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a quick word of advice - once you hear "you're free to go", BAIL.


Yep, make every effort to minimize interactions with law enforcement. Prolonging contact can only end badly.


This isn't true in high trust societies. In America there's so much violence that yhe police can't really relax.


Hard to relax when you're doing all that violence.


I’d like to add: don’t say another word either, just leave


Lol, love to know where he'd go when the cops aparantly been following him.


Uh no. The next thing he's hearing is "He's runnin!"


OP you know where this was? Shit is freaky


Idk where this was but in Nevada we still have them, shit we have one that still uses the sirens for "tradition".


Their normal police car sirens, or some other type of siren?


https://youtu.be/1UaENhgpdAk Starts at :27. Sounds like an air raid siren but it was used to warn minorities. Turns out the previous governor actually banned it but that move might be too woke for the new guy.


Lol! Man I can’t stand the woke shit, but hearing that being defined as “too woke” cracks me the fuck up! Edit: Just watched some of that video. That shit is crazy. I know how racist a lot of places still are, but had no idea there were still some things going on that were this racist.


Lol that's awesome, glad you still see the humor in poking fun at it too. But yeah dude it's pretty fucked. And to think it was banned in the 2020s and people were legit mad about it being banned too.


Because some people find racism warms and fulfills them like religion.


> but had no idea there were still some things going on that were this racist. As you say you "can't stand the woke shit". Dude, some self-awareness? You realize that even learning about that IS "the woke shit" for a significant part of the population now?


I haven’t been in the states since 2018. “Woke shit” has escalated 10x since I was there. I worked in the event industry, so it was in my face all the time. Yeah I get what you mean, though I’ve never lived anywhere near an area that’s *THAT* racist. Most places in the West Coast aren’t that bad. Sure many extremely racist and closed minded cities all up and down from WA to CA, but again I don’t have much experience around these places.


Honestly it could be anywhere. Historically we have them down here in the South, obviously, but in rural locales spanning the entire countries you can find them. NE, MW, PNW, they’re everywhere still. Less that 50 years ago, but still a few.


Dude you can have this shit happen in NYC, Baltimore, Philly, Boston. It's not just racism anymore, it's purely an us vs them mentality at this point. They're the thin blue line.


I've been trying to figure it out since I've found the video. My first thought was Texas, but the accents don't jibe. I wish I knew. My Google-fu has also failed me as none of my search strings into this incident have been successful. Even though those were most likely fake badge numbers and names, I tried looking them up anyways. I think these are the unmarked cars that get sent out to do dirt. Let me know if you find out anything.


The amount of people in this thread being willfully ignorant of the power display here is kind of mind blowing. The cops were *clearly* focusing on this dude. There's a reason they pulled up behind him, parked like they did. That wasn't random chance. He asks them why they're parked like that, what's going on, and all they say is "... You're free to go." That's fucking weird, and at the very least, a strange power flex. Taking in to consideration the very well known power dynamic between police and young black men, this could easily be interpreted as intimidation by the police. Shit is fucking weird.


Yea, I'm white and I feel like I'm not welcome in this place if this happened to me, Americans are fucking braindead.


It's because conservatives in America will look to exhaust every possible excuse as to why things like this happen. There are people here who claim that George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose as an example because they don't want to admit he was a victim of police brutality.


If I admit that police brutality is real, then I can't have my really neat blue line flag sticker! Bet you didn't consider that did ya!?


> The amount of people in this thread being willfully ignorant of the power display here is kind of mind blowing. This sub has attracted a large demographic of people who LIKE this stuff happening.


I agree but i have to give it to the guy to be smart and get names and badge numbers plus record. Once he saw the power shift he made those cops feel ridiculous. "Im also free to ask questions." Damn right you are! He caught them so off guard that they couldn't even come up with some bullshit excuse. "we were considering doing a routine traffic stop but decided against it. Sorry if we freaked you out. Have a good night."


I'd bet they would have given him more trouble if he wasn't recording.




Right? I'm shocked. Like, fine, you wanna lick the boot, "Durr back der blue" whatever, but you're not supposed to deepthroat both boots at the same time while tickling their holsters. Jesus.


It’s a form of deflection, they do it with a ton of major revelations like when the Supreme Court plans to overturn Roe v Wade and they focused on the leaker. Can’t have the narrative focusing on the point now.


The Joe Rogan subreddit is filled with fucking fascists. Fact.


Lot of Russian sympathizers as well.


Why didn’t he ask why they were following him so we could get some substance on these guys. Freaky


I'm sure he wanted to but you could tell how scared he was. He's probably replaying it in his head all the things he should have or could have asked. I think under the amount of stress he had to have been, he did a great job and lived to tell the tale.


Cause they’re cops, they don’t need a reason to follow you. They can say you’re being “suspicious” so they followed you.


That cop was creepy af. Best thing he did was film everything.


"You're also free to stay" (Creepy smile)


Just gtfo bro. Stop questioning everything. Get you ass TF out of there, now.


Without the recording there’s a high chance bad shit may happened from them thinking they can get away with it. So you start recording as soon as possible


100%. They boxed him in. Had he left, their video would have shown "He tried to ram them" and they could have legally shot him. Their replies are fucking creepy. "You're free to go, but you're also free to stay." (as he smiles like a fucking psycho)


Gotta get that TikTok of the popo beating his ass for likes


Oooorrr you dont want to back down to intimidation


Why would they “beat his ass”?


I've been asking this question since 2014


The problem is him. I'm mostly white, I still don't question police. I've been locked up before, and I know not to push my limits. Go now mf!


He's the problem? How? For asking questions?


Americans have developed perpetual stockholm syndrome when it comes to police and see it as normal i guess lol


Right. Just listen and walk away when you get the chance. Keep poking and you will find out the hard way.


Thats not how it should be you fucking idiot, you are making it sound like these cops are a force of nature and not there to supposedly "protect and serve" are you gonna suck the cops dick to make his day too?


Poke the bear and find out.


Lol @ mostly white


Must be Italian




Minkia juice


My n word, my n word


So, it's ok to let cops be corrupt and just be a little bitch?


I commend this young man for his quick thinking. Had he not pulled his phone out, there's a strong chance he would have just disappeared. The "cops" if they even were cops, had crazy serial killer predator vibes. This wasn't their first time hunting, for sure.


Unreal you think this is even ok.


I never said it was OK. I said to gtfo while you can. Stop asking for problems my friend. These MF's can shoot you and get away with it. Just walk away, and live to tell the tale.


Or they pull up on him down the road with no lights or witnesses and murder him


Or whatever the fuck right? Just stop pushing buttons. Get on your way, or stay and argue something you will never win. Somewhat like what we have going on here. To this, I say good day my friend, I wish you the best in life. Dueces.


Hey dipshit the cops were the ones pushing buttons, not him. He was doing the intelligent thing by recording them which helps protect him and records evidence that they had no reason to be following or intimidating him, and now it's public so thousands of people can see their behavior. This is exactly how lives are saved. He had no idea what their plans might have been and his choice to start recording right away was clearly the best option and you can see the results. And what do you think happened after they left while being recorded? He safely left. So please stfu boot licker, there's a way to stand up for your rights without provoking which is what he did, and exactly what every American ESPECIALLY people of color should do.


Did you see the video? "something you will never win" huh? He clearly won that interaction by recording their names and badge numbers and they left tails between their legs. If you want to make a valid point you might want to pay attention to what actually happened.


Your comments say otherwise...


My comments say gtfo when you can. Live to fight a battle you can win. This is not one of them.


Naw shit like this needs to be documented to the fullest, dude needs to stand that fucking ground


Maybe he chose to document just in case since he was being profiled, to get cops’ names and badge #’s, just in case they became aggressive. Prior to cell phone cameras and internet streaming, it was the cop’s word against whomever they chose to pull over! Terrifying to think what happened in the past once the sun went down in a racist town while traveling. Jeez.


I agree to an extent. Until the cops decide they want to kill him. Then the footage mysteriously disappears, or the phone itself. Then what? Don't ever put your life at risk thinking video footage is going to keep someone from harming you. It doesn't always work out that way.


I was listening to the Pat McAfee show yesterday and Darius Butler was talking about living in Florida. At one point he mentions that he wouldn’t drive in North Florida/Georgia at night.


"Heritage not hate! Oh wait..." https://www.denverpost.com/2021/07/26/nevada-sundown-town-siren-racial-reckoning/


For those that might not know what an American Sundown Town is. Learn something new… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_town




Is this the freedoms I keep hearing Americans talking about? Why are your police cars not obviously marked? How are you ment to get help if your in trouble if the police are trying to be invisible?


Washington and maybe some other states banned unmarked cars, but many use them.


Is that why I see black police cars with black lettering on them? "Technically it's not unmarked..."


That’s in WA? Wow what a dumb loophole. Yeah one of the former (maybe current) governors helped make it illegal for them to do that. Arizona doesn’t give a fuck. In Scottsdale they’ll use an undercover Bugatti. I’ve even heard cases where people revved their engine at the cop. Took off, and then immediately got pulled over. Dumb situation all around.


No, I've seen them in Vermont and New Hampshire I think. Maybe Massachusetts.


Funny, every American instantly recognizes those as police cars.






Cope harder.


I am coping as hard as I currently can.


Strong convictions


There was a trial not too long ago where the ruling was a clarification that the police is not here to protect us, they're to enforce the law.


now imagine how this would have gone if he wasnt recording


America land of the afraid


Why I left.


That's the creepiest shit I've seen in awhile.


Got sundowned in N Florida just south of Jacksonville years back. Was heading back from the keys and it was late. Stopped for gas and to smoke a cigarette (baby in car) and noticed a cop car in the back parking lot but didnt even think about it bc I was doing nothing wrong. When I finished and drove off three cop cars came up on me and pulled the rolling road block move before turning on the lights. Pulled over and they claimed I was swerving (ok dude) and asked for my registration "if it's in your name" and tried their best to find a reason to rip my car apart but my kids mom (anglo) was having no part of that and they fucked off eventually. Talked to some guys when I got back to work and they said yeah, you should've kept going until you made it back to Jacksonville. Can only imagine how differently that could've gone down had I been alone. 'Murrica




Ever since he blamed the Uvalde response on "Defund the police" despite those 400 officers being more equipped than 12,000 Rambos, he's been sucking the blue D. This is the future Big Toe, his boy Cruz and the Daily Wire want.


Never forget those cowards held a man down and tazed him for trying to rescue his kid.


Grew up in So Cal Morongo , definitely used to be a sundown town . So was Yucca Valley to a degree.


To act like someone is crazy for asking why you followed them, pulled up behind them, and shined a light on them, is textbook gaslighting. You could sense the undercurrent of rage, which was scary. I don’t want to know what kind of crap he’s pulled throughout his career.


That’s whack. Why is this on the rogan sub, did he talk about these towns?


This is the new public freekout sub


I am not sure honestly. Rogan is a comedian and MMA announcer, not sure why people in this sub would think that he would be interested in anything to do with policing, police reform, civil liberties, or actually anything political. People need to stop posting things like that.


Because rogan has a podcast where he talks about such things as politics and police.


Yes, I know. I was being sarcastic in the above reply.


Yea, you might need an /s on that


I would bet that most courts would argue that this young man was detained, that any reasonable person would feel that they weren't free to go (despite the words of the officers).


What's a sundown town?


Why is every sub on this increasingly shit website turning into some variation of outrage porn? Its all just Tweets of people saying things you disagree with, or people who act like shit in public. What a utterly dull place this has become.


>Why is every sub on this increasingly shit website turning into some variation of outrage porn? Outrage porn is Rogan's brand now.


Mods get this irrelevant shit out of here Just got banned on r/JusticeServed for this comment… not even sure what it is but I hope it dies in an aids fire.


Are you one of these cops?


What is a “sundown town”?


They're towns that have a curfew for non-white people.


Surely there aren’t any sundown towns left though. I mean that’s insane.


Edit: I'm not receiving notifications for this post but I'll try and go through the comments


Why is this on here? And this seems like a complete over reaction. Cop literally doing his job sees a guy parked in an empty parking lot in the middle of the night. Most likely running his tags and literally observing. Cops were being completely respectful. The guy recording was trying his hardest to make this something it wasn’t


> Cop literally doing his job sees a guy parked in an empty parking lot in the middle of the night. The cop was following him.


Is there more to this clip? Does it start when the guy recording is already out if the car?


The camera man says it. Tell me, when that cop gets out the car, does he seem like he is answering those questions genuinely? Everything he says is either playing dumb, or a non-answer.


My speculation goes both ways. I try not to fill in the blanks when there’s no context, because of the potential for bias. Cop seems like he’s trolling. Camera guy seems like he’s trying to get a reaction. How many times are you going to stumble on the same question? You got their info, make a complaint.


> How many times are you going to stumble on the same question? Cuz he is fucking weirded out. Wouldn't you be? Like really, put yourself in the situation. You are driving around, you start being followed and pull over, and the guy just sits in his car staring at you. And how do you figure he was getting a reaction?


How many times are you going to stumble on the same question? Cuz he is fucking weirded out. Wouldn't you be? Like really, put yourself in the situation. You are driving around, you start being followed and pull over, and the guy just sits in his car staring at you. Of course I’d be weirded out. But my instinct wouldn’t be to pull into an empty parking lot, get out of the safety of my car and start recording. And how do you figure he was getting a reaction? By continuing to ask the same question after the copper’s response. I’m pretty sure the cop isn’t obliged to answer.


That’s. Their. Job.


Their job isn't to follow citizens around and harass citizens. The cop even put the spotlight on him and called backup.


This is a joke, right? At no time was the filmed detained. It was dark. Lights were turned on. Someone call the aclu!! That’s a 14th amendment violation right there!!!!! Another police car showed up. No lights. No verbal detention. What’s the actual problem?


Not sure if completely oblivious or really stupid but you're in the running for both


You know it's possible to do shitty things and not break the law, right? Look at these fellas just hanging out in a diner: https://www.flickr.com/photos/washington_area_spark/8396866644/ If the cop thought he was doing nothing wrong he would have explained himself rather than gaslighting the dude.


Yep. It’s the same


What, they aren't doing anything wrong? Just some dudes hanging out. Just like the spotlight is just a simple illumination tool. Nothing intimidating about a few bros semi-boxing you in, shining a spotlight on you.


Lmao, just say you hate non-whites and get it over with.




Can’t wait till that happens to you. You’ll be the first one to spew out first amendment rights


Isn’t the ghetto just a sundown town?




Really? Super unsafe neighborhoods at night? People attack you based on your race. Seems kinda similar


Do these ghetto sundown towns you speak of use governmental force to intimidate white people?


No. They also do it to Asian people.


Kind of. The government doesn’t let you defend yourself against the locals and they don’t prosecute the locals for committing crimes. Some examples are Baltimore, St. Louis, Birmingham, New Orleans, Philadelphia, etc.


I can guarantee that you've never spent any time in a "ghetto." It's not at all how you claim, and there's plenty of police presence, including prosecuting local criminals. You're just a racist spewing the racist line.


I actually grew up in one the cities I mentioned so try again! And no there’s not actually. There’s way less police per capita than European countries. Substantially less actually. And the cops don’t matter as the prosecutors won’t hold them. And lol you look just how I imagined. Middle age White dude with a shitty beard.


I grew up in one of the cities you mentioned, too. One of us is lying, and I'm willing to bet it's the one who thought they heard the racist dog whistle and came running.


Yeah you’re the dude who tried to invent racism. Go back to your safe space boy.


Man, you are a very easily triggered snowflake.


Privileged edge lord makes people cringe hard.


No I just have over an 80 iq unlike yourself apparently


I mean if you don’t know the difference between a sundown town and Baltimore city I’d say you probably have no idea what you're talking about.


It’s not the 70s anymore. And one has many more murders than the other. Baltimore had 333 murders last year lol.


Literally has nothing to do with the discussion. I’m well aware what Baltimore is like, I’ve lived there 36 years.


People getting murdered seems part of the discussion. And how embarrassing lol.


I have a hard time believing your IQ is even as high as your age...


I’ve never heard of sun down towns before this post. I had to google it. Interesting.


If he had not started defensively filming it is very likely they would have planted drugs at best or shot him dead at worst. White supremacy is a live and well in America.


The mainstream media has melted your brain. I hope you stop living in fear


Yeah cops dont do either of those things, get a clue


They really don’t. And nearly every time it happens it’s national news.


its funny because this shit happens regularly everywhere around the world, and your dumb fucking ass thinks it would not happen to a black person in a sundown town.


You seem to have a room temperature iq. This isn’t a Sun down town and it really doesn’t happen often in developed countries.


Yeah you're right, America is a developing country.


Boot lickers lick boot ig


No, just not an idiot.




It’s ok, the people at black and white people twitter think you’re cool


So true


Forget the mainstream media. Try growing up with this shit before cellphones had cameras and before main stream media even got wind of it. Most of the news outlets are cheerleaders for police unions anyways. Police unions are literally worse than the mafia. You *don't* want to get on their...list. They pick judges, juries and politicians.


You're more likely to have violence happen to you and your loved ones by poc than a white supremacist. That is my take as a frequent watcher of local news and other mainstream media. You're deluding yourself with this nonsense of the white supremacists.


>That is my take So, not a fact. Got it.


More facts than you. My facts are real-life fact reporting. Yours are from talking heads with hidden agendas.


How's this for "real life"- I've been accosted by white crackheads at a 10/1 ratio compared to any black person, and I've lived in 3 separate poor, primarily black communities over the past 30 years. I've been robbed by more white cops than I have black people, at a 4/1 ratio. I've been unlawfully detained at least a dozen times for simply keeping the company of black friends. But nah, my facts are just from "talking heads with hidden agendas."


You've never even met a white supremacist. For starters, they don't smoke crack.


Lmao bro there's many white drug addicted racist bums and hippies in this country. You're literally trying to defend white supremacists like they have an image of sophistication or respectability over crack heads lol you're probably a white supremacist.


I'm not defending something that doesn't exist. You guys don't even know what a white supremacist is. You think they're Trump voters or something.


They tend to be more the meth types but anything will do in a pinch.


I actually have. Some of them have been my employers, and some of them do indeed smoke crack. Mostly meth, but definitely some crack, too. A lot of them drink what they think is awesome whiskey, smoke cigars, golf, and do blow and cheat on their wives on business trips. I've met a lot of white supremacists.


You guys love crack


Your facts are still bullshit because all those white suppremacists do not exist just to get you. If you actually live in a black neighborhood, then you would know for a fact that gang violence is the biggest threat to you and your loved ones. That is a fact not cops.


Dude, I'm white.


Just further proving my point about your white supremacist boogie man crap is bogus.


What's sundown town? Everything closes at sundown?


I will say I always see cops chilling in parking lots. Is there a chance this could be a coincidence of cops about to meet up and this guy getting caught in the middle? And OP where was this shot? You said sundown town but surely we have the name of the town right?


The first thing the dude says in the video is that the cop was following him. Does it look like they were just parked and he slid in between?? The cop is clearly pointed at him parked at an angle and shining lights on him. Holy shit people are so dumb


Soooo nothing happened? Is this what we’re calling “oppression” these days? Damn yt people and their “you’re free to go or stay” demands.


You don’t find this strange af? Why’d they pull up either side of him?


Of course you're confused. This is probably how you try to pick up girls.


Something tells me you were that kid who'd make weird sounds and flail their hands around someone going, "Not touching you, not touching you!"


Chew glass.


Love how all the boot lickers just accept the abuse of power— MINIMIZE ANTAGONIZING THEM JUST LEAVE.. bunch of cowards who prolly let the school bully just hit them because he’ll leave soon enough lol


The fuck has happened to this sub? Every post is reads like some dramatic personal opinion from a angsty teenager. This has nothing to do with Joe Rogan. This fucking entire sub has nothing to do with Joe anymore aside from the occasional post about a new episode or guest.


So- an absolute nothing-burger. The guy wants it to be about him, but the cops have no interest in him whatsoever. Tries real hard. But no. Belongs on r/iamthemaincharacter


That disappointed they didn't beat his ass huh? You think it's normal for cops to pull up on you like that for no reason? I would have recorded and asked questions too


Pretty normal to an Australian, yeah. You seem to have a somewhat different relationship with the police over there. Middle of the night with absolutely nothing going on whatsoever, why wouldn’t a cop run the plates of the only car on the road through the SCMODS? He was clean, car not stolen, so they did nothing and said he was always free to go. But he wouldn’t go, and pressed them over their parking. Odd.


Huh? Oh ok is this how they run license plates in Australia yeah? 😂 How exactly do you know it's the middle of the night "with absolutely nothing going on whatsoever?" You're just making up your own narrative but hey lets go with it, maybe you just mean the cops were bored and looking for some action - that much is very likely true. Even going with your assumed narrative, police cars have automatic license plate readers and even if they didn't, it takes a matter of seconds to run plates. Fun fact- It also only takes one patrol car to run plates in America. So a cop follows him for some time on the public road, all the way to a parking spot on private property, pulls behind him in a manner like he's pulling him over, and then brings a second patrol car. This does not explain simply running plates that come back clean my guy. You can see the second cop pulls up a little after which means the 1st cop called him over radio, unless maybe that's his psychic sidekick that sensed the danger.. of plates that came back clean 😂😂 What do you think he said when he called the second cop? "Hey I just ran this guy's plates, came back clean, so can you provide some back up quick!?" 😂 Maybe but hey I won't speculate too much.. I've had cops get behind me and run my plates many many times, just to speed off a few seconds later.. But never have I seen one follow me into the grocery store lot, park at an angle behind me, put a spot light on me as I get out, a second cop pulls up and gets in front of my car, both cops get out...just to tell me I'm free to go. That's a normal Australian police interaction to you? Bahahaa I have to call bullshit on that. The entire interaction on the officers part was odd and intimidating, yet you say what the citizen did was "odd" for simply questioning them, or "pressing" them as you said. Sorry but they were the ones applying pressure by surrounding him without any cause or suspicion. They didn't even say anything about "we were just running your plates," they gave no reason at all for pulling up on him like that, they just creepily say "you're free to go." I'll go out on a limb and speculate here that they gave no reason for their actions because there wasn't any good reason, and definitely not one they wanted recorded. But hey, just my opinion. I know if that happened to me I would record it and have questions too. He handled it perfectly and got their information. Sorry for writing an essay like I'm explaining this to a child, but your comments are pretty telling, you either have poor critical thinking skills, or a very strong bias.


We seem to be taking our videographer at his word in this adventure. That he was followed. Was he? Or were they just going in the same direction. The cop to meet up with other cop, soon to arrive. That he was parked in. Seemed pretty far away. That he ran his plates. We only have our narrator’s speculation on that, and so what if he was? He is a sheriff. Property and all. Second cop shows up. Meets with the first. That seems all they are interested in. Only address our man when our man engages the cop. The cop assures him that he has no business with him. Our guy keeps at the cops. Why? They already said they have no interest in him. Why is he trying to make a victim of himself? So what do we actually know? Sheriff parks badly and meets with other cop. Only interactions with our guy is to shine a light when he approached, and to tell him he can leave. Big nothing-burger.


"Second cop shows up. Meets with the first. That seems all they were interested in." 😂 Literally did not happen, the second cop pulls up, they never even get close to each other and are both focused on the dude, then the cop says they should leave.There was no meeting, they were just interested in the dude. You're just delusional mate. You should do public relations or press conferences for police shootings, you'd be good at it.


Get real mate, they weren't parked like they were meeting each other at all, they parked basically surrounding his vehicle on each side and blocking the paths of the lot. Why didn't they park next to each other if they were meeting? And the officer got out and approached him while dude never left his parking spot. THEN they left after telling him he's "absolutely right" and "deputy I think we should go." So yea the narrative of them simply meeting each other right there doesn't fit with them leaving without actually meeting. If he pulled up between two officers trying to meet each other, that entire conversion would have gone much differently and they wouldn't have left. The reason it ended up being a nothing burger probably has a lot to do with him recording them. Nice try making this guy out to be the aggressor towards the cops. I guarantee if he was interrupting their meeting it wouldn't have gone that way at all.




And then.


Now, let's pretend we don't have the exact or worse racial situation in every major inner city in America. But it's not just sundown. it's 24/7.


So this clown just harassing cops for no reason.. he’s one of those goobers that think they can quote constitutional amendments and get out of speeding tickets or checkpoints. They told him to leave several times. Same shit, different video.. it’s either “din’do nuffin!” Or “technically I’m a sovereign citizen and don’t need a license to transport myself!” Lol. Nothing scary about this video, they gave all their info to him immediately and told him he’s free to go or stay. Wtf.. this clown trying to race bait and so many fall for it.


Ah, yes, those poor cops. Boxing the guy in so had he left, they could have easily claimed "He tried ramming our vehicles." Also, love your colorful language. "Dindu." The N-word for the modern day racist, not even allowed on the most law enforcement subreddit's for being racist, but allowed for trolls to use as a replacement word. You're not supposed to deep throat the entir--wait, you're going for both boots! Wow. I'm impressed. That's a skill, man.


I'm so appreciative of law enforcement risking their life every day. These two guys were nothing but polite. Thank you for your service!