Come to Denver, you don't get the rust (no salt) but you get the shit roads


Denver and Colorado as a whole have such shitty roads it was unbelievable.


Denver has been using salt since 2016


As someone who's lived on the east coast before moving here, it's significantly different in terms of how road treatments are done.


Oh, I’ve see what happens to cars in the East, even Detroit. It is different, but the shift to using salt is going to start impacting cars at some point


I looked into this a while ago. They don't use salt anymore, they use something else. They also don't use it on side roads to minimize enviromental impact.




The page doesn't exist. But I swear they don't use salt, that is why the cars don't rust.


San Diego too, especially in the Kearny/Clairemont Mesa area. I’ve had to get my car aligned 3 times in a year before because of unavoidable potholes and uneven asphalt.


Come to Texas, there’s still potholes here and the roads are built on soft soil or something, so the road shifts over time and creates these little hills on the roads.


Western Australia is basically desert sand everywhere. The roads are the best I have ever seen.


Dude, the first neighborhood I lived in in San Antonio had the most insanely lumpy but smoothly paved road I had ever seen. I remember thinking I'd killed me car one day when I was paying attention as much and hit one of the lumps a bit hard lol.


Yeah if you hit one of those lumps too hard it might be over for the car 😂 especially if you’re on the freeway and go over one, what a mess.


How did the road fare after that freak deep freeze back February 2021?


I’m a transplant and didn’t move to Texas until July 2021 so I luckily missed that, but we don’t have like any cold weather prep down here for the roads like salt, snow plows, etc. so when it’s cold/snowing here the roads definitely get icy and it’s hard to drive. And Texas drivers can barely drive when it’s sunny out lol so add some snow or ice and it’s a shit show.


No.... I'm from Canada and the first thing I thought was "damn those roads are shit!" When I saw this. You can still have good roads if they get taken care of.


Come to Georgia; the highways are excellent, because they are always under construction.


Yeah literally rare to see shitty roads where I live in Canada lol.


It's definitely an American thing. I've read some articles over the years about how most American cities don't have the funds to properly repair most of their roads. https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2017/1/9/the-real-reason-your-city-has-no-money


That's not freeze and thaw, that's utility companies ripping up the road and the city not repaving over.


The salt doesn't help matters either.


Snowy places shouldn't still be using salt. I suppose road construction companies love it because MORE BUSINESS IN THE SUMMER!


I drove to Massachusetts from New Brunswick a couple years ago and thought it was kinda funny how through Maine the highways are not great, not terrible, just kinda okay... then you get to New Hampshire and that tiny little stretch of I-95 through the corner of the state is in immaculate, brand new condition, one of the best highways I've ever driven on... Then you reach the Massachusetts border and it's like you've arrived on the surface of the moon.




I would've guessed MA or Nassau County. *Maybe* outskirts of Queens


I figure the pot holes and patches work as speed bumps.


That's some wishful thinking


Idk, I live in MN and haven't seen anything close to that.


didn't know they had stop signs on the moon


I noticed in this video my line through the turn is shallow because the road to the right is even more rough. I take this turn the same way every day. I have all the bumps memorized lol


Also in Mass, and I definitely have certain routes memorized by the location of potholes 🙃 I know exactly how to weave around them, because they are permanent fixtures


That was my first thought too. I figured it had to be in the north somewhere because it’s a typical thing where things freeze and thaw almost daily


It's more that it's a typical thing where there's chronic under-investment in public infrastructure. I've lived most of my life in places with frequent freeze-thaw, and visited many others, but by far the worst roads I've encountered have been in the US and in MA. I moved here to MA and they did some roadwork nearby, and after a while I thought "How come they haven't been back to fix the shitty temporary patch they put down". Turns out, no, that was a "permanent" patch, presumably signed off by the city. It was potholes within a couple of years of course. I've never seen road infrastructure as shoddily done as they do it here. The climate doesn't help of course, but the primary problem is rock-bottom standards and under-investment.


Maaaaan Come stop by Houston if you want some roads to cry about!


Looks better than Michigan roads though




Understandable, but yes. That white line on the road is the stop line next to the dead end sign. You can see the back of the octagon that’s bolted to the back of the dead end sign too


This whole video felt so wrong because the traffic rules are entirely different to what I'm used to. In my country, the person who wants to turn must always give way to oncoming traffic in the opposite lane, unless there is a sign like [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/83/Zusatzzeichen_1002-10_-_Verlauf_der_Vorfahrtsstra%C3%9Fe_an_Kreuzungen_%28von_unten_nach_links%29%2C_StVO_1992.svg/220px-Zusatzzeichen_1002-10_-_Verlauf_der_Vorfahrtsstra%C3%9Fe_an_Kreuzungen_%28von_unten_nach_links%29%2C_StVO_1992.svg.png) one that clearly indicates that the road with right of way turns and doesn't go straight. The idea of having to check what signs the other side has to know if they have to yield to you or not is a bit weird too. And why would they then go and hide those stop signs to make it even harder?


The road is a in sad state and the whole design of the area make little sense.


Boston used to be famous for incomprehensible intersections, maybe this town still has them.


You what would make it easier? Coming to a stop at a stop sign.


Looks like they stopped for .2 seconds, and you rushed to make ur turn when you saw this. turning way early and panicking on horn. I would have waved not held down horn, I only use my horn in active conditions not at someone who I don't believe stopped long enough as I rushed ti try and show it was my turn even tho half a block away. What a drama driver and posting videos about it too.. good one.


If the video and audio aren't desynced, OP doesn't get on the horn until well after the other car is stopping mid turn...


Ya I wasn’t gonna beep, just slot on behind him, I take that then the same way because the bumps get really bad to the right. I didn’t beep til he decided to stop, just smiled at him and pointed to the camera while doing it


> stopped for .2 seconds are we watching the same video..? OP may have rushed and turned early, but the car did not stop moving or even go that slow


Signal was on for first turn left, then left on they hit their brakes saw the blinker from previous turn? Shrug drama queen


I don't see what you are taking about and the only drama queen here is you.


Person in the video runs a stop sign and stops in the middle of the road (before OP even hit his horn) and OP is the drama queen? Ok.




The road is clear. Mr. Blinker was a block away and honked for no good reason, causing idiot number 2 to stop and say wth


I'm an American and I've never seen an intersection like this where 1 way doesn't have a stop sign but the other 3 do. ~~The only thing that would make the infinity's reaction justified is if op didn't have their turn signal and he assumed he was going straight~~ You can hear op's turn signal the infinity is just dense


Ugh +1, I hate when it's hard to tell what signs the other drivers have. (The line is another signal of course, but it would help to be able to see the sign)


The stopping when she shouldn't is 10x worse than the not stopping when she should.


Exactly, just commit and get out of my way


I mean if they weren't morons, they wouldn't be morons. It's a viscous cycle as they might say.


A thick and sticky cycle you say?


Fuck it up in fast forward.


It looks like he was saying something in lots of detail. With his window up.


Ya I just smiled, pointed to my camera, and flipped him off til he decided to go lol


Pointing to my camera and giving the thumbs down has been my go-to


If they just kept going it would’ve been fine for everyone lol


Especially if op would stay in his lane 5 more meters and would not cut corners like a race driver....


I had a Jeep do that exact thing to me once. Like, I wasn’t even gonna bat an eyelash at what you did. I didn’t even honk my horn. I was just gonna go behind you…UNTIL YOU STOPPED DEAD AND STARTED SCREAMING AT ME.


That intersection is fucked.


Can't stop for stop sign but has time for a tantrum. Ok bruh


how does your lane not have any stop or yield when you're making a near 90 degree left turn across oncoming traffic? i mean, i get you have the right of way if they have the stop sign, but that's horribly designed and just asking for accidents there. if i were the other guy and from out of town, it would make sense to me that'd it'd be a 4 way stop.


It's Massachusetts man, we don't use the signs anyway, they're just there for decoration. Also any road markings tend to only last a few months.


The route itself is turning so it has right-of-way. These kinds of curves are a little too common here, but usually there is extra signage indicating that oncoming traffic does not stop. 4-way stops also usually have extra signage, lol.


I love your use of the horn, OP.


[You should see my use of the finger lol](https://imgur.com/a/f3LuJsN)


Haha, perfect. I think my favorite part is you signaling him to go as if you’re interacting with a toddler.


Haha ya I was tapping on my big visible rove r3 cam that seemed to make him realize he was being an ass on camera. Wish I caught his face on cam after that last finger at the end of the video though, icing on the cake


How does that handle the heat?


It’s in its 3rd year, this weekend was 95 degrees in New England. Well over 120 in my car, no issue


That is a glorious 'tache.




Choice. Flipping off idiot drivers (and we have PLENTY here in Phoenix) is one of the most exhilarating thing. I go harddd. Hand out the window, no way to miss the shaking. And my husband is my wing man, he gets that shit done when I’m maneuvering lol


I'm from Canada, any time I drive in the US I don't gesture, or honk or get aggressive at all. I've seen enough people go unhinged on reddit and a lot of people have guns.


It’s so ridiculous. I don’t even bother with the horn because 9 times out of 10, the other driver gets butt hurt and does shit like this.


Actually, I normally don’t use the horn either (open carry state lol), but in OP’s case, it looks like he was already butthurt. He started waving his hands in the air before they even laid on the horn!


For sure! I understand the urge haha


I had someone do this to me in a roundabout. She cut me off and I had to slam my brakes. Then I honked at her and she decides to stop.


Gotta love driving through Quincy


thats a horrible intersection


That’s why they put stop signs in. Helps when people use them


That constant honk is pure music. Others on this sub should follow your lead.


I’ve had hella supertones in my garage for a few months waiting to go on this car lol. If only I had them on for this


Stereotypical shitty idiot in car behaviour. This sub is full of the worst drivers.


That's what the subs about genius


Infiniti drivers are merely Nissan Altima drivers in disguise.


Another classic example of a shitty driver outing themself on this sub with their own shitty driving. It goes without saying the other driver was shit but you saw them make the mistake and continued anyway just because you were 'in the right'. That's what shitty drivers do. Did you get your license in a box of breakfast cereal?


OP would have been fine and didn’t seem to honk or do anything wrong until the runner stopped the flow of traffic to be a dick.


If the other driver hadn’t stopped for absolutely no reason, there wouldn’t really be a problem. OP continued because there was no reason to stop, until the other driver inexplicably did stop.


Exactly. OP only started honking once the Infiniti stopped. That's a valid reaction to shitty driving, and honking at someone for stopping in the middle of the road does not make the honker somehow shitty as well.


What exactly did you want OP to do differently here? OP was just continuing to make their turn. The idiot stopped in the middle of their turn. Was OP supposed to assume they would do that?


There was so much time to respond faster than they did, did we see the same video? As said, obviously the other driver is a fucking moron but a good driver wouldn't just drive ahead like they did and beep like an italian. Whatever driving culture you've been raised in it doesn't sound like a good one.


Whatever driving culture I’m raised in? It’s always you clowns trying to shit on any driving culture that isn’t your own. Lol okay bud. OP started making his turn after Idiot started making theirs. What could he have “responded faster” with? He was entering the lane they were both turning onto after idiot did, but Idiot then decided to full on stop. For zero reason. Im not sure if idiot was upset that OP was….turning? You still didn’t answer what exactly you wanted OP to do that he had “so much time” to react beforehand. If Idiot just completes his turn then none of this happens. I’m guessing you’re saying OP should have waited for Idiot to complete the turn and move further down the lane? You sound like a terrible driver.


Insufferable take. OP avoided the idiot. They did the right thing. But no, you want them to inconvenience themselves in every way possible to ensure the idiot has a five-star experience while they break the law and endanger people.


Inconvenience always trumps being in the right and making a dumb mistake. OP just continued like a dumbass because they had the right of way. Where did you learn to drive?


OP continued until the idiot forced them to stop. They stopped and avoided an accident. Stop being mad that they didn’t avoid an accident *enough*.


Nobody mad here. Just bad at driving.


If you think OP’s bad at driving from this clip, the bad drivers are you and the Infiniti.


Looks like we found an infinity driver ^ lol


I come from a country where (most) people can actually drive, you clearly don't.


"My shit don't stank"


At what point do you have a responsibility to not close the huge gap at full speed despite the other driver doing something stupid? You had ages to deal with this but chose to drive up on them.


In most insurance policies you have a reasonable duty to avoid an accident. Obviously, there wasn't an actual collision here, but if there had been, the OP would have been found partially at fault. Point being, it's not a great idea to try and teach someone a lesson for doing something idiotic.


If the baby would have kept driving, op’s gap would have been fine. I’m sure OP wasn’t expecting other driver to tantrum after THEY ran the stop sign.




Clearly you're not a driver


Go yell at some clouds


They also have bad credit


People who drive Infinitys are stereotypically braindead? First I'm hearing of this.


Whatever someone is driving when they offend you is "stereotypical".


What third world country is this? Judging by the state of the roads...


Quincy, MA where the mayor is taking a 79% pay raise while the roads are left in worse states of condition than this one.


quincy or brockton?


actually this looks like it might be by dot god rest your soul


Quincy, at the end I merged onto burgin pkwy, that’s the bjs gas station to my left which is a nightmare to even drive by more than half the time


I know this place! I pray a video of me never ends up on here - Quincy driving sucks.


I make sure to put the plate in the comments if I got it, incase they ever search them up lmao


That’s the correct reaction to a temper tantrum on the roads. Horn stays on until they stop being a baby.


Stereotypical idiot posting in this sub.


I mean it is a hopped up Nissan after all. it runs in the family.


And the poster turns left early to try and make it look like the other car was causing an accident or traffic because they were pissy other car didn’t stop


Nope, bumps get really bad to the right, you can also see my speed. Try again buddy. I take that turn the same way every day. Zero reason to take it wide other than hitting more bumps than necessary


Did you use a turn signal? Something about this video makes me wonder.... maybe they only stopped cause you didn't and you prob didn't on the one before either. Most of all there is no reason to lay on your horn you arent signalling or warning themespcially if you arent using your signal


The only evidence the cammer is using a turn signal is the rhythmic clicking that sounds like....a turn signal...or a metronome. Forget that, he probably has a metronome going and isn't using the his turn signal. Yeah, it's just a metronome.


All cars should be equipped with a metronome. You never know when a concert will suddenly break out.


All you have to do is use the volume button to know that I have my signal on and your whole comment could have been avoided. Do better.


Brain dead may not be exactly the right word, but it’s good enough


An infinity driver? he'll be on the road forever..


man you guys are petty


They were In a rush but then once you honked they have all day to sit and stare.


They decided to be a douche well before I honked too, that’s the funny part


Reminder that Infiniti is just a Nissan in fancy clothes.


Where is the stop sign?


Bolted to the back of the dead end sign. You can see his stop line in the video too


Doesn't really look like the kind of neighborhood where it's a good idea to be honking like that for something so minor.


Helps when you carry


Personally I'm not strong enough to carry my car. Bet you get great gas mileage though!




“It’s my fucking right of way!”




Are you sure your speakers aren’t on mute? The turn signal clicking is very clear. It’s also a dead end and 99.99% of people take a left here. The left is to I93 N&S (the rest of the world). Straight is to a few houses.


Did you have your flicker on though?


Volume up button