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Marxist antisemites would have a seizure looking at this shirt.


But-but-but I was told Jews invented Marxism!


Well Marx was Jewish. But so were Rand and Rothbard and they hung out with holocaust deniers… but market principles are more important than moral principles.


Name ONE known Holocaust denier that Ayn Rand associated herself with. When Israel was attacked in 73 she publicly stated that it was the first public contribution she had made and passionately beckoned her audience to give anything they could to support Israel. Additionally, if you check out the Ayn Rand Institute and Ayn Rand Centre UK, they are almost certainly among the most empassioned defenders of Israel in world. That is not an exaggeration. So if you're going to claim that she harbored resentment for Israel or Jews, that's simply a lie. It's a complete inversion of reality and a total slander, which is not uncommon for Rand haters.


David Irving. also I didn’t accuse her of denial of the holocaust after all her family was killed by Nazis. But the fact that she was able to ignore her colleges beliefs, and the fact that even to this day the Austrian Schools still attract a certain unsavory subset.


Source please. Also, doesn't the evidence that I'm giving you on Rand's opinion on Israel give you even a moment's pause, or are you going to completely ignore it and commit to the narrative that she somehow despised Jews? Edit: I just read your edit (I previously edited my comment as well). Yes, the Austrian school has definitely been sympathetic to Jew haters (including many self-hating Jews like Rothbard), as well America haters. She also despised them and refered to the Libertarian Party as a bunch of anarchist crackpots. She and Rothbard have nothing in common.


"Give all the help possible to Israel. Consider what is at stake... they resent Israel because it’s the sole beachhead of modern science and civilization on their continent... if one cares about the future of civilization, don’t wait for the government to do something. Give whatever you can. This is the first time I’ve contributed to a public cause: helping Israel in an emergency." "Every movement that seeks to enslave a country, every dictatorship or potential dictatorship, needs some minority group as a scapegoat... in Nazi Germany, it was the Jewish people..." "Whose side should one be on, Israel or the Arabs? I would certainly say, Israel, because it’s the advanced technological, civilized country, amidst a group almost totally primitive savages who have not changed for years and who are racist and who resent Israel because its bringing industry and intelligence and modern technology into their stagnation.” Honestly, commit to the statement that this someone who harbored secret resentment for Jews. And I'll simply shut up after that.


I'd still very much appreciate that source.


Ayn Rand personally spoke against the U.S. accepting Jewish refugees during the holocaust. She was some of the worst of us.


Hey, that sounds like another lie. Source please.


Marx is only Jewish insofar as it allows leftists to excuse their own anti-Semitism.  I don't think there's any other sense that Marx was Jewish.


Yeah he was only ethnically Jewish. I get that he’s halachically Jewish but afaik was raised Christian and iirc he once wrote a paper on “The Jewish Question.”


You’re talking about Moses Hess, right?


It's insane how he predicted every single thing about the next 100 years. Zionism, the collapse of the german and ottoman empires, the nazis, the holocaust, and the establishment of Israel. It's insane his works arent as recognized as Herzl




I love Hess's work


We did , a bit . Kitboutz are totally socialist try out .


As an Marxist jew rest assured this does not trigger me


I wouldn't expect it would. I was talking about Marxist antisemites. Are you a Marxist antisemitic Jew?


Hmmm… please hold while I ask my rabbi. Annnd… well shit looks like due to being reformed I am like 1% anti semitic. I apologize


Well, enjoy your microseizure I guess?


You don't have to write antisemites after Marxists, it goes without saying.


Hello I am an Marxist jew ama?


What is your favourite pizza topping?


Spinach and mushrooms


What kind of cheese?


Ideally Mozzarella but it is so hard to find it rennet free… Asiago is also good as there is more of it that is rennet free


As a Jew, what is your perspective on the deep-seated anti-Jewish views of Karl Marx?


standard 19th century assimilated views


No rennet in Mozz. I’m an occasional cheese maker.


Most importantly, how do you feel about pineapple on pizza?


I love it.


Correct answer. Kimchi is also quite good.


I'll have to try kimchi. Do you recommend something with it, or is it best on its own?


Just the kimchi. I had heard about Korean pizza and, at first, thought it sounded terrible (this coming from a Jew who ate Kosher locusts with her Jewish friends because I have no idea why). When I actually tried it, it was surprisingly good. Just don’t use too much kimchi. I make my own kimchi, but note that most non-hechshered kimchi uses shrimp powder. The type from Pusan uses dried anchovies, which is what I use when I make it. Sorry for the long post- this Jew has about 600 cookbooks, give or take a few hundred, and loves to try new things!!!


There’s no Jew pope. Judaism itself is pretty anarchical. Rabbis argue about everything and then they make a ruling. People are allowed to have different opinions. And G-d was outvoted once.


Is that the joke where the rabbis tell him "Now it's 5 against 2"? Or something to that effect?


No it’s from the [Talmud](https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/144163?lang=bi).


[No Masters But God](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1526167212/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=) rocked!!


by far my favorite Talmud story. Rabbi Yehoshua really said "none of your business god"


In the post temple period, yes. But in the temple period, there was the Kohen Gadol, who wasn't even elected like the Pope is, as it was a hereditary position.


Kind of but also kind of not. The son of the kohen gadol was the preference for the position, but if the Sanhedrin thought he would t do a good job they would pick someone else.


I mean kind of, the jewish people are supposed to have a high priest and a king but we don't have them currently because of the romans


It's not that God was outvoted, we just have *rules!* And we can't just let everyone come and have a special treatment, or the reforms would ask to be respected! (For those who can't tell through text, it's a joke)


Atheistic Judaism: _If not none then only one_


There’s a classic joke David was a typical New York Jewish atheist, he had a son Sam. Wanting the best for Sam he sent him to the most expensive best private school in the neighborhood, Holy Trinity Catholic School. There Sam went, and after the first day of school David asked him the age old question, “what did you at school today?”. “Well”, Sam replied, “We learned that G-d means the father, son, and the Holy Spirit”. Outraged David blurted out, “Son, there’s only one G-d, and we don’t believe in him”.


The way I say it is I don’t believe in god, but השם is the god I don’t believe in. Years ago, when my younger son was in elementary school, a classmate told him that he was going to hell because he didn’t believe in Jesus. My son gave her a dead-eyed stare and said “luckily for you there is no hell.”


as an atheist Jew I have to start using "I don’t believe in god, but השם is the god I don’t believe in"


I like this shirt


Here's where it's sold: https://nerdykeppie.com/products/anarchist-star-of-david-progress-pride-tee-shirt


Yeah it's cool as hell




Ngl that’s sick as hell lmao


Nerdie keppie has such great stuff


Pretty dope shirt


Is it possible to learn this power?


I love it!


You could also just get a HS diploma, it's equivalent. If you want you can continue to college and get an associates or bachelor's.


See what Gideon has to say in Judges. I will not be your king, only H’ will be your king


One God; no masters is just Judaism itself


As you hear "the brews" by nofx in the background...


≤1 G-d, 0 masters


Unbearably cringe


surely anarchists can spell god without the asterisk


YHWH is how I prefer to spell it.


Why at most one? Can there not be multiple?


Bro what sub do you think you’re in lmao


judaism's core principle is monotheism


Judaism has a long history of monolatry (worship of one god with acknowledgement of others). Monotheism is incoherent and wanting to die on that hill is a losing battle.


not since the hasmoneans henotheism died in the Persian period


Yeah I fully get they made the switch to monotheism. The issue is why carry it on? Monotheism is inherently intolerant and incoherent. I have met some modern jewish people who are monolatrists and was hoping to see some progress in that regard.


i’m not entirely opposed to it, since my fiancé is hindu. i’m going to raise my kids with her basically monolatrist, as that’s the only real way they can somewhat practice both religions lol. also considering becoming a rabbi because Bangalore only has a few and they probably could use me over there.