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I've smoked weed pretty much every day for around 25 years and I don't think it's "cool" whatsoever, and people who make it their identity and act like it's some counterculture act of rebellion are the most insufferable losers on the planet. It's federally legal in Canada now which has basically removed all the "coooool maaaan" shit from weed and just made it like having a beer, and it's the best thing to ever happen to it. Maher has always been a smarmy douche, but he didn't become a nasty boomer until recently. I used to be able to enjoy his show and the movie Religulous but now he's unwatchable.


See example: Snoop Dogg, Willy Nelson Bill isn’t anything special.


I think both of them would not smoke if an addict asked them not to or if they know it was going to effect someone else's health or safty. I'm an alcoholic but it really hurt me when Stevo said bill wouldn't not smoke. I been smoking since I was 14 I'm 28 now and I couldn't imagine smoking knowing there was a baby or pregnant person in the same 100ft from me, let alone 2ft in a room. Such selfish egotistical thinking.


Yea steveo just said that one a clip on this sub. He went on Tyson’s hot box and he didn’t even smoke but bill refusedb


Bill who?


Bill Maher? The dude we are talking about lol


Im so dumb. Mb


100 ft lol that's like smoking on the front porch while a pregnant chick's in the backyard. Probably further. Give me a fucking break 🤣


Ive smokes every day for the past 130 years but if I heard there was a baby somewhere else in the continental US I wouldn't smoke it's just common courtesy


I've been smoking everyday since grade school but when I get the munchies I don't eat because I know there are starving children in Africa


I smoked weed since I was in the womb, sold spliffs in my dads urethra. But one of my brothers said it made his nose itchy so I never smoked when he was within 6 feet.


Meanwhile some little shit was just born in South Carolina, god fucking damn it


I honestly was thinking 100ft was the size of a semi truck


Shitting on Bill Maher is hot AF right now, bro. All the cool kids are doing it.


It says more about Candace than it does Bill.


I was 16 and dipped out of a smoke sesh because my buddy thought it would be cool to bring his 10 year old brother with us. Dude's such a self centered douche


He was trying to show us who he was for years and we finally figured it out; a giant douche bag


I have several friends that moved to Colorado for weed, they became the weed. Utterly impossible to have conversations with them about anything besides dabs or bong smoking competitions


Wait, there is bong compétition??


Literally called “Bongathon” too, it’s been going since I think the 70s. I was invited as an artist for a couple years like a decade back


Idk knows whats up


Fucking sign me the fuck up for a “bong smoking competition”


Look up Bong a thon, some of associates are smoking competition groups, some local some across the US


Yep some people weed is their life.  So weird 


slap scarce summer apparatus license reply busy slim imagine marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was like that when i was 13 and first discovered smoking. I'm almost 40 now though.


Yea I feel that, It went from "cooooollll mmmmaaaannnnnn" too I need a j before I can eat.


Yep.   I use cannabis frequently, but don't think it is some flex and would easily refrain from using it if a guest wanted me to.  We are literally talking about an hour 


> I've smoked weed pretty much every day for around 25 years and I don't think it's "cool" whatsoever, and people who make it their identity and act like it's some counterculture act of rebellion are the most insufferable losers on the planet. This is the correct opinion on marijuana legalization.


Yes! I am a daily smoker and it’s not something I’m exactly proud of lol, I try to hide it from the world as best I can. I keep my love of the Jane to myself as best I am able


Why hide it? That's kinda odd makes it feel like shame is involved


People don’t like the smell


I’ve noticed that either the weed now smells much worse than it did in the late 90’s, or it just smells worse when you’re not actually the one smoking it. Not sure.


Because society shames it, even if it’s legal, there’s still many people who feel very strongly about it. I have a house now though so I no longer give as much of a damn. I still don’t want kids walking by to get a huge whiff of weed though


if you hide it I've found the natural paranoia leads to social anxiety, just a heads up. It's not the same for everyone but it can happen


It’s on her. Steve-O recently said he wouldn’t go on the podcast because not smoking was a deal breaker for Bill. Owens has the autonomy to say, “can’t go on if you’re smoking while I’m pregnant”.


I enjoyed the movie Religulous, but hated him. Lol. He's such a douche.


Man, when I visited Canada and hit the dispensaries I was absolutely shocked at how simple and easy it was. I live in a state with incredibly lax laws but I definitely prefer the Canadian method. Walk in, ask for weed, swipe your debit/credit card, get weed, leave. Some of them didn't even need to see my ID? I mean, I'm clearly in my 30s but it's highly illegal in OR not to check ID.


Haha they're definitely supposed to check but I feel like over time everyone has stopped caring so much. All the "sky is falling" scenarios didn't come true in 2018 and people eventually realized it wasn't a big deal at all. People are still respectful about it, they don't just start hitting bongs at a school bus stop to prove some kinda point.


Steve-O asked him not to smoke out of respect of his 15 years of sobriety (at the time) and Maher refused, leading to Steve-O not coming on the show. Maher said it was a “deal breaker”.


Which is quite absurd... how did he manage on the TV show? He doesn't smoke there does he? Honestly, I really don't know if he does lately because I find him intolerable.


Maybe Steveo just isnt interesting enough for him


A legit new reason for legalization that I hadn't heard before, but so true. 


I watch that shit on “The Ocho!”


>Maher has always been a smarmy douche, but he didn't become a nasty boomer until recently. Someone posted that clip from Steve-O the other day talking about how Maher invited him onto his podcast but refused to accommodate for Steve-O's sobriety by not smoking in front of him, when even Mike fucking Tyson was happy to make that compromise for him. Really spoke volumes about what a self-entitled douche Maher is.


I mean I don't like Maher, but it's not like Steve-O was on his show and Maher was smoking in front of him. Steve-O requested Maher not smoke if he came on the show Maher declined not smoking and Steve-O declined appearing on the show. They were both right. Maher didn't want to interview him enough to honor the request. The whole thing is a nothing burger.


Yeah, when I'd just read the headline I assumed Bill sat there blowing it in Steve-O's face like "what are you gonna do about it". Still kinda lame that he couldn't take one hour off from his gimmick when all these other pods would, but nobody was done dirty here, they just agreed to disagree.


Flap brim hat gang.


Smarmy douche. Best description.


110% agree


Sincerely, me.


Well written and I completely agree!


It was unforgivable for him that people on the left criticize him or didnt see him has cool so now hes going to become another right wing hack.


Your counterculture comment reminded when my nephew felt he was counterculture for living with his pregnant girlfriend and not getting married. Someone tease him to marry her would be counterculture so he did.


Eh....I was a fan of "Politically Incorrect", and used to watch his HBO show on occasion, but his standup has always been fucking terrible. When my brother was in college, his roommate put a standup of his on, and as bad as Jay Leno's Bill Clinton jokes were by 2000, this mf'er's jokes about George Bush was worse. This dude has always at least kinda sucked


His bit about married men and comparing them to indoor cat's is pretty good.


He used to get really upset about old people fucking, like not comically, but actual visual disgust on his face. More than once on the old Politically Correct show.


it’s people like him or those people who walk around reeking of pot smell, that give people like us a bad reputation. i myself, have been smoking it everyday for over 10 years and yet, nobody seems to know because i know how to be normal, and not a jackass. it’s like people need to be told that nobody cares that you smoke weed.


Smug narcissist in action. No surprise here


Steve-O declined Bill’s invitation to be on because he’s been sober for 16 years and Bill refused to put the blunt down for his taping.


It was actually Bill who declined, he said it was a "deal breaker"


Steve-O wasn’t going to risk his sobriety for Bill. Bill just declined first. It was pretty mutual imo.


Ooooh. I must have misinterpreted Steve-O.


Well it was "Hey I don't want to be on your show unless you don't smoke" and "I'm not going to not smoke" so just mutually unable to agree on the terms.


From that thread, yesterday, the general consensus was that it had worked itself out fine, it’s what Bill does on his show and that Steve-O just didn’t go on, not that big of a deal. I wonder why all of this sympathy for Candace Owens? Why would she go on this show while pregnant, it’s not his first episode, she knew what to expect.


That was posted just yesterday iirc


bill is that one old dude that just discovered weed is legal and you can smoke it without getting in trouble


that's just straight up nonsense, he's been smoking his entire life.


She’s dead, wrapped in plastic


They don’t dabble in reality only ideology. Bill made fun of Biden this weekend. Thats why the hive is all up in arms with their pitchforks.


You are delusional lol


Who the fuck actually cares about that? 1/2 of Biden voters this coming election don't even like the guy. Maher has always been a douchebag and honestly the "Hive" is mad at Bill because he was insensitive to Steve-O about his sobriety. Which, that's fair I would defend Steve-O before getting into an argument defending Biden.


I doubt he could even get arrested in Singapore for weed. Being around him for more than a few minutes is torture


I mean I hate Bill for many reason but he has been smoking while you where in a ballsack. He was smoking weed back when it could legit ruin your life and put you in prison (which sadly some states are still doing that). So ironically you sound like one of the people in middle Tennessee who thinks it’s legalized because you saw a delta 8 CBD store. Bill sucks. For lots of reasons. But dude has always been a stoner. Still shitty of him to do this.


More like he’s your typical rich geriatric narcissist who has become a slave to his impulses. Affluenza. It’s very uncomfortable for him to not be able to act on his substance impulses. Can’t manage it around an addict or pregnant lady.


Bill is one of the reasons weed is even legal. he's been a huge weed advocate for longer than most people in this sub have been alive. he's been on the [advisory board for NORML since the 90s.](https://norml.org/about-norml/norml-advisory-board/) i understand everyone loves to jump on the bandwagon when someone does something controversial, but you guys sound like a bunch of uninformed crybabies. i don't even like bill maher, i don't think he's funny, and he's always been a prick. but it's HIS podcast. steve-o and candace owens are guests. they can ask him to not smoke, but he doesn't have to say yes. but again, bill maher is a huge asshole. *he's always been that way*, that's his schtick. the fact that everyone here is shocked and outraged, says a lot about the "snowflake" culture this sub pretends to hate when it suits them.


He can obviously do whatever he wants on his show and people are allowed to call him out for poor behavior.  You can put the bong down for an hour. It isn't hard


> He can obviously do whatever he wants on his show and people are allowed to call him out for poor behavior. You can put the bong down for an hour. It isn't hard I don't think having clearly-defined boundaries is "poor behavior." It's cool that Steve-O is sober, but where a lot of recovering addicts get kinda narcissistic is expecting others to alter *their own* behavior whenever they're around. Nah, bruh, addiction is a *you* problem. If somebody ripping a bong is going to cause you to relapse, it might just behoove you to just not go places where people smoke weed (like Bill Maher's show).


What the fuck is with this Bill Maher shit here lately? I'm not interested in this egocentric manchild at all. Is it some sort of promo or what.


steve o had mentionted him on his podcasts someone posted the clip here and now here we are, this is the 3rd post ive seen about maher this week


Drink water homie has been drinking vodka instead


Lol he’s smoked forever. You sound like a dork


A self indulgent douche bag is being a self indulgent douche bag. ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


Isn’t his podcast called smoking pot with bill or something ?


Club Random


*holds up spork*


jesus christ thats cringey as fuck


It really does sound like what a middle school girl would name her podcast.


"Holding a spork!"


oof...man i WISH kids online were still only at that level of obnoxiousness.


It is the perfect name for his podcast, it’s parallel to his tropey hack bullshit.


who gives a shit jfc


Nobody. I’m sure the same people criticizing bill have never once said a positive thing about Candace. It’s just a bunch of fake ass outrage. Probably because bill dared to criticize Biden recently. These far lefty’s get a hard on for anyone who doesn’t fall in line with them. Authoritarian liberalism is a new thing and it’s fucking bonkers. It’s kind of a paradox because you can’t really be liberal and authoritarian. Liberalism died years ago.


Two narcissistic parasites who get way too much attention


Yall keep posting about them, you guys drive up the attention


Do you people think Bill is surprising the guests with smoking weed in front of them? They are choosing to be on the show knowing Bill will be smoking weed


Holy fucking shit I can't believe it!! This is outrageous!! Who the fuck came in Candace Owens?!


She went to the sperm clinic by the ihop


I know plenty of hippie chicks who smoked throughout their pregnancy. I wouldn't personally like my wife doing the same, but honestly their kids turned out fine lol.


She knew what show she was coming on. He does this in every episode. If she doesn't like it that's her fault!


Guarantee that won’t be the worst thing her kid is exposed to in its life.


If you're going to smoke; it is only polite to not do it around those it bothers. Seriously, he couldn't wait 20 minutes to light up? People just aren't considerate any more.


he could literally blaze up like 10 minutes before his guest shows up. 


she could not be on his show, its not a secret that this is what happens on it.


Bill Maher is a POS


So is Candace


Id argue she's the bigger piece of shit


Why do I feel like I’m going to see more news of this than actually people carrying about pregnancy mortality. In the words of Lil duval “what we fake caring about today”


Come on guys, she's going to survive and so is the baby. She inhales more harmful toxins everyday just going outside than in this whole podcast.


Here goes Christian hater Nutnyah00’s P00DLE🐩


Club Shay Shay and club random and club bay bay. Lol


Have zero like of Candace's bad faith ,fascist enabling everything , but this is ugly .


Still thinks he’s in his dorm room in 1967.


Bill Maher is on the autism spectrum. Just wanted it to be pointed out. Carry on


If you haven't seen Tim Heideckers parody of Bill Mahers Club Random, you have to go look it up.


Being raised by her will cause far more damage than the smoke.


Breathing LA air causes more harm than this ever will


Ding ding ding! We have a winner


Candace Owens is pregnant? Gotta be w a white dude


This is disgusting. What kind of monster would knock up Candice Owens?


[Some women might want smaller babies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpwcF3Malj8).


Maher is insufferable and I hate weed culture but I respect him for making redditors upset.


This will have no impact on her baby. There is 0 reason to worry about this.


Seriously people are so up in arms about this but she could have refused the interview if it bothered her. Being around someone smoking once isn’t going to do anything. It chronic exposure that can be detrimental.


Literally. This and the Steve-O shit yesterday is nothing other than people love to hate on Bill Maher.


i mean, it's bill maher. it's easy to hate him. but while it's inconsiderate, it's not going to hurt the baby.


She’s just giving birth now. She’s not mother Earth now.


I love those gals!


I like Real Time. And I appreciate how much Maher goes after both sides of the aisle. But holy shit is he a smarmy, pretentious cunt.


Yeah. Disappointed that Bill has gotten so insufferable. I'm sure years/decades of being told that people love your point of view will make a person that way.


She knows that he is going to smoke herb while they talk-if she doesn’t want to be around it she could just reschedule. I think she’s a dumbass for going on his show while pregnant though…


What is supposed to be the issue?


Hopefully the building collapses on them.


Is she not able to leave? Seems like a choice she’s made


Candace Qanon wackadoo and Stoner Bill.


I'm more intrigued by the thought that somebody actually wanted to stick their dick in Candace Owen.


Lighting up next to a pregnant woman & an addict in recovery who asked for him to respectfully abstain for an hour or so, out of his life, is peak 'OK Boomer!' *"No one's making me change my wicked ways because I'm so cool! ;) ;) ;) Am I right!? Am I right!? I smoke weed like a teenager!"


Poor kid


😂. 1. She could’ve left or not shown up at all. 2. Second hand marijuana smoke does nothing to a pregnant woman or her unborn child. 3. She chose to do his show knowing he’s a smoker but instead of thinking about her child she chose clicks, views and a pay check was a better for her.


Second hand marijuana smoke does nothing to pregnant women or unborn children that we know about*. FTFY. Marijuana is still a schedule 1 drug so it is very hard to do studies on. Up until VERY recently we didn't think there was anything wrong with second hand cigarette smoke but that turned out to be entirely untrue. We do know that weed is bad for developing brains. All pot heads also know that second hand smoke can get you really fucking high. What's not to say that having it in the bloodstream would affect the unborn child? This is coming from a pot smoking ker who is very pro legalisation. I truly think that it is the least harmful mind altering substance on the planet. That being said I also don't dillude myself into thinking it is harmless. It is most certainly not harmless.


😂 she sat next to him once while he was smoking. He never got boxed her 😂 Go wipe off your vagina. Might develop a yeast infection.


What? I’ve never gotten high off secondhand smoke. You’d have to sit in a small bathroom and hotbox the shit out of that to maybe get a contact high but you’re not going to get “really fucking high” by being next to someone smoking


Boy will light it up in front of anyone at anytime lmfao


Not negotiable.


I didn’t even know this man was a smoker until I started to see shorts about him smoking when Steve-O asked him not to to respect his 16 years sober, and now in front of a pregnant woman. I wouldn’t associate him with smoking when he’s is just being an addict in public. 


Steve-O is mad.


Candace ownens hopes she gives birth to a mentally incompetent child


Has Maher tried kava? It’s gives good euphoria but without smoke.


With a mother like her, that child does not need any more possible hurdles to overcome.


This is dangerous as the baby might ingest the devils lettuce and get into phish


Shit, she replicated?


That woman's veins are so full of poison that smoke isn't going to do shit to that kid.


Fuck yo kids


They both chose to be there.


Crazy how much hate there is on this sub


​ https://preview.redd.it/z0dlbvnqvqrc1.png?width=762&format=png&auto=webp&s=107c828e24b29b772ce97ca66ba79c5e72109d75


It's CO, her baby isn't coming out smart anyway.


What a dork


There is nothing worse than privileged boomers who grew up wealthy. They somehow have this need to seem “ cool” and spew nonsense people would ignore if they weren’t famous/wealthy.


Kid isn't going to lose any brain cells with that troll as its mother.


She can leave? It’s his podcast. I don’t understand this subreddit.


Isn’t Candice owens that girl who doesn’t care about other peoples 1st amendment right? I’m pretty sure she committed theft by stealing a protestors sign, and then a police officer had to recover it, WITHOUT CHARGING HER WITH A CRIME….


The most harmful part of this is the tobacco wrapper it's in. Women throughout time have smoked while carrying children and it's perfectly safe.


There is essentially a 0% chance that this does anything hinder the development of Candace Owen’s child…..


Tim heideckers parody of bill mahers really captures how big a douche he is.


I believe he also gave Steve-O shit for asking him not to light up around him because of his sobriety and from what is seemed, Maher was a dick about it. Not that surprised, dude’s whole schtick is being an asshole.


To be fair, I don't think a child of hers stands a chance anyway, so there's that...


But he's a total pro-Genocide guy just like Shapiro. And he supported canceling the students who supported Palestine.


your reposting your own post from 4 months ago??


The rule for smoking is you don't smoke around people who don't smoke. Smoke before your interview. Smoke after your interview.


Moderately-attractive Republican gasbags are Bill's fetish.


He's looking more and more like Butthead


bill maher farts into a wine glass and t hen twirls it and smells it like a wine connoisseur


I don't think demon spawn are effected much by the smoke...


She’s gonna do more damage to her kid. I wouldn’t worry about secondhand smoke




Anyone have legit studies on the effects of weed smoke on a fetus 10 feet away?


He’s doing something noble for the first time in a while. As a society we should be doing everything we can to get that pregnancy terminated lmao


Not addictive though, right?


IT'S HIS FUCKING SHOW! If anyone has a problem with it they shouldn't go on his show.


Am I supposed to get mad at Maher about this? Sorry, but unless you can demonstrate his guest objected it's not deserving of commentary.


He smokes on every show. I’m sure his producers made this clear when she accepted the booking. The choice to expose her child to second hand weed smoke was hers.


I like weed as much as anybody, but Bill always doing this during the show when he even admits himself he doesn't smoke much is funny. He's like a high school kid that thinks he's cool by smoking weed, but its become about as mainstream and normal as it gets. It's kind of dumb. Light one up if your guest wants some too...and share it! Otherwise, just wait a few minutes and enjoy it after the show. He just looks like an old dude trying to be hip.


U/murtaghthewizard Lol. Blocking and ignoring instead of confronting. Typical of a beta