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Fucking nazisraelis


Zionazis is a better sounding term, I’ve found


I hate those little drones for reconnaissance. Cowardly diaper force.


Skin bank


The vampire facility is underground. That stair well must go way down.


They need to be nuked out of oblivion


Dude with the shield gave a final kick through the door because the corpse was stuck. Anyone else notice that?


Not until you pointed it out. But did no one else notice the fucking UFO/UAP? The little black flying saucer thing? It looks like a little gnat or something on the camera, but upon a closer look, looks like some futuristic drone weapon you'd see in a sci-fi movie. Everything about this is disgusting. The way they act like they're the ones in danger, the way they scamper back inside like they're being sneaky, the way they don't know how to be actual soldiers, it's all a game to them. If they were in actual danger, the last soldier wouldn't have turned his back to go inside, they would've had more than one shield, the shield would've actually provided cover for the 3 guys that callously drag the body face-first on the asphalt. The way it takes 4 of them with tens of thousands of dollars of weaponry to go back and get the body they killed. Fucking Pennywise clowns these guys are. Terrorism Isreal.


Yeah what the fuck was that little drone? Jesus Christ I hate these fuckers.


Yeah. That looks like a DJI avata drone. Probably modified for military purposes. Or in this instance to terrorize and oppress the native palestinian population the iof is in the process of ethnically cleansing.




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Why all the worry for their safety in the West Bank? Armed settlers out hunting IDF? Ridiculous that they are armed to the teeth and have to shoot and kill one unarmed teen.




You're not wrong but the disgusting part is what they do with the body




Bro. He is limp with blood coming out of his head. I don't think he's alive. You should see what the iof does with Palestinian corpses. A lot of organ harvesting


Is it a pistol? I missed that, but now I see it. One pistol and it takes 6 armed men to cover them as they drag the body away. Must be super important to recover his body. I’m sure it’s just so they can return it to his family later.


Fucking disgusting. They are inhumane




Bro what the fuck man


The Zionazis are pariahs. I’ll remind you that fascists before them were hung for their crimes against humanity


I believe this was a 14 years old child from Nablus




What is your source? And I don't believe Israeli sources...they lie all the time




Is it the same incident though? After all, Israel kills Palestinians all the time.




Again, how do I know it is the same incident? After all the same source you provided says this: At least 523 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank by Israeli troops or settlers since the Gaza war broke out, Palestinian officials say. Which tells you what you need to know about the "conflict"


You might be correct. I just can't confirm it is the same one. The way Israel kills Palestinians, there can be many killings by Israel at the same time.




It does look similar. That I give you. Is it the same one I really would not know. Again, if it is, and the accounts I got the info from were mistaken, it doesn't change the fact Israel slaughters children daily, both its soldiers in uniforms and its settlers, even Israeli children participate in terrorizing Palestinians.




I might have got it mixed up with another video. Not sure to be honest. Unless I can find were I got the info from and I can't find it.


He was a boy attending his sister's wedding in place of his father who died. The biggest terrorist in the world is Israel. The last apartheid state.




You call al-monitor research?!!! I never heard of it before now some Turkish group propaganda website is what it looks like. He is dead and I don't see a gun in his arm. I see something that can be or not be a gun close by.




There is actually a clear oppressor, colonizer, apartheid state. The both sides are guilty is not logical nor sincere. One side is not allowed any freedom while the other keeps taking more and 'mowing the lawn'. Palestinians don't need to be Angels to deserve freedom and their land. Again, I can be mistaken. It doesn't change the fact Israel kills Palestinian children daily! For fun too!




Actually I don't believe it was the reason. The way Israel is slaughtering Palestinians makes it clear they are just hungry to steal more land and kill more innocent people. Was the 1948 massacres because of some festival too? Or was it terrorism to steal land and enjoy sadistic rape, killing, destruction? Do you want a list of all unprovoked massacres Israel commits regularly? Again, Palestinians don't need to be angels to deserve their land. Israeli treat murder like a sport! Of children, elderly, pregnant women, even sheep! And Palestinians who have no resort and in an open prison are the ones held to the standard of not committing any wrong collectively?!!!! Not the state that is built on terror and stolen land?!!!




I'm afraid you may need to seek psychiatric help. You appear to have a case of Preoctoberseventh Amnesia. This term succinctly describes a condition where an individual is unable to recall any events that occurred before October 7th.


Theyre going to harvest skin and organs from those victims those sick people


This is disgusting, you can literally see the blood coming out of his head and his arm when they drag him, meaning that they most DEFINITELY killed him


For the skin bank.




Literal fucking brainwashed physchopaths.


Organ harvesting


his hand were fully destroyed what kind of bullets did they use on him


they're using these butterfly bullets that literally if they shoot you in the leg or arm you have to pretty much amputate because it just blows out the entire area.


they used that against a guy with a fucking pistol :skull:


After the war ends israel should be in court because of what they did and what they will countine to do






So this. This x 1000. When you research and find that G guy never said this, and neither did mustache guy, and then realize who told us that they coined "The Big Lie" and said this quote, you realize we were bamboozled. And everyone knows it, but everyone is still scared of saying that mustache guy was the good guy compared to them. But it's true. I'm not saying he's the good guy. I'm saying he's the good guy compared to them. He's like Loki - not a good guy at all - but in this instance they were Thanos, who is just the worst psychopath in history. But imagine if Thanos was a little bitch, more dishonest than Loki, and had no honor or shame, and didn't think the evil they did was actually for the good of the world, they would literally kill half of civilization just for fun. That's what we're dealing with. Everything they ever accused the Nazi's of, they did. Everything they ever accused mustache of, or G guy of, was them, not who they accused. That's where I'm at. https://preview.redd.it/tetaskun4k4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ea6c571f1b6251248e154b58069d67d4f78099c


What is the source of this?




Thank you. I tried the link, but found a “this page does not exist” message on twitter.


you can check the eye on Palestine profile on Twitter or even IG https://preview.redd.it/5wt54vghwg4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58c46af7919ad3bbbce67590bf0b860e5da3e12


Don't know if it was planted or recovered but the guy taking point recovers and cycles a handgun from in front of the body. This could possibly be a resistance fighter or a planted bit of evidence knowing IDFs lack of humanity.


Looks like guy was armed. Anyone else see the gun picked up off the floor?




76 years if genocide


"wHaT's ThE fUlL sToRy?"


Lol do you mean whats the propoganda?


I meant is there context or a source man




I think he has every right to be armed to defend himself and his family from these heavily armed thugs that roam these occupied cities.


You can equally speculate he's playing the saxophone as well


which guy? edit: i see it now.


I saw one of the IDF picked up a gun? Perhaps the victim's?




Prove it you Nazi fuck




I guess that makes all the armed settlers terrorists then.


Fighting back against an invading force is not terrorism. By your definition every partisan who took up arms against the Nazis was a terrorist.


The buzzword “terrorist” has genuinely lost its meaning over time through dehumanization campaigns, that delegitimize the Palestinian cause. The word you’re looking for is “Partisan”, because Palestinians are an occupied people under an apartheid regime, fighting against their oppressors. That’s like saying the Polish fighting against Nazi occupation in Warsaw, 1944 were terrorists. You’re following the same propaganda pushed by Bush after 9/11.