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Not my favorite isekai by far but so damn refreshing to have it not be fantasy. Feel like this can get a lot better its just kinda short right now.


I'm currently reading this one, I'm liking it.


Where ?


I buy my manga


Well ooh la la, look at Mr. Fancy's schmancy over here, buying his own manga.(/s, obviously)


No sarcasm needed lol I'm very fancy.


Guy probably dabs his mouth with an embroided handkerchief after every sip of mountain dew.


Ok, first off, my handkerchiefs are not embroidered... They are monogrammed. Get it straight. Second off... It's not EVERY sip, thank you very much.


It is available on all the typical places.






Just for reference, other than some licensed series, most websites are stealing their scans from mangadex. So like, 99% of stuff is sourced from there, and that's where it's at the highest quality. Including this series.


Thank you for the info


This is a 10/10 manga and I highly recommend reading it.


Where can I find it?


comick.io has everything on it


mangareader.to has it.


Mangadex has it. Its the standard since scanlation groups upload it there straight. Highest quality resolution possible. [Mangafire.to](http://Mangafire.to) is also good. Has all manga than Mangadex, but resolution is not always guaranteed But for this series, there is one in Mangadex.


This is one of those manga that I wish would update much much faster. Definitely in my favorites folder.


The irony. Mimi is 15 and Hiro is 27.


Wasnt he like 22, i remember in the book in space dwargo its mentioned his age


He is 27 iirc, but mimi's age is never mentioned, and it's implied she is above the age of majority. He has an even bigger issue with the Dwarven twin later though, just flat out turn them done for how they look.


Yeah it did mention in Vol 1 she was 15


Ahh, seems I need to go back reread it then, though it kinda gets overshadowed with how utterly uncomfortable he was with it at first due to what Elma had said before.


The light novel has over 400 chapters btw


its a great one loving it


Once you catch up, if you decide to read the novel. The Web Novel gets a new chapter every 3 days. The light novel version is slightly different than the web, but it's got a clean proper translation than what Google can do with the raws xD (also some images/art) You'll also get Alt POV chapters that the manga doesn't give you & skipped content the manga either removed or only did a few panels of ( like the shopping scene with the manga meat & face hugger for example )


where do you read web / light novels?


The websites I used Light Novel [link](https://lightnovelstranslations.com/novel/i-woke-up-piloting-the-strongest-starship-so-i-became-a-space-mercenary/) Web Novel - raws [link](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n3581fh/)


thanks for assistance https://i.redd.it/u6jsu9t68qad1.gif


>I'll glad you like me Minor spelling mistake


So he ain't a pedo good but I still prefer if he explain I'm not into Younger like really young girls


Man I remember starting this series with interest Wow we don't get that many Sci fi stories like this Then we get to the colony space station where we meet the orphaned high schooler Ok let's see how author handles this >! Girl loses house cause parents dead MC saves her from being dragged into an allyway to be assaulted!< >! Basically series of events end with her wanting to have sex with him for reasons? Like correct me if I'm wrong but he was just letting her crash on his ship with no ulterior motives but she just decides im gonna have sex with this guy i just met (iirc she thought it was payment)?? And then he goes through with it... with an obviously vulnerable, and dependent highschooler. wow!< Bruh the only redeeming part was space elf girl. The death knell for me enjoying it was definetly the updated harem tag. I agree with you OP i do like that he didn't want to lay hands on the little girl which does make this better than most other harems but he still laid hands on the other girl which is still pretty shitty imo If you like this series that's fine I just didn't like how the high schooler relationship worked out. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this It's been a while since I've read it. The mercenary guy is right, how the eff dies Mc keep finding all the cute girls in a field dominated by men lmao.


Lol there is no escape


waiting for loli dwarf to showup


Already did, in the latest chap




Captain Hiro is a very interesting isekai mc for me, because he has a healthy understanding of his own libido and is able to express his boundaries to girls/women around him clearly.


It was surprising to see an MC that didn't bang everyone or pretend like nothing was going on.


it was refreshing for me too. I consider nice when an isekai mc sees himself worthy of intimate relationships, but also have criteria, and don't go just banging every woman he finds during his life in another world.


Not a pedo and no slave, is this realy an isekai ? /s


i know right ๐Ÿ’€ and the most surprising thing, he was a 20something year old, and he DIDNT reincarnate into a teenager


I was really dissapointed by this series. I thought it would be a cool space adventure or space opera thing. Nope, MC has OP piloting skills, a unique spaceship and quickly starts building a harem. By chapter 25, he has 5 girls who are after him, and 3 that he has sex with regularly. It's so stupid. And everyone else is useless, so they basically need the MC to save the day every time.


That's fair. But did you give the novel a try? The manga has skipped content (either removed or a few panels/a page) the manga only mentions that he plays a space sim as a Merc. But in the novel, even though the MC isn't 24/7 playing video games he's still a top ranker in the game. And when he maneuvers the ship, he finds it easier with the gear sticks and paddles than with mouse and key. There's monologues & alt POV in the novel too, which you don't get in the manga. The web novel is not only different to the official story being turned into a manga but the writer releases a new chapter every 3 days. So you don't have to wait weekly/monthly... /Yearly xD for new chapters. But if you're dropping it then, it is what it is xD plenty other story's out there. ( D-Genesis is a good one - modern Japan with dungeons. No insta-harems 10-20 chapters in with MC getting laid everyday ) I don't know where you got the "everybody is useless" part though. The characters have there pros and cons & some stuff makes sense the further you get into the story. Manga just isn't there yet


>That's fair. But did you give the novel a try? I have not. Its still the same harem and OP isekai deal isnt it? >I don't know where you got the "everybody is useless" part though. Whenever other characters end up fighting, they job so that the MC has to save the day. The most obvious part in the manga is when there was some kind of escaped specimen on a space station and the MC has to get out in his power armor to save the day because station security or the military was nowhere to be seen. Then you have the times where the MC has to fight the nobles who wanted to assassinate the latest girl in the harem, the times the military has to rely on the MC, etc. Its not believable that the MC and his harem have to save the day each time. The author clearly wrote from the POV of "i want to make the MC look cool, what do?".


I'll have to re-read it but wasn't the space station situation explained that all the military was out? So it'd be a skeleton crew on the station +who/whatever else was there. The MC didn't eradicate ALL the escaped specimens, just the ones in a specific hanger and then the ones attacking the medical place that Dr. Shoko was in. The noble part, it was his job to be Chris' bodyguard right? xD and if her grandpa also died he would lose money, fail the job, lose credibility as a Merc because he failed to protect Chris & the MC got his hands on swords only nobles have. Rare weapons +successfully doing his job xD he was an over worker from the start doing excessive suicidal things so it would be normal at that point for him to dive into the action and protect Chris. Same harem OP isekai deal - I don't wanna say anything to spoil it. It is harem obvs, we got that from the 1st 25 chapters as you said xD However do remember that there is other people rare as they maybe, Platinum Rank Mercenaries in that world. A world that ISN'T 100% exactly the same as the Video Game he played. The crystal life forms and his ship yeah but other than that, space is pretty huge xD and there's empires he doesn't know about. That's why he was shocked not only elves existed but that it was in that space world, elves wasn't in the game. who knows man xD Also (imo) the web novel version of the MC is kinda more James Bond like xD EDIT: oh also, the MCs interaction with Dr. Shoko during that arc goes kinda differently in the web novel compared to the manga


Yeah, it could be so much better with just a tiny bit of tweaking. Also, it has no reason to be an isekai? I would have much preferred an amnesiac story where the MC's main motivation is to figure out why he woke up alone in a spaceship.


I may get hate, but I really didn't like this series. I started the LN, and the MC's inner dialogue left me feeling disgusted. Especially after he got his second member of his harem. I ended up dropping the series.


what dialouge


I dont have the book anymore, but >!when the elf believes she has to offer herself to him to be able to join the crew, he realizes what's going on, but decides to take advantage anyway.!< Not exactly what I'd call heroic behavior.


well, he's merc not a hero


That's fine if you're into that type of protagonist, but I'm not. His thought process made me feel sick, and this is a topic where I have strong personal opinions. I'm not going to hate on anyone who likes the series, but it was very much against my personal tastes. To each their own.


its fine man... i also love good heroes who are written its fine with your taste... so could you recommend me so works where mc is good and "written well" like sss class suicide hunter and faraway paladin


Off-hand Disciple of the Lich was a solid series. The LN just finished. The author stated they didn't want to drag the series out, so it has no real "filler" arcs. I would say the strength of the series is the characters, especially the MC and the Lich. I think the overarching story is probably weaker aspect of the story. Also, the MC literally gets screwed at the beginning because he doesn't want to be isekai'd. >!He didn't want his cat to die all alone in his apartment.!< He also isn't an "edgelord" out for revenge like so many series would do at that point. It's not a perfect series, but it's nice that it's complete with likable characters.


Does this have a comic or only a light novel? It sounds interesting but itโ€™s easier for me to set something down and pick it back up (children need attention) if I have images.


From my understanding, the manga only covers the first volume and was canceled after that.


Damn I was so close to reading this, thanks for the heads up


Bro discovered isekai harem series.