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Lmao wtf, didn’t switch to the alt lolol


When an OP deletes their account, if anybody else who commented on the post then deletes their account they will also be marked as the OP because now their "username" matches the original poster's "username" by both being [deleted]. It's just a Reddit quirk.


It is funny  A lot of of fan models do be liking their own stuff and using bots though. 


How pathetic 😂😂😂




Not the "Aw thanks" 💀


I think it's a bug. I sometimes see posts where all comments display as OP


Why’d you get downvoted so bad, 💀someone else explained the same thing right above you (hours later ig); they tried you unjustly 😔


Oooooooorrrrr not


They slowly infect absolutely everywhere like a virus. Yeah that's entirely a sub for OF spam and garbage.


Bro this is crazy I literally saw an OF girl on a sub for adhd memes


Doesn't surprise me. Its just bots posting pictures for likes while generating a random post title that uses the subreddits name + description for a guide. Its nuts! Because what happens is that idiots BUY reddit accounts, so they farm upvotes using this technique and then some mong buys the account after they wipe the post history.




How would you have known? No one's forcing you to check people's profiles. Yeah it's aggravating I guess but so many people shameless post their business ventures. If it annoys you so much don't look at people's profiles. Simple. It's like you guys see a hot girl and click to see more of them then are mad they aren't posting free shit. Funny you guys only have this issue with OF girls yet not people who post free porn.


>How would you know that a half naked woman who spams pictures of herself in unrelated subs several times a day is advertising OnlyFans? https://i.imgur.com/KPHIywC.jpeg


all. porn is bad






I don't disagree but I'm not gonna sit here and say that I click profiles and find this. It's one thing if they're posting some thirst trap irrelevant to the subreddit, but if it's something that doesn't even show their face and/or is hobby related why is it your business to check their profile and be mad over a link?


the person in question had it in their bio so all you have to do is hover above their username to see that they make porn


I uh have this https://preview.redd.it/iq66qgaymr9d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e22e5bc0cdd16f6b913d210e0df43450f05156c


I'm stealing this. Had to say, "no means no" the other day


"Do not degrade your daughter by making her a prostitute, or the land will turn to prostitution and be filled with wickedness." -- Leviticus 19:29 When these things start happenening, everything becomes filled with it.


A lot of people want to dismiss the Bible/Torah/Qran as sky daddy fan fiction, but they forget that the true power lies in the 1000s of years of collective human experience they draw from for their stories and lessons.


in roman times it was easy. you knew where prostitutes were and weren't. And now you have to check that dinner recipe account where the actual money comes from. Anyway it's already peaking and oversaturated, stat's are not great for 9 out of 10 girls.


I was just talking to a friend who's moving in to makeup from content after running into her this weekend. She went up a tax bracket in the past but it's still tough and a change was needed


That's about pimping out your daughter and comes from a time and place when women had no agency.


Didn’t Jesus wash the feet of a prostitute?


What you’re thinking of is Luke 7:36-50 where a woman, probably a prostitute, washed Christ’s feet with her tears, anointed them with expensive oil, and dried His feet with her hair. That’s an act of repentance on her part.


And I also believe that Jesus’s followers scolded her or breaking the oil bottle and tried telling Jesus not to let her do it. You fail to see Jesus’ point that all are welcome at his table


Where do I fail to see that? I never said people weren’t allowed into the Church. I only said she washed Christ’s feet as an act of repentance. That’s what we all need to do. Christ called out his disciples for their sin in being angry for what she did.


It’s clear that your original comment is judgmental and lacks empathy. Do not let your ego take you over as a Christian, for being a follower of Christ makes you no better than anyone else. Christ warned us about this many times, yet too many of his “followers” pervert scripture to spread hate and judgment without empathy.


What are you talking about? Where did I lack empathy?


yeah imma get a degree in creative writing to make more meaningful comments for yoy


Lol bro what are you on about?


Of course everyone is welcome at his table, that isn’t ever I am talking about. I’m literally talking about avoiding advertising for prostitution.


Aw man but I do want to make her smile with some kind words. What problem does Jeebus have with that? I can tell you with some authority that he did the same exact thing.


The stripper doesn’t actually like you. There used to be a good chance she isn’t even posting these herself but the guy she pays for promotion is.


Need not. This ain't no quid pro quo. Another teaching the lamb of god imbibed.


You’re Reddit embodied. If Reddit was a person it would be you.


I don't know man. I get 4chan vibes from here nowadays. Like fuck, I'm not even christian and was just trying to make a silly joke. But the devout christian who forgot what Jesus said probably thinks I'm at a socialist orgy, currently taking a break by reddit-hunting for candidates on behalf of Hillary for her human trafficking empire.


Damn, Jeebus is having a problem with your spelling


If Jeebus had a problem with spelling then MLM huns n hunks, Nigerian princes, relatives of Nigerian princes, NFT trillionaires on Telegram who sound suspiciously like Nigerian royalty, Oriental-looking women who were born in Singapore/China and want to get you to invest in their crypto pool before they come over to a night of passionate feet stuff, nearly everyone below the Mason Dixon line, Kanye, NGVCs, the instagram accounts of sordid-loong models spamming me with noods, that suave gentleman who coined "covfefe", alpha males, sigma males, incels, Elon Musk, Karens, Keighleighyeaieghy-ieghs, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Indians - would be sleeping in Dutch Ovens with their jeans still on, simultaneously & perpetually stuck listening to their own bastardisation of English on loop in the "special-needs" section of hell. Do you even realise how empty & demoralising your Reddit feed would become? And yet, the nightmare remains a nightmare, not manifest. Hence, Jeebus got no probs with poor spelling.


What are you on about


Eh I’ve seen a sub entirely of women >!shitting and eating their shit.!< Vile but it helps me when I’m craving a certain food so I won’t be hungry anymore


That is an amazing strategy


and complaining about it gets you called misogynist, it is like basically modern door to door salesman, don't intrude private spaces with business ideas, sheesh, its not like internet doesn't have enough adds.


yeah yeah we've all herd it before youre just an incel misogynist /s But you are 100% correct. If anything, seeing this shit pushed everywhere makes me more and more irritated towards them as a whole.


Who do you mean with them?


Onlyfans is awesome but there are definitely some that are scams


Same with any alt fashion subs. And then when you post as a non OF model just genuinely wanting to share your fit you get creepy shit in your DMs.




The OF posters don’t get many upvotes to begin with. People usually call out their shit in comments and their post doesn’t make it that high


It's a grey area that's hard to regulate too. Some subs have policies against self promotion, but if you just post a thirst trap saying "how do you like my dress?" And then have OF info in your profile bio, very few subs are going to ban based on post history or bio.


The solution is simple - ban anyone with an OF profile link from posting in a subreddit. They NEVER have anything meaningful to say, and usually have non-OF accounts for personal use, so I think it’s fair.


THIS. of course it's usually not how it works. they link to their instagram. there they link to their linktree and then to of. it might sound a lot, but it's very intuitive way with cues on the way.


Some of the rules on subs are nuts though. I’m an escort and don’t have OF, because I’m part of sexworker subs I’m not allowed to comment or post in a ton of fashion or outfit subs


Depending on the sub, you’ll either be called a misogynistic incel and banned, or you’ll be called a bad faith troll and banned.


Well, if it's a woman going against women, the first slur that appears is "pick me" girl.


Literally the sub emostyle


That's the one actually XD


I have the feeling that would happen anyway


You're not wrong unfortunately :(


"You look like a hooker." "nononono! I mean the expensive kind!"


Best r/justUnsubbed imo


All the am I ugly subs are the same as well. Had to unsub a lot because it was literally all thirst traps


%100. I’ll never understand OF. There is more free porn in the world that you can’t even watch it all in your lifetime


Men, guys, boys of reddit: Stop spending money on OF. They don’t care about you. In all reality, they probably hate you and want to take your money for the purpose of putting you in the poor house WHILE gettin “rich” themselves. They laugh at you behind the scenes while telling you sweet nothings and act like they care for you. Youre dumb if you think they do to any degree. If given the opportunity, they’d stomp on your throat and insult the ppl you love just to earn a little extra.


tell that to instagrammers who comment "kidnap me" on mid goths and cosplayers bro. Literal porn addicts and nolifers still get away cause theyre girls


I'd like to add extra facts. Majority of onlyfans "models" if u can call them that, they would hire someone to manage the interacting with customer area. So she aint even reading your messages. Not a single second of her time is spent on you while you spending your time on her.


Completely agree


Well said, it’s the unfortunate truth


100% ! A guy I went to school with started dating an OF model, and he was the one sending 'spicy' replies to her paid subscribers. I find it so funny that these guys think they're having the sexual thrill of their life with a guy who would get stoned behind the bins


Idk if i’d generalize them as all getting stoned, but yes unfortunately loneliness makes a man behave differently than otherwise. So many women sales reps use this knowledge, and I’ve seem it from kiosk sales to ibanking.


At no point did I generalise, if anything I gave a specific example of the friend I knew from high school?


Ah, my bad. I misread the last sentence.


If we consider sex and porn addiction real. Then OF models are pretty much drug dealers.


It’s saddening


Thank you man, i needed that <3


As a former OnlyFans consumer, this 100%. These women capitalise on your porn addiction. Best decision I made was to stop it before I got too deep into it.


What I do is I get in there, leech all their content onto a hard drive, and share it to poor starving bros. Steal from the rich, give to the poor, like Robin Hood. Several OF girls already closed their accounts because of my noble actions.


You do realize 99.9 percent of OF girls make pennies and probably started out of desperation


They can find work like all the other non-OF women do.


Yes and minimum wage doesn’t always cover the bills.


It's the women who are laughing at downtrodden men right and the men who create and support this industry are just poor victims of exploitation:( The reason sex is in every sub is not because of the women selling it. It's because people will buy it from anywhere.


Lol missing the point. I’m not condemning that the women are providing the porn or the consumption of it. I’m pointing out that many don’t care about their consumers and are in fact antagonistic towards them, and that men should not be spending their money on it. But make it about whatever satisfies your anger switch.


I can see what you're pointing out. The whole "they're laughing at you" thing plays into the whole image of OF models and the sex industry. The reimagining of the workers as exploiters of addicted sad men. I see it in your comment, in this thread and in general. Not some fantasy villain I've projected on to you. It is more of a general response to the thread than to you though. The reason it's a response to your comment is the whole they're mocking you thing. >But make it about whatever satisfies your anger switch. dont make big statements if you dont want people to respond lmao it's a discussion


Hmm, well you can think of them however you want, but i’ve seen enough of their interviews to know that there are enough exploiting the loneliness of men. It’s also generally good advice not to spend money on this stuff. One, it’s not good for their mental health; two, it’s not good for their expectations for relationships: three, porn is free all over the place and it’s just about as authentically personal as OF creators; and finally, many of these consumers are ppl that actually can’t afford it but spend anyways bc theyre lonely.


People blame drug dealers for enabling and exploiting their customers. How is this any different? I'd we acknowledge that porn and sex addiction exist. Then these ladies are no better then drug dealers.


Do we blame games companies for gaming addiction that ruins lives, McDonalds for obesity that ruins lives or people being addicted to anything other than the most damaging substances? Imagine sitting there wanking yourself to death and then blaming the women you've paid to look at.


It's funny how you guys hate OF models so badly but yet love free internet porn and there was a time where this place supplied the largest collection of porn of young/underage women, but go off though. I also love how you say it's only women with OF. Don't click profiles and you wouldn't see it anyways. Men are adults they know what they want to spend their money on. Do you think when I get delivery that they give a fuck about me on a personal level? Men never have this energy for assholes who promote their toxic content, yet get collectively angry as if you're forced to look at profiles.


Lol cool story hun 😘


Stay bitter simp!


Oh no, name calling! How will i ever recover from this devastating blow? Lol Enjoy your day


Some dudes are into that though


>they'd stomp on your throat I dunno, maybe they're into that? I've actually seen a resurgence in submissive guys recently and most of them subscribe to a woman's OF


any subreddit that could realistically have a picture of a woman on it, will end up being flooded with of bots. admins need to ban this shit and ban any sub mods that wont remove it


I went to go an check and yes, every single profile I checked was an onlyfans


Just tell them they look like they’ve put on weight and leave it at that




>Make me feel good with few kind words:) What a brave little soul...


Well, too bad the majority end up sharing porn of themselves and do not even make enough to live off it, so I guess they would be trying to feel good after that mistake


I read the subreddit MakeMeFeelFood


I recently joined the "dresses" sub, hoping that it would show images of vintage dress styles and fabrics which I could utilize in my drawings of animal-headed creatures wearing vintage human clothes. Buuuut the sub seems to be mainly skimpily clad ladies asking basically "Am I hot?" Which I guess is fine in some contexts, but useless for my drawings. Or for anyone studying the history, scope and meaning of dresses.


"Make me feel good with few kind words:)" Me: **derogatory word for women who have sex with other women's husbands** bitch


I fucking hate these OF bots


Like all the titles are repeated too. Seems like a bot paradise.


You are more likely to talk to an actual person in youtube than you are here. 


OF promoters (bots? The girl's pimp?) post the same thing in 100 different subs.


The funny thing is those onlyfans model percentages are hilarious in how wrong they are lol


"We just found your dad"


r/ birthday was like this at one point, and then the mods thankfully did something about it.


What did this sub used to post?


Those poor moderators. They need to complete fucking overhaul. They say no bikini post, yet most of these women are wearing just about that, sports bras, yoga pants, you get the picture. Click on their profiles, they are all only fans. All cleavage photos. They might just need to the ban cleavage. Dress modestly or don’t fucking post here. Post here looking like an only fans girl., your post gets deleted. I don’t know man.,.. I’m just glad it’s not my sub..


"sorry guys rates have gone up. Money isn't enough anymore, I need you guys to give me the love my daddy never gave me"




Where is this so I can repost it to roast me


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