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Animals in captivity tend to live longer than animals in the wild.


It was not in managed care for 10+ years


Living on a small island that is overpopulated with prey that haven't evolved to defend themselves from your specific traits + being the lone apex predator on the island counts as managed care in this situation


Tyrannosaurus was the lone apex predator in it's natural environment anyway. There's no other large carnivores in the hell creek formation


Tyrannosaurus had to compete with other tyrannosaurus though, but she was the only one there


Eh not really. The main thing that extends animals lifespans in captivity is preventative care. Veterinary checkups and regular teeth cleanings.


She was canonically sick and nearly dead when they captured her.


I mean she is all pumped full of science and raised in an environment chock full of scientists and then kept as the star attraction of Jurassic World which was chock full of scientists and vets experienced in theropod care and then lived in an ecosystem where she was the top predator for a good few years and then wild in the continental US for another good few years where basically nothing could really stand up to her and is now living yet again in an environment where she is likely the only apex predator. The old girl has a lot going for her and if it means anything in JWE2 the T.rex has a lifespan of 66(in genome library, depending on traits and level rules it can vary) which considering Universal has lots of control over the game could mean something, I’d take it with a grain of salt though, I don’t see Universal caring that much about lifespan aside from saying “make it high/low”


Well it wouldn't be beyond a real idea of scientists/corporate greed to have the lifespan as jacked as possible in order to save money on breeding new dinos. 1 Trex every 60 years is how you get the most bang for your "buck"


This is a good point. The dinosaurs in JP aren't exact replicas, they have been modified for entertainment and commercial value. This is also why the raptors aren't all feathery.


And 66 is just as its base genome without any extra genes pumped into it, mix in some green sea turtle and it’s expected life span can be increased to 86


She's got that "long lived" trait from Jurassic World Evolution 2


This is the third post I've seen asking this and oh my god. Did none of ya'll pay attention in Fallen Kingdom when they said they can live much longer in captivity


Not only that they aren’t exact replicas of the dinosaurs they are mixed with other species to finish up the wholes in their dna might make them live longer than they’re real life counterparts


How bad ass and threatening she was in Jurassic Park. She really was one of the scariest dinosaurs in the franchise before they turned her into some kind of obligatory anti hero.


She literally saved the humans in JP. She was always setup to be that way.


Not really. She was there to eat the humans as she was hunting Alan and the kids. She was not there to save them. The raptors being there was the reason she didn't, as much as she was the reason the raptors didn't get them. It was the circumstances that saved the humans in JP and not any of the dinosaurs. If the raptors wouldn't have been there they would've been rex food. She was just a dinosaur being a dinosaur in JP. JW all of a sudden turned her into some kind of anti-hero, teaming up with other dinosaurs to fight bigger badder dinosaurs and come to the rescue last minute every time. My guess is the people that wrote her in the JW movies misunderstood the JP1 ending as much as people that claim rexy to be some kind of hero character.


FK had the opportunity to introduce the Juvenile T.Rex. I believe there was one in JW. They made a big stink about Blue being the last raptor but not Rexy being the last T.Rex (on Nublar). They could have retconned the Juvenile as Rexy's baby - foreshadowing Beta, then have Rexy go out with a bang on the island, saving her subadult offspring. Rexy becomes a hero/martyr dinosaur, Blue is still in danger of dying and now the stakes are real, a juvenile t.rex is easier to capture and transfer, plus it is easier to fit under the Lockwood mansion. Mills' death could mirror (partly) Regis' death in the book, and a not-quite-fully-grown T.Rex vs. a Giganotosaurus would be - in my opinion - more interesting and allows the Rex/Theri team up to not be quite as similar to the Mosasaur and Indominus kill. And at the end of Dominion we see the other two T.Rexes, the Juvenile could then be the one getting a new family. Finally, having a new, younger T.Rex allows for the continuation of a T.Rex in the franchise without relying on Rexy.


>Finally, having a new, younger T.Rex allows for the continuation of a T.Rex in the franchise without relying on Rexy. There's a total of 9 T.Rexes in the franchise. Rexy is one of 7 that were initially bred - Rexy, Buck, Doe, Bull, Big Eatie and 2 others that we never saw. Doe and BE had at least one confirmed offspring each. Given that Bull got killed by Spino, that brings the total to 8 confirmed Rexes. Assuming that the 2 unseen individuals didn't make it, we still have 6 left - 2 of which are relatively young - Junior and little Eatie.


InGen was secretly managing the dinosaurs over the years.


How old is Rexy?


She was born in 1989


That goes into the gene modification


She’s also not a real T. rex, none of the dinosaurs are supposed to be true to life since they wanted to make them presentable and not so real.


more teeth


That's why hybrids don't matter, the real dinosaurs are technically hybrids too


Where does the 30 year lifespan come from? I'd be interested in reading about that.


As requested: Erickson, G. M.; Makovicky, P. J.; Currie, P. J.; Norell, M. A.; Yerby, S. A.; Brochu, C. A. (2004). "[Gigantism and comparative life-history parameters of tyrannosaurid dinosaurs](https://doc.rero.ch/record/15279/files/PAL_E2578.pdf)". Nature. 430 (7001): 772–775. My 2c: While the paper is interesting, I would just caveat that *T. rex* is known from only a few dozen specimens (and only seven of these were included in this study). I am not sure whether this is a large enough sample size to provide reasonable certainty on the maximum longevity of this animal. I think the authors get it broadly right when they say these animals could live *up to* 28 years (which is clearly the case of at least one well studied individual). I think the media and the public however have misinterpreted this paper. The figure of 28 years is not a measure of life expectancy, let alone an upper ceiling on life span in the *T. rex*. It’s simply an observation that the oldest known specimen of the small number of known specimens was 28 years old at the time of death. While this could mean 28 was the oldest maximum lifespan, it could just as easily be a limitation of our sample size, with some individuals making it into their 30s. We will need more fossils though.


Thanks ya big stud 😘


She's one of the main reasons I'm excited to see the movies because I can't wait to see her. Whenever she's present, it just feels special. Her introduction in the original 1993 film was badass.


Me too. She's THE reason I watch the movies. She's absolutely beautiful to me. She commands all eyes be on her when she's in the shot. Icant look away!


ngl ive always regarded the lifespans from JWE and JWE2 as canon seeing as a lot of the dinosaurs in the Jurassic franchise are extremely old now. No doubt some of the Triceratops and maybe even Paras or Gallis were probably some of the og's from 93 as well, just not the last individuals on the island like Rexy. Obviously they aren't canon until an official source says so but I don't think it's unreasonable to think so since Universal has a lot of say for the JWE games.


She’s such a badass, she’s the OG. The fact she was able to take on giga and indom at her old age is genuinely impressive


Lawyers are apparently good for longevity.


that she has fought so many things like giga and indominus and even more


You say surprising if she was an actual, living animal, but it's a fictional creature.


T Rex was real what you talking about


Rexy is a fictional dinosaur. Don't be stupid, child.


Rexy herself is a fictional dinosaur, but the t Rex is real. Just the way you said it it sounded like you thought the t Rex is fake, also don't call me a child