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honestly i can see reg/remus but i have such a hard time seriously shipping remus w anyone but sirius 😭


Same, honestly.


okay i feel you 😂


Honestly know that I think about that I do get it but for me it comes down to:  A. Wolfstar  B. I think James is the only one who would dare (or just be dumb enough) to date Seriouses  little brother.


I think It's cute, I personally think they would make great friends tho. But a lot of the time they have great chemistry which is why I could see them together. I say friends because of wolfstar but I see it.


why is remus so,,,,,,,,,,,, perfect for everyone but in a different way that reg is perfect for everyone


Regulus and Remus was my gateway to Regulus and James! I was a hardcore Drarry shipper, had ZERO interest in the Marauders era and then I did a role play that was focused on the brother relationship between Sirius and Regulus and Regulus ended up kissing Remus as a joke but then me and my partner were like...this has potential. The two did a lot of nerding out together, it was very cute!


Yeah Regulus gives an amazing opening for enemies to lovers or just a good slow burn vibe which is why hes so amazing to ship with people I think. I've gotta admit though, I'm such a wolfstar fan that it's weird to think of Remus with Sirius' brother lol. Also, as much as I'm intersted in the ship, the common name for it makes me laugh. I mean why did the fandom choose "moonwater" haha, were literally naming Regulus' ship by the cause of his death. But yeah I don't hate it and am kinda intrigued