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Abhi koi fearmongering nahi bolega


INDI alliance giving more reasons to vote for modi.




Good to know. Maybe it will be a chance for better opposition to arise.


Better opposition can arise only when India is either no longer Hindu majority (through Christian conversions) or caste divisions are so immense that Hindu consolidation is utterly broken.






You forgot to add "/s" at the end


Lol. This time the results are going to be fun. Everyone gone cuckooooooo. Never thought a low turnout in election could cause such clownery. Everyone knows BJP will win. No one knows the vote distribution


Is this supposed to be bad….? 😆. Jk, these people are delusional and will do anything to feadmonger






what stopped him from doing it now in his 2nd term? or even his first. tbh I would be happy if there were serious actions against the really corrupt politicians such as vadra, stalin, mamta, lalu, akhilesh, sonia and even some from bjp. However, bjp has not been able to act decisively against even one single major opposition leader openly. But then politics is a game of chess, you only want to checkmate and not kill the king. All you will see is pawns being taken out and in some cases bigger pieces, but never the king.


>even some from bjp That's the catch. Those people you named if they join BJP they'd get the clean chit. So clearly the investigation systems are not working impartially. There lies the biggest corruption.


The bottom line is that all political parties are more corrupt than the bjp.


Jail criminals. Simple as that. Regardless of which political party they're affiliated with.


BJP. has been in power since 2014. How come none of these clowns walking around freely, if what they claim is true? How can the govt imprison anyone without a judicial process? If they have committed crimes then the law of the land will take care of them. BJP is not needed.


Yes, by oppressing the opposition, they are also breaking democratic rules and slowly becoming dictators.


How are they oppressing the opposition? I am not sure if you were born or lived during the times of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. If you had seen what they did, that was oppression. I was in school when Indira Gandhi declared the emergency. Let me list some of their "democratic exercises" here. The Nehru family ran the Congress party and the government like a Royal family and the country like their fiefdom. They made their own decisions and all the loyal sidekicks would always stand by whatever they did. 1. They did not allow privatization of the media. All India Radio was the only radio available to all. All news was centered around what the Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi did. Door Darshan was also strictly under the control of the govt (which was under the control of the family). 2. The family members when in power, banned many things 3. They named every institution as well awards after themselves - JNU was founded during Indira's time. This link has a list of all institutions named after Nehru: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_things\_named\_after\_Jawaharlal\_Nehru](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_things_named_after_Jawaharlal_Nehru) This link has a list of all institutions named after Indira Gandhi: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_things\_named\_after\_Indira\_Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_things_named_after_Indira_Gandhi) This link has a list of all institutions named after Rajiv Gandhi: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_things\_named\_after\_Rajiv\_Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_things_named_after_Rajiv_Gandhi) 4. The family members have the record for dismissal of elected state govts (arbitrarily most of the times) Here is a list of elected state govts dismissed by the upholders of democracy: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_state\_governments\_dismissed\_by\_the\_Indian\_National\_Congress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_state_governments_dismissed_by_the_Indian_National_Congress) 5. The list of scams and scandals is mind boggling. The Congress party at the center and the state parties indulged in incredible level of corruption and scams. Here is another list for you to cool your feet: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_scandals\_in\_India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_scandals_in_India) Most of the INDIA opposition alliance are involved in these scams neck deep. And they are the ones that are going to save the democracy of the nation. 6. Elections had become a complete farce before electronic voting became the norm. Booth capturing and ballot box replacement used to be normal across the country. Poll rigging was practiced widely until T.N. Seshan decided to do something about it. They are still giving cash for votes everywhere. All these practices were normalized under the governance of Indira Gandhi. On top of all these, her election was declared null and void by the court in 1975. Instead of obeying the law, Mrs. Gandhi declared the emergency, put the entire opposition in prison and moved central reserve police everywhere. 7. License Raj made the politicians and bureaucrats filthy rich. Socialism was very handy for them to keep everything backward so that they could swindle everything and remain in power. Man Mohan Singh. who is praised as the architect of liberalization was previously known as the architect of socialist economic policies. The country was burning in all directions in 1991 - LTTE, ULFA, Khalistan, Kashmir, Bodos, Maoists, Mafia gangs, Dawood Ibrahim and what not. Most of us almost gave up hopes for India. We were mentally preparing for a dismemberment of India that would make the Balkan civil war resemble a picnic. Compared to this forgettable history, I'd give high ranks for the BJP govt since 2014, where the core group of central ministers have been incorruptible, hard working, have shown tremendous performance with clearly defined goals. India has never had a EAM like Dr. Jaishankar. Whether you like it or not, compared to all the goons and criminals masquerading as saviors of Indian democracy, I'd firmly place my faith on this BJP party, which definitely has put the national growth and well being as the first priority.


If one party did that, it doesn't mean another has to do the same. Do we want progress or to move backward? I never mentioned Congress or any other party... just that BJP should also check their corrupt politicians.


I wish they put the opposition in jail as well as themselves. Then, I hope someone burns it all down so that we can finally rid us of such clowns. ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG)




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The biggest Nepotism is the caste system. The public is actually dumb, the illiterate uneducated village people are the majority of Indians.