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I'm curious how many "true"s they'll be at before they give up. They don't have much to do day to day so I'm expecting True50×virgin by the end.


TheTruestofTrueVirgins coming soon😂


MoreTruestofTrueVirginsThanYouCanShakeAStickAt Fuck, too long. 😆


Don't forget TheTrueLoserKHVirgin


They can always go the metal road and spell it trve after that


"Could it be treating women as sub humans that keeps getting us banned? No, it's the normie admins who are wrong!"


These people run from accountability like the plague


Well, none of it's their fault, you see.


That took a while, but glad it happened. Wonder what the next "support group sub" will be


*echo chamber


Hate chamber**


How hard is it to make a place where people can say “I’m really lonely, and it really sucks and I want romantic relationships but I can’t get them and I could use some support.” Or rather, how hard is it to make a place like that where you ban the people who devolve into “it’s all the fault of Femoid toilets bitches.”


They don't want support because that would require them to be honest with themselves and trying to grow as people. What they want is a place to let them wallow in self pity and blame everyone but themselves for their unhappiness. That's much easier than doing something healthy as all of their favorite grifters have told them.


Exactly. They reject support or any genuine advice. You won’t improve if you won’t help yourself. It’s like therapy.


> How hard is it to make a place where people can say “I’m really lonely, and it really sucks and I want romantic relationships but I can’t get them and I could use some support.” > Surprisingly hard tbh, you need good modding. r/bropill and r/incelexit try and in experience they are good.


Oh no. Anyway...


Spewing misogynistic bs is a negative thing and they 100% earned it. Good riddance.




The fact that they're too stupid to just completely change the name.




Let's go!


You'd think they might get the hint by now


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?! 👏


Ez gg True Virgin sounds like secret ending in some old rpg from PS2 era




It's quite simple really. Incels either cannot or will not properly moderate their subs, so down comes the hammer. That you claim not to have seen such rule-breaking activity doesn't mean it's not happening.


Probably this one got closed for ban evasion. 


Oh this makes the most sense indeed.


Yes, they are getting mass reported.


Reports on their own aren't sufficient to get a sub banned. They have to report on ToS-breaking behaviour to be actionable.


Yeah, but without sufficient amount of reports reddit stuff will not even look at it.


yeh it’s genuinely infuriating at this point.




You might serve yourself better asking why you identify with a community that keeps getting banned.


Idk man.. they're lonely and so am i, no rocket science here but i follow like 20-30 subs so idk


Plenty of communities for lonely people manage to operate within Reddit's lenient boundaries.


And I'm part of everyone of them


Brother there was literally a post there about selectively breeding women so their genes wouldn't let them say no. And another that said women weren't people. The subs icon itself was a black pill, which itself is symbolic of extreme misogyny.


Black pill is a symbol of misogyny... heard that for the first time


Look at the community behind it. Look at the shit the community says and tell me it isn't.


>and it didn't have any misogynistic posts.. Well, that's a lie. The comments could get pretty horrific, too. Breaking TOS is what gets them banned. >can't you guys leave them alone? What did they do to you? Why can't they leave everyone else alone? Especially women. But you're here pretending it never got misogynistic so.


Bro, IT isn't banning other subs. They're getting banned for breaking TOS, whether you can admit to that or not. But it ain't us.


Lol you really be like that.


You can check my profile if you wanna know more bro lol


I don't know enough about Indian culture that isn't garbage to make a good assessment, but I do know you're a child and already think you're a neet. Unless you just hang around teen subreddits for funsies.


Yeah i don't want to interact with low life racists anyway


I'm not racist. I recognize that the crap I see about India is skewed and inaccurate. That doesn't make me racist kiddo but go off.


Idk if any of its posts were breaching TOS. But I'd like to think if a new incel sub starts that it would be able to stay up and not get reported just because it's an incel space.


Being an incel space is enough. You get nothing.


Why? Seems like discrimination. If they haven't breached TOS


Incels breach the TOS and Code of Conduct by definition. The community is the problem.


Just by existing they haven't


No, but by accepting the incel nonsense they have. Also, ban evasion.


>by accepting the incel nonsense they have. Hows that breaching TOS


Incel ideology is hate-filled


Alot of it doesnt break TOS tho lol


Actuality it does break TOS. You cannot make a hate group on Reddit. Most incel groups are hate filled. Most of the time incels will hop into a subreddit and the mods would get bombarded with incel bullshit to a point it becomes an incel board. Just look at the MGTOW board. It used to be about men's rights advocacy and then some dumbass got mod privileges and turned it into an incel cesspool. It became less about Men choosing to be single into men complaining about a lack of dates and sex. I would go as far to say most of the Ugly Reddit community is full of incels.


The term "foid" is hateful. Women are not humanoids, they're human beings. Claiming some people are less than fully human is hate speech. If an incel subreddit would consider calling women "foids" an actionable, bannable offense, and disallow all other forms of dehumanizing women, could it function as an incel subreddit? Because that's what an incel subreddit would need to do. No racism, no calling women toilets or foids or suggesting women should exist as sex slaves. No claims that any other human being are less fully human.




> Why? Seems like discrimination. Discriminating agains misogynistic assholes who want to r*pe and murder women? Oh nooooooo...


Theyre not all misogynistic


Incels are a domestic terrorist threat. Feel free to check my link tree for sources discussing this.


incels are a terrorist and hate group. thats like saying there should be a safe hamas space or kkk space on reddit. by definition it is hate speech. but there should be safe spaces for people who struggle with loneliness, dating, etc. it is important to note not being able to have sex does not make a person an incel. an incel is a title a person adopts that coincides with the incel ideology, which is, by definition, sexist. safe spaces for NON incels who struggle with relationships SHOULD exist. incel safe spaces should not. does that make sense?


Only a small percent are terrorists


Many of the rest celebrate them, often referencing ER and cheering on violence against women. Incel spaces are filled with comments claiming women who suffer domestic violence deserve it, and saying they wish they could beat, mutilate, or kill women or "Chads." Communities that allow that sort of rhetoric get shut down - rightfully so.


If its promoting or celebrating violence then it is against TOS


I’m ngl, most of the people in there were just venting.


Talking about working with North Korea and women hate short people isn't just venting


Yeah, but that wasn’t the majority.


It was tolerated and allowed to stay up - in other words, the sub violated the ToS. IT didn't ban the sub and can't unban it. If you think it was banned unfairly, this isn't the place to vent, especially because we all think it's good that it got banned.


Lmao, I think u misunderstood, I wasn’t blaming IT, I was just commenting and replying.


> that wasn't the majority Not only is this a true scotsman fallacy, but it also doesn't mean shit. If you allow that type of content your community deserves to be nuked.


That was never a defence lol, it was a comment. Stop taking everything I say in such a partisan way.


Yeah yeah, it was "just a comment", one I disagreed with. What's your point?


My point is you’re saying I’m doing things I never did. That’s my only issue, disagreeing is fine.


Did you think the "you" in my comment was directed towards you personally? 😅 > Sometimes, “you” does not refer to any one person or any one group of people. Instead, it refers to anyone or everyone. In these cases, “you” has the same meaning as “people”. No, I don't think you personally owned the inkwell subreddit lol That said, you *are* in here defending it, talking about how they were "just venting" and "the majority weren't bad". So don't give me this "I'm just making observations" and "don't be partisan" bullshit... you're the one attempting to stand up for a bunch of r*pe- and murder-fantasizing assholes 🤣


I'm pretty sure it was that one guy spamming posts everyday and fighting in the comments that got it nuked. Or the post about importing women. I don't know, I just checked it out yesterday and saw that it was banned today.