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yes i knew about this since i was a kid ..cant believe people are still in denial


They argue and call me a nazi when I talk about it. Even when I send them the link they call me a racist, ignorant and the list goes on and on. Sometimes they say that pro-Israelis are more educated while us pro-Palestinians are the uneducated ones. No idea where they get that statistic from? lol Their main tactic is intimidation because they can't beat us with truth... Trust is against Israel.


Remember every accusation is an admission of guilt


Every accusation is an admission of guilt man. Asshole Zionists!!! They are straight up Nazis. They do the medical shit, they do the ghetto shit, they do dehumanizing shit, they tout the nationalistic shit, they commit genocide and justify it. They kill their own if they don't suit the narrative. Zionazitesticals


"Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it."


Yeah I promised to myself to stop doing it. It's not worth the time. At this point there is enough info even in tv to know what's going on. My old neighbor was fuming after October 7 because all he saw was the news. He changed his tune months ago and started being pro-Palestinian because the Israeli propaganda is failing so miserably that only a complete, hopeless moron or a zionist can argue with pro-Palestinian people.


It's still really impressive that they managed to manufacture sympathy for a bunch of assholes hosting a musical event in an active concentration camp. The damage won't be undone, but at least the act of calling such an extermination *war* is starting to look very much like what it is to the general public.


I remember people asking me how I would feel if I would be at that festival. I said "Dudes, I wouldn't party beside the worlds biggest open air prison wtf" lol Honestly I didn't wish anyone to die, but I view these people more as victims of of the Israeli apartheid then hamas and it's because the attack was caused because of what the apartheid is doing to the Palestinian people. It's absurd that people though that abusing Palestinians will never cause a reaction.


Projection, that’s what the terrorists do.


just world fallacy


Never heard of this term before but I think it sums it up very well




This is the reason that I wish I could be vengeful and get away with . If the world isn't going to I want to be the one to serve justice




Years back a smugglers ring were caught in NJ smuggling body parts from Israel to the US! But you hardly hear about this


For those wondering, organ donation is a debated subject in Islam. Doing so without their consent, is a huge no-no.


I don't think being upset about stealing people's body parts without consent is singular to Muslims.


We do it in America with nearly everyone. If you don't specifically and aggressively address the coroner, chances are, they are taking bits of you and chopping you all up all over the place. Most people aren't even aware of this.


This is absolutely not true lol. There needs to be living, informed consent for organ or whole body donation. Its extremely regulated. Things get a little more sketch in a few outlier situations like deceased inmates, and there have been issues in the past with whole body donation ethics for certain purposes, but it's definitely not what you describe.


Not organs, but they take parts of you. When you die, the coroner takes you in, and takes samples of every part of your body... Your brain, liver, kidneys, gut, everything. They don't donate it, but they don't leave the body whole, like many Muslims require for their faith.


Yeah, they have to do that when someone dies with no known health conditions and there's no obvious cause of death. It's to attempt to establish what happened and how someone died. I've been through the process with my baby when he died at 6 weeks old. I let them keep the samples for medical research as hopefully finding a way to prevent sids is far more important than a few small samples of my son's organs being buried with him


It's not just that. It's literally EVERYONE, no matter who. If you die anywhere in the US. Part of the processing of your corpse at the coroner, is taking tissue samples from everything, just for the record. You never know why later on they'd need to go back and test samples. Apparently it wasn't as common in the 90s, but in modern times, it's literally everyone who comes through - but maybe small towns can't afford it. You never know when you'll need to get someone's sample for whatever reason, and since they are already there, they may as well take some.


That's simply not true. They only do it when they need to find the cause of death which unless there is an obvious injury to you, then they will have to take samples and look for illness and disease. If they know why you died or you died due to age then they don't do it as it's pointless, unless the body is donated to medical research by the family. A quick Google will show you that this is standard procedure worldwide


Yes, they do keep samples, I'm sorry... I had to take a stupid ass class on it. They even take it of old people who they believe died of old age. Because as I learned, there may be a criminal suit later on only to discover that they OD'd on drugs and it was their children doing it to speed up inheretence, or poisoned, or some other situation where it looks natural now... But later on when evidence comes available, they learn it may be a murder


The leave no shekel behind policy seems to be in full swing in Israel but you can't say anything or else you get labeled with dirty words.


Oh yes I never heard more insults then I heard from Zionists and their supporters. They love the intimidation tactic.


The Israeli government has been able to use that tactic for decades with success. Those labels/words keep being used over and over to the point where no one cares because those words have lost all meaning. As we have all seen, Israel runs the 5 eyes nations.


Why can't we ever get a decent copy of these videos??? They always seem like some bootleg version of it


I would imagine they spend a lot of resources to keep this "secret"


They did. It's getting deleted all the time. Finally I just downloaded the file when I found it again... Just like the Tantura documentary has been erased from each platform.


Can you post that Tantura doc, please? I haven’t seen it.




Thank you for this. Download complete. Will share on private trackers.


Thank you


'Israel sympathizers' is a wrong term, there's nothing to sympathize about when it comes to a zionist project built on spilled blood of innocents. Those are Israel's supporters, who DO IN FACT BELIEVE the existence of Israel's human skin bank, but they deny it because it makes them look complicit and bad.


Well their were also a bunch of natzi symphatisers during world war 2 this is like that I think, It’s fucking crazy how many parallels they share it’s honestly scary


Yeah supporters. You're right.


I think this is a very justified, but reactionary way to look at it. To really see what is going on you need to dissociate enough to see that they don't see themselves as the bad guys. You would think this is impossible in the face of such blatant indecency and outright lying and stealing. But the very idea of fundamentalism is founded on selective decency. If you're out & about on a lovely date with the person of your dreams and a mosquito buzzes past, you just swat it. Zionism is a type of bargain-bin fundamentalism that treats any human that is not jewish exactly like that. To them, they are here to use us, and Palestinian, American, French, Nigerian or Japanese does not matter: you are either the child of god according to their primitive superstitions, or an insect to be used to advantage and swatted when in the way.






Well don’t flip so far into Hate that you start acting like a Zionist yourself


Yeah we must remain human.


Imagine not only occuping the land, but also occupying the skin of the indigenous people who live there. It is like we will do everything to be from here even we will wear your skin.


This is some serious Nazi type shit


Israel is a rabid predator.


May Allah SWT curse Netanyahu and the oppressors of Palestine. This is actually not real. What the f……


if god existed or had any power none of the foolishness of mankind would have happened. So no your god is not going to do shit for Palestinians or against Israel.


I don't think we get to decide what God is allowed to be or not be. If God exists, then we sure as hell won't get to decide what God is like. We can only make naive assumptions off of our perception of reality to try and understand God, imo. Or well if you believe in guidance in the form of Prophets and Holy Books representing God or being a message from God than you take their word for it.


we both know the god he's talking about here and we both know what that god claims he stands for and can do in the book of that god. So spare me the copium and mental gymnsatics. Also you can't understand what doesn't exist.


What's that? I've been looking into Islam, and I've found quite a bit of what I thought I knew about the religion was wrong. I wouldn't be so quick to believe what people who wanted us to hate another group so they can justify farming them want us to believe. We live in the age of misinformation now, we can't really afford to readily believe anyone. Imo we need to get used to thinking more critically, heck we're just getting started with the holistic historic revisionism misuse of AI is going to bring about. Regardless, these are just my thoughts. I'm not saying you don't employ critical thinking, for example, just that we're going to be fooled about something, and it can't be helped. So we need to challenge our own opinions against multiple varying perspectives, especially when it comes to what we think other people's identities and beliefs are.


I was born in and was thought islam it’s not misinformation. But I’ll give one small example and it’s up to you to do your own research. 8 times in the Quran “God” says that if he wanted something to be/happen he commands it “Be” and the thing or matter will “Be” or “happen” so all this bullshit about god doesn’t intervene because he tests his believers through hardships and shit is just cope from those believers banking on the promise of eternal torture in hell for the oppressors. If such a powerful god existed (he doesn’t) and is sitting idly doing fuck all why his own believers are suffering that god is not worthy of worship.


So you're saying that you'd only believe in God if he only allowed what he wanted to happen? Other's would say they wouldn't accept a god that didn't allow them to have free will. From my perspective, as I noted, If God exists, why would we get the choice to decide what they're like? Heck, doesn't God in the Quran state that our worship doesn't benefit or detract from him and only benefits us? So again it doesn't make sense, that if a God exists, that we'd harm him by not worshipping either. As horrific as what's happening in Gaza is right now, it's always been in human control to let it happen or not. Over the several decades, the vast majority of voters haven't cared enough about our foreign abuses to make it something culturally prominent until now. It's certainly increased ever since the protests over the Iraq war, but the colonisation of Palestine was happening long before that. Unfortunately, some individuals have disproportional power over other people, and far too often those people are the very ones that shouldn't have authority to begin with.


Im saying praying to the mighty Allah or any other god, asking for curses and any other man made nonsense is not going to solve anything, never did never will. The Muslims have been praying and asking god for victory over their enemies (including and specifically zionists) for decades at least every Friday. Look around did that solve anything? Jack shit is what praying gets you.


We're on a similar page then. This is something we have to deal with, however I don't ever expect true and absolute justice in this world. Thus, I don't really have a problem with people praying for recompense after death, especially for the innocent.


You’d be annoyed with that when you live for decades among people who will pray whenever there’s a problem to face instead of dealing with it. Tell you all your success is the result of god willing it to be not your hard-work. Tell you that god loves you and is testing you as he does to his favorite believers when you have problems in life. It gets annoying. We’re the only ones able to fix our problems no god or angel will do it for you.


So comically evil that they’re comprable to the worst Rimworld colonies, didn’t think that was even possible given the latter is often a satirization on war crimes.


But if you talk about this they start crying about ”blood libel”, even tho it is demonstrably true! I guess the real world is antisemitic….


One of them told me October 7 was unprovoked and when I didn't agree he asked me for facts and went on and on about me being ignorant, stupid bla bla bla and that I have no evidence so I sent him evidence of the abuse Palestinians had to go though on a daily basis from the hands of Israeli's... Most of the videos were actually recorded by Israeli's that are against apartheid and IDF soldiers that felt guilty for abusing innocent people. Guess what he replied? That it's irrelevant to the attack on October 7... I swear you can't win an argument with these crazy people. For them ongoing apartheid, stealing homes, killing peaceful protesters, attacking praying people, settler violence etc is not a reason for resistance.


Do you have some serious online source about that? The video have a poor quality and is not in a language I understand. Edit : I found [one](https://medium.com/@ASll0_/debunking-the-worlds-largest-skin-bank-how-israelis-harvest-organs-without-consent-d8415b266a55) myself.


thanks TIL




Money, why else?


pride this is a "flex" for them.




What is the source of this video?


It's from an Israeli television investigation, recorded in 2014. Of course it's get deleted everywhere it's uploaded very quickly. Many Israeli's reported about the crimes of other Israeli's against Palestinians. They are heroes. Please read the book: “On Their Dead Bodies,” Dr. Meira Weiss.


Is this for real? And why?


Organ trade etc. is very profitable. Human rights agencies and charities have been warning about organ theft from illegally detained Palestinians, including children for decades. There've been reports of Israel organ harvesting from viable corpses in IDF controlled parts of Gaza during this current invasion. Heck Israel's the 5th largest exporter of diamonds in the world, Israel doesn't have any diamonds. Africa does however and Israel is known to steal diamonds from there while promoting armed conflict by arming terrorists, gangs and foreign mercenary groups. The rich take part in human farming of various sorts, this isn't new, but we do still have to stop it.




What a satanic and evil state, not surprising to see why the West supports them and considers them thier natural ally. They have similar values. 


So cannibalism it is along with devil worshiping. I can only imagine the sick and twisted things are doing with the skin. More than likely trying to make themselves look younger out of vanity and pride. Literal flesh bandits deserving of No Mercy or sympathy under any circumstance.

