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I'm gonna be honest, I've seen a lot of hentai and I know what your abilities are used for, got my eyes on you ![gif](giphy|26ufaEgX4pmv7UUCs|downsized)


its for the netori


It's not impossible that they might have more noble intentions 😅😏😂🤷🏾‍♂️😂 ![gif](giphy|UWEZ8dWFjwzel26x2W)


Omnipotence, Omniscient, Omnipresence.


I was going to say that lmaooooo. Basically become god.


I know you’re just responding to the prompt, and for a long time that would’ve been my answer, but have you ever considered what that would be like? Your consciousness spanning infinity and all time is the present. Would anything even matter at that point? You could make any reality flesh, but could you enjoy it knowing all that would ever be. Being neither dead nor alive, you just are. If there was ever a being like this flailing around in the void I would only feel sad for them. They were never not the beginning and were always the end of all. A being such as this could never turn off their power or control it due to the nature of it. Omni is all, all is infinity, and Infinity is unbound.


>A being such as this could never turn off their power or control it due to the nature of it. I would use my omnipotence to limit the omniscient and omnipresence whenever I feel like it. Because if it is not possible, then I wouldn't be omnipotent.


But, why bother? You can experience anything you want to experience with omniscient. Anything you want to do, you can do it in a blink. Anything you want to know, it is already in your palm. You have no goal, no purpose. You are just...be you. You can indeed play God, good and bad. But for how long? A decade? A century? Millennium? Still too short? How about 10? 100? 10000? You will grow bored with that. No point to do that either, you already know what will happen


I mean being Omnipotent doesn't follow logic. You could make a boulder so heavy even you can't lift it...then promptly lift it because you wanted to. So you could just do the same with your powers and limiting them.


In storytelling terms, you become a setting rather than a character. You can still enjoy the experience, of course. Heck, you could do anything. But then why would you ever want to do anything at all once you get to that point? Though, in a way, I think it's the end game.


I use my omnipotence to have an enjoyable existence


Just don't be depressed. You have omnipotence. You would just be able to make yourself happy.


If you get Omnipotence, you'll naturally be given everything else too.


Same but i would personally replace the omnipresence with omnificence.




The purpose of these powers isn't to entertain you.


doesn't mean it's not boring, still.


>time stop, mass hypnosis, invisibility What are you going to do with these powers, perchance?


OP really picked the most red flagged combo💀


Only one left is shape shifting


you know, man... you know.


If you have mass hypnosis couldn’t you just make everyone unable to see you anyways?


Turning into characters, universe travel, not having depression.


That's actually really interesting. An ability to became any character in any manga in any time period (before the story, at the beginning of the story, etc..) Then you can travel to any different manga world and became any new character you want, while keeping the abilities you acquired in the previous worlds. It would be a nice addon if you could bring a few character from the previous world to the new one with you, would help with depression


i'm still hooked on the not having depression ability


Or....turn to god. You realize God is in fact a character in a story named The Bible


Copy, Edit, Multiple




Time stop, I can bullshit SO MUCH, "watch me teleport from here, to there *stops time* *walk there* *unstop time* " NOW I AM HERE" And the amount of work, exercise, research and information you can get is SO MUCH, the effort of an entire lifetime is achievable in less than 1 second


I mean you also have to deal with aging, hunger and depending on how the time stop works, air. Not to mention researching in time stop is limited to things happening or already happened.


I didn't want to get into TOO scientific of it, .If time stop was actually possible, those 3 would be the LEAST of my concerns, 1).time stopping means no cause and effect and I would effectively be in 1 location, 2). Also means the atomic structure of any solids would collapse without THE atomic structure WORKING as a structure, every solid would be treated as a "gas" at best There's also the other concequence's of stuff depending on how this "time stop" is done, through sheer speed, moving at the speed of light.. I would be reduced to ash the second I take 1 step forward, And assuming I'm durable enough, The force I make when moving and crash would be equal to an atom bomb And the other is a blackhole... Need I say why THAT would be bad? And im probably forgetting a LOT of things that mostly falls under problem 1 in physics So let's just assume it works as normal time stop like with what dio does and enjoy it


Your movements wouldn’t be “at the speed of light” since we use time to measure distance light travels to calculate its speed. You would be moving infinitely fast meaning that your movements would contain infinite mass. Imagine your single step containing more mass than the observable universe and bringing it all down on a tiny point of earths surface. The true implications of moving while time is stopped is just total destruction. I’m going to assume this follows anime logic though because “time stop” just turns into “destroy everything” otherwise.


instant regeneration to optimal conditions, creation magic, spatial manipulation. So perpetual perfect health and perpetually maximum whatever other resources that this other reality happens to use. Ability to create anything that can exist within that reality and the ability to teleport/gate wherever as well as the ability to send various parts of something to different locations or trap things in some sort of non-euclidean space.


Lol we basically have the same skills but I switched creation to telekinesis for balance sake. If it was a year ago i would gone for creation as well since I made lors of characters with it. But right now the characters I make uses telekinesis. Sometimes, I go back to space manipulation, but i have hundreds of characters with that power now, so I wanna switch it up Your view on space manipulation is a little limited, tho. If you put your mind to it, you can get way more potential out of it than just teleportation and trapping. The ability to control space itself also offers many offensive options. And I'm not talking about decapitation with portal, stealing organs or sending people to space. Be more open with the potential of your powers and you can build onto it endlessly ! Right now I'm theorizing the possibility of where mental power with enlightenment could do for my characters His rival has spatial manipulation but hold herself bakc from using it because her instant kill potential is stumping her growth. I'm developing spatial manipulation in a unique way even now~


Well the boring answer is Omnipotence, Omniscience, and let's see, Immortality? So here's the fun answer. Form of the Invincible Goose. You can turn into a goose that's impervious to all forms of damage and harm. But you're still a goose. The bad guys can't hurt you but it sucks when they grab you and throw you in a sack. Crow Storage. Choose anything in 10 meters that a crow can carry. You can put it into Crow Storage by having a crow come from nowhere and grab it, flying away with it. This includes grabbing it out of people's hands or pockets. Only problem is you haven't been able to figure out how to take something out of Crow Storage. And the combat power. March of the Emus. You summon a 1-5 Emus for every enemy in your sight. These Emus then rain death upon your enemies. Only problem is that you can't unsummon the Emus and you don't have any control over them after your enemies have been vanquished. On the plus side they've never lost a fight. Including against your allies.


crow storage is crazy


I would have taken time stop if you had only given me 20 seconds (from my perspective) at a time. Unlimited, and it's a very easy choice. Edit: misread and thought it was a choice between his three options.


An ability like great sage/wise one/Raphael from Slime would be very useful Transversal teleportation from Saving 80000 Gold Unlimited mana


I think I would have to go with the following: **Monster Creation.** By activating this power, I can access a special menu that only I can see. It allows me to sacrifice blood and materials to create any monsters that I personally think of and create within the system, or any monsters that I have previously witness. I can fully customize these monsters in both their shape and in the powers they possess. The more powerful a monster is designed to be, the rarer the required materials must be. The more I understand about a monster, the easier it is to create. Monsters created with this power are completely loyal to me, their creator. **True Alchemy.** By invoking this power, I can think of a material (gold, silver, wood, stone, copper, tin, etc...) and transmute any or all of an object I am currently touching into that very material. **World Encyclopedia.** This menu can be accessed on command and possesses a complete and comprehensive history, knowledge breakdown, and bestiary of both this new world, as well as of Earth. Details on everything from how to smith metals, to known metals and materials, to kingdoms and empires, and even knowledge of magic, spells, and the arcane and more exist within these texts. By offering a drop of my blood to a creature, I am able to impart a small portion of knowledge from the Encyclopedia.


so basically full metal alchemist meets god?


Charm like Hajime Wisdom of Kosuma Strength of Subaru


Basically the simple ability of being able to transform my body or body parts into anything I can visualize. This ability would be rather overpowered in a majority of isekai worlds due to the soul fact that I can transform my fingers my arm my hand my leg etc into weapons at any point. If I learned proper swordsmanship and conducted myself normally if I ever got into a tricky situation I could very easily outwit my opponent by just becoming something different, or dodging in an odd way only to transform the body part that's closest to them into a weapon and kill them with it. Depending on creatures or monsters I run into I would probably have a slew of things in my head that I could transform into to face it and if push comes to shove I can just turn into the thing I'm facing. If I ever become wanted for something I can just change my face, if I need to get in somewhere then I can turn into an important official and just walk through the front door. If I need a lock pick a door why I can just make my hand super thin wrap it around the door and unlock it from the other side. Disability itself doesn't make me a god-tier nigh unstoppable being, but it makes my life extremely convenient in a way that makes it feel realistic. like I feel like this is an ability I could actually receive from a god when going to another world unlike a lot of Isekai abilities that feel like a God wouldn't give you because you could Destroy The World With It lol


Unlimited Mana, Super Speed, Super Strength


The powers I would like would be: \[Language compression\] specifically the arifureta version because that thing is OP. \[Third person perspective\] which I think does not need to be said why. \[Copy of rabbit powers\] I can obtain the abilities of fictional rabbits as long as I know their name, and the name of the series to which they belong.


christ. no person is safe


Thank you


What is the arifureta version like


Apart from being a skill that translates everything that someone hear into their language, the skill also translate any written text into a language the person understand. If we use the Web Novel for more information, this ability also has the capability to make people listen to things in the language you're trying to speak (I don't know if this last one is clear).


Teleportation, invisibility, telekinesis All these powers would be so convenient


The Power of Creation: - think of it like a Green Lanterns ring. If i can think of how it works, i can create it. I don’t know how a cellphone works.. so it’d be a brick. But i was a Jet mechanic in the air force. So in theory i could create an F-16. I understand the basic shape and weight of most medieval weaponry. All Speak: - pretty simple i’d be able to communicate with all races naturally. Maybe i use it to get out of trouble. Maybe i use it to get myself a harem. Who knows? 30 Space Inventory: Doesn’t matter what the items are. A house. A pebble. A wooden barrel of whiskey. I can carry 30 total items. Exploit glitch: the house and contents count as one item. Hypothetically the items i can store are far more than i need.


Simply the power of Creation is all I need. Specifically, the power to create ANYTHING. I can create an item to give me any power I want, and if I want to feel challenged, I can remove the powers at any time using items


Let me think on that one. There are just so many.


Gamer System. Skill Max Ability and Infinite Magic.




Bro is just playing God now, or more like Admin in his own game or story own changing the story as he goes 🤔 to fit his want...


Gotta go with the basics: Copy/easily learn skills seen Experience multiplier Inventory/storage (Although I’m sad I wouldn’t be able to get the 4th basic skill, radar)


Causality manipulation, Ciel, and an invulnerable soul


Immortality, puppet master, game manipulation My lineup, is purely created to do nothing and have fun 😊


Immortality, Skill Steal, Infinite Mana


time stop, super speed with cognition, extreme durability or regeneration.


Mana creation, magitech, clones


Instant adaptation, unconscious regeneration, luck transference. I want to be able to remain comfortable in any and every location, recover from any and every injury including poison and death, and to be able to give and take luck at will cause I think it would be funny.


kryptonian biology. Boom all of Superman’s powers right there. Great sage/Raphael/Ciel. Would help mange my powers and analyze to develop new skills when needed. Largest amount of whatever the source of pose is in that new world. Basically give me the max of mana/mp/ki/chakra/curse energy whatever you call it I have the max amount in my body to power spells/jutsu’s/curse techniques.


Eternal youth, Gain a Random cheat skill a day but will gain one that deals with a specific situation at the cost of not gaining one the next day, make it so my abilities bypass any resistance no matter how absolute.


Creation magic, the kind that can create even skill crystals if there is enough mana, first thing i would create would be appraisal magic crystal Inner world, basically an inventory with a large town size where even living can exist, there is a manga where the MC skill is an inner village, I want something similar just a larger scale Since I already has creation magic, hard to choose a 3rd ability. Maybe dimensional trading? If i can get stuff from other (higher) world I could improve faster


which manga are you referring to? kinda curious


for the 2nd one


Copy (or Cut&Paste), Multiply, Combine I can copy any skill of any monster or person has nearby I can multiple any item into as many copy I want I can combine any item or skill into a new one. If I combine the same item multiple times, it will became a higher ranked item of the same kind (5x F rank sword --> 1x E rank sword) If i combine a skill and a sword, it will became a higher ranked one with an attribute (1x F rank sword + 1x fireball skill --> 1x D rank fire sword) With the multiple skill, I can just make infinite money if i want to, or create enough copy of anything to raise its rank to S-rank, making it life easy IF i want to. But life would get boring if i became the strongest in a short time, so i would probably set some limitation to myself to have fun, like max 5 copy of an item


I’m just going to question the one thing that everyone else hasn’t, and to which new world are we getting isekai’d again? The powers I’d pick are: gamer system (of my own design), becoming an ultimate vampire (all the abilities/powers without the weaknesses), and the ability to travel to different dimensions (so I can roam around the multiverse however I please)


Instantaneous travel between that world, home, and "the Nexus" from which I could explore other realities. Montgomery Scott level "gadgeteering" to let me explore strange new worlds with appropriate protection for me from them and vice-versa. Universal translator: I understand any forms of communication with all appropriate nuances.


Skill generation, fire generation, teleportation


Gravity, elemental control, Weapon master


OP, how tf did you manage to pick every suspicious power possible?


my actions are beyond your level of understanding


I've been playing too much [Prototype] recently, so imma expend all 3 to make just one.... Become MERCER.


1 Stand Killer Queen 10km Ranged.....2 Resurrection Ability.....3 Teleport Within 10km


Necromancy, telepathy, telekinesis


Invulnerability including status ailment nullification (i.e. confusion, paralysis, hypnosis etc.) Invulnerability means nothing can harm you and status ailments are harmful so I shouldn't need to include it but I've seen some people argue the difference in the past so that's on y'all to decide if you think they're two separate skills. Whatever instant movement/ teleportation/ warp/ gate that gets me from point a to z without wasting time or energy. I'm lazy with really bad motion sickness so boats and wagons are a hell no and walking for months would suck! Also none of that you have to have been there first crap to use it nope all I need is a destination name. Creation magic. The ability to create/craft anything and everything I might need. Includes food, clothing, shelter, tools, weapons etc. I will go so far as to limit the technology so im not using spaceships in a medieval European fantasy setting but yeah if I want to sleep in a castle in a swamp I'll build a damn castle in a swamp in an instant with my magic. Also if I want pizza at 2 am I'm gonna magic that shit into existence.


bet bet bet, 1. undead from undead unluck, 2. all seeing eyes of god from bloodblockade 3. raphael from slime


Infinite mana: assuming magic is real. Imperrial privilege: ability to master any skills for a short period of time. Shapeshift: for personal reason.


Why would you pick invisibility if you have time stop?


for the real-time scenarios


Lucky encounter - The world will return your efforts with the things you need to succeed at what you're attempting to do. However, you still have to put in the effort to make them happen and demonstrate an actual commitment towards doing so first. Unaging - You will never experience the sufferings of physical aging. You are not invincible, you can still die. But you shall remain in your prime for however long you live. Eternal mind - Your memories will never fade and your mind will never dim. You shall not deal with forgetfulness due to old age nor due to time, nor shall your brain ever struggle under the weight of the information you bare. Everything you have seen, heard, smelled, tasted and felt needs only a thought to be recalled at a moment's notice without alteration.


I think I will go with time control, then shapeshifting and for the last i think I'll go with omniscience


Super speed, return from death, wifi in another world (imma stream to this one)


Invincible domain - chen changan, invincible at the start/ Shadow monarch - Sung Jin-woo, Solo Leveling/ 1 exp that doubles each month, can level up and buy skills each month with it. - i forgot the manga name


Adaptation, Power Immunity, Monster Generation


The End from medaka, superior adaptation and finally alibi block. With the End i can copy anything,not just powers but its basically if someone can do anything i can do it a lot better if i see or hear about that.Ability is busted. With superior adaptation I'm unkillable,but this is only so i dont get immediately erased from existence if i enter wrong universe. And with alibi block i can teleport literally anywhere i can think of with no limitations,i can enter someones soul or mind,or even spaces that does not exist physically.


Transformation(include gender or genital), clone, infinite stamina


Op just picked the most suspicious combo of powers to have in history dude I'm calling the fbi on you actually


they'll never catch me


Wolverine healing factor, encounter from medaka box and bulls eye from (xmen or daredevil or the like u know where u always hit the point u want)


Erasing memories, some form of blood or fluid control, and the ability to become or form red mist


Gonna avoid flat out becoming god, so: Perfect fire control. Biological shapeshifting. Controlled teleportation. Combat, stealth, and transport covered with plenty of money making options.


Pocket Dimension (basically inf storage, Ultra-Regernation, Devour (gain the powers from what I consume) It was hard to pass on language comprehension and teleportation, but Devour will prob take care of that at some point


Shapeshift, language comprehension, Analysis


Mastery of Neural physics. Psionic telepathy Rapid Mutation. Basically I wanna be the Flood


Get Creative, LP Rector, and Raphael. Raphael can help manage abilities and information. LP Reactor gives me unlimited LP. Get Creative lets me create any other Skills or Abilities I might need.


Copying other abilities, control over mana or any form of magical energy in it's raw state and Chronomancy


Fuck you nope (Turns of anyone else’s powers off), Nuh uh (Negates any insta death/reality erasing/ concept ending etc etc), That’s unfair (Makes a fair fight.)


Voluntary immortality with regeneration, perfect shapeshifting, total energy manipulation.


Vector redirection. Ultimate Skill(Manas type) Ciel All of Fiction / Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. For explenation: Vector reflection would allow me to redirect vectors and manipulate them. As everything have vectors, it would be the perfect offense and defense. Even abstract concepts, like "fate" has a vector. There are 2 disadvantages though: I'd have to calculate these vectors and I'd have to touch/have contect with the target to directly manipilate their vectors. (These issues are solveable). Ciel is, and spoiler: >!the evolved form of Ultimate Skill [Wisdom King Raphael]. A Manas.!< . First and foremost, I'd have a reliable and creative partner there is, her beyond-monsterous computional power, resource management and analytical capabilities, along with her personality, would ensure optimized usage of my other abilities. Basically, the perfect support. AOF/MEODP - I'm not sure which to choose but either way, both offer the perfect offense. AOF basically erases everything while MEOTP would allow me to see the "death" of everything as lines and dots/points and by tracing them, you kill the target. So yeah, I think it's pretty balanced and versatile kit.


Time manipulation, Reality Manipulation, Infinite Mana


Triple skill points, triple attribute points, limitless growth


Super luck, shapeshifting, and the ability to communicate to any living being (humans, animals, monsters, etc)


Super luck, shapeshifting, ability to speak all languages (including animal/monster/beast)


Magic, immortality, perfect health.


Absorption,Accelerated devolopment,And extreme charisma.


Adaptability - can speed up my development and physical power. Will quickly become immune to most types of damage and my physical strength and combat power will develop quicker Enchantment - will start off with just boosting items, but will eventually be able to give life to items and create servants to fight for me Storage - inventory but am capable of fusing it with my body, such as turning my arm into a weapon if I have the weapon stored in me


new power unlocked: DICK STORAGE Store any object inside your dick! cool right?


Steal other people's picks and make then your own, brilliant


Telekinesis (like from that movie Chronicle), Healing Magic like Azarinth Healer, Shapeshifting like the MC in Axe Druid.


The ability to jump into other peoples Isekai Worlds, the ability to disable other peoples abilities simply, and the ability to teleport Isekai’d people back to the real world to the nearest field of grass.


Skill learner, storage box, copy and paste skill.


Dr. Doom. He has all the abilities i want.


He is one of those kinda “Broken” comic book characters 😅😂. Dude is OP


Raphael, Beelzebuth, and Magicule Breeder Reactor from TenSura. Raphael and Beelzebuth’s combined power to instantly replicate anything is only limited by the user’s available magicules. In canon, Rimuru bypasses this by using Veldora’s nigh-unlimited supply of magicules. However, since I wouldn’t have Veldora, I can use Magicule Breeder Reactor to generate an infinite number of magicules, which I can then store in Beelzebuth’s Imaginary Space, which is infinite in size. (I would choose Imaginary Collapse as the energy generated by it is even more potent. But it’s so powerful that even Rimuru and Ciel struggle with it).


So I want the system from solo leveling, the echo from ffxiv, and you can also add time stop since it can be useful.


Creation: Basically one of God's powers. I like to tinker around with stuffs so I figure I would enjoy making and designing things with this ability. That and to ensure I will never run out of coffee... or break the local economy via inflation. Hyper-Intelligence: The New World is a harsh and unforgiving place. One must learn to calculate thousands of possible scenarios within a fraction of a millisecond. Also makes mercenary captain or general-for-hire becomes a more viable option for work. Master Biomancy: Most for other mundane physical self enhancements like super speed, strength, and whatnot. However, it can be used "offensively" by, for example, combining with aforementioned Hyper-Intelligence to precisely alter the neuron signals in people's eyes, making you go completely invisible. Or adjust their hormone level along with various other neurochemical to make people do whatever stuff you want them to do.


To use the abilities of any fictional character I know of. The ability to use multiple characters abilities in unison. An ability that allows me to watch and consume media from my previous world. Basically can use any and all powers with research.


Eww, your choices are... gross. Akashic Records(sealed): A compendium of all knowledge with limitations in place. Basically a personal conjurable book that contains information on things you have interacted with, the more you explore/learn the more limitations are removed. Divine Ancestry: Getting reborn in another world anyways so might as well start off with a strong foundation. Should include things like enhanced longevity, physical abilities, aptitudes/affinities(magic/divinity/aura/whatever) and such. Perfect Communication: The ability to understand, read, write and speak any language. I would absolutely hate to get something like omnipotence/omnipresence/omniscience, like holy shit that would just be awful.


Shapeshift, Teleport, Creation Magic Living the near perfect slow life. Not isekaid as a human tho, more like a Fantasy creature like Fae or Elf.


I mean, besides the obvious overpowered options, there's a lot of powers that would be nice to have. # 1. Healer: to the point I can bring people back to life. 2. Shop ability to buy stuff I want. 3. Inventory, whether it's a portal or video game like , I read a story where the mc could put anything he saw in his inventory as long as he was with eye sight of it and kind of close. # If u know the manga, u know why this is op. 1. Cut 2. Paste 3. Infinite mana and / or time stop # 1.item creation 2. Potion creation 3. Perfect body : from the farming life anime/manga


Completely immunity(I won’t get sick or be affected by status conditions such as poison, petrifaction, etc) Protection (no harm will befall myself or those I care about) Magic accessory crafting ( I can make magic accessories that invoke any effect I desire such as resistance, magic boosting, and etc )


The ability to always feel perfectly rested regardless of where or how long i sleep, the ability to basically use magical CAD software to build things, and 20 times booster to power advancement rate


Elden ring's eternal sleep, bloodflame (specifically Mohg's), mild premonition By mild premonition, I mean I can see what happens a few seconds into the future


Dimensional Travel. Universe Adaptation. The ability to pinpoint to the exact desired dimension with the slightest vague thought from the infinite worlds, no matter how absurd.


Item Box, Universal Language (speak and understand), and infinite mana...or common sense if I lose that natural ability in the transfer. Stupidest isekai trope


Fire Bending,Earth Bending, and martial arts mastery(7th prince kinda shtuff).


Godly regeneration Mana mastery Full counter


Dungeon creation: create a basic dungeon without the limits of being the core. You can hide the core to never be found and have access to every function dungeon have anywhere. The function would be monster creation, material creation, crafting, terraforming, transmutation, análisis/identify and a map showing all of the dungeon, enemies and allies. Extreme regeneration: regenerates health, stamina and mana 20x faster, can regenerate limbs and organs even the brain and heart. Only way to die is to have heart and brain damaged simultaneously. Rebirth: every time to die you reincarnate with all your memories, abilities and skill aquired during your previous life


Being a vending machine.


Thermodynamic control - the ability to control the speed at which atoms vibrate. Probability nudge - the ability to push Probability toward an outcome I desire. Perfect Prognostication - the ability to foresee all the consequences for a specific set of actions.


infinite leveling (So I can get past 99), Expert Butchering (So I know were a beasts weak spots are), Immortality (Obviously).


Healing, the type from The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic. Crafting magic Inventory magic


Limitless magic, basically Its just a unlimited magic capacity and able to use magic without limit. Infinite vitality covers regeneration and disease. And limitless potential able use any skill without issues weather it's magic or sword skills it also lets me train my body without limit.


Im gonna be the weird one I guess but Online grocery item box and a soul world I can enter and exit at will


Aside from straight Omnipotence, Immortality, Magic, No Limits. So basically it could be grown into omnipotence, or something that's practically the same. Having "Magic" in there guarantees that I get the kind of convenient, versatile magic that can grow in power. Dream World, Conceptual Existence, and Concept Manifestation. The dream world would be one where anything that is imagined, believed in, dreamed, remembered, thought of, etc. can exist, or does exist. There would be gods, eldritch beings, monsters, vampires, dragons, ghosts, elves, dwarfs, leprechauns, magic, sci-fi tech, aliens, alternate realities, dimensional travel, everything. Conceptual Existence would be either being or the ability to be part of the Dream World. Concept Manifestation would be the ability to bring things from the Dream World into reality. Now that I think of it, this might sound like either basically omnipotence or a dangerous/useless power that gets someone eaten by Cthulhu as soon as they enter the Dream World. But really, introducing magic into reality would be interesting. ...Maybe only healing magic would be introduced? Or gradually? Seems like it'd be pretty chaotic to give something like fire magic to everyone. I'd use it as sort of a way to enter stories, explore, and bring convenient items into reality. There's also a question if the Dream World produces new concepts to add to itself. I think it'd be fun if it did... Or maybe it would only add if it was manifested into reality: If Tony Stark was manifested, then everything they imagined, thought of, invented, afterwards would be added to the Dream World. Manifest Constellation, Constellation Hub, Constellation Cycle. So there's these things called Constellations. They're myths, legends, characters, and usually found in Korean novels as observers watching a livestream of the story and chatting with the characters through the obligatory magic game system chatboxes. Basically gods. So instead of becoming a god, just make gods real. Manifest Constellation is self explanatory. Constellation Hub is some centralized place for the Constellations to interact. Constellation Cycle is some way for Constellations to be created and for them to die, if needed. This would work even after someone's death. Even in an isekai world, I feel gods aren't very hands-on with their worlds, so the constellations would freely converse with the residents, granting blessings, and there would even be more constellations created when legends die. For more normal, weaker powers.. Shapeshifting, Increased Intelligence, Regeneration. I say weaker, but I would still prefer Shapeshifting and Regeneration to disregard physics and create mass... Maybe they'll use up the local isekai mana to create mass.


The power to get and use every everything I can think of A combination of the power from Big e ( 40k) and kerrigan xelnaga ( StarCraft) The ability to create armies with my will


• Creation/Crafting - basically the ability to create almost anything and everything from simple materials to advanced materials. As well as summoning them baby from some sort of universal inventory or something along those lines. Like if I wanted a gun 🔫, it'd probably be pretty easy for me to take the iron out of something like a sword or a knife and imagine the materials needed to assemble it or just from dirt, rocks and sticks. But unless I add in a couple other things it probably can't shoot (well) without the equivalent of gunpowder or materials to alchemically change into them. And that's not even bringing up how magic factors in. It's similar to how Hajime in Arifuerta was when he created his pistol and then his many other weapons using his generally useless seeming Synergist ability. And I could give them to people like how he did Shea's hammer gun and Shizuku's new sword. So this ability is somewhere between the MC girl from I Shall Survive using Potions! and Cid from His Eminence in Shadow and maybe a little bit of Rimuri from Tensura since it's probably better to use physical materials most of the time than just making a sword literally out of thin air so it holds up better in a fight 🪨🗡️💎🗡️✨🗡️🤷🏾‍♂️. Especially since I'd probably have to continuously create/craft and repair it's structural integrity in my mind which is a deadly distraction if there ever was one 😅🧮🧠⚔️😵‍💫. I'd need something like Kumako's/Shiro's Parallel Mind ability from “So I'm a Spider, So What?” to make that work without dying, since that's like a computer constantly running codes even in the background seemingly doing nothing. • Editing - essentially the ability to alter my own stats, abilities, physique, etc. Like if I wanted to shape-shift or just be taller or shorter or fatter or slimmer according to my own will. Except my status would also change every time I did and in some cases certain editings can reduce the equivalent of my player character level down to 1. But also having stats to alter, lock, unlock or boost. Over time I'd be able to edit other things about myself and others like if I wanted to disappear into a crowd of people by changing my clothes and hair color. Or if I wanted to be strong enough to fight something like a bear I can push my strength to nearly the highest limit or even past it. And some of that ability would be temporary whereas others would be permanent based on my decision. Always with a convenient Reset option available which will probably reduce me back to an average build both in literal and figurative terms. (Although realistically I am short statured. So I likely wouldn't wanna do it wearing something like heavy armor and break my own legs and/or spine 😅🩻💔📏). Lol • Charm - I wouldn't want it to be egotistical and insane like the side character boy who got isekai'd from Tsukimichi. But it would be nice and more applicable to me if I had the ability to literally charm people into doing certain things. Like the difference between actual psychic mind control and psychic influence. One of them just completely dominates your ability to think for yourself in controls your actions whereas the other one will literally make things seem like they were your idea from the start as well as being some sort of sleeper cell like compulsion upon random activation. I definitely wouldn't want to be making girls everywhere fall in love with me. If anything I'd just be happier if some of them would take me a bit more seriously when trying to date or something. Like I mentioned it's about “influence” more so than anything. For example, if my Charm could be cranked up and become like an intimidation or alternatively could veer off and almost make me seem saintly. And it most just depends on the person or people I meet 😡🔽〰️🤷🏾‍♂️〰️ 🔼😇.


Dimensional access,ability to properly manage unending amount of information,become a being of pure celestial body and energy


sheer extreme physical strengh basic psychic abilities (mainly for psychic defense) Invulnerability to physical and magical attacks one punch man


Being able to modify the characteristics of anything (organic or not) cuz i'mah give one specific prick an extra chromosome. The other two are up to a coin flip, idc. But Immortality where I can die if I choose, and a peerless constitution sounds good too


Gain the power if whatever I eat. Uktraspeed regeneration Toggleable sensation negation


Time freeze, infinite stamina, grand memory manipulation


Invulnerability, super speed and super strength - all at levels exceeding the setting great all rounder , plenty of room to explore more. Gonna be a monk/brawler type Then graduate to unarmed magic knight


i think earth manipulation, spatial manipulation (mostly just want a sort of pocket dimension home), and a sort of vague 'energy stockpiling' ability i can apply to myself or other things i don't want to be too specific for the first and last, mostly because i want to use them for a wide range of things - earth manipulation could be as simple as a rocky projectile, sand blast to the eyes, shifting the ground beneath my enemies - and more complex, maybe something like, creating obsidian projectiles, earthen golems, etc. kinda like the idea of creating 'enriched' soil for potental alchemy shit, though i didn't choose it as an ability, so sort of hoping it might be a thing there. i kinda like the artificer concept. as for energy stockpiling, this could be something like, being able to store stamina and magicka when not in combat to be able to use more than my capacity for later, reducing my healing potential by 10% whenever i'm not injured, and getting like, a day's worth of 100% extra healing after 10 days, that i might be able to concetrate to like, 1000% for 2.4 hours. or with the alchemy idea, infuse plants with extra energy/delay their maturation so they can deepen their potential.


Option 1 Time control Path to victory Operation of parallel worlds/ multiverse travelling Option 2 Gmod Minecraft creative mode/ Creative staff Tinker of fiction/ Celestial forge


Copycat, fireball and magic strenghtening


mass hypnosis


The power to give anyone or anything any desease/illness including cancer and hemorrhoids, the power of necromancy but everytime I control a dead body they still feel all the pain and agony they felt before dying idk to control probability odds of anything just cause I had to put something broken there too


Invisibility Hypnosis Time stop 🗣🔥🔥🔥


1. Absorption (basic pick ik) 2. Shadow Monarch (cmon cool minion friends) 3. An absolute massive inventory skill cause carrying stuff around is annoying (also basic pick but idc)


I’ve always been fascinated by spatial manipulation I think my 3 would be: Perfect Manipulation of the Fabric of Space, the ability to travel to any fictional world at any point in time - before, during, or after the events of the fictional story - and the ability to copy one thing from the worlds I travel to, be it an ability, race, whatever, and give it to myself (the ability, racial characteristics, etc) without the consequences the original wielders had


True shapeshifting, know every language, gravity manipulation


The ability to copy and/or drain others' powers (without their weaknesses/heavy costs), invincibility, and speed


1. Mental supercomputer (aka ciel or raphael from slime) 2. Healing factor to keep me at peak physical form (to get rid of diabetes, lol) 3. Sealing Jutsu, including Flying Raijin, that the 4th Hokage Minato uses


I know what type of man you are…


Spell Creation, Magic Item Creation, Immortality. I will establish myself as the greatest wizard ever, build a tower in which to live, occasionally go on quests to build up my fame. Eventually people from all over will come to me for miracles or magical weapons. Probably have a good few people who want to be my students as well


Space manipulation, Telekinesis, High Speed Regeneration


Immortality, shape shifting, telekinesis.


All desires forfilled, Lordship( Power over everything), Independent of everything known and unknown.👀


Plot armor , top actor quality, future sights


Lol hypnosis and time stop huh 🤣


Pain nullification. I'd still know if something is wrong with my body like poison, disease, wounds, etc. But i'd not experience the discomfort of being hurt. Unrestricted shapeshifting. You know Fushi from "To Your Eternity"? That kind of shapeshift. Inorganic, human, food, plants. Everything. I'd even be able to create second copy of myself or any living being then detach them albeit they would just shrivel and die like fresh corpse even if it has fully working organs as they have no soul. But unlike Fushi, i could shift into anything i could imagine, no limited usage and size or having requirement. Aircraft with missiles and Rathian's posion tail? Literal planet Jupiter? Create additional organ/mana circulatory system that pump more mana? All is possible provided it's still part of my "flesh". I'd even be able to provide body parts for other people by matching their DNA. Though i'd most likely use this ability to play pretend. Live as human, then die and "reincarnate" as other. This was i could role play into multiple theme. Live as chef, then as blacksmith next, as adventurer. Or if i want to be malicious, replace some prince or invade the queen's body to get "born" as royalty. Absolute Ego. I'd have total control over my own self. Hypnotize, mind control, brainwash, forceful binding contract like magic slavery or submission, and any form of forceful act that strip away my ability to decide on my own is completely useless and i could break free at any time. Unless it's mutual contract like a bet or a deal.