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Adam would never go on JRE. Jamie would never go anywhere with Adam. And they don’t really have anything to promote. But it’s nice to dream…


Don’t Jamie and Adam strongly dislike each other, apparently the respect each others work but not much else after that.


I always heard they don’t “hate” each other it’s just more of an employer (Jamie) employee (Adam) relationship and they’re just not friends and very different ppl. I’m sure they would reunite if the money were right for appearances or a tour. Edit: while Adam did work for Jamie in the past they were peers/equals on the show.


Yeah the way Adam tells it is that they didn't "dislike" each other, they just never saw each other outside of work, and occasionally had disagreements that worked themselves out quickly enough.


Yeah. People dont realise that this is the way it is with everyone else. Sure some of my colleagues are also my friends. And if they wanna hang out after work once in a while I’d be okay with it. But frankly we’ve already spent a lot of time together during work hours and i’d rather spend that time hanging out with my non-work friends. There’s no malice towards each other. Rhett and Link talked about this too.


is the same for rhett and link? I thought they were lifelonf best friends before doing anything media related together


They are best friends. But they did say they dont really hang out together after work. They’ve already seen enough of each other at work. They dont have to spend every waking hours together.


that makes sense, specially after so long. glad they found a way to make the friendship and the business partnership both work out


Penn & Teller are the same way


Jamie is his boss?


Jamie owns M5 industries, where the show happened.


Thanks, I wasn’t aware. It was a great show


The show happened also while Adam was working for Jamie I'm sure


Adam has an amazing story from the bay area with working at ILM and stealing half of the contents of the ilm workshops to preserve all the model making stuff. His current studio is a place I would be VERY happy curling up like a cat and watching the world go by.


Jamie was his boss and then Adam eventually left on good terms. After some years Jamie asked him if he wanted to do the show with him because of his charisma and Adam agreed so when the show happened they were more like peers, but Jamie is the main reason mythbusters became a thing.


Yup. He owns M5 where Adam worked. IIRC the producers went to Jamie to start the show and they/he thought the show needed some energy and Adam was just the right type of manic to balance the show.


He’s a professor too iirc


I hope he’s a professor of facial hair and berets.


He's a professor at LUT University in Finland.


Of course he is. Lowkey most interesting man in the world.


I couldn't think of a more lowkey country for this dude to slip away to either.


Was, this was like 10 years ago lol


Jamie was the co host of myth busters, not Jamie aka youngjamie the producer of jre. Confusing, I know


Adam is an artist and Jamie is a no bs engineer Adam also fucks up in his own builds constantly. I like Adam but I understand why they were not friends


From what I’ve heard they spend enough time together professionally, they don’t need to spend personal time together as well.


Yeah I think Adam has answered this on his channel directly and said pretty much exactly this.


They don't dislike each other, they didn't hangout outside of the show


He talks about it a good bit on his YouTube channel


Adam seems like the kind of person who'd never admit to not liking someone who he just doesn't get along with. I don't think there's much there, Adam and Jamie have opposite personalities, and I don't think there is any bad blood


Yeah from what i understand theyre a solid neutral with each other


Not at all. They are just not what you would call friends. More colleagues


The Hall and Oates of Science!


They don’t hate each other, they have a strong purely professional relationship, they just aren’t friends. People who used to work on the show have said that Jamie is just an asocial dude, and Adam is the closest thing he has, needs, or wants to a friend.


No. This is always gets confused. They saw each other as coworkers and not friends and people see that and think “they aren’t friends? They must hate each other.”


I love the way he Googles chimpanzee videos.


Not strongly


Adam said on his youtube channel once, like a year ago, they don't get along because Jamie views him as like an intern or child, not an equal.


No they just aren’t close friends. Adam worked for Jamie way before they got the show together so they knew each other outside the show before it started they weren’t cast together. They wouldn’t have agreed to work with someone they hated.


Adam would do it for cash, I've been getting ads where he blows up a house to sell me a whole home water softener. That being said, Adam and Joe would not get a long at all, especially if Joe went on a Covid rant. Adam has lived in the Bay Area for a very long time so when Joe starts up about how it's now a post apocolyptic wasteland where you either get robbed or step in a pile of human poo on the sidewalk.


Adam has spoken about his dissatisfaction with the vagrant issue but I still agree with you, he wouldn’t sit idle and listen to Joe’s Fox News talking points.


Idk if they still do the tested podcast but a few years back I remember hearing them shit on JRE at least a couple times lol


That's very sad. I'm not into this reality


Why would Adam never go on JRE?


Yeah I think Adam and Jamie would be better guests for Lex Fridman


I see Adam all the time on twitter doing stuff


He’s got a youtube channel as well. Pretty fun. He just tinkers and builds stuff in his workshop.


It's a super relaxing channel.


A strong endorsement.


can confirm, saw something like a 20 minute video of him making a large ball out of incredibly densely packed aluminum foil.


he also did like a 30 minute comparison video after his favourite pencil was changed by the manufacturer


Why didn't I think of checking this up earlier? I'm so happy mythbusters is finally almost completely available on YouTube now. I missed Adam's childlike excitement. And now I've got even more! Cheers.


Love his channel.


His youtube channel is great if you're a freelancer. Fun to watch him make shit too. So good at it.


Adam could be fun but Jamie is a lot more reserved and it's pretty well-known that, although they are professional colleagues, they don't get along very well as friends.


It’s kind of sad, but it kind of makes me respect both of them more seeing as how they’ve been able to put that aside for so long to find success.


It's not like they hated each other. There are loads of people in work with that I have no problem working with but I probably wouldn't hangout with them outside of work


Yeah people should really understand this distinction Like there are coworkers that I wouldn't mind grabbing a drink with and conversing with at a holiday party and then there are those I get to know through work that I'd hang out with at the driving range and grab a few beers after (what I'd actually begin to consider friends) Not every coworker is your friend and that is perfectly normal. And everything corroborated by both Jamie and Adam is that they don't actively dislike each other, they just worked together and begun to do their own thing both before and after the show wrapped up.


Yeah it's not like they hate each other, but they can both he hard to deal with in their own ways, Jamie being kind of particular and introverted, and Adam being high-energy ADHD.


They are like Leslie and Ron except people and not characters. Leslie and Ron in reality would've been nothing but *close proximity work associates*, just like Jamie and Adam are.


I have no idea what you're talking about but I agree and here's my upvote


What a Chris thing to say.


If you rewatch the series through that lens you can catch countless times when Jamie didn't really play into the bit, forcing Adam to overact to get a good reaction for camera.


Adam is fun. His youtube channel is brilliant


Yup as someone who also obsesses over tools I love the videos from his shop


Adams mini vault building video gave the idea for this post, great channel


Just give Jamie a few shots before the show


Yeah he comes off as dry but he's really a pretty clever and funny dude *starts stroking Adam and Jamie's dicks*


Just go watch Tested. Adam answers all the questions you might ever want to know about himself and Jaime, and Mythbusters.


Adam is too much of an Uber liberal to go on JRE. Jamie would have zero interest


Yeah anyone who thinks otherwise is coping hard. Adam is an outspoken atheist and science geek as well as a liberal advocate.


Adam is literally Reddit


He’s agnostic.


So are most atheists.


Oh my god this fucking semantics debate. Everybody turn back now.


It's really simple actually. The colloquial definitely is easier and probably makes more sense for most people, but the philosophical definitions are also valid and important. There's a big difference between being convinced A is true, not being convinced A is true, and being convinced that A is false. Most atheists are probably agnostic atheists. Edit: lol@ your comment. I have to upvote that.


They literally do not mean the same things, atheism is the denial that deities exist


There are plenty of agnostic atheists. There are also gnostic atheists. A gnostic atheist would deny that any deities exist, and claim to know none exist while an agnostic atheist would say that they don't believe in any deities, but don't claim to know if they do or could exist or not. Atheism deals with belief here and agnosticism deals with knowledge. I would consider myself an agnostic atheist, but only barely. Basically you can't prove a negative, so there's no proving that no deities exist. However, I've never seen any evidence I'd consider even slightly convincing for any deities, and it would be possible to prove they exist depending on the definition of the deities. You can prove deities exist but you can't prove they don't.


>an agnostic atheist would say that they don't believe in any deities, but don't claim to know if they do or could exist or not Honestly this just sounds like being agnostic with extra steps to me, but I don't know the exact dictionary definition of the word, just how its commonly used. I can understand the philosophical knowing versus belief. I would consider myself agnostic with it being that it's equally likely that a deity does and doesn't exist.


They do not mean the same things, but you’re still not accurate. Agnostic is a position on knowledge, specifically that one doesn’t have the knowledge if a deity exists or not. Atheism is a position on belief, specifically they lack belief a deity exists. Lacking belief =/= denial. Lacking belief frequently is the “not guilty” position of existence…. A null position or not having an active belief on whether deities exist or not. And most active denial positions is dependent on the individual god claims.


Lol..good luck explaining the complexities of no objective proof for or against the literal existence of God to a crowd that thinks critical thinking around anything Joe says , means " you hate Joe ' . Interesting that Adam has assumed such a nuanced position in line with a non - trivial number of working scientists. I wasn't aware of that nor the Harvard chaplaincy award he and Jamie had received , thx.


I dunno. Jamie might if he met Joe by chance and they got along well, and there was something important he wanted to bring attention to, provided it wasn’t himself.


Jamie would call him an idiot and go do more important things


You don’t have to be an Uber liberal to realize that Joe Rogan is a conservative idiot/nutcase.


No. Just watch YouTube. Anything you'd want to know or hear about is there already.


That could apply to a lot of guests


Louis CK has already been on the show…right?


He was on with Joe List (Episode #1859), and once by himself (Episode #1929).


They both probably think Joe is a giant tool.


Adam is also a tool tho.


Especially if Joe Rogan wasn't there


The best way to watch


I'm sure it'd be another riveting conversation about covid lockdowns and litter boxes in schools.


No I think they are liberals


JRE and Savage would not get a long at all. Jamie doesn't get along with anyone.


They would love to talk with Joe about trans people in sports, the Covid vaccine, his buddy Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo talking about flat earth and let’s not forget the new genius Terence Howard ….have you really watched Myth Busters or Adam Savages Tested😂


They both probably despise Joe because Joe is TOO open to crazy thinking. Those two have completely rational thinking and know professionals know wtf they are talking about. I doubt they even have any interest.


I was also going to saw that. Those two are rooted in linear thinking and also rooted in facts. It wouldn't go well.


How? People here will just suggest any interesting person without considering g how they would interact with Joe. Joe would kill this, in a bad way.


They would eat Joe’s lunch in terms of debunking his bullshit. It would be a fun watch indeed!


Joe's too dumb to hold a conversation with these guy's shoes. Joe will say some dumb conspiracy shit get offended when the the shoes point out just how dumb it sounds.


And somehow make analogies between episodes of myth busters and UFC, because every topic on his show is analogous to UFC in some way, shape or form.


no way jamie would go, he hates talking. adam is a man of science, so i can't imagine he'd be able to stop himself from telling joe just how wrong he is about nearly every single thing that comes out of his mouth. i'd love to see it, but no way it'll happen. maybe it could have 5+ yrs ago, when joe was still open minded and enjoyed learning things that don't always support his political beliefs.


Joe's too dumb for these guys.


So Joe can bring up that comedians are the most important people in this planet and the last line of defense for free speech?


NH they talk facts and use science as a basis for things. JRE likes made up things and right wing politics.


Neither of them would give Rogan the time of day, they were in the business of debunking lies not agreeing with them.


They’d destroy Rogan with actual science.


Just watch Tested. Adam is leaps and bounds more interesting than the culture war monkey.


I love how Rogan fans assume that everyone, everywhere would just love to be on Joe’s show. Well newsflash, there is a whole swath of humanity that hates the show because of its fan bases’ willingness to believe anything said on the show as the truth of all truth’s. You guys really need to consider who the "get" would be for in these situations. There is absolutely no upside for either of these gentlemen to go on Joe’s show. Now for Joe this would be a huge “get”. For Jamie or Adam this would be a step down and an unnecessary public tear down of Joe’s BS conspiracies


Smug grandstanding by a liberal: ✔️ ✅


Right not smug. And far from liberal And if by smug you mean there were some words to big for in there I’ll be sure to explain. Just let me know buddy, okay


How many boosters?


What I thought they should have killed me by now. Have fun with the next pandemic. Dipshits like you are why we lost so many people in the last one. Please kindly go fuck yourself with your unfounded, I believe it because it makes you feel superior and better, because obstinate behavior is your only recourse when you feel scared. Grow up and read a book loser


Right up until Joe brings up some stupid political shit


First myth they'll bust is ivermectin and Joe will challenge them to a fight


Why? Joe doesn’t understand or trust science.


Oh no, it's the radical left!...and they came with proof and citation!


Why would they talk with that fucking clown?


Just started myth busters man i missed that show so good!!


I did a binge about a year ago..... it really might be one of my favorite shows ever. Jamie, Adam, tory, kari and grant were fantastic group of different people.


Till Rogan starts doubting the science and bringing up politics.


Neither of these two would ever go on the show


pre-austin jre maybe but no way in hell these days


JRE ten years ago sure


This post is like 10 years too late.


Yes. aAong side Terence Howard. 🤪


Just *replace* Rogan with these two while keeping the same format and guest list. World would be better off.


😂 numbers would tank.


Already has


They strongly dislike each other Edit: Strongly Dislike not hate


Hate isn't the right word it's not like they will ever fight if they meet


Why does everyone say that. They don't seem to hate each other they have totally different personalities but it adds so much to that show. They have addressed it before they only have a professional relationship


What would be their incentive to hang out if they aren’t getting paid?


They wouldn't. But that doesn't mean they "hate" each other


Most of the ppl I work around I wouldn’t hang out with if I weren’t being paid. It was a professional relationship, but fans just need everybody on tv to be best friends. Jamie was Adam’s boss lol, most ppl don’t kick it with their boss.


Their polar opposite personalities are so funny sometimes. It's my favorite part of the show. Jamie is such a square its actually really wholesome. They both seem like good people but they are both incredibly intelligent and creative that is for sure


Promote something


Well now I really want them to come on together.


I thought that was part of the reason why OP said it would be an epic episode. Get them talking about what happened to myth busters.


I don't think anything really happened, the show just ran its course. From what I've heard, Adam and Jamie have always disliked each other but had a cordial working relationship.


They don’t *hate* each other, they just aren’t close friends and their personalities can grate against each other.


This is false


They should bring a burrito to blow up a toilet


I would love to hear Adam and Jamie’s take on DMT, trans in women’s sports and how strong chimps are


Talk about the moon landing


Especially since the entire specials the two have done in it including firing a fucking laser at a reflector on the moon placed by an Apollo mission


Yeah I saw that episode and loved it. Wish more people saw it


Still waiting for the Trump and Biden JRE episode


this was such a good show. i wish it came back


EpIc Win! Bacon xD


I agree ❤️


They arent friends from everything I’ve gathered. Tons of baggage between them.


First question…what’s your stance on COVID


They hate each other I heard


DAMN that would be amazing R.I.P Grant!


They have too much epistemic humility for Rogan tbh.


It would have been great before Rogan got into hunting. But since his polarity shift he would likely not enjoy talking to Adam


It'd be great to hear them stammer and sit silent while Joe spouts random factoids about MMA or whatever, yeah. It'd be similar to every other JRE episode in that regard. It's gotten to the point that I've made a bingo card with "MMA rambling" dead center.


Ccv f v,


They're both too independently intelligent to go on jre. Plus they never had banter just opposite views which made them both better at their jobs


Adam is a staunch liberal and wouldn't be willing to talk to Joe. Jamie and Adam don't really get along outside of the show for personality reasons. Adam said once that Jamie still views his as a child, and Adam resents that so they don't really talk.


Joe can’t talk to people like this. He’d argue with them about how they are wrong about the vaccine or something.


Whatever....Joe would probably spend the first 20m talking about how Brock Lesnsr is a freak athelete and the he'd spend the rest of the episode talking about bees.


They famously do not like each other, and have never hung out outside work.


It would basically be Joe saying some stupid shit, these two saying “that’s not true”, and then dismissing them and saying “well I don’t believe it” rinse repeat


The DUDES ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Do think so. Loved the show. Met them in person and they were not pleasant :(


Fucking *hate* moustache guy.


They famously hate each other lol.


Not so sure that's a good idea for all sorts of reasons, not least because it would damage their cred.


Wow im rewatching this show for the last 2 weeks now


Gotta find their goon cave first.


Two educated individuals against Dr Rogan and Jamie Googlefingers … Going with the nerds. I’d actually pay to see that ass kicking.


They bust myths... Joe would have nothing to talk about. So bigfoot... no. Aliens... no proof. Kennedy was assasinated by... we busted that. Joe would be so lost.


Why would they? Just some boring normie nerds


They could at least do it separately


oh my god yes


Not a comedian or a right wing talking head. Joe wouldn’t have them.


Adam will never go on the gorilla experience.


Joe would talk their ear off about MMA and how savage [insert fighter] is


I really thought one of these guys died. Like I know for sure someone else from the show died but I could have sworn one of these guys died. This is the first time I've ever actually considered that there could be a Mandela effect.




After Terryology and the way you cock gobblers ate that, I doubt either of them would show up.


Not really no


This post got going thru the rabbit hole of young Jamie, now I know how it looks like


Such a good show


Lol Joe dismisses science... terrible idea...


If Joe actually lets them speak. Also, joe will drag the conversation down the only topic he knows which is MMA