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## Thank you for posting here. Please make sure your post contains a main character. Main Character: Deliberate attention-seeking behavior, entitlement, or individuals thinking they are more privileged. **Questions to consider:** - Does the MC show entitlement or attention seeking behavior? - Is the MC very inconsiderate of the people around them? - Does the MC have a sense of self-importance? - If your post is about parking, does it show the blatant disregard of parking rules? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ImTheMainCharacter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nice to see the tide turning on these douchebags


I used to be a bit of a gym rat before I changed my routine and got some dumbells at home...this shit does not make me miss it. People pay money to go to most of these places, they shouldn't have to deal with this camera shit and the disruptive main characters who are doing it.


When are gyms going to enforce "no recording" policies?!? there's a hole in the market for Content Creator boutique gyms- let these losers go there


Yeah. Niche market. But profitable. Call it Tik-oh-wtf If you need a 20ft extension cable and lighting to go to a gym? I understand people recording to see form. But yup. Sorry. Why we can’t have nice things.   She is purposely trying to antagonize people for quarters. Err RMB. I don’t want to know how it works. 


>I understand people recording to see form. I don't think I've ever been to a gym that doesn't have walls of mirrors for that exact reason.


Some of my friends who work at gyms and health clubs have told me that they only really enforce the policy when someone is causing problems, otherwise they turn a blind eye because supposedly it's been good marketing for them.


I go to a local YMCA and they don't allow recording. It's pretty sweet, and as far as a YMCA goes, it's on par with most of the nicer commercial gyms in my area.


I'm surprised they canceled her membership. Those are notoriously hard to get out of.


Especially your typical 24hr fitness sort of business. But if if this is a hardcore lifters gym then they really don't want this type of person even in there - they may barely tolerate it but be looking for any excuse to 86 their ass, like the guy in this video. They care way more about the dude she just made feel bad for no reason then her tik tok video. I strongly suspect the Golds Gym type place up the street from me would have *zero* patience with it.


I'm lucky that my buddy has a full home gym he lets me use whenever I want so I don't have to deal with this kinda shit. I'm actually lifting rn haha. So much nicer to be able to jam my own music and be at peace and not dealing with "influencers" or fighting for equipment


What if your buddy has a hidden camera set up to record you?


🤫 that's the payment he doesn't know he pays


Oh he knows.


good lawd. me so erect.


Yeah, something is up with that mirror.....


Sweaty Jockstrap ![gif](giphy|1yMvhR4M47Okw4n8tt)


No such thing as a free lunch I guess lol Still well worth not having to go to a commercial gym haha


Bro never noticed that teddy bear in the corner...


Go to a gym that also trains some sort of fighting technique. There is a respect at a gym where most people can fight, cameras are minimal, encouragement and respect are common place


They should have rooms that they charge extra for filming in. You have your own equipment, you have your own mirrors, you can film all you want, but it costs you extra.


That would raise the entitelment level to the max!


Same. The 24hr fitness I use to go to was full of these “influencers” and made it annoying to workout without being in the background of some dbags shot. I bought a 5-25 dumbbell set then some snode adjustable 10-80lb dumbbells, a bowflex, rogue assault bike and a set of kettlebells. Haven’t been to an actual gym in over 1.5 years now. And like you, I don’t miss that shit.


honestly they should just make a rule no camera's at the gym.


I feel this stuff is way overblown and not nearly as common as it's made out to be. In 5 years of regularly going to several different gyms I have never seen anyone film themselves once. Maybe it's an American thing? Idk. Here in the Netherlands staff would probably ask you to stop filming almost immediately. Maybe if it was really quiet and you asked if it was ok they'd let you do it.


I live in the US and my gym has policies against it, signs about it and everything. At the gym I go to, a local YMCA, they don't allow filming of any kind, photo or video, you can only use your phone to listen to music, to text, or to look up fitness videos etc In the locker room they're completely banned except for putting them in a bag when you come in. You will be made to leave and if you do it again, your membership will be terminated.


This! Denver here and Lifetime fitness does not allow filming as it got out of control for a month or three. I do feel as though we lost some of these IG models after the no filming was enforced.


I live in one of the most populated areas in the US. Ive seen it once, total. It was at a 24 hour gym at like 1 in the morning, and he was filming his sets I think to check his form. I have never seen anything influencer related.


>he was filming his sets I think to check his form. Which is fair enough. Even if you want to make a video to show off on social media, be my guest. Nothing wrong with being proud of what you achieved and showing it off. I mean, if you have the kind of motivation to go to a gym at 1 in the morning and film yourself, you earned that. I can respect that. The problem imho is being a total douche about it and making it everyone else's problem.


Exactly. Its not the act in itself its the entitlement and total lack of consideration for other and total disrespect to others around you.


Definitely a thing in the gym I go to here in America. I see people filming their workouts all the time, even taking pictures in the locker room. I complained about the locker room several times to the company. That eventually stopped happening at least. I just don’t trust that people will check the background to make sure I’m not in their Instagram post while I’m getting dressed. I even saw someone doing a facetime call in the locker room once! Not okay!


I see it on a very regular basis at my gym, but the people filming are obviously more respectful. That being said, doesnt surprise me you dont see people in the Netherlands doing this. In general the dutch are very respectful and aware. 


Shame they won't realize it. They often see low harm "victimization" as golden tickets for dodging moral accountability.


To be honest, I don’t think she’s even capable of thinking about moral accountability - she saw this as an opportunity to drive engagement to her socials and took it in complete ignorance of the many degrees of accountability she blew past when posting. She was just indoctrinated by whatever media or echo chambers she was consuming prior to this incident which told her that a man looking was wrong and wrong = followers. Worst part is that despite the blowback she probably has a MUCH bigger platform now. I was having trouble finding her, so maybe she deleted it, and maybe she even learned something, but the countless other examples and women like her benefit in that same way. Maybe this will become more stigmatized because of her, Joeyswoll, etc. but I’m not holding my breath.


Did she set up a camera so people could watch her “video” and then get pissed off someone looked at her (while filming) before she could show her video ? 


Definitively yes. I am so disheartened by the mental gymnastics that SO MANY PEOPLE do when topics like this come up. That we have to pretend that a woman can post videos of herself in revealing gymwear for millions of men to ogle privately for as long as they please, some probably pleasing themselves while they do, but then it is somehow unforgivable to let your eyes linger for more than an instant on her body when in public. They are actively participating in a culture of objectification on the screens we increasingly spend our time staring at, but then claiming they feel unsafe when the very men they are objectifying themselves to online take a look for a fraction of a fraction of the duration of the video they post of their bodies stretching and posing and showing off their ass and titties online. And then women there’s the whole group of women who don’t post, but wear revealing clothing and can feign a moral high ground because they just “dress that way to be comfortable” whilst complaining about how anyone who looks does more than stare at the floor makes them uncomfortable and is creepy. It hurts my head to think about… and is just so damn depressing. I honestly stay away from public gyms now for this very reason.


Why any gym would ever allow cameras to be on inside the common space at all is insane to me. It’s a big part of why a lot of us prefer to exercise outside of a gym environment—that and the overall cost are certainly the #1 and #2 reason I don’t have nor will ever have a gym subscription.


Ain’t no one lookin at that long backer.


They will always think they are in the right though, cant fix stupid


Yep. They all can Kick. Fuckin. Rocks. Byeeeeeee


He had to. If he works there, she's actually screwing around with his livelihood with accusations.


Justice served.


I'm all for not returning to the days where men regularly and socially acceptably commented on women's looks in public constantly and cat called them, but some people are trying to swing the pendulum too far in the opposite direction. Even if he were checking her out (which he clearly wasn't), who gives a shit? People can look where they want. If someone doesn't interact with you, leave them alone. You can't control other people.


Guess what, if you're acting like a dumbass, I'm looking at you.


And not for the reasons she thinks.


It's crazy how many of these fools believe the only reason somebody can have for looking at them is attraction or something "positive" about them. There are so many other reasons to look. Strange, flamboyant or colorful outfits, bad/silly behaviour, stupidity, and many more.


She, and many of these people take videos of themselves to post on social media. She's literally taking a video so other people can look at her but she's fake upset about other people looking at her. It's fucking insane.


But in her brain, she's the hottest thing in the gym and every man wants her (despite being a very average looking 20ish year old without a chin). Narcissistic, entitled personalities over shadow any attractiveness. I bet she's rude AF when she eats out too.


When she said "do you need something?" I would have said "Yeah, for you to put your clothes back on because you're busted as fuck."


She was looking for an argument but one she could win lol


"You don't own the gym". You know she has used that line so many times being confident it would shut anybody down until she came across this guy


And she's the one acting like she owns the place


It's always projection with narcissists.


My nerdy response would be 'And you don't own the reflection of light', but I know this wouldn't be the slam-dunk game-over argument-winner I would hope.


Seriously! This man is a hero.


She only paid for the 5 minute argument. If she wants to keep on arguing, she'll have to pay for the full half hour.


"Listen, I came here for an argument!" "No you didn't." "I did!" "Did not."


Sorry. Time's up.


No it isn't! ...


"An argument is a collective series of statements intended to establish a proposition!" "No, it isn't."


I love this sketch, Michael Palin and all the Pythons. I laughed so hard once it cured my pneumonia.


*Films self* *doesn't want to be looked at*


Not only that but in the original longer one she spends an age slowly getting undressed in the middle of the weight room instead of doing it in the change room or at the lockers. She also puts the video in slow motion when he looks over to make his split second glance in her direction look longer and despite the fact that he's clearly mid conversation with the guy on the machine he's training, she adds the text "Ohh damnnnn!" over the top while his lips are moving to try and make it look like he's commenting on her. So pathetic.


Sauce for longer one? I want to watch the cringe.


Please don't give her the validation


Lol I wouldn't watch it on her own channel.




Posts it online


I've never understood that. I used to teach high school and they would film Tik Toks of themselves every second they could and would get SO mad and emberassed if anyone looked at them while they were filming it. I'd always be like, "Don't you ideally want like millions of people to see this? Why do you care if someone sees you film it?" and they'd look at me like I just asked the most ridiculous nonsense.


I was thinking about that when I was watching a youtube video. If you didn't know that the person making the video intended for other people to be watching, it would seem really fucking weird. Like if aliens were studying us and didn't understand that, they would just see people talking to themselves on video. I think some sort of that dissonance is at play here. Like on some level people realize that removed from the camera/audience, their actions seem absurd. Like those music videos with the music removed.. https://youtu.be/5Jd9AmepgdM


Well see they only want to be looked at by *internet* strangers, not real life strangers. Internet strangers give them money.


This "are you okay" was just perfect. Simple and effective.


It's the most perfect statement that only further highlighted her being totally full of shit at that point. An employee with good intentions thinking he must have misunderstood a woman trying to flag him down for help, then realizes no, she's just a narcissist looking for negative attention, so he adjusts his understanding and happily accommodates her wishes by kicking her out for acting like a bitch.


Dude is the hero we need.


Lmao. So fucking cocky. Spoiled brat is definitely used to getting away with whatever she wants usually. And also she's filming herself, for tons of people to see. Yet has an issue with someone glancing or looking for a second. Mental issues I swear.


100% a spoiled brat, I remember her response to this was something along the lines of “My DaDdY tOLd Me nEvERr lEt sOmEOne BuLLy yoU anD sTanD uP fOr yOuRSeLF.” Hope he’s happy now that she went viral for acting like an entitled idiot in public.


How dare you watch me working out! By which I mean making microadjustments to my outfit while I look in the mirror. Absolutely hate this girl. "Keep it pushin". "Let em know" He did.




I have seen this same video so many times, I still watch it. A bad attitude and sense of entitlement means this video is out there forever to be watched over and over again and people will think bad of you every time. Imagine having that as a mark you leave. Just be a decent person, it’s way easier


The most amazing thing is that she's the one who posted it.


none of these incels will hold her responsible for anything, she doesn't care


So why did she keep pulling up at her shorts? Was she trying to get a perfect camel toe or something?


It’s called “Cleve-vag”


Oh nice one! Can I use it? The pun, not your.. uh.. forget it.


Trying to perfect the moose knuckle.


Literally yes. I’ve seen chicks that wear the seamless shorts that sit there and adjust the legs over and over to make sure the seam is evenly across their parts. But like, over and over, where it makes you wonder if it’s on purpose or to draw attention. I’m a woman, but it’s hard for me to not notice when someone is constantly digging in their crotch to show it off. And it’s weird to me, because it’s not really a normal camel toe, just kind of showing off your mound more than anything, so why?


I’m now old enough and social rules are strange enough that I’ve figured out there’s three kinda 20s-ish girls like that: Ones that have no idea they’re even doing it at all, ones that are doing it so they can give damn-near-forty me a dirty look when I glance their way like this chick, and then there’s the “age gap is socially inappropriate but i cant even.” The last two definitely know what they’re doing. Like if you’


>and then there’s the “age gap is socially inappropriate but i cant even.” The what? >The last two definitely know what they’re doing. Like if you’ Wait, *what*?


I just want some cute shorts that don’t show off my moose knuckle. No wonder I can’t find any, this is the style now 😭😭😭 do y’all ladies remember when they would sell slips to put over a camel toe??? Now we’re pushing them out I see


Right? I remember freaking out in middle or high school if my pants even showed a lip on either seam, like freaked out because I felt it was so weird to show it. It’s so crazy to think it’s changed to the opposite, but that’s usually how it goes.


> so why? guys are really thirsty. source: man.


Hell yeah. Can you stop yourself from looking at someone that’s obviously craving the attention, or do you just go all in?


I'm not a creeper but if someone has goods in the display window I have been known to window shop. Hell my wife is worse than me about it. "Look at that girls titties hanging out!" "Don't mind if I do."


I love it! And that’s the best way to put it, “If someone has goods in the display window.” 🤣


If you want it to sell, you put it in the window!


I’ve tried before and all I was told is “sir, please leave the drive through immediately…” 🤦🏻‍♂️


You get caught creeping just say "What the fuck are you looking at?" Hit 'em with the ol' reverse creeperino


>guys are really thirsty. perpetually so, I'd add.


Guys are really thirsty. Thirst is a multi-trillion dollar industry that impacts literally everything it seeps into. And thanks to the internet it's more prevalent than ever before to the point where even the most non sexual things are infected with thirst to drive more engagement. Including stuff aimed at children. Women see lots and lots of $ when they center everything they do around thirst while pretending they aren't selling "hydration". So eventually greedy women just make it about thirst only and then play stupid when anyone points it out. Then whole industries also realize they're losing money to women advertising to the thirsty, so they abandon all their morals to include thirst for $ too, and play bullshit feminism cards anytime they get called out. Luring people with sex for more money is not feminism. It's predatory opportunism while feigning ignorance like they could *never* imagine what it's about. It's like that South Park episode where all the men have to pretend not to understand why rich men would ever sleep with a lot of hot women once they got rich.


For that yeast infection. Almost every day at my kids’ bus stop this mom had her spandex shorts (like same ones in video here) pulled alllll the way up so she has a wedgy and I can’t imagine the yeast she created standing outside in 100F weather. That was until her kid got kicked off the bus for showing other kids porn on her smart phone and these are like 2nd graders I’m talking about.


This sentence sounds like it smells rancid :(


I asked my husband what his theory on bus stop wedgy lady was just now since he’s chilling next to me: “I HAVE NONE! No idea!” Lmao. He had to interact with her more this year because of his work schedule. He then said this: “She hung out with two different dudes at the bus stop and it confused me because they were both hanging around the daughter and her…” the wedgy spandex is doing something for her! When my husband and I argue next I will try that trick out lmao.


Imagine having a mum who's fishing from the same pond as you do. That's traumatizing. Reminds me of this Dutch TV show: Hotter than my daughter


My favorite is still the blind guy working out at a gym and a woman happened to be in the direction he was facing and she complained to the gym management that he was creeping on her. So they go and ask him to stop looking at her and he's like, "I'm not looking at anyone, I'm blind" but she and management just doubled down and said that it was making her uncomfortable and he just kept repeating that he wasn't looking at her, he's blind. Edit, found link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c9tKlDa4Nw


wow that is incredibly aggravating


Got a link?




Stop looking at me. I’m making a video to show to thousands of strangers!


This video was originally in 4K, it's been reposted sooooo many times. The woman was booted from the gym.


We got from VHS to 4K right back to VHS quality.


what else do you expect from a karma farmer powermod who repost spams every day?


Being a powermod has to be the most pathetic shit ever lol


Oh my god “keep it pushin” 😂😂😂 what world do these people live in


Probably sounded cooler In her head




What does that even mean?


Damn, that was so satisfying


Men should start wearing no shirts and speedos then complain when people look at us. So over this crap.




[Took me a while to find this from back in the day.](http://www.spaceavalanche.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/office-environment_on-black.jpg)


So good


"Oh? These incredibly thin, obnoxiously tight shorts that ride into every single crevice and put my fat cock and balls on display in the weirdest most sexualized fucking way possible? Errmm, they're comfortable. STOP LOOKING PERVERT"


We call that the mild Winnie the Pooh ![gif](giphy|fdWVI1op6wi88)


My girlfriend called it Porky Pigging when I wore a shirt with nothing else.  I told her that the usual term is Donald Ducking, but to her Donald's hat makes a difference.


She does have a point.


One year when I was a cross country runner in high school we got to pick out new uniforms. So we intentionally picked out the tightest, thinnest, shortest, spandex pants we could find with basically nonexistent tank tops. You had to wear the shorts commando because they were smaller than any men’s underwear you could buy. They had a tiny mesh liner like swim trunks but our balls would fall out of them all the time. They got so much (negative) attention but that was the point. We just wore them confidently like there was nothing weird about it. It was the ultimate power move. Like “yeah that other team might be faster than us but they’re gonna spend the next 15-22 minutes watching our dicks and balls swinging around with our cadence.” The girls team used to joke that they could tell who was circumcised. Every year all the sports teams got in their uniforms for an assembly. The whole school cracked up when we made our appearance. It was hilarious. Still, I’ve seen grown adult women wear less to the gym. I’m not about to tell anyone what they can and can’t wear, but when you make an effort to be as close to naked as possible don’t be surprised when some eyes linger. Being an almost naked person, man or woman, in public is a great way to captures peoples’ attention.


Did you go to school in FL in the 90s? Because I think I was on your team lol. We had those uniforms too, and the team's booster club ended up buying new ones because all the moms were tired of seeing their sons' dicks on full display every XC meet. They were basically a sheer light silver.


And She still edited the Video and posted it???? What an idiot


She's desperate for attention.


I'm not on her side, but I think she just found the cheat code to canceling a gym membership.


My my, isn't that the consequences of your own actions. My how the turn tables... Ain't nobody checking her out.


She acted like he was a 60 year old man trying to take a sneaky picture 😂




"Hey everyone! Don't look at me! I just want to enjoy my workout without any unwanted attention!" I'm sure she had no intention of keeping a low profile when she picked out her outfit.


I only want my fans to look at me!


It is only fans after all.


And set up her camera.


Terrible person


Attitude on this bitch. She loves herself more than any man ever will.


I wish there was a subreddit specifically for gym girls being asshats


Dude is an employee, was not being rude, and forewarned her that she could be escorted out She FAFO and made drama for her TikTok nonsense


I see no exercise, thats the hard part. Arguing is preferable as a workout


This had an unexpectedly happy ending!




She was Nano-Aggressed. She needs to take it up with the Femto-Police.


Is nano-aggressed better or worse than micro-aggressed?


Better, but somehow more offensive.


this. It's the homeopathy of aggressions. The more diluted it is, the more powerful it is.


The more insignificant the infraction, the more offensive it becomes?


lol I know exactly what kind of person she is irl. Wow


I only want my paying only fans to look at me! How dare you.


Such a dumb cunt


Her face at the end was priceless


Is this a life hack to get the gym to actually cancel your membership without 600 steps


This is amazing


I am looking at everyone while I'm at the gym. Sometimes I'm curious about an exercise you are doing, sometimes your form is better than mine and I'm trying to see what I'm doing wrong, sometimes I'm just staring off in your direction during a rest period.


Entitled and discourteous


Gyms are like cinemas. Great idea but ruined by people.


Dumb bitch


Lmao. So fucking cocky. Spoiled brat is definitely used to getting away with whatever she wants usually. And also she's filming herself, for tons of people to see. Yet has an issue with someone glancing or looking for a second. Mental issues I swear.


I’m so incredibly done with women coming to the gym in barely more than underwear and freaking out when people look at them. I go to the gym to lift weights and get stronger. I’m not there to gawk at nearly naked women. Don’t dress for the gym like a stripper and people will stare less. And seriously… no one wants to be in some random woman’s workout video. Stop recording in gyms. These women don’t like being stared at? Then what makes them think random people want to be in their fucking Tik tok video?!?




*I used my station as a young, fit women to create a false outrage and content for my tiktok!*


Haha bitch


"Don't look at me while I'm recording myself for people to look at me!"


Can’t stand these type of shitbags thinking she looks like a 10 but is a 4 at best


This belong in r/ohnoconsequences as well


I cannot tell you how much I hate narcissists.


I am a simple man and well, this made my day! 👍


Yeah cause the guy who works in a gym for a living is so thirsty he needs to check out every girl in a sports bra. It can’t possibly be that he naturally glanced in her direction because sometimes people look around and see things. I hope she gets ring worm.


The gym just got better.


I feel bad for her new gym.


She is so welcoming to her own punishment.


Well now I know how to cancel my membership without all the BS


She is below mid. The fact she would think anyone is looking at her in the gym is crazy


I didn't want to be rude but I couldn't help but think she is wayyyy too mid to be jumping to that conclusion.


I hate these stupid subtitles that are wrong on every video


Why allowing to film in first place? This isnt the first time something like this happens. Gym’s need to ban filming


Bitch please, if you dont want men glancing at you "pervertedly", dont post it on tiktok or any other social media platforms.


Ohhh how the turns have tabled


Great. Tired of these folks


Call me a dick, idc, there is something so fundamentally wrong about ANY ONE (in this specific video: a woman) trying to get aggressive to the point of coming off as demanding and expecting someone to just "keep it pushing". In what universe, can a 5'6 woman tell a grown man to "keep it pushin" and be able to enforce it in some way. Like, if he didn't "keep it pushin", would she have reported it to the front, or would she have straight up fought someone over that?! Since when do people have the balls to get aggressive like that?!


Bruhhhhh that chick fugly anyhow 😂


She picked a fight then demanded to be held responsible for it. What a bithc


I'm surprised most gyms haven't banned filming on premises yet.


Her video is private now, she turned off comments. However, you can see Joey Swoll's video about it: https://www.tiktok.com/@thejoeyswoll/video/7108922645743160619 Apparently, the staff member actually *did* remove her from the premises. I thought that was just a "wish fulfillment" text that someone added to the video later, but nope, it's real.


Some people just wanna test others to start an argument. Serious attitude problem


If you watch the video on mute, you go “damn, she’s hot” but the moment you see her personality it’s a “not a chance I’d ever want to spend time with her”. Personality really is key.


"Don't look at me", meanwhile this girl likely posts this crap on her Instagram or w/e for the world to see.


The entitlement is realllll. Girl no gives af about you 😅 victimhood is a helluva drug these days


Her nose was trespassed before she was


Eat it bishhhhhh


And take ya phone with ya


She is not even fine


Would love to hear Joey Swoll’s comments. Hats off to the gym for kicking her out.


This is at least 1.5,2 years old. He addresses this a while back