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Carl Panzram Or more than likely she is being crude for shock value.


“I’m addicted to abortions” - Eric Cartman


Yes, and yes. I think you nailed it here 🎯


Reminds me of [this.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nX-FLRW_3KQ) (Simpsons did it)


trolling. thats what it is.


I hate agreeing with you but that is the simplest and most accurate explanation. That being said, one has to take note of the spitefulness of attacking someone else's values simply because you disagree with them. You can be pro-choice without adopting the trolly sentiment that abortions are awesome.


Yes, but when someone reduces your perspective down to “you’re killing babies” it’s a non-starter for productive conversation.


How is that a reduction? The most reasonable pro-choicers admit abortion is murder of a human being but also believe that there are extenuating circumstances.


Because you’re literally reducing pro-choicers down to a label: “baby killers”.


"Killing babies" and "baby-killer" are two very different things.


How so?


The first is a description of the act. The second is a description (and possibly moral judgetment) of the person. Many pro-choice activists consider themselves morally superior and are so afraid of the second that they cannot admit the first.


Yes because there are no scenarios where the line between abortion and infanticide can get awful blurry.


And that’s where the conversation should be had. My point exactly.


Sure feels good to start highlighting the emotionally immature, angry and mentally feeble people again. After all JP did say he figured out how to monetize the incontinent SJW rage. Such a "brave stance". And by all means focus on a rhetorical 45 "baby killing" but ignore the real ones.


It's not a reduction of a perspective... it just IS.


“IS” what?


you aren't wrong, but at the same time I can't really blame people for taking that angle when the people on the other side argue SUCH ridiculous claims as post-birth abortions being a thing, or that embryos with a countable number of cells sitting in a freezer being people. Like theres a certain point to "well if you are gonna strawman, see me as a boogeyman and not listen to anything I say, I might as well fuck with you"


Except that the idea of post-birth abortion is not something that was created as a strawdog argument for the pro-life side. -  “after-birth abortion” is a term invented by two philosophers, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva. In the [*Journal of Medical Ethics*](http://jme.bmj.com/), they [propose](http://jme.bmj.com/content/early/2012/03/01/medethics-2011-100411.full): >\[W\]hen circumstances occur *after birth* such that they would have justified abortion, what we call *after-birth abortion* should be permissible. … \[W\]e propose to call this practice ‘after-birth abortion’, rather than ‘infanticide,’ to emphasize that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable with that of a fetus … rather than to that of a child. Therefore, we claim that killing a newborn could be ethically permissible in all the circumstances where abortion would be. Such circumstances include cases where the newborn has the potential to have an (at least) acceptable life, but the well-being of the family is at risk. [https://slate.com/technology/2012/03/after-birth-abortion-the-pro-choice-case-for-infanticide.html](https://slate.com/technology/2012/03/after-birth-abortion-the-pro-choice-case-for-infanticide.html)


Your maturity shouldn’t depend on someone else’s


philosophically I agree. but I'm also very sympathetic to people fucking with their opponents by sardonically lampooning what the opponent thinks of them anyway. the impulse to freak out the normies can be strong.


So you realize that pro-lifers are often cast as women controlling birth forcers trying to recreate the handsmaid tail. So do you share the same sympathies towards those pro-lifers.


I pretty much did. Until they showed that they weren't actually kidding.


Oh so it’s the old “my side is never wrong, and if we are we’re kidding, but your side is always serious and their intentions are always the worst possible imaginable” Well at least you say you try to pretend to be unbiased in your judgement.


oh I'm not saying shit like in the OP is tactful. but its obviously not serious. I was in the "nah they wouldn't really repeal RvW. thats settled and old news they wouldn't mess with that... and if they did the states would be at least \*slightly\* reasonable.... right? yet here the fuck we are.


Well I agree about the lady in the OP But RvW was always terrible ruling based on legal grounds. Lots of legal scholars agree with that. Democrats had decades to put something more permanent in place but they preferred to use the threat of republicans taking away RvW for short term election wins. Don’t get me wrong the Republicans were stupid for actually doing it, but I find fault and have sympathies for both sides.




Yes that's right, the pro-lifers are against abortion just to spite pro-choice people. That's not magical and self-serving thinking at all.


You can be against abortion without being a hateful Ahole like a lot of these people are.. I went with my sister to get one years ago which was the hardest decision of her life. Then I watched how a group of pro life religious people treated their fellow human being while protesting outside the clinic. Vile human beings, hell bent on controlling others. If it’s a sin, let her sin. God will see to it that shes punished its not up to anyone else to judge or control your decisions. So, yes, lots of women are very upset and some are letting their emotions get the best of them unfortunately. As JP said in an old lecture not everything that is wrong should be made illegal. Once we go down that path it becomes a slippery slope.




Most of the people I've talked to who are against abortion are against it because they genuinely believe it is murder. I personally don't endorse their reasoning but I also don't believe it can be dismissed out of hand. I think it's more than a bit of a stretch to claim that belief of theirs is a smokescreen for a tyrannical desire to oppress women.


I think the trolling is that she is saying it's the babies she's terminating. This group doesn't generally define a fetus as a baby. The debate seems to be strongly that abortions are okay because the thing being aborted shouldn't be values at that point. I do think it may still be likely that she has had multiple abortions and she is saying what she is saying to denounce any shame pointed to anyone having an abortion. This group largely has a abortions are a nothing procedure kind of mentality, which is wild in my opinion. I'm pro choice but disagree with most of the pro choice movement. 🤷


Respectfully, a girl casually dropped on a podcast that she took 60+ Plan B over a 2 1/2 year relationship. Edit: added Plan B


Literally nothing wrong with plan B. Someone can kill 10000 impregnated cells with it, I couldn't give less fuck.


Every other week? I doubt that.


She said it casually enough that everyone around her said a max of 7 then she froze and they started geuss8ng numbers as she said higher.


It was really wild the way it unfolded. I was just searching and it might have gotten taken down.


That can't have been good for her health.


She looked like she was realizing in the moment.


https://youtube.com/shorts/c0UYjbXImdE?si=wAxlFKeV-fzR3WUa No fugazi podcast if you wanna see the whole thing


Yeah, when people encounter other people that have a demonized version of them in their heads and cant be convinced otherwise, the initial people often just sarcastically validate all the evil things the others think they believe because the others are so convinced they're evil that there's no point engaging. Like, if you're a trump supporter and you encounter a liberal who completely believes you want to turn the US into a dictatorship, you might sarcastically start referring to Trump as "God Emperor Trump" just to rile them up, because there's no point engaging with them seriously. Same thing happening here, it's not that complicated. And if you take there sarcasm as further evidence that they're evil, you just look like you cant understand sarcasm. It's a bad look.


Imagine having such a callous lack of respect for human life that this is how you troll. It’s pretty disgusting no matter your views on abortion.


See I don't agree with that assessment. I think that it comes out the other side and becomes so ridiculous as to be comedic.


I mean a person can make Holocaust jokes too. It displays the same nihilistic lack of humanity in my view. But like, some people will find it funny, to be sure.


I don't follow your reasoning at all. I mean I have been a professional wet blanket most of my life but damn. Imo this is very much an off you don't laugh you'll cry situation and sometimes sardonic dark humor is a way to cope.


Of course it's trolling. If you clutch your pearls at this you're a lunch lady


possessed by Dadayishu?


She's trolling. The "we are God" fella is not. His message is just as scary.


The spirit seeking destruction of all other spirits.


Shes obviously trolling. You guys are a little too gullible lmao


I hope, and assume, she is trolling about the amount of abortions she has had. I hope, and assume, she is trolling about loving the act of killing babies. That aside, the “trolling” is only trolling with regard to us. For the spirit seeking destruction, this is not trolling. If it had its way, all of us would support her in bringing her “trolling” to fruition. This spirit used to hide itself in order to continue its destructive existence. Now the mask is off. It’s not hiding anymore.


I can fix her!




Aye, satan himself asking for energy


I can tame it.


She's obviously trying to say something outrageous that would upset the person holding the cameraman


The most likely thing that happened here: - She has a stance on why she is pro-abortion. - Someone comes along to yell the “usual stuff” at her stance. - She yells back stuff to ridicule the person. - We get to see her response out of context.


The spirit of sarcasm


I’m really, really outraged at what she said. I can’t believe it. She must be possessed by Satan. Or maybe one of the lesser demons. Really.


Even if it’s not actually 45., if it’s 1 or more it’s unacceptable! Give her a free ticket to a Canadian Kevorkian Clinic!!


I agree she believes she’s being sarcastic, but there’s very little difference between being sarcastically murderous and earnestly murderous. The spirit animating her is one that has moved beyond treating abortion as a tragedy and something to be done soberly (still doesn’t justify it, but is more reasonable) to something to be done flippantly. She treats abortion as a means to an end to fulfill her worship of self. What’s the famous quote from paradise lost? Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven?


if you(figurative you) are going to think that she \*really\* feels like that anyway, why not have fun with it and give you shit about it?


I was just doing the bell curve meme. People who think it’s genuine are the Neanderthal, you’re the crying soyjack, and I’m the Jedi master. 


I understand that's how you see it.




Linking to ifunny just makes it meta.


This is what trolling is like irl. Nothing more, nothing less.


This is the Jbp sub, we have to view everything as jungian archetypes. 


Nah dude, she *actually* has had 45 abortions. Thats totally physically possible.


We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.


Having an abortion isn't really a physically good experience so I don't know why anyone would want to have 45 of them.


In the Bible, they would sacrifice children to moloch


She’s goofing on people like you. You’re playing into her intentions.


The fact that she's not serious doesn't change the fact that it's still a disgusting thing to say. This is how you alienate people who are already pro-choice.


You say this as a prolife person?


No, I'm prochoice with the exception of late term abortions.


you are aware that elective late term abortions aren't really a thing, right?


I also know that any medical reason for a late term abortion could be addressed by just delivering the fetus. That's my problem with late term abortions.


“Aren’t really a thing.” Either they kill late term babies legally, or they don’t.


There are some medical situations that make it necessary. And medically there isn't as much difference between removing an already dead fetus and one that is living as you would think. The occurrence of someone thinking that they wanted a kid and going through 8+months of pregnancy to then just decide they changed their mind and want it killed is... not something that happens enough to mean anything. Like if you outlawed it without negatively impacting those who needed it for legitimate medical reasons or did it earlier than like 30 weeks, essentially nobody would be effected by the law.


Not sure where you came up with this but it’s factually false.


Do you think people are just deciding at 8 months to abort viable pregnancies?


I’m sure some do on the margin. A lot of people don’t even know they’re pregnant until labour so it’s perfectly plausible that more than zero people are having late term abortions. Are you suggesting the contrary?


Yeah sounds like OP got triggered. Relax. Anyone who has had an abortion doesn’t want a 2nd one. It sucks.


unfortunately I had an aunt that had 8 🙃 NORMAL people shouldn’t want a 2nd abortion


Did she have access to affordable contraception that she was freely able to take and wasn't raised not to do so?


yes she had access to affordable contraception but she never had a good relationship with her parents in general but years later (present) she finally wants a child and now isn’t able to conceive


Why would we relax while humans are being slaughtered by their own mothers?




I think you’re reading into things.




Yeah I didn’t mean literal reading. It’s a different use of the word.


How so?


She’s being hyperbolic to make prolife people mad, and the OP got mad. Just like she wanted. Obviously she hasn’t had 45 abortions. You’d be stupid to think that was true.


Somebody needs to start showing stuff like what bandanna man is chanting to the Muslims. More people might have a better understanding of Islamophobia if we just help these people connect with Muslims. It will only take an incident or two before they figure out why people are actually scared of mocking Islam.




Too much freedom.


Abortions scar your uterus. One is no big deal. Three reduces your chance of pregnancy by a small amount. Up around six or seven it's getting to be a problem. There's not a big chance she got pregnant 45 times. She's trying to make a point and getting carried away.


Not to mention the mental aspect. Data indicates a heavy toll for the remainder of their lives.


Pretty sure she’s trolling the conservative idiots that actually believe women are out there getting 45 abortions and love doing it like it’s a walk in the park.


right? like come on. how can you think something like that is serious?


you underestimate this sub


I don't see anyone on this sub "believing" what she's saying


some people lie.


An evil spirit, for sure.


You shall know them by their fruits. And, she is quite proud to share her fruits with us.


have you considered that she wasn't being serious? logistically doesn't that seem .... challenging... at that age?


I have. And, the spirit behind such a public statement is still disgusting and worthy of disapproval.


Lol she's trolling and you're all falling for it.


I don't actually see anyone falling for it


Falling for what? Do I think she’s had 45 abortions? No That she says vile things? Yes, I’m falling for that.


I'd wager that she's never had an abortion and is simple saying what she said for effect. The "we are god" fella is likely some homeless guy mixing into the crowd, which certainly makes its own statement in of itself.




Spirit of a dumb b$tch


She is saying this because "killing babies" is a strawman to the pro-choice argument... She's probably using irony to show how ridiculous the strawman is...


hahaha fucking hell. Pro-choice could literally say anything and their 'tribe' will excuse it somehow, sometimes even project it onto pro-life 'side'. You have lost the plot.




I don’t like em but they are obviously just trying to get a reaction. Asking what spirit possessed them is lame.


Sad really. She's actually quite attractive...to look at (minus the nose hardware). Then you realize she's a whackjob.




Cause she wears makeup? That’s what the Bible story is about, right?


Yes. there are plenty of examples of crazy people on the internet.


Sextina Aquafina


She is clearly exaggerating in attempt to upset the person with the camera. The best ammunition in retaliation would be “and I’m gonna keep doing everything I can to (check notes) ‘deny you healthcare’”


Way to do damage to the movement.


She is just a troll


45! Assuming 1 every 3 months, which seems generous, we're talking doing this solidly for 11 years! That's dedication


Borderline Personality Disorder (she cute though)




As Jung said “man is the great danger “‼️


Look in those eyes. This person is hurting. She’s probably just making that up to get a reaction but those eyes don’t lie.


She's most likely trolling to make the point that abortions aren't as big of a deal as conservatives like to think. She's just doing a bad job of it.


I think she’s mocking


Moloch 👍


"I am whatever you say I am if I wasn't then why would you say I am"


Definitely psych issues.


Lmao wtf


I'm pretty sure she's just trying to get a ride out of the guy and is just saying big she knows will bother him I don't think she's had 45 abortions


This is why dousches like donald trump get elected


She’s kind of…… nvm lol.


That woman probably shouldn’t have kids so..


Trolling about aborting 45 babies is about as funny as trolling about diddling 45 children. It’s pretty despicable how low the left will go


She's trolling. Stop falling for it.


She's literally saying these things just to get a rise out of people. Congrats. You took the bait.


What a dumb whore


Cope. False bravado.


Well that's interesting, that last guy proclaimed himself and his comrades to be God. It's almost like leftist ideology is based on and logically leads to gnosticism or something. Really makes you think, huh.


The devouring mother or dark mother an the dark father or devouring father archetypes. an at a deep level a identity crisis in America, from a Jungian perspective if you look at feminism an how radical it’s gotten we can see a dark feminine aspect coming into play out of the unconscious, it started when they started asking the bitter sarcastic question “ what do we need men for ? “ an went completely radical. Nowadays it’s borderline what the 4b feminists movement in Korea is but in different way. abortion for extreme cases like rape an sexual abuse is warranted, No wife of mine is birthing that or going through a pregnancy an risking her life for that, there is 15,000 to 20,000 people kidnapped an sex trafficked in America an of those numbers is thousands of kids.. your weird very very weird if you think your child who had sexual abuse done to them should have to go through with the pregnancy. I don’t care what your religion says, this isn’t the garden of eden, we know of bad an good okay, these kinds things are for the secular/rational minded to make the decision. Until religion adapts to science in a way that’s open to constructive criticism an then change there opinions in moral affairs that entered there scope of awareness due to expansion of modern knowledge an technology shouldn’t be handled by such individuals, also for record stay out of politics please you’ll do everyone the biggest favor, you are a very exhausting people an ruin spiritually for everyone else when you come with your false predictions The Jesus fan club an people who study the Bible an living in the real world are 2 different things. ( love is not just acceptance, it’s also tough an not tolerant of things that aren’t right the Jesus fan club advertises it but doesn’t criticize themselves enough there not tough on themselves in the right way like when you say things like calling your flesh the devil an not acknowledging the fact that your an animal like everyone else, what way to shoot yourselves in the foot ) Now to the men who are narcissists and or have had mother issues which have made you a incel or if your one of them guys who falls head over heals an shows obvious obsession an gets mad after you get dumped your the problem as to why these women are like this, If you abuse women, cheat around an sleep with many woman for pleasure an pride yourself on that its your fault if you get them pregnant. But to the women who do just come from broken homes as well an aim to destroy men an are manipulative, Pride yourself on being crazy ( it’s in many social media bios ) sadistic an narcissistic Your the problem as to why some men become incels, an even in some cases get get physical ( not saying the man is blameless you just can’t poke a bear an expect Flowers ) Your father or brothers are not them men.. an after the 2nd guy that is the definition of a bad man it’s your fault If you choose to keep entertaining that bear. Both are the problems towards each other an make it harder for others especially when it comes to dating. Now the word pride is thrown in here an in honor of pride month id like to say that pride in sexual identity is not something we should have, criticize all you want, what I’m saying is keep the sexual behavior an dressing in clubs an away from kids, it doesn’t need to be your entire lifestyle. I’m not going to go to far into the trans situation but I do not agree with pride in social identity as a argument for saying that we should police language an push the very meaning of man an woman into something else, it’s a artificial construct an saying the roles themselves are construct is a aim to destroy a successful construct that has been around for oh I don’t know all of time based on 2 genders and sex’s which we can back by scientific evidence. testing that egregious ideology has only exposed its failures. I can’t believe have to explain this… a chemical imbalance is a chemical imbalance not the next step in evolution, if humans are a social animal an we are very disconnected, than to keep up, something like trying to be both genders to make more connections is something we will do, A man is a male and woman is a female, but ironically feminists let a biological males who claim to be a female get in a female only swimming race with females an break records an go into there locker rooms, They let a male claim to be a female an win a woman of the year award ( Bruce Jenner ). This isn’t a create a character video game thing it seems that’s been in the minds of many with all this vr stuff coming where you can practically do that, ( ready player one ) Moral of the story. wear condoms an stop having meaningless sex An being hedonist.


I dont know why, but "we are god guy" just makes me laugh, and im unable to be mad at the other troll


Trickster spirit? Also known as troll


She's lying. No one would have sex with her that much.


Shock Value.


Man, it's been made so political, normalized, and even celebrated. It's not "healthcare". It's fucking killing for sport.


She's clearly fucking with the people


Simple, the antichrist spirit.


Trolling and/or nephilim spirit


she cute thou


both crazy


I think we want people like this exercising freedom of speech. Pro-life or Pro-choice this is some wild shit to say on the internet, and to put out into the the ether.


People are saying trolling but it really doesn't matter what the "so called" sentiment is. She's spending time and energy doing this, that's all i care about. At the end of the day the places you put yourself in and the things you say and do have an effect and show your internal goals. Since when is goading good-willed people into Hellish thoughts a good thing? The Joker caricature isn't a nice thing to inhabit.


She's chatting shit to wind people up, and you've fallen right for it


45 🤦🏼‍♀️


She is possessed by Satan. You might think Satan is not real, and he likes that you think like that. I see other commenters downplaying her actions. Saying it's for shock value. No, it's not for shock value. She is clearly an evil person. Clearly. A normal good young woman has much better pursuits than going to a public protest for killing babies in the womb. A normal good young woman would never even associate with people advocating for murdering babies in the womb, let alone going to a public protest for such a 'cause'.


Think she might be acting sarcastic? I've said similar things when people accuse me of having 10 abortions just because i'm pro-choice. ( I've had none)




She is obviously being provocative. Did you take what she said literally OP or are you ragebaiting?


Spirits don't possess people. Spirits don't exist. She is clearly trolling.


Why was Shartlo Copeley shouting "We are God" at the end?


Why don’t she just get a hysterectomy


I have no problem with capital punishment or euthanasia, basically anyone who annoys me. Why can't we just kill anyone who causes us inconvenience or brings challenges to our lives? Of course anyone who threatens me or finds me annoying is an imminent danger and should be eliminated immediately for my safety. In fact everyone should serve me loyaly of face death. It's how the Kings ruled back in the good ol' days.


Di genitori cretini nascono altri cretini. Assioma. Se la su' ma' avesse abortito manco c'era, ma mica ci pensa.


Pile wood around her and light it up


Its called sarcasm. You should look it up.


The devil obviously has control of her! 😳


She's being intentionally inflammatory to trigger the rightoids. Ignore the troll




The spirit of triggering snowflake conservative pearl clutchers


Satire, making fun of people like OP, basically.


Shes ironyzing.


No you are not God, and ma'am, I do not think you have yet had 45 cycles as you need eggs and a penis to get pregnant in the first place.


She thinks she’s being edgy and funny. “You don’t like *thing* well I’ve done *thing* SO much I love doing *thing* hahaha you’re dumb for not liking *thing*”


The spirit of sarcasm.


The spirit of fucking with you?


Pissing off stodgy conservatives is every young person's prerogative. Anyway pro-lifers are insufferable so they deserve it.


No atheists in foxholes


Nope, just poor people killing each other over which version of their god is better, while those with enough money to conjure up some excuse not to go and laud their efforts while simultaneously voting to strip them of more benefits.




Just a dude stuck in foxholes.


That's a silly myth.


lol., said by one who never served


Its war then


Just the spirit of the troll - just an awful person being as intentionally inflammatory as possible to goad a reaction out of someone. So the funny part here is, the stuff she might be saying might not be true, so no, she doesn't *really* love killing babies but that tactic itself is something only a genuinely awful person would stoop to. So she's still a total piece of shit.




Ishtar or Astarte


she's trolling your idiocy, and it worked. lol, incels.


Nobody here believes shes murdered 45 innocents. But the fact that she jokes about it is vile. And call us all the names you want, its all you have.


Ain't nobody got time for so many abortions. She might have had 2, but no more than that. She is quite attractive, though. Would definitely smash.