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Candace might be the only JRE guest I ever saw Joe get legit mad at.


Crowder too.


And got pretty annoyed by that Adam Conover guy too. Those are the three big ones I recall.


I fucking hate crowder. There’s a video floating around of him harassing a union guy at a parade and he gets dropped






This is the reason why, when he's not hiding in his studio cosplaying a tough guy, crowder only bothers college girls. He went into the real world once and got fucking dropped like a bad habit.


Crowder is a piece of shit pussy, but maybe times have changed but that's not getting dropped. YouTube/TikTok titles have done a generation irreparable harm


It really has, more serious an issue than any foreign war.


I need more frames




I used to enjoy his change your mind segments but realized now he’s a prick to his employees and ex wife. Imagine how he treats strangers if he treats those closest to him in that manner


I might be misremembering but wasn't Joe kind of the asshole on that one? Wasn't he like hounding the dude about weed and he was just like "yeah I disagree with it, anyways.."


Ehh I'd just go watch it if I were you, crowder was being stupid, but joe lost his cool and made himself look pretty bad. I think he apologized and tried not to replicate that form of debating on the show, he also was drunk af.


Yeah no, don't get me wrong I'm not on the rogan haterade. I just kind of remember thinking like "okay man, he's not trying to change your mind brother"


yeah but its crowder so hes allowed to be a dick


Never would’ve expected to see Candace as high up as #3.


Podcasts have become the new AM radio.






God help us if this is truly our top 3.


Can’t stop the noticing. I’m surprised she still has a platform.


Queen of the Grift


Your country's fucked if that's 3rd place.


There are more conservatives than you think- especially if Reddit is where you consume your information.


For sure,  also conservatives did a really good job embracing podcasts.  They lost in print and cable (outside fox)


Easy pivot from am radio.


Very true too. Rush died and the audience had to go somewhere. My 70 y/o mom was a listener, and now is now just straight youtube/podcast


How have they lost in cable? Fox can hold up to 50% at times of the total cable news viewership. Pretty sad state of affairs.


Conservatives love talk radio. Manufactured outrage angertainment. It’s the Rush Limbaugh model


Joe, Tucker Carlson and Candace at 1, 2 & 3 is hilarious. The culture war is being lost.


yet they are all victims to the evil leftys


CaNcEl CuLtUrE


I think there’s a lot more liberal podcasts than conservative ones so listenership is more spread out.


I think I understand why conservatives fall victim to the Grand Conspiracy New World Order stuff now. Literally everything made is "liberal" except for conservative media, which has to be drafted with its own special, curated set of facts and history to fit their insulated universe of insanity. It looks like a massive conspiracy when every news media in the world reports what happened, then Russia Today, cat turd on Twitter and Tucker Carlson come in hot with what *really* happened.


Yeah it feels really insidious too. Very targeted at people more prone to being grifted. In Australia the overwhelming majority of mainstream, old news media is conservative. There’s so many boomers that only get Murdoch’s take on everything.


First time I saw clips from Sky News Aus on YouTube it blew my fucking mind. It's basically just Fox News. Sky News here in the UK is pretty much a 'normal' news channel.


Yeah Sky News here is pretty hilarious. It’s got a “so bad it’s good” quality. The scary reality is there’s a lot of Aussies who are only getting their news this way.


It's crazy, I saw Chris Cuomo on a comedy podcast talking about viewing figures. He said at CNN they'd record viewers average watch time in minutes. But at Fox they record it in hours. Because the kind of people who watch Fox News really don't watch fuck all else.


Like Colbert said, reality has a well established liberal bias.


And which country do you hail from?


The country is fucked with that top 3


I lost more brain cells listening to that silly bitch for 5 minutes than 5 years of smoking green.


She's the worst... The Brigitte Macron lies shes spreading is disgusting


Podcasting just replaced AM radio.


I haven't heard this before and it is incredibly accurate.


Rush Limbaugh, G Gordon Liddy, and Ken Hamblin were pretty similar to what Alex Jones is today and they were on major news networks on AM radio. Talkin' shit about liberals and hawking gold ain't nothin' new. 


Lmao. All three talk about mainstream media as if they weren't it.


I can't wait until Joe finally has Trump on the podcast this Fall, so we can finally address the #1 issue that is dividing the USA: *Which is worse... being eaten by a shark or electrocuted by a boat's battery*? ![gif](giphy|jtHt7SGfIYqWc|downsized)


Will be interesting to see him completely ignore the vaccine mandates and sped-up developments that happened under Trumps watch. Basically gonna abandon his values and blow him for a good 3 hours.


I need Joe to ask him why he lied under oath when he said he didn't know who Russian gangster Felix Sater is.


And why he hangs out with epsteins personal chef but doesn't ask him anything about epstein, ever.


Un-ironically some of the best moves Trump made as president.


I’m trying to find an alternative Joe. No hate to the guy, just getting old hearing the same 15 topics and rant over and over. The cement for me was the Hinchcliffe episode which I was excited for but just turned into rehashed Joe rants. That said; I looked at the “top” podcasts to find an alternative and saw the same top 3. Well fuck lol. I’m currently enjoying Theo


Check out Daniel Tosh - his only theme is he'll never interview a comedian.


Yeah Tosh Show has been amazing


Tosh Show fo sho


I haven't listened to his pod, but the clips I find on Youtube have been hilarious, thanks for the reminder. Going to look it up now.


That snake girl was fuckin awesome. He finds the most unique random people.


Or any A-list celebrities


Couldn’t recommend tosh show more


It’s good but the episodes are super short. Not even an hour long


Joe always has to rant on Tony episodes. Tony doesn’t say shit, gives one word answers, and Joe has to carry the whole episode. By far some of the most boring episodes


It so weird… I think Tony cant handle the weed.. you would think he could hold a conversation, he has been podcasting for 10 years. 


I think Joe just uses Tony as his “solo eps”


I’m the same boat. I listened to every episode religiously and now I maybe get 1 that I’ll listen to every other week. Theo’s podcast is fun to listen to. Matt & Shane’s is great too.


Miss the pre-Covid Joe, such a great variety of guests and Joe was spectacular at letting the guest talk. Now it really does just feel like Joe telling guests 1. AI will be president. 2. Neurolink 3. Covid was horrible, it came from a lab and everyone else thinks so, CNN and ivermectin etc 4. Texas and Austin are safe havens. Cali/LA is a shitstorn 5. The cold plunge is the best because heat shock proteins. Carnivore diet cures celiac disease. 6. There are more comedians than doctors. Comedy is just everyone in a trance with the comic. 7. Everyone is woke now and Russia warned us “Yerie Bragminov? I know that name because fucking Joe talks about it almost every podcast) that campuses are woke havens and will destroy America. 8. Biden is demented and is on meth to keep him alive. 9. IV vitamins actually do anything and everyone should be taking IV vitamins and if they’re not they’re harming their health. 10. The green room. The mothership etc. last night was so funny. 11. During Covid we couldn’t do shows. We had to have outdoor shows and even then they wouldn’t let us have shows. Masks don’t work. The vaccine is horrible. Etc. Wish Joe would read the comments lol.


Witch trials were caused by ergot


It went from one researcher 3 years ago saying “it’s possible the burning bush was psychedelics” to Joe parroting repeatedly “you know they think the burning bush was psychedelics?”


uhm you left out Cold Plunge, float tank, and Sauna but otherwise pretty accurate


Number 5 homie lol


oh shit I missed it! haha guess I need to be in the Sauna more often


Elk meat.


I wish people would realize that russia demonizing "leftism" and "wokeism" is a tactic that fascism heavily relies on. But instead they see current fascists implementing the same hatred and bigotry and use it to justify their ideology.


I like theo's podcast as well, I click when he interviews regular people like: School Lunch Lady, Female Trucker, Investigative Journalist, and my favorite was a Coroner. Those people are interesting and they do a lot of the talking, but sometimes it's still a miss for me because almost every podcast 15 minutes in Theo looks up and says "Uhh what else should I ask" "What else is there to talk about...." "I'm trying to think of what to ask you" and I don't know why but every time he does that, I start to lose interest.


Daniel Tosh's new podcast has a similar vibe with guests. It's "my HVAC guy" or "my snake wrangler", etc. You might enjoy that one too.


He had a carnival game operator that was interesting too.


One of my favorites


School lunch lady sounds intriguing. Was it good or not worth the time?


It was good they just mostly just talk about school lunch food the whole time


Tony said openly on the episode that it was a miracle that he was even awake during the episode because he was up late the night before. Joe just had to go off on whatever topics he could get into with Tony at the time.


Tim dillion is entertaining. Can be a little too much satire at times but still solid


“Excited for the hinchcliffe episode” wtf


Same here. I’ve been looking for years and can’t find anything that captures the same feeling as older Rogan episodes. I don’t want a scripted podcast, or one where you can clearly tell people are on there to promote their new book and nothing else. Rogan has been the best because he’ll have guests on there that can talk in-depth about something like stem cells, all the way to some random celebrity where they’ll just chat about their hobby. If Joe would just stop bringing up MMA to every single guest, even if they’re a 75 year old academic, it would be so much better


Theo von 100%. His new episodes are Best pods I’ve listened to in a long time. Dude has me cackling sometimes but also lets the guests talk and asks interesting questions. I initially wrote off the episodes with like regular people (not famous) but they’re up there with the best ones.


If you like history, check out The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth "Gary" Reynolds. Hilarious, and informative.


Staavy’s World is my main comedy podcast now.


Still tune in for joe but man theo has passed him in quality ive been loving theos


You're looking for Danny Jones.


Great guests but he has the personality of a brick.


Are you garbage is fucking great.. 


To me it’s doubling down on the Terrance Howard shit. Like anyone knows the guy is mentally deranged but he keeps talking about how wise and all knowing he is on every episode since. His bs detector is broken or he’s delusional himself.


Are you garbage podcast


The fact that Candance Owens has the following she has is astonishing.


Reddit does not reflect the outside world


There's a lot of dumb people in the world. Not surprising at all.


All this tells me is rage mongering and pandering to the literal far right is where the money lies Candace Owens and Tucker 2 and 3? America is fucked


No shit, what an absolute depressing top 3. Joe is ok, but Tucker and Candace. Jesus Fucking Christ. Conservatives sure love grifters.


You really stirred the hornets nest with this one


Always has been, if you're like an eloquent minority of some kind who knows enough about conservative talking points to rehash them (and you just have 0 self respect) it'd be so fucking easy to get a following doing the whole 'you know the real racists are actually Joe Biden and the DNC'


The boys TV show pointed it out years ago


America will be fine


Honestly I don’t think America is fine now we are just to busy to notice how bad it is. And looks like things will only get worse.


If you call Jesus over evolution in the classroom, no abortions, no gay marriage, no limitations on corporations to exploit people/nature, no taxes for the rich, etc fine, then yes. America will be fine


Basically all these people are anti science, pro corporation, and other than Joe borderline anti US (unless it’s MY US). It’s a little concerning.


America is so fine one of our biggest issues is people trying to break into it


This is proof the grift is profitable af hahaha


Or just there are more republicans that listen to podcasts over music which is what majority of younger ppl r doing on spotify


It's still sad af. Whatever you wanna call yourself, if you listen to Tucker or Candace then you're a fucking knob.


Not exactly. Republican figures are much more likely to go down the rage/fear-mongering route which is what keeps people glued to their content. Democratic figures that have podcasts don’t do that sort of thing, and therefore have less viewers. I.e. republicans make their rage and fear their entire identity so they even listen to that shit in their free time; democrats don’t do that and actually do normal things in their free time




And don’t forget, conservative voices are always being silenced


Haven't all three of these people claimed to be silenced lmao


Yes they tell their audience daily “no one wants to tell you: xyz” and then turn around and make millions of dollars pandering said claim


Silenced by drowning with millions of dollars for the grift!


Right wing grifters give simple solutions/causes to complicated problems. Doesn’t matter to people who have no clue what’s going on if it’s a bullshit.


Also they are well financed by so rich and powerful people. Rightwing grifting is an easy way to riches if you are not very good at anything else. Both Dave Rubin and Candace Owens are probably sub 100 IQ individuals and both are now millionaires... Also Tim "Beanie" Pool. David Pakman said he was offered 7 figure sum of money for switching to the dark side.




Warrabout cancel culture


It's pretty sad that Candace is this high on the list. That's some scary shit.


We are doomed as a country with these being the top listened to podcasts.


Average r/joerogan subscriber reacting ![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized)


I'm new to the subreddit. It seems most of them hate Joe. Why are they here if they hate him?


I think a lot of us used to really like Joe and just don't enjoy what he's become since covid. I don't hate modern Joe, but the show used to be a lot better.


Joe did sort of a 180 in the past 4 years or so (during Covid) and a lot of older fans are not too happy with this new direction.


Because their podcast friend doesn’t agree with them politically anymore and they can’t get over it Also a whole load of people indistinguishable from subscribers to r/politics set up shop here during the pandemic when Joe questioned the narrative


> Also a whole load of people indistinguishable from subscribers to r/politics set up shop here during the pandemic when Joe questioned the narrative thats because they literally come straight from that sub


On the flip side, a bunch of trumpers set up shop here during the pandemic because they agreed with the comedian Joe Rogan's scientific advice on the vaccine. Despite Joe being a "filthy commie" because he believes in legalizing drugs, free healthcare, free education, and abortion rights. This subreddit is absolutely littered with mentally ill people from both sides, but obviously conservatives are much more dumb.


It used to be filled with open-minded people :( Where you could throw out crazy theories about Ancient Aliens and the DMT-verse filled with little blue people. Seeing this subreddit get butthurt about every little thing Joe says is funny though. Sometimes.


>It used to be filled with open-minded people :( Where you could throw out crazy theories about Ancient Aliens and the DMT-verse filled with little blue people. This describes exactly what people criticize the podcast for. It used to be more fun, with open topics with many crazy theories under a humble disclaimer. Now it's just the same handful of rehashed rants with very little room for humility, or differing opinions under some SJW guise. If anyone is butthurt it's the Joe worshipers here who can't take an alternate opinion, or any criticism whatsoever


Yes, let me hear about your alternative opinion that Joe sucks now and that he's right wing. Wow. So alternative.


Lol, way to put words in my mouth. Sure it's lame that people come on this sub just to attack joe, but the sniveling over any criticism whatsoever of JRE is just as lame


My bad brother. You're right, I shouldn't have done that and it was rude of me.


I miss those days where you could just shitpost about the Roganverse and have a good time You can get some of that back by liberally blocking the new arrivals and all the old guard who stuck around yet admit they dislike Rogan and stopped watching


To drive negative sentiment. It's politically motivated.


The haters dominate almost everything online these days


It's election season on a platform that endorses this behavior. It's only going to get worse.


^ Frequent patron of /r/conservative that thinks everything is a conspiracy and people who dislike things he likes are a bot and are paid for by Big Lib.


\^- this dude Scaley is Canadian. Why the fuck we care about his US political views?


They hate us because they ain’t us. Canadians are boring and have a worst government


Yeah we really hate not having the worst healthcare and gun violence in the world. We're crying up here, definitely don't come here. It's so horrible. Even though you fake ass bitches we're crying and begging to move to Canada once your Boogeyman sleepy Joe got into office.


Why do so many Canadians move to the US?


Ewww I never want to go to Canada , I live in Hawaii brah. Go sign up for your state provided euthanasia program.


About 12,000 Americans moved to Canada last year (Biden era has set a record FYI lol) 53k Canadian born citizens moved to the US in 2022. 126k total Canadian citizens moved. US is about 10x the population. So populations reversed, that's like 530,000 Americans moving. [https://www.immigration.ca/americans-leaving-u-s-for-canada-in-greater-numbers-since-bidens-victory-over-trump/](https://www.immigration.ca/americans-leaving-u-s-for-canada-in-greater-numbers-since-bidens-victory-over-trump/) https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadians-moving-to-the-us-hits-10-year-high-1.7218479#:\~:text=The%20ACS%2C%20which%20is%20conducted,made%20the%20move%20in%202012.


You tell me, you're the one butthurt that a Canadian has more political knowledge of your fucked up country than you do.


Why you so obsessed with us bebe? I don't think about Canada at all


You literally looked through my post history to post about Canada. I'm actually cool with people from the USA, they usually keep their trash down south anyways.


You looked through his.


I never claimed i didn't care. I took a hunch that he was a conspiracy nutcase, clicked a button, and confirmed it. Gotta love Reddit UI huh. Takes a real brainiac to figure that one out.


Keep on with the gaslighting. The question keeps being asked here, and anyone who was here pre COVID has the same answer. It's obvious. What's confirms it is that all the people who disagree all seem to frequent lefty subs, like r_canada, h3h3productions, among others.


Professional gas lighters for the left make their living on Reddit.


Reddit hates anyone that disagrees with their ideology. They’re like a leftist maga group


Go back to 5 years ago you will love those podcasts. As you make your way to the newer stuff you will see he fell off hard.


A lot of subs are like this. r/billsimmons trashes him constantly and r/howardstern is like the opposite of here in that people complain that he's too progressive and woke now


The current iteration of the show is very different than what he started out as. Some people don’t enjoy the new style of the show.


We know. You tell us this every single episode for the last 1200 episodes. At what point do you guys stop trolling the comments and crying about it relentlessly and just go elsewhere, instead?




I like the podcast, and Joe's recent positions on things like the insane COVID lockdowns that were not backed by science or success. So I have no reason to leave, or cry. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You love to see it


Candace doesn’t even say, and has never said anything interesting


interesting that the top 3 are all overtly politically right. it's like it's super lucrative or something....




I’m starting to suspect only a certain type of person listens to podcasts


People who are bored at work/working out/doing chores?


This is terrible news How could the show I listen to be popular?


It is terrible news if they're not actually fans, which they're not.


So funny that the JRE subreddit is made up of people that hate Joe Rogan yet spend time in a sub in dedicated to him. Kind of…..losers really.


Joe shows that the far right has cornered the podcast market. 


Does this mean Joe, Tucker and Candace are technically "main steam media" now? Joe gets more listeners than FoxNews and CNN combined.


The next 2 just yikes lol


Are podcasts becoming like talk radio? Two right wingers and somebody very amenable to right wingers all atop the charts?


Funny hot take from Candace - US shouldn't have joined WWII: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gammasecretkings/comments/1dhjwfb/candace\_usa\_should\_not\_have\_fought\_ww2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gammasecretkings/comments/1dhjwfb/candace_usa_should_not_have_fought_ww2/) Holy shit she dumb!




Great representation of brain rot




Look at numbers 2 and 3 and try telling me with a straight face that the right wing grift doesn't just flat out pay better.


That top 3 tho... if you ever needed more evidence that the US is chock full of fuckin morons.


Talk radio has always been conservative. It has just logically leapt from AM to podcasts. Air America tried to get leftists engaged in talk radio and basically could not.


But CNN lost most of its viewers, so the stupidity balances out...right?


Going from dumb to dumber doesn’t make us smarter 


No, horseshoe theory. Have you seen *Rain Man*?


That lineup 🤮


Braindead lefties seething right now.


I think it’s funny how much in the dumpster America is tbh


That's just you


Joe, Candace, and Tucker? Has there ever been a 'top' list like this? I don't like the podcast but at least joe seems like a decent human being. Candace and Tucker are as bottom feeder as humans get. Holy Cow.


According to Reddit Rogan is alt right so the top 3 podcast are all “right” leaning. And people think trump doesn’t have a chance.


OMG the Russian asset Fucker C is second?? Sorry mates, you’re fucked. 


Great company there


No way Tucker and Candace Owen’s are in the top 3


Despite how it may seem in this sub, rogies is well loved and very popular. All the shit people bemoan here I have never heard in real life. It’s crazy how much people have randomly been like “I heard so and so on joe Rogans podcast” or ask me if I’ve heard of the show. For every whiner here there are like 10 people who have never heard of the subreddit and are into the pod


My God. That’s some top three list.


damn podcasts are the new AM radio apparently.


Tucker Carlson is interesting. Don't have to suck a cock to like someone. It's okay to have differences and still appreciate long form conversation.


This is the top 3 in America? Why do I keep hearing about being "canceled by the mainstream media" then??


Very Cool!


Why so many libs on this sub 🤔


All these right-wing aholes