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at first i thought it was finger bearer vs kashimo


Some people out there would legit say that kashimo would lose


Yeah. It's pretty sad.


Bumshimo neg diffed by finger bearer


Why did you use that pic? My first instinct was this was a troll post cause no way in hell someone asked if a finger bearer is beating Kashimo.


Why would the fingerer beat kashimo? Ofcourse he's finger him, not beat him


Kashikuna real


It's chaos Firstly Kashimo dominates Ofcourse kashimo would ask them about Sukuna but Megumi will keep Yuji from telling him. But Kashimo will beat them in fight and when he's about to kill Megumi, Yuji will tell him Sukuna is sealed in him to take his attention. Or if he's about to kill Yuji then Megumi will tell him to keep kashimo from killing Yuji then and there. Now from here it can go two ways Either our two boys convince Kashimo to join them with a future possibility at fighting Sukuna (or they tell him to fight Gojo instead as he's also a Strongest) Or Kashimo takes Megumi hostage telling Yuji to voluntarily swap with Sukuna so he can fight him


"You guys know about Suku-" *summons mahoraga*


I think u all know wats coming https://preview.redd.it/ozuccq5ss61d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f801a49cd0304b829640c0fd98521014213d473


Kashimo is murdering them in 4 hits lol


I agree but it does say Megumi can use all his shikigami and chimera shadow garden, maho in chimera shadow garden could carry them


He hasn't tamed mHoraga and thus couldn't use it in there


Kashimo dominates without needing to use his Cursed Technique. Gorilla mode Panda was able to beat Mechamaru who’s a Semi-Grade 1, and his Rhino mode is even stronger, yet Kashimo killed it in a one shot. Both Yuji and Megumi die to a single lightning bolt.


Rhino mode?


Fuck, I got the animal wrong. I meant Triceratops Mode.


You’re good I was just Messi g with ya


Megumi: Yuji, run away! He then summon Mahoraga, both Kashimo and Megumi dies, but Yuji live, so team technically wins


Kashimo with transform could beat Mahoraga. Sukuna would intervene and kill Kashimo


kashimo with transform dies, he wont make it to yuji before he self destructs


kashimo loses to mahoraga


Does he though? Mahoraga is most dangerous when he's used by someone smart enough to get the full extent of his abilities and/or strong enough to basically make the fight 2v1. On his own he is a formidable opponent, but he isn't unbeatable. I am pretty sure Kashimo (who is top 10 in all the manga) has the firepower to defeat it.


If we consider the healing factor that Maharaga showed in the anime to be canon, you pretty much need to completely obliterate it in order to kill it. A lightning strike to rhechead won't cut it seeing as Sukuna was slashing it to ribbons and it was still coming back. That being said, I'm pretty sure Kashimo kills Megumi so fast he doesn't use Maharaga. Kashimo's techniqie is quite sneaky. One second he is brawling with you, the next second a lightning bolt blows your head off before you see it coming.


You need DC to kill Maho, Kashimo doesn't have it. His lightning doesn't cause big enough explosions to kill Maho. Kashimo doesn't know that using the attack multiple times will make him adapt faster, so he would spam lightning until Mahoraga adapts to lightning and kills Kashimo


Kashimo does have the DC to kill maho; his whole thing is being able connect positive and negative charges, if mahos head is infront of either charge they will infact connect, going through maho and killing it


we have seen that you need to wreck mahos whole body, just destroying his head wont be good enough


Nah yuji has to drag along a dead weight BUM in the fight against Cashimo


ALL of Megumi’s shikigami? Like literally ALL of them? Mahoraga would get thrown out and it would be over. That said, if we’re just using then Megumi and then Yuji, Kashimo would win. Hakari barely won with the help of the ocean. Those two would not.


If mahoraga he loses, if not he wins


Yuji might last a bit but would get one to two shot , he doesn’t have great defenses. Megumi would be similar but he would use his shadows as his defense which would get instantly blitz


~~Guys hear me out, the finger bearer possesses the learnable technique, finger, which we have only seen Sukuna use on Megumi. Obviously very strong technique that could possibly one shot. Sukuna even used his Domain on him, showing that the Finger Bearer was a comparable opponent to 3f Sukuna. If the Finger Bearer possesses the finger for long enough he’ll get cleave + dismantle + fire arrow. After Fingering, Kashimo will be vulnerable to fire arrow + domain. I think finger bearer wins easily.~~ Nvm, should’ve read the post


“All his Shikigami and domain” With this treasure I summon go brrrr


Does he even live long enough for that? Panda got folded almost instantly, and he's far more durable than Megumi at the time. One touch is enough to charge Megumi, and he's not omniscient so he won't immediately be able to understand that he wont have a chance to summon Mahoraga if Kashimo throws out a single attack


I want people to understand that are spamming Kashimo dominates, Megumi has a counter(max elephant). That can drain his CE. Yuji might die though, he can’t RCT, he can’t nerf Output or anything, Megumi would just have to hide in Mahoraga shadow and flood the area with water if anything and try to clutch after Yuji dead. And before people would say Mahoraga would die to a lightning strike, Kashimo uses his CE property on every single strike, Mahoraga would adapt very quickly because that was the case with Yorozu who was a one trick pony for sukuna.


A glorified water hose is not the same as being forcibly dumped into an entire ocean He can just avoid the water being shot out of Max Elephant


I mean, he still has Mahoraga.


Using Mahoraga means that Kashimo will be forced to use MBA It’s a draw because everyone in the fight is equally dead


If Sukuna doesn't bail Yuji, Kashimo solos pretty easily. Hakari is a fantastic match against Kashimo and still got lucky as hell multiple times in the fight to win. He is simply top damn lethal and is he very good at close quarter combat, complete with fantastic stats and is hyper aggressive and solid RCT. That, and Yuji and Megumi both suck at this point in the series. Megumi could barely neat Reggie and Yuji didn't become a threat until literally like 3 or 4 chapters ago. Arguments could be made for current Yuji to be able to solo Kashimo due to probably scaling higher in speed and his BF hitting super hard and RCT being able to bail him out of any lightning strike that isn't a headshot.


Their only shot is if Sukuna intervenes to save Megumi. It’s unlikely but I could see a world where Sukuna doesn’t want to lose a vessel like Megumi so far into his and Kenjaku’s end game plans. Idk if he wastes enchain in this moment or if he makes another deal with Yuji. But Kashimo could honestly kill then before any of them have time to react


They would die immediately


Yuji gets cooked, Megumi summons Mahoraga, and Kashimo loses. Or Kashim just goes sk fast and kills both


I think Kashimo would win, but I can also see Megumi bringing out Mahagora again out of desperation. So… magahora wins.


SHINIGAMI?! https://preview.redd.it/g47u1ejza91d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e4bb46e58dd4ace7d2eb8fdef7804436a4282e


Kashimo unironically no diffs.


All his shinigami would mean Mahoraga soooo


…Kashimo assaults badly


Finger bearer, would you lose?


I'd be able to take Kashimo


I think either yuji or megumi dies. If kashimo kills yuji quickly, sukuna spawns and kill kashimo while keeping megumi alive for later use and healing yuji. If the fight goes on for abit megumi's suicidal instincts kick in and he summons big raga, including only himself and kashimo in the ritual while yuji runs away. Kashimo and megumi get killed. Mwgumi could get killed quickly, in which case yuji dies and sukina kills kashimo. Either both yuji and megumi live or megumi dies.


Does Yuji have his RCT, blood manipulation, demon claws, and cleave?


Kashimo overwhelms them. Before he can finish them, Sukuna swaps with Yuji and quickly knocks out Kashimo and feeds his finger to Megumi.


Tough match, but I think Kashimo could win especially if he uses MBA.


You think kashimo would need MBA to deal with culling game Yuji and Megumi?


sorry but culling games yuji and megumi are getting mopped yall downplaying kashimo too much cuz he a BUM


He’ll have to deal with Megumi’s 10S and if he summons Mahoraga, but I agree he wins against them


Kashimo dominates without needing to use his Cursed Technique. Gorilla mode Panda was able to beat Mechamaru who’s a Semi-Grade 1, and his Rhino mode is even stronger, yet Kashimo killed it in a one shot. Both Yuji and Megumi die to a single lightning bolt.


Unpopular opinion but if Megumi immediately pulls out his domain and starts going ham on kashimo while Yuji hides in the shadows and he's in a state where he can pull off BFs when the time is crucial. The duo can win..especially if they link up with each other in megumis domain like Todo and Yuji. Megumi can hold off kashimo with his shikigamis or attack with clones of divine dog totalities while Yuji BFs kashimo here and there from the shadow. Kashimos electricity wouldnt be that effective against Yuji who wouldn't get stunned and just keep pushing on with the pain.


Kid named Hollow Wicker Basket


Hes just gonna stand there and get black flashes


Yes kashimo is at all comparable with cg Yuji in speed you're so right