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These people are deranged


It gets worse — this lady was [an advisor to Netanyahu’s wife](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-sara-netanyahu-advisor-torture-gazans-rant).


Why Netenyahu’s wife having an advisor? Advisor for what? Torture?




normal cup of tea conversation in Israel


The bald babies? What's wrong with these people? Imagine having to live next to them.


I have a strong feeling that was the translation software and it's probably referencing the beheaded babies.




The self delusion is disturbing.


When a person, as the Israeli Foreign Minister did, makes an ad hominem attack on the Palestinian people calling them ‘human scum’ they are really speaking about themselves.


woah, this is psychopathic.


I am somewhat surprised someone would use their real name to write this in a public post. Even by genocidal maniac standards this is bad


I think she is used to hearing other people around her say shit like this, so she probably thinks it's normal. Believe me, the zionists are deranged society.


I neglected to mention it in the title, but this is Netanyahu's wife's advisor. She directly works with the government in the very higher ups.


This is just normal dinner conversations amongst Zionists, so she feels very free to say this in public. Everyone around her agrees with her.


Fun fact that I forgot to mention: This is Bibi's wife's advisor.


Holy fucking shit! I knew these people had a lot of evil in them, but this is another level of evil.


It's the basement of evil. Humans have a tremendous capacity for evil but it has a limit. There is a limit to the amount of evil that humans can do, and there's not any further we're capable of going past that. The Nazis reached that limit, the Belgian occupation of Congo did as well, there have been a few other times on scales large and small, usually small. Israel and Zionism have hit the basement of evil. You can't be more evil than they're being. It is the absolute limit of interhuman cruelty and depravity. There isn't a lower they can go. And it's why the defense of Israel by the Capitalist monoparty in the US is so egregious.


This is literally Nazis. This is the type of shit they enjoyed.




Not surprised at all. She also thinks people are so stupid and believe it all started on October 7.


This is one reason I pushed back so hard in social media spaces about the whole "Hamas systemic rape" falsehoods and propaganda coming from Israel. It's used by these freaks to justify anything they do to Palestinians in the name of some sort of funhouse mirror "Zionist liberal feminism" that's actually just genocide apologia.


Every accusation is an admission


What's terrifying, though, is the amount of ignorance going around where this is so blatant and still so ignored.


Zionazis needs to revoke their emoji usage.


How can you broker peace with monsters like this ?




But I did't belive that in the world are there similar cock heads


Boy what the hell


Never let this woman cook again.




We all know what happens to a kid of you raise them to think they are special. This is an entire race




As a person from a county that have suffered terrorism, this people is.. Not people. And they are the main support of terrorism existing


The psychological root of such illness is a worthy target. Desire to hurt another is about power, and power is about fear when the desired power is the power to harm. It can also be a sexual derangement, like in serial killers, but they too are manufactured. I doubt sexual sadism is truly congenital, though a propensity for it might be, as with anything. Like having a talent for a given activity. I am against vengeance on principal and for practical reasons, that said, I'll admit it may be morally urgent to end a life that appears to have strong odds of causing this kind of suffering. A person like this would at minimum have to be sequestered and observed for the rest of their life lest they find a way to indulge the fantasy in private. If I can't capture this person and ethically render them harmless (imagine a comfortable Finnish prison cell) for material reasons then euthanizing them may be morally urgent, like shooting someone before they can press some disastrous adjacent button. This whole nation appears to me a lost cause. These people have funding, expertise, and no moral qualms. The thing is, this problem is deeply ancient and we've failed to solve it generally. For million of years before we were even sapient, we as protohumans engaged in horrors of this level. It's terrifying what a chimp can do with teeth alone. And through out our entire history we've not only failed to solve it but honestly even failed to recognize it as an urgent problem. Mostly we get upset with target selection when confronted with this stuff. Most people have a "valid" target in their mind for such torment even if they won't admit it. I feel like an alien because I genuinely don't. Even if I'm not alone I'm surly in a deep minority. For that reason I am no longer in favor of human rule. We need an AI emperor. Something fundamentally kinder and more rational than we are. We've had our chance. The perpetual horror is my proof.




I mean I understand that argument but to believe that you have to arbitrarily give a pass to torture not caused by cognition. Yes, animals don't think about hurting things too deep and get off on it the way we do but that's only because Nothing thinks like we do. Nature is full of hideous torture however if you remove that requirement. The insect world especially but birds will routinely skin stuff alive and eat it breathing. And then there's all the semi sentient evil out there, like chimps as I mentioned and dolphins torturing stuff to death. It's basically a cliche that cats are psychopaths, that didn't come from no where. Then we dig into cancer and diseases and parasitic lifecycles, etc etc. It really all is a pain factory. The entire ocean is basically nothing but a pain loop of hypercarnivores. Not many herbivores in the sea. I'm basically certain that there are orca pods somewhere out there that have had their own version of witch burnings and the like. They are basically us but without fire.




np, and sorry :/ its grim


I hope all these are being archived somehow. These people are documenting every genocidial act and thoughts they have.


zionazi , imagine Palestinians lived with them for the 75+ years




yes, I watched it all


Mental Illness is a hell of a drug


Well this is sickening. What the fuck.


Good God that woman is sick


Holy shit.... That's was certainly a read.


They kicked her out for not keeping it coy.


Sadistic weirdo letting it all out in public for clout. Suprise suprise she locked her profile


This people need to be erased from Mankind History


Omitting a key fact about this disgusting cretin: > Tzipi Navon was, until about 7 months ago, Sara Netanyahu's office manager. She was suspended following public outrage regarding posts where she called anti-Netanyahu protesters "pedophile lovers" and "leftist traitors". While in suspension she quit her job. I would not be surprised at all if she's still in touch with the unhinged couple that rules this country. [More](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-sara-netanyahu-advisor-torture-gazans-rant).


What photos or videos is she even being exposed to???? Have any citizens even died since October 7th????? (Besides the hostages obv)


Please shut the fuck up. Tzipi. Fucking hippy ass vulcan name.


I see the ‘they beheaded babies’ claim has been downgraded to ‘they gave babies haircuts’


This is the kind of derangement that would be too much for even the average Batman villain in Arkham asylum.


People like this need to be imprisoned. THIS is what detention centers should be used for. Fucking psychotic


- TinyMustacheMan, c.2024


I hate to say it but it is moving feon a religion of suffering to a religion that causes suffering. It is very myopic as they are a super minority, they are puttung everyone outside their borders if the same religion at risk of vengeance from other religions. To be clear I hate allll religions at this point, keep it to yourselves.