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tell me you've never been through this intersection without telling me I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand the flow of traffic and that they have to read signage, and maybe-- just maybe-- look to see if everyone else has a stop sign, or if it's just them


In my state, if everyone from every direction is required to stop then the stop sign will say so. If cross traffic does not stop then there will be just a plain stop sign So you don't have to try and look for stop signs for other directions. https://s24477.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/129591933_web1_vcsPRAsset_2559318_136833_77e224d9-2de5-4c9c-b136-19911316aaf0_0.jpg Means everyone has a stop sign. Failing this "All Way" added signage it means you have to yield to cross traffic


Milton, typical of masshole country.


They’re definitely a moron. But also wow does it look so pretty there.


It’s a historic parkway designed by landscape architects and maintained by the state and recreation department, who unfortunately are not the sharpest traffic engineers.


Mass. Department of Cars and Roads (DCR)


New England is a lovely place, if you've never been come visit. I've been all over the US but I always feel home when I come back to New England.


I knew right away this was MA 😆


It's like a dog doing that stop and crouch thing when they're chasing someone.


A perfect candidate for a roundabout.




I remember driving for Amazon right near this intersection in Hyde Park.. I always had to hit that left REAL SLOW because drivers at that stop sign assumed I had a stop sign too.


More idiots for this sub when people make bad assumptions


Wow, this is weird. I grew up right next to that intersection and hadn't been back for 26 years until last Wednesday when I was in town for funeral and decided to drive past my old house. Imagine my surprise when this shows up in my feed a few days later. That intersection has had so many accidents over the years, 5 or 6 fender benders every year and a major accident about every other year.


I know this intersection


As a Brit, that junction triggers me so much. Could have a nice little roundabout there, or make one of the arterial road a T junction.


Plenty of room for a roundabout too https://maps.app.goo.gl/YXvpJogrsJatQuH56


Roundabout would be much better there.


Good god what a hamster brain!


Where does the yellow line go? Is it meant to just disappear?


Yellow lines don't continue through intersections.